Helio's Crypt of the Everflame (Inactive)

Game Master Helio

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

As promised, here's the discussion thread for the Crypt of the Everflame adventure - and, assuming everything goes as planned, for the two modules to follow.

As I said in the recruitment thread, I figure I'll start the adventure on Tuesday night. I don't want to just start it up now, before people even get a chance to realize they're accepted and it's starting. This way people can get to know one another - out of character, at least - before the whole thing actually starts. Since everyone is from Kassen, they probably have at least a passing knowledge of each other, anyway.

So yeah - this is for most OOC discussion, questions, comments, criticisms, etc. (Seriously, please let me know if I'm screwing up, PBPs are new to me)

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

You're doin' alright as far as I can tell.

Thanks for picking me. I greatly look forward to playing these modules, and maybe even continuing on to something else.

Human Male Human Fighter 1 ( Shielded Fighter ), +2 Initiative, +0 Perception, AC 18 / Touch AC 12 / Flat Footed AC16, Saves F+5/ R +2 / W +0 HP:07/13

I like the sound of it. I'm sure we'll be able to help each other along the way. I mean, aren't we all brothers and sisters?

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)

Well, not all of us. :)
Thanks for the chance btw. Like I said, I was curious about playing in this adventure one day.

Male Human Witch 1

Hi everybody! Just got home for work and found out I was chosen! Thanks for the opportunity. I'd better go ahead and finalize my stats and read everyone's backgrounds. I look forward to working with you.

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

I found this theard, yay!

Sorry that I made you wait.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Well, I guess it's pretty obvious that Edvard and Elaina know each other pretty well. Elaina would probably know Nedyr pretty well, since she is a follower of Ol' Deadeye. She would probably be an acquaintance of Delia, since it seems like she spent a little time learning to be a guide. Sevrin, well, I guess she wouldn't know Sevrin apart from his name and his looks.

I do have one question, is Sevrin eventually going to turn into one of those baby-munching witches? The first time I went though the Mask of the Living God, we had a witch in the party that terrorized my character, pretty much the first incarnation of this character, who looked about 4 years younger than she was. Needless to say my character stayed the hell away. :)

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)
Elaina Tirel wrote:
Elaina would probably know Nedyr pretty well, since she is a follower of Ol' Deadeye.

That sounds sensible to me. They've probably chatted together more than once. I noticed Délia's background mentions that she learned a little of something from everyone, so perhaps she visited the same cleric(s) that Nedyr studied under.

Male Human Witch 1

Sevrin has no plans to become a baby munching witch, but all he knows about witches are dark stories of baby munching and the like. He is intelligent, but naive. I'm actually forgoing a skill point in arcane knowledge at first level to reflect this. The path he takes will be determined by what options he sees as open to him. He's not going to turn his back on his power, but he's not set on becoming a monster. Elania can rest easy for the moment.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Oh good.

The Witch in question was a gravewalker that kept commenting on how good my character smelled, almost got us thrown out of not one but two inns, and would have joined an evil cult if we hadn't managed to talk her (the player was a guy, the witch was a female elf) out of it.

Still, some of the craziness that happened was what made that so much fun.

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

Well, Délia knows half the town. And I doubt that attractive half-orcs who volunteer in the church choir are very common in most places, so I think most of the town knows her too. :)

Also, Sevrin can not go munching babies, since he does not have a cauldron. You gotta cook them first. No self-respecting witch would munch raw babies. That would be of bad taste.

Male Human Witch 1

Well, let's hope he doesn't try to improvise on the baby munching front.

Sevrin is a herbalist by profession, so that would be his likely point of contact with most villagers. He also could be encountered in the woods searching for rare plants, or more disturbingly, in silent communion with his familiar and patron.

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

Well, it might be just me, but I don't see how sitting quietly with a lizard would be very disturbing.

Male Human Witch 1

Haha, maybe not. I'm just imagining stumbling across some strange kid from the village in a dark, out of the way place staring raptly into a lizard's eyes. It looks like he may have been there for a while and he doesn't acknowledge your presence. Maybe it's just a little odd.

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

The correct procedure in that situation would be start tickling the strange kid. Or steal the lizard. Or vice versa.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

And so it begins...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

With Elaina's mention of encumbrance I realized I probably should have said something about house rules. All GMs have their own things, and it completely slipped my mind.

Encumbrance, for me, is highly handwaved. As long as you don't try to carry around a small town, you'll probably never get called out on it. Same thing with backpack sizes - as long as you don't have five kitchen sinks in there, I'm just going to assume everything fits just fine. I mean, we all cram stuff into our bags. Adventurers can probably do that ten times better than me. It's still good to track (if you really want to) just to get an idea of what kind of burden you're lugging around roleplay wise, but it won't ever really affect the rollplay elements of the game.

The only other thing that I can think of off the top of my head is potions. Rather than a standard action, I prefer making them a move equivalent action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

I'm almost positive there's other things that I usually mess with, but I guess I'll remember them when they come up.

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

Thank you. I hate tracking encumbrance.

Also, forgot to mention the possible bonus from the Charming trait.

Male Human Witch 1

I've not played a witch before, so I've been doing some looking into how hexes are handled. They appear to be supernatural abilities, rather than spell-like, and unless otherwise specified to not have verbal or somatic components (I would think cackle could be considered to have a verbal component, others disagree).

The upshot is that I could potentially use a hex like Evil Eye to reduce a targets skill rolls the next time, for example, Delia makes a bluff attempt without necessarily alerting the target and spoiling the bluff.

Depending upon Helio's opinion on the matter.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Yep, I'm back. Cy still has no power, and half the state doesn't either. New Jersey essentially got hit by a truck, but most of the real damage was in south Jersey and on the coastline.

And to answer Sevrin's question from a week ago, I'd argue that you could make it obvious or not when you cast it, depending on how you describe the casting of the spell. For instance, if you want Evil Eye to be more subtle, perhaps it functions more like a gaze attack than a spell cast. Alternatively, you could manifest some big, evil looking eye and throw that thing at your target. This would obviously be slightly less subtle.

The same thing goes for any type of magic or spell - Ray of Frost might be a literal flying ray of ice (as the vanilla description), a snowball, a vacuum-chilled ball of nothing, or a zone created around the target that sucks all the heat (all 1d3 damage of it!) out of your victim and leaves little icicles on his beard.

(putting this here because it's probably too long to throw in ooc chat)

Human Male Human Fighter 1 ( Shielded Fighter ), +2 Initiative, +0 Perception, AC 18 / Touch AC 12 / Flat Footed AC16, Saves F+5/ R +2 / W +0 HP:07/13

Howdy folks, boy does it feel good to be back! I'll spare you folks the story - basically wizards and their magicks had a fun time with screwing around with NJ. Needless to say, thanks for the concerns everybody and lets get this show rolling!

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)

Glad to hear you are alright in NJ

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

I had completely forgotten to tell you that I was going to be absent for a few days. I'm so sorry. :(

Commences Self-flagellation.

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)

I think we're going to get bitten

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

The dice roller hates us. Seriously.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Yep. but my real dice hate me too, so it's all good :)

Oh hey guys, I should've mentioned this before.

This is gonna sound pretty far-fetched, but its pretty awesome.

Our DM has moved to Korea for a year, to pursue a new change in his career. What that means for us is that he's gonna need a few days to get settled and figure out how to connect to the grid.

In any case, he's a time lord now - 14 hours into the future, if you're on the east coast.

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

Damn, he's 15 ahead of me.

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)

Fine, I guess moving halfway across the world COULD be a bit tricky ;)

North or South?

Just kidding, good luck with the moving.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Hey guys - I can't believe I completely forgot to mention I was traveling halfway around the world. My bad.

I'm here and I'm alive, but I don't actually have my place set up yet. I'm typing from the floor because I have a desk but no chair, and I'm stealing internet from some guy down the street.

In any case, I'll be able to post now (so long as that guy down the street doesn't figure something out and password his router like a normal person)

Male Human Witch 1

You can't be bothered to mention every little detail in your day to day life. Why, if I brought it up every time I moved halfway around the world you'd never hear the end of it. But seriously that's awesome, good luck to you!

Happy New Years folks!

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)

Happy New Year to you as well :)

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

Sorry for going AWOL. I'll be catching up tonight.

Hey, if you guys ever wanted to check out my work I've got a link to my most recent stuff.


Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

That was brilliant Delia. I kinda wish I was playing a character that was more inclined to joke about stuff like that.

We gotta get Nedyr some new rolls - or maybe a new god lolol. A Cleric of the Old Deadeye should be able to hit...unless he didn't make Erastil happy? (Just poking fun).

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

He's a Druid of Ol' Deadeye I think. Sentiment's the same though.

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)

At last, Nedyr no longer shames his god!


Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Yep, but you may have to catch the fleeing fighter before breaks a leg in the muck.

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

At least Délia does not have a deity to shame. Though if this keeps on, she might take on worshiping Urgathoa. :P

I would to get some sort of feat that allows me to become Mecha-Shiva with Elaina. It would be a sick combo to do during battle, and most definately hilarious.

Everyone died again? Game's gone silent.

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)
FratManCy wrote:
Everyone died again? Game's gone silent.

Well, I was responding yesterday, and then the forums went down which later made neglect it until I realized that had been postponed. And now, I forget what awesome post I had in mind and had to settle for something lame :o

Female Half-Orc Warpriest 3 HP: 23/23 Init: +1 AC: 19 (T: 12, FF 17) Saves: F: +4 R: +2 W: +5 Blessings: 3/4

Sorry, I'll try not to die anymore. :(

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Still here. I was waiting on the GM to post.

Male Half Elf Swashbuckler-1/Rogue-1 (HP: 17/17; AC 15, 13tch,12 ff; F+1.R+8, W+0)

Well, I think the game is dead. I hope Helio is well whatever transpired in RL to take him away but I believe I'm going to free up this alias for another game.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Same here. Good luck to you all.

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