spectrevk |

I've never run an online game on these boards before, but I'm a bit curious to try it out, and Hell's Rebels, with its emphasis on urban politicking and rebellion, seems more suited for the format than a traditional dungeon crawl. If you're interested, post your character here (please use spoiler tags to save space). Let's say that the due date for applications is Saturday, October 24 so that we can get started next Monday.
- Standard 15 point buy, no stats lower than 8 before racial modifiers. I want to see how Paizo's assumption of 15 point buy looks in practice :)
- All alignments are welcome, but it seems unlikely that Lawful Evil or Chaotic Evil characters would want to join an organized rebellion against Cheliax.
- In lieu of a biography, please present a brief introduction of the character, from their point of view. Imagine that they've gathered in a cafe with other rebels, and are getting to know one another.
- If you also choose to provide a biography, you can start with two free 1st level potions of your choice.
- Remember to also choose a "Reason to Protest" from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide.
- Average starting gold for your class.
- Tieflings and Aasimars are more than welcome, but please no variants/sub-types.
- Two traits, one of which should be from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide.
I'm looking for a party of 5, ideally.

spectrevk |

Spectrevek, are you interested in the full crunch at this point, or just the character concept.
Also, what kind of posting rate are you looking at? You mention this will be your first game you're running online, but I'm curious whether you've played in any PBPs?
Excellent question. I have played in play-by-post games before, including on these boards. I'm familiar with the difficulties in keeping things going once posting rates drop.
I'd like to keep posting on a daily basis for everyone during combat, and hopefully a little more frequently (but at least daily) during social encounters.
You can certainly discuss and post concepts here for the time being, but I'd like to have full sheets by Saturday when I'm going over the final applications.

spectrevk |

Chelaxian rebels? I'm going to have to grab the PG and take a look.
It's a pretty impressive player's guide this time around. There's even a system in place for administrating a rebellion (gaining supporters, organizing strike teams, etc.)
You'll also decide what type of rebellion you all are running: political, sneaky, or militant.

dickie |

- Tieflings and Aasimars are more than welcome, but please no variants/sub-types.
Does that include alternate racial traits or just the variant heritages? If it includes alternate racial traits does that just apply to tieflings/aasimirs, or any races?
EDIT - I ask because Fiendish Sorcery isn't too useful to the character I'm building and I'd like to exchange it for Prehensile Tail.
Are drawbacks (negative traits) allowed?

Alzhar the Fledgling |

Welp, that didn't take too long... having a backup character is always handy.
Male Kobold Sorcerer 1
LN Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
Deity: Nethys
Init +6; Senses Perception +2, Darkvision 60'
AC 14 Touch 13 Flat-footed 12
HP 8/8
Fort -1 Ref +2 Will +2 (+2 vs. sleep or paralysis)
Speed 30 ft.
Special Trap Rune 6/6, 1d8+1 (DC 14)
0th (DC 13) - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Read Magic
1st (DC 14) - Expeditious Excavation, Grease
Bloodline Kobold
Arcana DC +2 vs. targets denied Dex AC bonus
Str 6, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -3; CMD 10
Feats Improved Initiative
Traits Urban Sleuth (Local Dragons), Blood of Dragons
Skills Disable Device +8, Kn. Arcana +5, Stealth +10
Languages Draconic, Common
"Not that you lack spirit, no. If you're fool enough to start an outright uprising against the House of Thrune, you've got more guts than brains. No, you'll fail... because you lack someone like me." The kobold held out his hands as if to suggest they should be basking in his aura of amazing good looks. "You won't be getting anywhere without someone competent or learned in magic. And I don't mean some hokey little stage magician, no, I mean someone with magic running in their veins. Like me. And this is not some claim to draconic heritage - I'm proud of being a kobold. What other race is so informed on tricks, traps and ambushes? And I know how to weave my magic into every aspect of it. The Order of the Rack will no doubt come knocking on your doors mere hours into your little rebellion... wouldn't it be nice to know they're knocking on the wrong doors, before blowing into a firestorm of trapped magic?"
Alzhar leaned back as he took another sip of his drink, dabbing his maw with the table cloth before setting it down and placing his claws on the edge. "So... benevolent as I am, I'll cut you a deal... and I think you'll find it very favorable. I'm interested in the history of Kintargo, specifically concerning 3 dragons who used to hail from this area, though I won't turn away any chance to add a little more to my repertoire. The problem is that, lately, knowledge is hard to come by in Kintargo. Not to mention, it's hard enough to practice my magic as it is, without some inquisitor breaking in to accuse me of something. So... you give me a place to hole up and continue my studies, with the added benefit of some muscle offered by so-called 'superior' races... and I make sure that anyone who comes snooping around your hovel of a base gets melted away by an explosion of acidic magic."
The kobold extended his claw to the others, smirking as he did so. "So... do we have a deal?"

Wilhelm Alcontara |

I'd like to submit this character for consideration. I'll be updating the alias profile to match
Wilhelm Alcontara
Male Human Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 1
LG Med Humanoid (Human)
Init +7; Senses perception +3
AC 16, touch 12, flat 14 (+4 armor, +2 dex)
HP 10/10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1 (+1 vs mind-affecting)
Speed 30'
Melee longspear +4 (1d8+4 / x3)
Special Attacks
1/day - tactician, challenge
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
BAB +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats combat reflexes, improved initiative, paired opportunists
Languages Common, Infernal
Skills [check penalty -2] Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +6, Perception +3, Perform Oratory +3, Profession Soldier +3, Sense Motive +3
SQ Order of the Dragon, Banner
Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds (2)
Other Gear longspear, banner, lamellar leather, backpack, 50' rope, 4 days' trail rations, 5gp
Tactician You know how to take advantage of enemies who are unprepared for your assault. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, once per day when you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a +2 trait bonus on the attack roll.
Fed-Up Citizen You’re good at hiding your true colors and faith to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention. You gain a +1 bonus on Disguise checks, and Disguise is always a class skill for you. In addition, when someone uses detect good or detect law on you, your effective Hit Dice are 4 lower than their actual total when someone discerns the strength of your aura. If you are a cleric, paladin, or similar divine spellcaster, you treat yourself as if you were a standardaligned creature rather than a divine spellcaster for these purposes. This means that until you become 9th level, you won’t radiate an aura of good or law at all when someone casts one of these detection spells. Finally, your internal convictions that you’re on the actual right of law help bolster your mindset, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
To Protest the Government Thrune’s takeover of Kintargo is just that—a takeover. Despite the government’s claims that the new lord-mayor will only remain as long as the rebellions of the Glorious Reclamation to the distant southeast continue, you fear that Barzillai Thrune and martial law might be here to stay. The time is right to strike a blow against the oppression and to make the voice of the city heard, for if Kintargo’s citizens simply roll over and accept their new lives, restoring the city to its people will become nearly impossible. You’re planning on attending the Aria Park protest specifically because it’s the largest and most organized protest yet, and if there’s any chance to make your voice heard, it’s now! You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Intimidate checks made during the protest itself.
"It's taken me a long time to get to this point, probably longer than it should have. I've been a member of the watch in good standing, you know. I've paid my lip-service to the thrice-damned Thrunes, but in my heart my true allegiance has always been to this city and its inhabitants, to the people I've grown up with and who I've always considered it my duty to protect. For the longest time we've put up with Chelish tyranny... and for what? Stability? Where's that stability now? The city is locked down and every day seems to bring some new, nonsensical edict. I won't stand for it! Nobody should have to stand for it! It's time for Kintargo to fly its true colors. The people need protection from these despots and I'd rather be damned myself than do anything other than stand at the forefront with my own banner held high to rally the people. Kintargo will only continue to bow to Thrune over my cold, dead body!"
Favored Class is Bard, plan is to go for Battle Herald prestige class

spectrevk |

Any restrictions in terms of what material we use? I have a kineticist that I drew up for another Hell's Rebels, who would just need a 5-pt. stat reduction (though I also just had another idea for a character today and I may try to see if I can develop that one instead).
Kineticist should be fine. I'm generally good with any official Paizo stuff.

spectrevk |

spectrevk wrote:- Tieflings and Aasimars are more than welcome, but please no variants/sub-types.Does that include alternate racial traits or just the variant heritages? If it includes alternate racial traits does that just apply to tieflings/aasimirs, or any races?
EDIT - I ask because Fiendish Sorcery isn't too useful to the character I'm building and I'd like to exchange it for Prehensile Tail.
Are drawbacks (negative traits) allowed?
Alternate racial traits from the Race Guide are fine. I've got a personal weakness for Tieflings with cute 'lil tails :P

Tim Woodhams |

dickie wrote:Chelaxian rebels? I'm going to have to grab the PG and take a look.It's a pretty impressive player's guide this time around. There's even a system in place for administrating a rebellion (gaining supporters, organizing strike teams, etc.)
You'll also decide what type of rebellion you all are running: political, sneaky, or militant.
I totally agree. Well worth reading, its the best PG I've seen. In the past as a GM I've had to copy parts of the modules to give to the players because it was information that should have been public knowledge, however this Players Guide had everything I wanted as a player.

Ignati Vashnarstill |

For your consideration, Ignatius Vashnarstill
"Oh surely you're kidding?"
Ignati rolls his eyes as he waits for his drink to be refilled.
"I do love how you boys pretend not to recognize me, it's polite enough, but considering the Vashnarstill sigil is, well, everywhere on my person, surely you must have figured it out already?"
He nods to the waiter as he refills the cup with a fragrant smelling tea. He waves some of the fumes toward his face, laughing before he even makes the joke that's come to mind.
"Is this mint? We could be arrested for this!" He tosses his head back and laughs loudly, letting his deep baritone resonate. "Alright, alright, I'll oblige. Yes, it is I, Ignatius III of Vashnarstill, in the flesh, rabble-rousing with the rest of you against the oppressors! Those Thrune dogs! Following in the esteemed footsteps of my dear sister Fausta. Actually disregard that. Disappearing among the Roses is not how I intend to end my rebel career."
He still smiles as he talks of his sister, but his eyes almost betray his concern for her well being.
"No, in fact I intend to find Fausta and return her to the family vira, despite my fathers opinion that I can accomplish nothing. Oh don't worry boys, I will continue fighting the good fight during my search and even after I discover my sisters whereabouts."
"To be honest we can't be squeezed much more before hell breaks loose. Even the peasants can see the Lord Mayor has no intention of relaxing his grip, no more than he intends to listen to Court of Coin, that's for sure. This Barzillai has taken less interest in the well being of our fair city than he has in taking someone to bed, and I assure you, that's a barren field if ever there was one."
He leans back in his chair and kicks his feet up onto the table,
"How do I know so much? I'm a Vashnarstill, or didn't you hear the first two times I said it? I was taught to learn everything I can, which is why the lack of information about the Roses, the Ravens and the Archivists bothers me so much. I've turned almost every stone and found nothing. I'm hoping at least one of these rebel groups makes an appearance at this protest in Aria park, they can't all be dead can they?"
He slides a couple coins on the table and even rips a jewel from his garish outfit as a tip.
"Tell the people I'll be there, at the park. I want you to spread the word. Tell anyone still too afraid to leave their homes, to fearful to commit. Maybe knowing at least one noble, even if it is just me, will be among the crowd can inspire them. Even if they're just there for the show, our Lord Thrune won't see anything but a mass of angry Kintargans, and that's what we need."
Ignatius lived a pretty average life for a member of a powerful noble family in Kintargo. Wealth and privilege stretched before him, opportunity was endless, and a life of power and fame was all but assured. He was trained in social skills, with the intent of being appointed a diplomat to supplement the mercantile and military training of his older brothers.
Until, that is, he squandered it all. Taking on the tradition of serving a few years in the Chelish Navy, Ignati was barely off shore for his first voyage whe he was caught in a brawl with another noble son who was captaining the ship. Using his persuasive tongue Ignatiy nearly organized an all out mutiny that caught the ship aflame and destroyed it, earning him the nickname 'Firebrand', a brutal punishment and a discharge from the navy.
Unknown to anyone outside the family, the entire affair had been planned by Ignati's father Baron Sendi to set him up as the house pariah. Publicly the Vashnarstill's admonished their third born child, however behind closed doors they embraced him and set him on his task to discreetly represent the family interest in anything they could not publicly support. Over the years Ignati participated in a number of 'dubious' activities that subtly hampered the political and economical adversaries of his house.
Though still an official member of his house, the rest of the noble families were finally convinced that he did not represent the Vashnarstill name and he can now typically act as he sees fit without fear of reprisal to anyone but himself.
Everything was working out fine until his twin sister Fausta declared her new found faith in Milani and joined the Rose of Kintargo, openly stating her distaste for the Chelish way of life. Not long after her rebelious act, Barzillai Thrune arrived, Martial Law was declared, and the members of the Rose were never heard from again. With his brothers Avitus and Horatio representing the family elsewhere in the kingdom, Ignati was given the dual responsibility of discovering his sisters fate, and representing his family as a part of the rebellious movement rumored to be starting across the city. His task was to secure a favorable position with the rebels on the chance it succeeds in taking back Kintargo.
Always a dutiful son, Ignati accepted the responsibility, however years spent among the common folk and away from the family estate had softened his Chelish heart, and he had already intended to participate in the rebellion, not for the good of his family, but for the good of the city he loved.
A bit about me: I'm a frequent poster here on the paizo forums. Since I started my first pbp game I've averaged about 9 posts a day (spread among various games). If selected this would be my second Adventure Path played on the forums, the other being a Second Darkness campaign that started a month ago, which I already have 100 posts in.
What I want from this game: I'm a roleplayer first a foremost, not much of an optimizer though, my intentions for Ignati are to be a party face, the archetype and traits I've chosen should support that despite an average Charisma score. I could potentially use extracts to provide a bit of subterfuge if needed as the story progresses as well. His reason for protest is To Protest the Goverment.
If you have any questions, concerns, or adjustments you'd like me to make, please feel free to PM me, or post here. A portion of my "crunch" and a link to my character sheet can be found under this alias.

Valleria Albus |

I would like to submit Valleria Albus for consideration.
Female human (chelaxian) slayer (vanguard) 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +3 shield)
HP 13
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20) or
shield bash +4 (1d4+3) or
dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks studied target +1
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus
Skills Climb +7, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +6, Profession (soldier) +6, Sense Motive +6; Armor Check -7
Traits Natural Born Leader, Reactionary
Languages Common
SQ lookout +1
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of remove fear; Other Gear arrows [40], dagger, four-mirror armor, heavy steel shield, longbow, longsword, 16 gp
Improved Shield Bash Valleria may still apply her shield’s shield bonus to her AC when she performs a shield bash.
Studied Target Valleria can study an opponent he can see as a move action. She then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. She can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the she studies a new target.
Native of Korvosa and the only daughter of a wealthy family of honest merchants, Valleria Albus grew up to follow her family’s
Being a red haired child in Varisia and a chelaxian herself, she was always bullied by the others children, for it was a common belief that those born with a red hair had infernal blood in her veins. It was not the case with Valleria, but this true does not made her childhood easier.
As she grew up, more and more she felt the urge of seeking a different life style than her parents. The life of a merchant does not appealed her at all and the fact that her uncle, Ursion Albus, was a member of the Hellknights, only pushed her to also join the Order of the Nail.
Valleria only spent two years with the Hellknights. It was the year of 4708, when Queen Ileosa poisoned King Eodred II and took over Korvosa. When Queen Iloesa created her Grey Maidens, Valleria was one of the ‘lucky’ ones that were accepted. Soon after, the queen was defeated and the Grey Maidens that survived fled the city.
Without a home, Valleria decided to bury her past and travelled south, working as a caravan guard that was travelling to Egorian in Cheliax. After a couple of incidents while crossing Nidal, Valleria decided to abandon the caravan and stayed at the city of Kintargo, just to gather a couple of supplies before deciding where to go.
Days became weeks and weeks became months, as she could not decide about her future. Meanwhile, she joined the city watch, just to earn a few coins. Valleria never left Kintargo and her life was simple and good.
It has been seven years since she left Korvosa and the only memory of her past is her Grey Maiden armor that she hides in her house. Just when she thought that her life was finally settling down, Barzillai Thrune seized the city.
After each day, at the end of her duty, Valleria comes back home and stares at her former armor. She cannot stop herself of thinking how far she has changed, being part, this time, of the side against an authoritarian government. At the end of each day, the idea of donning again her armor seems more appealing. However, this time, she wound be on the right side of the fight.
Valleria was drinking with two more guards in a poorly illuminated table at the corner of the tavern. There was a certain tension on the air, as her friends seemed to expect her to say something. After all, she offered to pay their drinks and had not said a word until now.
While drinking from her ale, Valleria was remembering her time with the Grey Maidens in Korvosa and the tyrannical rule of Queen Ileosa. She touched the scars in her face gently, almost as if they still sore. They were, but only to her pride.
"Listen to all these people, talking about being rebels and freeing their beloved city from the claws of the Thrune..." She spoke softly, almost as if talking to herself. Ortis and Gador came closer to her, listening to every word. "... as if it was a simple thing to do. Just ask him nicely and he will leave and everyone will be happy forever and ever." She focused her attention on her friends. "A revolution is not win by the will of the rebels. Blood is needed to be shed and by the end of this 'glorious' revolution the streets of Kintargo will be littered with the bodies of our friends and of the innocents. But in one thing they are right: we need to do something, even if the cost is our lives."
Her throat was dry and looked like no amount of drink would be able to easy her pain, almost looked like she was already dead.
"When this revolution ends, all the history books will teach how the brilliant strategists and cunning nobles won this fight but the truth is that it is our blood that will be spilled." She drinks another sip before continuing. "I do not know about you, but I will fight Barzillai and I know in my flesh the strength that the people can muster. I know we can win." She looked deeply in their eyes before standing up and leaving the place. "You know where to find me. If you intend to go there to join me or arrest me it is up to you."
Reason to Protest: To Protest the Government
A little about me: I am quite interested in this AP, since it looks like to have a big RP focus. I am miself more a RP player than a combat one (80/20) and will not make an optimized char (though I have no intention in playing a useless one also.)
For my posting style, please take a tike to look at Adornis, a char that I'm currently playing in another game.
As I said before, I'm really interested in this AP, so if you see something with Valleria that you instantly dislikes, please tell me so I can change it and still have a chance!

spectrevk |

Don't really have a character concept for this yet, but I'll dot in for now. Just out of curiosity, how would you feel about a summoner from Numeria whose eidolon is actually a giant robot?
You mean mechanically? I've never been super fond of the Summoner class, but I intentionally didn't bother banning it for this game, so it's fine. Character-wise, it would really depend on the fit. Kintargo is a long way from Numeria, and a giant robot could draw more attention than a rebel cell would like, but with the right concept, it could definitely work.
The Player's Guide also has a lot of great suggestions for classes and prestige classes that fit in well with the campaign.

Gavmania |

Saw this thread earlier today, but didn't have time to comment. Been thinking about it ever since.
I think I'd like to play a Bard (Archaelogist). A Student of History (both official and unofficial), with an interest in the Silver Ravens since his older brother joined them. In the current crisis, he is naturally worried about his brother's disappearance and has begun to track down what information he can in an attempt to find him.
Haven't decided a race yet, I'll see what feels right at the time.

Axolotl |

Here's Corian Vinithus, an acolyte of Asmodeus inquisitor of Milani.
Corian Vinithus
Male human (Chelaxian) inquisitor (infiltrator) of Milani 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 45, 46)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +10
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +1 vs. abilities that detect lies or force the truth
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee heavy mace +2 (1d8+2)
Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks judgment 1/day
Inquisitor (Infiltrator) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—bless, protection from evil
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light, sift[APG]
. . Domain Liberation
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Alertness, Strong Comeback[UC]
Traits deft dodger, pattern speaker
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Bluff +9, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +10, Sense Motive +9
Languages Common
SQ forbidden lore, liberation (1 rounds/day), misdirection, necessary lies
Other Gear scale mail, arrows (20), blunt arrows[APG] (20), heavy mace, shortbow, 50 gp
Special Abilities
Forbidden Lore (Ex) May cast spells of alignment opposed to own or deity alignment.
Inquisitor (Infiltrator) Domain (Liberation) Granted Powers: You are a spirit of freedom and a staunch foe against all who would enslave and oppress.
Judgment (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Liberation (1 rounds/day) (Su) Act as if you had freedom of movement for 1 rounds/day.
Misdirection (Lawful Evil) (Sp) When prepare spells choose an alignment to count as for magical detection.
Necessary Lies +1 (Su) Gain bonus to saves vs. abilities detecting lies or forcing truth.
Pattern Speaker Adept as recognizing and resisting patterns in the world.
Strong Comeback Add a +2 bonus on all rerolls
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A wave of slight unease passes through the crowd as the tall, imposing bald acolyte of Asmodeus enters the building. His scalp shorn and his beard beaded into forked points, he is bedecked in red and black. Some of the patrons recognize him as a particular member of the Infernal Order who frequents certain street corners near the Devil’s Bells, engaging in discussion with slightly nervous citizens, and occasionally quoting from the Disciplines in a ringing voice. He makes his way into the quieter back room where a certain unnamed and unknown group has gathered--none knowing the other, the information received through the most convoluted of messages. As he passes, there are murmurs in his wake. And then he is among you, his unholy mace at his side.
He sits down, hands resting easily on the table, his face unreadable, his piercing green eyes scanning each of you for certain signs. Then a smile crawls across his lips. ”I bid you greetings and blessings from my lady Milani, The Everbloom.” The spell broken, he winks and gestures to the barmaid. ”Just some herbal tea, thank you,” he says politely, ”With attar, if you have it.” He turns back to the rest of the group. ”Hello, hello,” he says with a deep chuckle. ”I suppose some of you know me as Brother Vinithus of the Infernal Order of Asmodeus. Vinithus is indeed my family name, but my faith lies elsewhere. I am--or was--part of the Rose.” His face darkens. ”I have been hiding in plain sight among the Asmodeans for over a year, and I haven’t heard a word from another Milanite in that time. My friends--” he winces and jerks his head to one side, and for a moment you can see the sensitive young man beneath the red and black finery and the devilish beard, ”...my friends are probably all dead. Or have gone far underground. I dast not search for them; my whereabouts are watched much of the time. Only recently do I have the liberty to move about like I do now.”
He sips at the tea, taking a moment to savor it. ”However, I have news. First, of more dark doings. The Rose is broken or buried. When I did have occasion to ask my friend Juris, he said nothing, merely showing me a silver piece and a picture of a dark bird. Now Juris is gone too, taken by Hellknights, they say. He left me a message, though. ”The Ravens yet fly. Seek the one with a black glove on the right and none on the left.” I think this has to do with the gathering at the park, and that is where I shall go to find this person wearing one glove.”
He looks at you, resolved and steely-faced. ”I’ve been reciting devilish words for a twelvemonth to the point where my tongue tastes like ashes, while my friends disappear left and right. This may our only chance to do something against Thrune. Will you lend your arms?”
Corian Vinithus was born to a mercantile family in Kintargo, to fairly wealthy parents, and grew as most Kintargans did, in a mixture of fear and respect to the various infernal forces around him, but also an eye for the exotic goods brought in from his family’s ships and the various divas and entertainers that made the city glitter with life. Their house, while not the most resplendent, was well furnished, with the requisite Asmodean shrine.
One evening, Corian’s parents roused him from slumber and bade him dress and accompany them to a midnight mass. ”This is a special ceremony, son,” said Cortinus, his father, bending down to pat his son. They walked through quiet streets and loud, and even through darkened alleys and perhaps even through a house or two, until they came to a chamber, perhaps underground. Once the doors were shuttered, a priestess bearing a sword, and another bearing a morning star, began their service. ”We are here to honor The Servitors of Aroden, my friends,” they said in unison. ”Blessed be Iomedae, The Sword and Inheritor, and her sister, Milani, The Ever Blooming.” Corian was amazed and delighted. His parents were secret heretics!
Corian prayed to Iomedae night after night, but dreamed only of roses. ”Milani has found you,” said his mother, concern creasing her face. ”Iomedae is the safer path in this place...but you cannot alter your heart. Child, we shall adjust your studies accordingly.” Corian learned of infernal realms, and the works of Iomedae, Milani, Asmodeus and even Cayden Cailean, but his favorite times were working with the local spymaster Hieronous, who taught him how to discern small details, and speak in a honeyed voice. With a small amount of coin and an intrepid air, Corian was able to find the members of the Rose of Kintargo, who taught him more of the ways of Milani.
When an opportunity to infiltrate the Asmodean Church arose, he immediately volunteered, taking to the role of an Asmodean acolyte like a scrag to water. Rather than shout himself hoarse on the corners, he found himself talking with Kintargans on many a subject, although, granted, it was mainly about Asmodeus. He found traces of another group known as the Silver Ravens, through a student of Hieronous named Juris, with whom he shared many a joking moment. And then the new mayor arrived, and churches burned. Corian, his heart aching, had to publicly celebrate this while mourning inside. He knew his parents were safe...but all communications from the Rose ceased. Then Juris vanished, after disavowing knowing anything of the Rose. Juris’ final message hinted at the Ravens, though, and an address: an inn.
Sighing, Corian walked to the subdeacon’s quarters. ”I have matters to attend to,” he said to the supervising subdeacon. ”May she be pretty, or pretty easy,” said the supervisor with a leer. Corian only winked. I’d love to burn this church down with all of you in it, but Milani help me, that would be evil, he thought. With that, Brother Vinithus strode through the streets of Kintargo, earning the usual slightly fearful greetings, on his way to destiny.
Reason To Protest: Meeting a Contact!

Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |

From there, the gaunt man is dressed in several layers of homespun cotton, also brightly dyed, and a light silk scarf - a gift from one of his lady friends back home as a remembrance. He wears heavy well worn boots. He has a large sling bag over his shoulder and chest with a variety of clanking objects within. A light crossbow hangs at his waist along with a dagger that sees more use in dinner than in combat.
Though he wears long sleeves most of the time, he often rolls them up and henna tattoos (temporary tattoos lasting a few weeks at a time) are visible on his forearms. In periods of quiet contemplation he often 'doodles' on his arms to allow his creativity to flourish. Unfortunately he is not, as yet, very good at it and so the tattoos are rough and messy.
He sits lightly into a chair, and looks around for a server to take his order. Assuming none are presently hovering, he bounces out of the chair almost as fast as into it and he strides to the publican at the bar. ”My good friend!” he bellows, lowering his voice a little and leaning in, ”A glass of whatever it is that puts this place on the map be it ale, mead, or wine. Your favorite.”
When the barkeep returns he leans in even farther and lowers his voice, ”So, are you joining us at the park today? After all, we need to show Thrune that their takeover is not going to be so easy as they suppose. Mark my words friend, martial law is here to stay if we say and do nothing to fight it. Why come on down, and spread the word among your regulars as well. If there’s a need to protest - it’s now!”
He stands up straight, hoists the glass in the air, and takes a mighty sip. Smiling at the barkeep he pays twice the fee and winks, ”See you there friend!”
I’ve DMed and Played on these boards for a few years now, and I’ve always been an active and supportive poster in every campaign. Please feel free to peruse my aliases and campaigns.
If selected, I can also help with treasure tracking if you like. I have a useful spreadsheet that I use in campaigns I'm in to help track that sort of thing so you don’t have to. You should be able to see a version of it here (link).

Tim Woodhams |

Submitting Elenora Aquila AKA Xeno AKA the black widow Heiress socialite by day, masked vigilante by night.
Reason for being a protest and everything else are in the alias. If I missed anything let me know and I'll fix it.

![]() |

Here goes, Amos Guilharts, Chelaxian Investigator.
"Amos . . . Amos!"
Amos sat, eyes focused on his pocket watch. One, two, three bells. 16:37, Wealday, 21 Lamashan, 4715. "Yes, yes. Ah! Seif, how are you!" He tried to hide his embarrassment realizing it wasn't the waiter.
"Still at it with your notebooks, I see."
"Still won't let me know what it says?"
Amos' eyes went to slits, analyzing his old friend. "Yes."
Seif sighed, "So, nothings changed. Why did you want to meet me here? Surely you wanted more than a cup of cold coffee and to stare at your journal in my presence."
Amos looked to the smile lines at the corners of her lips, recalling her beautiful smile fondly. A smile no longer seen by many. "Seif, I wanted to see you again. Wanted to catch up. How have you been?" Amos already knew; down and scarce.
"I've been well. Busy, but well. The town is almost boiling at this point, hardly a time to rest."
"How is . . . Stanley?"
"Stephen. We split." Amos knew, he just wanted to hear it from her lips. He hid a smile by taking a sip of coffee. She was right; it was cold. "How about you? Still working for those f+&~ing Hellknights?" She spat the last word, literally.
"WITH, not for. A job is a job, Seif."
She screwed up her face at that. "But . . !"
"BUT! No, not lately. Mostly small cases. Jewels missing, children missing, petty crime." The waiter came back, but they both dismissed him. Amos took out a cigarette, and lit it. He offered on to Seif. She took one, even though he knew she quit judging by the lack of signature tobacco stains on her fingertips. She drew in, and exhaled. The smoke softened her features as though it went in and burned up a small part of her stress for a short time. She looked like the Seif he used to know if only for a moment. The self he used to love.
"You should come tomorrow." She knew why he asked her there. Now the conversation was getting somewhere.
"With you?"
"With me, by me, in the same rally as me. Either way. You should tag along."
He smiled, openly. He went back for a sip of coffee. Still damn cold. Don't wave off the waiter again. "Why not? I've been bored."
She gave a small smile. "Good." Her cigarette burned low. She too a last drag, burning her fingertips ever so slightly as always. She dropped her cigarette in his cold coffee. She smirked at him, and pushed away from the table.
"Wait," he said, "sit with me a little longer? No more business talk. Just old friends catching up."
She looked at him, a smile on her lips but not in her eyes. "No." She turned and headed for the door.
"See you tomorrow?" She didn't say anything back, just a wave of a hand was all the response he got. Was all he needed.
He couldn't tell if that went well or poorly. He thought about when they met, in the very same cafe with the same coffee roast and the same tobacco blend. He took out another cigarette and lit it. He reached for his coffee, and took a sip. He spat it back in the cup. Damn it all! That waiter . . . 3,2,1.
"Sir, anythi . . "
"Yes, more coffee."
Name: Amos Guilharts
Gender: M, Race: Human, Class Level 1 (Investigator Rogue)
Alignment: CG, Size: M
Init +3; Senses ; Perception +8
AC: 16 ; Touch: 13 ; Flat-Footed: 13 ; (armor specfics)
HP: 8
Fort +; Ref +5; Will +1
Defensive Abilities ; DR ; Immune ; Resist ; SR
Speed 6
Space 30ft; Reach 5ft
Melee Sap: 1d6+1 B (x2), Rapier: 1d6+1 P (18/20 x2)
Ranged: Light Crossbow: 1d8 (19/20 x2 crits) P, 80ft (Ammo 40 bolts)
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack 1d6
Power of Suggestion:
Benefit: You may make a Bluff check to make observers believe that an object in your possession is actually a different object entirely. The DC for the check is 20 for items of a similar size, shape, and color (such as a glaive and a quarterstaff). Items of a different shape, size, or color raise the DC by 5 for each dissimilar aspect, or more if the dissimilarity is extreme. This deception lasts 1 minute; if the item is still in view, the observers may recognize their error unless you make another bluff check.
Str 12 , Dex 16 , Con 10 , Int 12 , Wis 12 , Cha 13
Base Atk 0; CMB 0; CMD 14 ( vs. trip)
Feats: Sap Adept, Skill Focus: Perception
Traits: Pattern Seeker, Power of Suggestion
Skills Bluff 5, Diplomacy 5, Disable Device 7, Disguise 5, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge (Local) 5, Perception 8, Sleight of Hand 7, Stealth 7;
Languages Common, Chelaxian
Combat Gear: Rapier, Sap, Light Crossbow, Studded Leather
Other Gear: Theives Tools, A pocket watch, A pair of unlabeled journals, 23 GP
Amos is the son of a Chelaxian dock worker and a Taldan makeup artist.
His father, a hard working alcoholic dock worker. He always wanted to be a sailor, but due to a bum leg and his drinking he was considered more of a liability to captains. He always kept a journal though, and would write down the ships, their cargo, their destinations and so on and so forth. He could guess the return times of all the ships and what they would be carrying down to the day with that little notebook.
His mother was a makeup artist at the Kintargo Opera House, and she loved her work. It was praised far and wide across Cheliax for its authenticity and its ability to really draw in the audience. She worked long nights, and unfortunately these night caught up with her in the form of her murder when Amos was 13 years old.
His father drank himself to death afterwards, and amos was left alone. On the brink of losing the house he decided he would find the man who killed his mother, and he would end his life. He was on the case, and in a matter of days he found the killer and brought him to justice. Apparently, the man was a serial killer, and the new of his finding and death brought Amos a reward, and he was able to keep the house.
He had an aptitude for the work, and started as a PI working for the local law enforcement and for people (mostly noble). Now, however, he takes smaller cases for more local people in attempts to bolster his local community.
He is 5'11", 190 pounds, 37 years old. He has well kept salt and peppered black hair slicked back and a black medium beard. He wears his studded leather craftily hidden in stylish vests as to not arouse suspicion. Dresses nonchalantly to blend in to crowds, but he has signature black leather boots that come to mid calf with his slim fitting slacks rolled up to the top of the boots. He has a slim athletic build like a swimmer, probably from the swimming that he does every day in the bay as a start to his day. He smokes cigarettes, and rarely drinks but when he does he drinks whiskey and a lot of it. He goes by Guilharts to strangers and new acquaintances, but allows close people to call his Amos.
Reason for being at the rally: Tagging along.
For your consideration, oh mighty Master of Game.

Morrigan Winters |

Here's my submission. Morrigan Winters: Half-Orc Wizard (Shadow Illusionist)
Reason for being at the rally: Meeting a Contact
A shadowy figure sits down at the table without invitation. A silky black hood obscures the young woman’s features down to her full lips. Her enlarged lower cuspids reveal her half-orc nature when she speaks. “So, you want to play a game of cloak and dagger do you? Well you’ve come to the right place. House Thrune’s martial law must end. There will be blood at the Aria Park protest. Stick with me if you want to make sure it’s not yours.” Morrigan sips from a glass you could have sworn wasn’t there a moment ago.
“I’m seeking information and I don’t deal in gold. Instead I offer secrets. If you have what I want, I offer one question for another. I’m seeking the Silver Ravens. Word is they’ve all been killed. But I have a reliable source that says differently. In fact, at least one will be present at the protest tomorrow. I want to know who. In exchange, I have inside information on the Church of Asmodeus. Barzillai Thrune is an Asmodean. You make the connection.”
Her straight face slowly breaks into a smile, then into a giggle. “I’m sorry. I’m still new at this. But seriously I’m a wanted woman and I could use some help.”
Morrigan Winters was born to a poor family of pig farmers in Kintargo. As Morrigan grew older, she took on a growing fascination for magic. Whenever her family would take her into the city proper to sell their wares, she was always star-struck when a wizard passed by. They seemed so exotic and powerful. Morrigan longed for a life like theirs, rather than being a lowly farmer digging in the mud. However, her family did not have the means to pay for any proper training for Morrigan.
Then one day, when Morrigan was about 10 years old, an acolyte from the church of Asmodeus visited the outlying farms to preach the truths of Asmodeus and seek donations and converts. The acolyte spotted Morrigan hiding from the stranger and declared that she had a strong innate magical ability and the church would be honored to sponsor her tutelage in the arts. However, if her family agreed, Morrigan would be taken to the Grand Temple of Asmodeus and would not be able to return to her family for many years until her training was complete. At first, Morrigan and her family were reluctant to accept the offer despite Morrigan’s desire to become a wizard but the acolyte sweetened the pot and offered to purchase Morrigan from her family for an unheard of amount of gold that the family could not refuse.
And so Morrigan’s training began. For five years, she studied the dark arts, focusing primarily on shadow magic, and being indoctrinated to the teachings of the church. As Morrigan began her teenage years, she became more rebellious and would often sneak out of the academy for night adventures. During one such adventure, she encountered a handsome young man who claimed to be a member of the Silver Ravens. Over time, the two of them became lovers, and he wooed her with tales of rebellion and propaganda of freeing Kintargo. From him, she also learned about the goddess Milani. With Barzillai Thrune’s rise of power in the Silver City, talk of rebellion and freedom were romantic fantasies.
Eventually, the church of Asmodeus found out about Morrigan’s relationship and informed her that they were very upset with her betrayal of their trust and that a severe punishment was in order. Her family was to be killed for raising a rebellious daughter and hopefully that would quell any thoughts of leaving the church. However, the church’s actions had the opposite effect and Morrigan escaped immediately. Unfortunately it wasn’t fast enough, because by the time she reached her home, her family was already murdered; the church had carried out their decree swiftly and efficiently. All that remained on her farm was a single pig which she took with her as a memento and familiar.
From there, she sought out her lover, but through various inquiries discovered that soon after House Thrune declared martial law, the Silver Ravens have gone silent. Morrigan fears her lover had died but refused to give up hope without proof. After continued research, a mysterious stranger anonymously contacted Morrigan through a third party and claimed to have information on the Silver Ravens. He arranged for a meeting at the Aria Park protest coming up. All that he said was that she’d know him by the black glove on his right hand. And so Morrigan set off to meet this contact with hope in her heart.
Morrigan typically wears all black with a dark cloak concealing her form and face. Her skin is a pale green-grey but the majority of her features are human, giving her a very exotic look. Her eyes are an unusual gem-like shade of purple that can pierce right into a man’s soul but most wouldn’t know because her long bangs hide them most of the time. The rest of her straight black hair is cropped to shoulder length. Morrigan tries to maintain an optimistic personality with typical idealized dreams of a teenager, but due to her recent tragedy, she is occasionally subject to fits of depression. Having lost her childhood home, family, and school, she is desperately looking for a place to belong and will do whatever it takes to prove herself to anyone who may potentially take her in.
Female Half-Orc Wizard 1 (Shadow Illusionist)
LN Medium humanoid (orc)
XP: 0
Hit Points: 8 hp (1d6+1, +1 favored class)
Init: +1; Senses Perception +1; Darkvision 90 ft.
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 11 (10, +1 Dex), touch 11, flat-footed 10; CMD: 13
Fort: +1 (+0 base, +1 Con)
Ref: +1 (+0 base, +1 Dex)
Will: +2 (+3 base, -1 Wis)
Base Attack: +0; CMB: +1
Dagger: +1 (1d4+1/19-20) [range 10 ft.]
Light Crossbow: +1 (1d8/19-20) [range 80 ft.]
Shadow Falchion: +2 (2d4+3/18-20) [Will DC 16]
Ranged Touch: +1
Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 18 (+4)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 11 (+0)
Diplomacy [Cha]: +3 (+3 bonus)
Intimidate [Cha]: +3 (1 rank, +2 racial)
Knowledge (Arcana) [Int]: +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Nobility) [Int]: +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Planes) [Int]: +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Religion) [Int]: +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Perception [Wis]: +1 (-1 Wis, +2 feat)
Sense Motive [Wis]: +1 (-1 Wis, +2 feat)
Spellcraft [Int]: +9 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Alertness: +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks (bonus feat)
Scribe Scroll: Create magic scrolls (bonus feat)
Spell Focus (Illusion): +1 bonus on save DCs for one school
Class Features
Arcane Bond: Familiar (Pig)
Arcane School: Shadow (Illusion Subschool)
Opposed Schools: Conjuration and Transmutation
Extended Illusions (Su): (1 round) Any illusion spell you cast with a duration of “concentration” lasts a number of additional rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level after you stop maintaining concentration (minimum +1 round). At 20th level, you can make one illusion spell with a duration of “concentration” become permanent. You can have no more than one illusion made permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another illusion as permanent, the previous permanent illusion ends.
Binding Darkness (Sp): (7/7 times/day, 1 round) As a standard action, you cast a weave of shadows at any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The shadows entangle your foe for 1 round plus 1 additional round for every five wizard levels you possess. In conditions of bright light, this duration is halved (minimum 1 round). A creature entangled by your shadows has concealment from those without darkvision or the ability to see in darkness, and other creatures likewise have concealment relative to it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Racial Traits
Acute Darkvision: Some half-orcs have exceptionally sharp darkvision, gaining darkvision 90 feet.
Intimidating: Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks due to their fearsome nature.
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Common, Orc, Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, and Goblin.
Ex-Asmodean: You were once a worshiper of Asmodeus, but you lost your faith. You met someone who opened your eyes and showed you the truth—that Asmodeus does not care for his followers, and that Milani does. You left the church, and as a result, your family was executed. Ever since, you’ve vowed to some day get revenge against the church. You gain a +1 trait bonus on the save DCs of your spells against agents of House Thrune and worshipers of Asmodeus, including most (but not all) devils.
Skeptic: Growing up, you were always around magical effects to the extent that you realized much of it was mere smoke and mirrors. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against illusions.
Spell Save DC: 14 + spell level (15 + spell level for illusion spells)
Concentration: +5
Spells Prepared
0 - Detect Magic, Ghost Sound (Will DC 15), Ray of Frost
1st - Color Spray (Will DC 16), Disguise Self, Vanish
Color Spray (Illusion): Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.
Disguise Self (Illusion): Changes your appearance.
Magic Missile (Evocation): 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
Shadow Weapon (Illusion): Create a quasi-real masterwork weapon.
Shield (Abjuration): Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
Silent Image (Illusion): Creates minor illusion of your design.
Vanish (Illusion): As invisibility for 1 round/level (5 max).
Dagger, light crossbow, cold iron bolts (20).
Mundane Equipment
Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, spellbook, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin.
Gold: 8 gp
Familiar (Pig)
Name: Bacon
N Small Magical Beast
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp 4
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +1 (1d4)
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10 (14 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude
Skills Perception +5
Special Master gains a +3 bonus on Diplomacy checks, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link

Valleria Albus |

So, to the moment, we have:
Alzhar the Fledgling - Male kobold sorcerer 1
Amos Guilharts - Male human (chelaxian) rogue 1
Axolotl - Male human (chelaxian) inquisitor (infiltrator) of Milani 1
Elenora Aquila (Xeno) - Female tiefling magus 1
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka - Male human arcanist 1
Ignati Vashnarstill - Male human (chelaxian) investigator (mastermind) 1
Morrigan Winters - Female half-orc wizard (shadow illusionist) 1
Valleria Albus - Female human (chelaxian) slayer (vanguard) 1
Wilhelm Alcontara - Male human cavalier (standard bearer) 1

Varian Tanessen |

Hi, Giuseppe Capriati here. This is my submission for this recruitment: Varian Tanessen, ex-asmodean hidden priest of Milani resolved to free his own city from the oppressive Thrune's domain.
Crunch and Background are in the profile, although the PDF version linked in the profile is suggested (it's more beatiful and easier to read).
I'm actually GMing a Serpent's Skull AP here on the boards and it's going pretty well for us. I'm also playing in a Second Darkness game here on the boards. In both cases, I always kept a steady rate of at least 1 post/day (even though as a player I ended up not posting for days due to inactivity of the game itself).
I wish good luck for this recruitment to all the applicants!
Reason to Be at the Protest: To Protest the Government!
"Hi, my brave compatriots. My name is Varian Tanessen, and before everyone could rise the obvious question...No, I'm not a spy or a traitor working for the government. Long ago I realized that my true family is this world, this country, this city we all live in. I owe allegiance only to my true family, to the city of Kintargo, to the nation of Cheliax, and I'm here because I firmly believe that my family needs the help of its sons and daughters. Only us, proud citizens of Kintargo, can take our city back.
"My natural family obliged me to serve the Prince of Lies: I had to bow, but I used the time I had to spent with the devil worshippers to steal their secrets. Now I wield their powers against them, and if you're with me, we'll fight those who would wish to see the free citizens of this city bent and broken with their own weapons.
"For years I've been part of a group of local rebels: we believed that this city needed to be liberated from its infernal shackles, and we were right. Now that Thrune's grasp gets stronger, we must be unite and fight for our freedom: because liberty is the most essential aspect of life, and a life without freedom simply is not a life at all. My fellow rebels were crushed during a mean night assault. My brothers and sisters were killed without mercy, our projects vanished in anguish and tears. Some of us managed to escape and went into hiding, but I won't stay cowardly hidden in the shadows while my city gets abused and tortured, while freedom and peace are threatened. The deaths of our proud compatriots won't be useless if today we go in Aria Park and protest this oppressive government demanding our loyalty without asking itself is it deserves it.
"Today, brave sons and daughters of Kintargo, we have the chance to let know those who would like to see us on our knees, paying obedience to devils and evil-doers, that this city is not their property, that Kintargo only belongs to its people. Kintargo is our home, our city, our family: would you fight for your family? Would you fight to protect your home? I'm sure you would, otherwise you won't be here. Let's get out of this place and show the Thrune that they cannot take our freedom away from us without fighting for it.
"For Kintargo! Down with Thrune!"

Oskin Wideheart |

I notice nobody has put forth a Diva of the Opera. The players guide also suggested Demagogue, and so I present to you Oskin Wideheart. Male Soprano of the Opera, and an up-and-coming star in the musical world.
I will be adding to his background and Stats in the profile, so as to not keep cluttering up the page with multiple updated posts.
Oskin grew up in the slums, and used to sing for money. His parents died when he was very young. His mother was sexually assaulted by Chelaxian troops, and later died from her injuries. His father died defending him from Asmodian Tax collectors who beat them both for having no money to pay their taxes with. He too, later died from his sustained injuries. The trauma of watching both his parents wither and die, while struggling to provide for their son, took its toll on Oskin. He became bitter, and as he grew, turned to worship of Claistria to ease his pain. His only joy left him was music. He began playing on the street corner, to try to earn a meager pay. He survived, but barely.
Fate found him, one rainy day, so many years ago, when he was discovered by a Tenor for the Opera who has become lost. He heard Oskin singing, standing in the rain, looking as forlorn as a Halfling child can. He paid the boy for directions to the Opera House, and then offered to take him under his wing as an apprentice. Oskin agreed immediately, and set about learning all he could. He was given a fine education, and taught by some of the best music teachers in Cheliax. His career was rocketing to victory. Until the Opera House was closed suddenly. Now he is turned out into the world, trying to find his way in the city of Kintargo.
Oskin smiled at the greeting his received. He hadn’t expected any fans of the Opera here, so to have even this lone individual recognize him was more than a little flattering.
“Yes, I am indeed Oskin Wideheart. Thank you for your patronage to the Opera!” He smiled a large, welcoming smile to the middle-aged human woman in front of him. ”Truth be told, I was expecting to not be recognized. It will help with making my case, I do believe.”
She shook his hand again. “Thanks be to Desna for gracing you with such a tremendous voice!” She heard her name called from across the room. ”I hope to see you again, goodman Wideheart.”
’Well, that was interesting.’
Oskin pondered his next move. Seeing a man others were differing to, he walked boldly up to the man, and extended his lacy-cuffed hand upward in a gesture of greeting.
”Hello! My name is Oskin Wideheart, and I believe I can be of great service to you.”
The human man chuckled.
”No offense to ye, lit’le man, but yer a bit on the….fancy side fer my tastes.”
Oskin cursed inwardly.
”Now, my good sir. You will find that having a man with associations at the Opera House could be very useful to you. In fact, I believe my ability to instill emotion into those who hear me perform will in fact be quite useful indeed.”
The man looked taken aback at the well-spoken Halfling. Sputtering, he replied, ”Well, I, uh, I guess you’d be needin’ to take to Sam over thure in the corner. He’s the man ta’ see.
Oskin smiled his award-winnning smile, and nodded politly. ”Thank you my good sir.”
He walked over to Sam, the man in charge, ready to face his destiny. He would help them take back the city. He would stop the oppression of the slums. He would get the Opera House reopened. And he would look fabulous doing it.
Male Halfling Demagogue 1, Follower of Calistria
High Social Character, Good at getting the word out, inciting mobs, or just playing a wonderful lullaby. He is the type to take off-the-wall bard spells, and a lot of bardic masterpieces. A Bardic Music in battle bard. May go Pathfinder Chronicler, maybe not. Spell-Song heavy, may never use a weapon.
His Reason for Protest is Looking for Your Idol. He is rather smitten with Strea Vestori, and hoped to see her. With the closer of the Opera House, he’s been getting more and more frustrated. His career was taking off, and he could finally start giving back to those in the slums. Strea is putting words to his innermost thoughts, and he’s more than a little attracted to her…or at least the version of her he has in his head.