Sukrai |

Where does one find the rules for Shadowcasters? I don't see them anywhere in the d20PFSRD
Shadowcaster is found on the SRD under Paizo archetypes for wizards, while the Shadow school of magic is a subtype of the Illusion school.
Sukari, are you using the Advanced Races guide for the drow half-elf?
One of your traits has a BOG after, what does BOG stand for?
Yes I am using the ARG for that, though not for ALL of the drow half-elf stuff. Her story is that she's the child of two slaves, one that is half-drow half surface elf, and the other a human. They escaped into the Underdark when the House that owned them was sacked by a rival, and as such Sarazel (her name) grew up first in the underdark, then in the slums of a human city when a party of adventurers found them and (unfortunately) killed her mother. I've got more for her story, but that's the jist of it.
BoG stands for Bastards of Golarion, one of the sourcebooks from Paizo.

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Posting interest for a Half-Elf Ranger. I'm at work right now and don't have my character making stuff with me, but I can post from work as often as I want (since I carry a tablet and phone with me at all times) and I can post on weekends if there is a need.
I'll have the character drawn up before I go to bed tonight.

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack |

Quote:Where does one find the rules for Shadowcasters? I don't see them anywhere in the d20PFSRDShadowcaster is found on the SRD under Paizo archetypes for wizards, while the Shadow school of magic is a subtype of the Illusion school.
Quote:Sukari, are you using the Advanced Races guide for the drow half-elf?
One of your traits has a BOG after, what does BOG stand for?
Yes I am using the ARG for that, though not for ALL of the drow half-elf stuff. Her story is that she's the child of two slaves, one that is half-drow half surface elf, and the other a human. They escaped into the Underdark when the House that owned them was sacked by a rival, and as such Sarazel (her name) grew up first in the underdark, then in the slums of a human city when a party of adventurers found them and (unfortunately) killed her mother. I've got more for her story, but that's the jist of it.
BoG stands for Bastards of Golarion, one of the sourcebooks from Paizo.
If she is from Greyhawk I would have to say that the drow would rather quickly sacrifice a surface elf to Lolth.
I do have Bastards of Golarion.

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack |

Posting interest for a Half-Elf Ranger. I'm at work right now and don't have my character making stuff with me, but I can post from work as often as I want (since I carry a tablet and phone with me at all times) and I can post on weekends if there is a need.
I'll have the character drawn up before I go to bed tonight.

Horus Hightower |

Ok so here's my human dual-cursed life oracle. Most of the crunch is set and is in the profile.
That all changed the night of the fire. Drawn out into the streets along with his fellow tavern patrons by the cries of panic, mug of ale in hand, Horus drifted with the crowd to see what all the commotion was. A rundown poor-house was on fire and number of people had become trapped by the flames. The screams of the children awoke something inside Horus, and before his tankard had shattered on the cobbles after tumbling from nerveless fingers, he was punching our a window and pulling people out. Even as the flames began to lick at him, he kept on working to save those that could be until at last, only the dead remained. By the end, Horus was singed all over, but his hands and arms had taken the worst of it and had become little more than blackened sticks. Nothing the healers could do had any effect of the damage, but as it didn't particularly hurt, Horus didn't mind much.
That day was one of great tragedy for the city. No one could say how many people perished in the flames, but it was more than a few and for some reason their spirits latched onto Horus. Odd things would happen around, door closing on their own, small items being moved when he wasn't looking and then the dreams began. Vague dreams, prodding, goading and nagging him to be more than he was. Horus tried to discount them, but soon after his oracle abilities began to manifest themselves and he could ignore them no more. And so began his wanderings. These days, Horus travels from village to village, helping those in need. Anytime he tries to settle in or take up his old habits, the dreams come back and the spirits get restless.

Sukrai |

She is going to be from the Greyhawk setting, yes. And you're technically right, they are normally quick to sacrifice them... and sometimes to humiliate and mentally destroy them as a means of sadistic malice too. Sarazel's mother is just one of those unfortunate enough to have been born from such a thing, then cast into slavery when she showed as much drow heritage as surfacer. Apparently the drow in question wanted to keep her for more long term tortures and experiments via alchemy and poison use, but things didn't quite work that way due to the attack on their owner's House. Sarazel's knowledge of poison and resistance to it as part of her racial traits stems from what her mother and father passed to her due to their experiences. Sarazel herself was born in the wild underdark while they ran, and lived like that until she was five.

Lux Alexandria |

So I decided to change up what I was submitting. This is Lux, the female human swashbuckler. From what I can tell she's ready.
Female Human Swashbuckler 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +10; Senses Darkvision N/A , low-light vision N/A;
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +0 size, +0 dodge)
HP 14 (1d10+1);
Fort +1 Ref +6, Will +1
Defensive Abilities None; DR None; Resist None; SR None
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +5 (1d6+1/18-20/x2)
Ranged light, crossbow +4 (1d8 /19-20/x2)
Special Attacks None
Spell-Like Abilities None
Spells Known
Str 12 [+1], Dex18 [+4], Con12 [+1], Int9[-1], Wis 12 [+1], Cha16 [+3]
Base Atk +1; CMB+2; CMD15
Feats Toughness, Improved Initiative
Traits Reactionary (+2 to Init checks), Charming (You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.)
Skills Acrobatics [DEX] 8; Bluff [CHA] 7; Perception [WIS] 5;
Racial Modifiers +2 DEX
Languages Common
Combat Gear Studded Leather Armor, Crossbow, Rapier; Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint/Steel, Iron Pot, Mess Kit, Rope, Torches (10), Trail Rations (5 Days), Waterskin
Special Abilities
Human Bonus Feat: Extra feat at first level
Deeds: Swashbucklers spend panache points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the swashbuckler a momentary bonus or effect, but some provide longer-lasting effects.
Panache : At the start of each day, a swashbuckler gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Charisma modifier (minimum 1), though feats and magic items can affect this maximum.
Swashbuckler Finesse: At 1st level, a swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.
Lux was born and raised in the city of Luekish to a wine merchant father and a dressmaker mother. There was never a shortage of money in their household and Lux enjoyed a generally blissful childhood. She’s always been nimble and, as a child, was something of a tomboy. She dashed through the streets of town haphazardly, avoiding injury only because of her reflexes.
Knowing that their daughter wasn’t the brightest, when she grew older her parents asked that she take up some hobby or trade—something that keep her occupied and would possibly help her earn coin for herself upon the event of their death. She chose fencing and exceled at it.
Her parents passed away shortly after her twenty-third birthday in a plague that swept the city. They were pious worshipers of Pelor, which is where her name comes from. Her younger sister, Lucy, is a cleric of Pelor, but Lux doesn’t keep to the faith herself. After her parents’ death she struck out from Luekish selling anything that she couldn’t carry for gold. She traveled to see her sister, but her wanderlust got the best of her and after a month she left the temple too.
Lux makes her way across the countryside latching onto small bands and traveling tropes in an attempt to find a new place to call home.

drbuzzard |

Taking a rough pass at plugging that into the setting, I'm thinking that perhaps her parents were forced to give her up due to commitments to the Harpers and spent her young life in an orphanage as a result. While she bears some personal animosity towards the Harpers as a result, she takes much greater issue with their tendency for "ends justify the means" approach to world-saving.
If this sounds like someone you'd want in the campaign, I can have the crunch up later tonight or tomorrow.
Wrong setting. Harpers are Forgotten Realms, we're talking Greyhawk here.
I'd probably suggest coming from the Shield Lands where constant interaction with the evil empire of Iuz would lead to a rather pragmatic approach to saving the world.

Mekal Magetail |

id like to submit my Gnome Bard for your campaign here is most of his info and the rest is under the alias
Mekal Magetail
Male Gnome Bard
LN Small humanoid
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 untyped)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 20 ft.,
Melee unarmed strike +1 (1d4)
Shortsword +1 (1d4) 19-20 x2
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d4) x3
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Extra Performance
Traits Magical Talent(Summon Instrument),Reactionary
Skills Appraise +5, Diplomacy +8, Perception +6, Perform Pan Flute +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +7 Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth,+2 perception
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ Bardic Performance 13/day

Tom Gendry |

Great, Mekal!
How are we doing for healers?
Golmar Almarch (Fighter)Kouran (Paladin)
Taric of Urnst (Fighter)
Norman (Summoner)
Orannis (Fighter, Unstatted)
Luxanna (Swashbuckler)
AGamer07 (Warpriest, Unstatted)
Sarazel (Sorcerer)
Mekal Magetail (Bard)
Horus Hightower (Oracle)
Tom Gendry (Slayer)

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack |

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack wrote:Great, Mekal!
How are we doing for healers?
Golmar Almarch (Fighter)
Kouran (Paladin)
Taric of Urnst (Fighter)
Norman (Summoner)
Orannis (Fighter, Unstatted)
Luxanna (Swashbuckler)
AGamer07 (Warpriest, Unstatted)Arcane:
Sarazel (Sorcerer)
Mekal Magetail (Bard)Divine:
Horus Hightower (Oracle)Skilled:
Tom Gendry (Slayer)
Have they all been submitted or just I will post later types?

AGamer70 |

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack |

Karazura Rad |

Hello hello! This is Orranis, and this profile Alias is my character submission. Her crunch is on her profile page.
Karazura is 95% done. I'm still browsing deitys to find the perfect fit, and fleshing out the details of her back story.
Her combat mechanics are obvious (hit things with her shield, and later throw her shield at jerks). Her out of combat mechanics are an emphasis on Knowledge (Local) and the ability to act as a backup "face" (or to Aid Another for the primary party face). Beyond that it's a smattering of typically useful skills.
Sorry for the delay, I was finishing up moving the last stuff to my new place!

Dred 'Scythe' Mardock |

Here's a crafty wizard with a knack for picking locks and making traps. If we're going to take down dragons, he might learn how to make siege weapons as well! :)
His background was made for Skulls & Shackles, so I'd prefer to know more about the campaign so I can make the necessary changes to it and his effective personality.

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack |

Here's a crafty wizard with a knack for picking locks and making traps. If we're going to take down dragons, he might learn how to make siege weapons as well! :)
His background was made for Skulls & Shackles, so I'd prefer to know more about the campaign so I can make the necessary changes to it and his effective personality.
I believe that most of the campaign information is on the 1st page.

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Sorry it took so long...work this week was a killer.
Male Half-Elf Ninja 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 13)
LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee wakizashi +3 (1d6+1/18-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
Traits criminal, elven reflexes
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +5, Disable Device +8, Disguise +5, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +12, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven
SQ elf blood, poison use
Other Gear leather armor, wakizashi, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, canteen, mess kit, hemp rope (50 ft.), shinobi shozoku, thieves' tools, 18 gp, 7 sp
Special Abilities
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Poison Use You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Peya was taken by Brotherhood slaver when his was just a baby. What happened to his parents, and where he was born have long since disappeared.
He was trained by the Scarlet Brotherhood as an assassin, but a very special one. He was to infiltrate other monastic orders and work from within to destroy them. Well this seemed to be a good idea, they did not count on Peya's innate goodness.
Once he had entered the monk's temple, he began to learn more about them, and decided that the training and stories the Brotherhood had told him were all lies. He embraced his new brothers and their philosophy wholeheartedly. However the Brotherhood attacked the temple before he could get far into his new teachings, and he was forced to flee, with the Scarlet Brotherhoods' curses ringing in his ears.
He now wonders the land, attempting to learn from the lost lore of his adopted brothers from the few scrolls he was able to save from the sacking of the temple.

KakkarottoZ |

Human Ranger 1
Track: +1
Wild Empathy: +1
[spoiler=Feats] Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash, Dodge
Scorned by magic
Craft (Int)
Handle Animal (Cha)1+3+1=5
Heal (Wis)
Intimidate (Cha)1+3=4
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)
Knowledge (geography) (Int)
Knowledge (nature) (Int)
Perception (Wis)1+3+1=5
Profession (Wis)
Ride (Dex)1+3+2=6
Spellcraft (Int)
Stealth (Dex)1+3+2=6
Survival (Wis)1+3+1=5
Swim (Str)
Once he left Hardby, Orik found time to develop the weapon and hunting skills he had learned when he was ordered out to find food for his mother and two older sisters, eventually finding work as a caravan guard running from The City of Greyhawk to Diamond Lake and back. He worked there for two years, eventually leaving because he was sick of it. Now he is wandering about, trying to find something that interests him. He heard from a priest of some god or another that dragon cultists were trying to make a move of some sort, and that has piqued his interest for the time being. He wouldn’t call himself a hero or nothin’, mind, but he has a liking for his cities and hamlets when he gets to them, and dragons have a tendency to wipe them out or subjugating them. This Queen of Evil Dragons sounds like exactly the sort of person that would upset his current life, but not in the ways he would like.
Orik is dour-faced and glum, making him quite plain-looking despite his large, muscular figure, rare grey eyes and red hair hanging loosely about his shoulders unless it’s tied with a bit of string. He has a dark layer of stubble spread unevenly around his face, the result of shaving with a sword or a knife in the field every day. He is a man of simple tastes. He goes into the wilderness to earn money to come back to civilization and find creature comforts. He’s searching for something more, though. He feels that he isn’t really happy despite his vocal protests if pressed about such things, and thus is searching for any excuse out of the rut he has fallen into.

AGamer70 |

AGamer70 wrote:You will need a god.Here's the basics of my warpriest. I'll have to finish my background and some details. I was thinking his mining village was attacked by a red dragon as a child, which left him with burns, so he has a vendetta against dragons.
Added. Having trouble finding an appropriate map for locations to build a background.
I will finalize equipment and create an alias if picked.

Merick the Blue |

Here's what I think is a final list, if it will be helpful:
Kouran - Male Human Paladin
Tarik - Male Human Fighter (going into Alchemist)
Normal - Male Gnome Summoner
Lux - Female Human Swashbuckler
Shae Oakenshield - Male Dwarven Warpriest
Karazura Rad - Female Half-Orc Brawler
Horus Hightower - Male Human Dual-Cursed Oracle
Merick the Blue - Male Human Cleric of Heironeous
Dran Yslander - Male Elven Wizard
Sukrai - Female Half-Elven Shadowcaster
Tom Gendry - Male Half-Elven Slayer
Mekal - Male Gnome Bard
Peya - Male Half-Elven Ninja
Kakkarottoz - Human Ranger

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack |

Sorry this took so long but there were a some really great entries.
Final Choices:
Karazura Rad
Tom Gendry
Thank you all for your submissions.
For those who were chosen go ahead and start posting in the threads.
I will post one of my characters and would ask that you compile your information like in her profile.