Grit & Gunsmoke (Inactive)

Game Master Brian Minhinnick

Roll20 Campaign

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Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

Oh cool. I can't remember a lick of Chinese. Must be and interesting life over there.

It becomes normal after a while, but it's different from America, that's for sure.

LN Male Human Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +1 R: +1 W: +3 | Init + 1 | Per +0 ]

Checking in, will post when something happens.

Male Goblin HP: 3/13 | Colt 6/6 | Rifle 4/4
AC 18 Touch 15 FF 13 CMD 14 | Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +1 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision

I count 9 bandits and the leader.
Two obvious guards on the platforms.
The log thing looks like a trap.

Treetopper can stealthily climb the tree without problems: climb speed and take 10s Climb at 21 and Stealth 25. Although, he doesn't have anything that can one-shot the guard when he gets up there.

Maybe attack the far guard and draw them over? We need to find a way to get better odds.

I'm awfk until Tuesday with limited posting time, like this. Let's discuss the plan here, then Jelani could DMPC Treetopper if need be.


Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1 AC 16 [T13 FF13] | CMB +1 | CMD 14(18) | HP 12/12 | Fort +4(8) | Ref +5(9) | Will +2 (6) | Init +3 | Percep +6(8), Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics 6 | Craft firearms 4 | Stealth 3 | Survival 6 | Grit (2) | Deeds | Greed | Stonecunning | Hatred

OK, planning - I'm not set on a headlong rush if people think it's too risky; we can do the stealth thing of eliminating the guards and then sneaking up, but the moment we open fire then all surprise is over...

LN Male Human Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +1 R: +1 W: +3 | Init + 1 | Per +0 ]

Zort can also cast sleep. Though we don't know that in character.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2
Didier D'Everard wrote:
Zort can also cast sleep. Though we don't know that in character.

Zort did say he could make one of them "nod off" but didn't go into particulars.

I just want to give you guys a heads up, my updates might be coming at a slower pace now. I recently had a bunch of work added to my work schedule, and now college is back in session too. I will try to keep things going as best I can, but patience and reminders if I forget are appreciated!

Male Goblin HP: 3/13 | Colt 6/6 | Rifle 4/4
AC 18 Touch 15 FF 13 CMD 14 | Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +1 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision

Thanks for the heads up

Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1 AC 16 [T13 FF13] | CMB +1 | CMD 14(18) | HP 12/12 | Fort +4(8) | Ref +5(9) | Will +2 (6) | Init +3 | Percep +6(8), Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics 6 | Craft firearms 4 | Stealth 3 | Survival 6 | Grit (2) | Deeds | Greed | Stonecunning | Hatred

Hi DM - for some reason I can't see anything on the Roll20 other than my character icon: everything else is blacked out.

Hmmm...let me look into it.

Edit:Far as I can tell everything is working same as it was before. Vision is turned on and when I view as you I can see. You're logged in as Darkness Rising, yeah?

Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1 AC 16 [T13 FF13] | CMB +1 | CMD 14(18) | HP 12/12 | Fort +4(8) | Ref +5(9) | Will +2 (6) | Init +3 | Percep +6(8), Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics 6 | Craft firearms 4 | Stealth 3 | Survival 6 | Grit (2) | Deeds | Greed | Stonecunning | Hatred

That's right - it's still blanked out BTW; it's weird, it was working just fine until yesterday.

I honestly have no idea :(

I will try deleting it and making another token.

Edit: Done.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

Hiccups aside, the dynamic lighting feature is so cool. Thanks for putting it to use, Jelani.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

Moved Zort back due to difficult terrain.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

I am traveling around until Saturday but will still try to post.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

Are the forests we travel through too dense for Zort's small carriage? Just thinking ahead whether he would try to bring it along or not.


Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1 AC 16 [T13 FF13] | CMB +1 | CMD 14(18) | HP 12/12 | Fort +4(8) | Ref +5(9) | Will +2 (6) | Init +3 | Percep +6(8), Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics 6 | Craft firearms 4 | Stealth 3 | Survival 6 | Grit (2) | Deeds | Greed | Stonecunning | Hatred

DM: can you just quickly run through the mechanics of exploration? Is it three days per hex (assuming we're not foraging)? How many days would it be if we foraged instead?

Also, what do we get from exploring a hex versus travelling through it? I mean, we travelled through hex C9 but didn't explore it; we've now explored hex D8 - what's the difference?

Exploration and Movement in a Sandbox Campaign

Exploration will reveal anything special in the hex. It also gives you guys a bit of XP. In this case the only special thing about this hex was the bandit camp, which you had already dealt with.

Traveling through a hex won't do that, it's just a way to get from place to place.

Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1 AC 16 [T13 FF13] | CMB +1 | CMD 14(18) | HP 12/12 | Fort +4(8) | Ref +5(9) | Will +2 (6) | Init +3 | Percep +6(8), Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics 6 | Craft firearms 4 | Stealth 3 | Survival 6 | Grit (2) | Deeds | Greed | Stonecunning | Hatred

Got it, thanks. In that case, my vote is to return back to the fort, stock up on provisions and head out again.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

Anyone mind if I start a flashback scene of us sitting around the campfire talking about our lives preadventure? It would be spoilered like so:


Dudes, sitting around fire, talking about stuff

Or does that make things confusing?

Dooooo it!

Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1 AC 16 [T13 FF13] | CMB +1 | CMD 14(18) | HP 12/12 | Fort +4(8) | Ref +5(9) | Will +2 (6) | Init +3 | Percep +6(8), Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics 6 | Craft firearms 4 | Stealth 3 | Survival 6 | Grit (2) | Deeds | Greed | Stonecunning | Hatred


LN Male Human Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +1 R: +1 W: +3 | Init + 1 | Per +0 ]

It'll cost you your standard to finish casting sleep I think, Zort.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2
Didier D'Everard wrote:
It'll cost you your standard to finish casting sleep I think, Zort.

I think it goes into effect at the start of the turn

"A spell that takes 1 round to cast is a full-round action. It comes into effect just before the beginning of your turn in the round after you began casting the spell. You then act normally after the spell is completed."

LN Male Human Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +1 R: +1 W: +3 | Init + 1 | Per +0 ]

I was thinking you moved and used only a standard to start the cast in the last round, I can see that I'm wrong there. My bad.

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

Gotcha'! I did that in a game recently and it caused a 10 minute rule session. The player's ability to complete a full-round action over two turns is buried in the combat section somewhere.

Male Goblin HP: 3/13 | Colt 6/6 | Rifle 4/4
AC 18 Touch 15 FF 13 CMD 14 | Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +1 | Initiative +4 | Perception +6, Darkvision

We're heading for a mini ski vacation tomorrow to return Thursday night. Probably won't have internet. Might not post until Friday.


I’m a teacher IRL, and I’ve just started a new semester of classes. My school needs me to teach more classes than I’ve had in previous terms. Further, I’m starting a second job which has eliminated one of my days off. I’m finding myself without enough time to keep up with all my PBP obligations. Unfortunately, I need to cut back on what I’m running a great deal. I’ve determined I have time to keep running two games, so I’m going to stick with my two games that have the most posts. That means my other three games (including this one) will need to go. I’m sorry to do this to you guys, but something has to give. Hopefully in the fall my schedule will clear up and I’ll be able to run another game or two. Thanks for trying things will me guys, may all your rolls be critical hits!

Male Goblin hp 8/8 | AC 13; touch 13; FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Initiative +2 | Darkvision; Perception +2

Thanks Jelani. It's a cool setting. I hope you run it again sometime.

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