Edinoiz |

Hi there! If interest is still open I'd like to pitch a character.
It would start out as a Tetori Monk and then gain a 3rd party character class (if permissible) upon gestalt: Dreamscarred Press's Soulknife (and preferably with its Deadly Fist archetype).
The idea is to lock down enemies for the rest of the party and grapple-into-beatdown ALL THE DEMONS!!!

Ash.. |

When is recruitment going to end?
Edward Sobel wrote:Gm has been silent for 8 days now. Starting to think this is done.It is not done, but I have been out of town for a while. I finally found time to post. I can definitively say that things will be back to normal for me one week from today. Please do not lose interest while I am gone.
Let assume recruitment will close Saturday since Sam is out of pocket at the moment.

miteke |

I'd like to offer Dances with Fire
A N/G Male Elf Arcanist(Blade Adept) Swashbuckler(Dervish or Inspired or Guiding - not sure which)
The concept is that he starts out as an arcanist and gets his Sentient Sword though the archetype. That actually sounds like fun since it will not be in a PFS game and a steady GM would give it personality! The Blade then starts to teach him how to be a Swashbuckler which will take place when the gestalt kicks in.
He is an explorer of places and ideas, constantly looking for the new thing. Charasmatic and light-hearted, he makes his living travelling and making maps. He worships Desna, though is one of those worshipers that forgets about her until the crap hits the fan.
Str 10, +0 (10[race] +0[0 points spent])
Dex 17, +3 (12[race] +5[7 points spent]6)
Con 11, +0 (8[race] +3[3 points spent])
Int 18, +4 (12[race] +6[10 points spent])
Wis 10, +0 (10[race] +0[0 points spent])
Cha 14, +2 (10[race] +4[5 points spent])
Skill ranks
Craft Maps
Knowledge Geography
Feats and Exploits: Toughness, No exploit :(

ScegfOd |

I suppose I'm probably too late, but I kind of want to play a ranger/wizard.
Starts out as a ranger that has claws because he joined a wizard's experiment, gestalts to a ranger (shapeshifter)/wizard (transmuter) in his quest for power and immortality...
Or maybe he was a victim of a mad alchemist and wants to become fully human again, but settles for being more than human somewhere along the way; I haven't decided xD
I think I have some half done crunch somewhere too...

ScegfOd |

I just realized that I wouldn't get claws 'till level two, so I'll go the power hungry route; probably Lawful Neutral would be appropriate...
Also I'll hurry up fluff production with the power of the RNG:
step 1:
homeland: 1d100 ⇒ 19
parents: 1d100 ⇒ 75
siblings: 1d100 ⇒ 12
circumstances of birth: 1d100 ⇒ 28
major childhood event: 1d100 ⇒ 38
step 2:
class background: 1d100 ⇒ 96
influential associates: 1d100 ⇒ 50
step 3:
conflict: 1d12 ⇒ 11
conflict subject: 1d20 ⇒ 15
conflict motivation: 1d8 ⇒ 2

Castle Blades |

Kev'non Barrintor:
Maverick Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger/Sorcerer, Bard, or Oracle
Dex:20(18+2 for being a drow)
Con:10(12-2 drow)
Cha: 18(16+2 drow)
Skill Ranks:
Sleight of Hand
Gunsmithing(From Gunslinger) and Weapon Focus(Musket or Pistol not sure yet)
Lawful Good
Being a man in a civilization dominated by women, you often find strange ways to get to the top. This is where the story of Kev'non begins. Born into a drow household as the last child brought the family two disappointments, one he was a male, and second he did not have any magical abilities beyond that of a normal drow, not even any arcane abilities. Due to his circumstances Kev'non was sent to be a mere soldier, but even there he was tormented by the drow of lesser houses. As the surface phrase goes, Desperate Times calls for Desperate measures. One day Kev headed to a group of rogue drow, one of which was said to have great power, Kev went to him begging for a way to be better accepted. Three days later he awoke in a body that he did not recognize, the body of a drow woman. Horrified by the experience they fled and went into the depths of the underdark. After years there they found the surface and quickly learned the disdain that the surfacers show drow. Though soon they met an older man named Malvoleus that showed them a different way, he was a weapon merchant selling something called firearms. He took pity on the drow that did not seem to home on the surface or their own body. He quickly trained Kev in the ways of the gun. In time Malvoleus died and Kev took his remaining guns and headed out to show the world that not all drow are evil.

miteke |

I'd like to offer Dances with Fire
A N/G Male Elf Arcanist(Blade Adept) Swashbuckler(Dervish or Inspired or Guiding - not sure which)
The concept is that he starts out as an arcanist and gets his Sentient Sword though the archetype. That actually sounds like fun since it will not be in a PFS game and a steady GM would give it personality! The Blade then starts to teach him how to be a Swashbuckler which will take place when the gestalt kicks in.
He is an explorer of places and ideas, constantly looking for the new thing. Charasmatic and light-hearted, he makes his living travelling and making maps. He worships Desna, though is one of those worshipers that forgets about her until the crap hits the fan.
** spoiler omitted **
Forgot his traits:

GM Sam |

Okay. I have 6 characters that I will probably use. However, I realize that there are some questions about availability of material that I have forgotten to answer. Just to clarify, Path of War is fine; anything to do with psionics is not. If anyone has to make any adjustments, I will give them about a day to get back to me.

Edmund Ollivero |

Here is my submission.
I still need to do some tweaking, but it is done for the most part.
The character venerates Nethys but has yet to attempt petitioning the clergy. This is when the Gestalt kicks in he will go cleric. I was thinking of doing the old fashion 3 levels cleric 3 levels mage and the the gestalt part would be the Mystic Theurge..not sure if the GM would allow that as it would make him a 3 wizard/ 3 Cleric/ 6 Mystic Theurge. Which would make him a caster level of 9 wizard and 9 cleric, pretty nasty combo. Now if the GM Sam is cool with that I will be happy to go that direction.
Thanks for the consideration

ScegfOd |

Darn, I didn't find time to think through his fluff properly yet, but I have notes and the start of Greg's backstory.
In summary: Greg grows up poor and power hungry, he gets into some naughty shennanigans and meets an evil outsider, and he gets saved by some good guys; now he goes demon hunting (for revenge) and looking for magic power
Crunch wise he'd start as a ranger and become a ranger/wizard.
He'll split his time between battlefield control, turning himself/allies into something big and scary, and hitting people (after turning himself into something big and scary).

GM Sam |

Here is my submission.
I still need to do some tweaking, but it is done for the most part.
The character venerates Nethys but has yet to attempt petitioning the clergy. This is when the Gestalt kicks in he will go cleric. I was thinking of doing the old fashion 3 levels cleric 3 levels mage and the the gestalt part would be the Mystic Theurge..not sure if the GM would allow that as it would make him a 3 wizard/ 3 Cleric/ 6 Mystic Theurge. Which would make him a caster level of 9 wizard and 9 cleric, pretty nasty combo. Now if the GM Sam is cool with that I will be happy to go that direction.
Thanks for the consideration
I will allow this, but I will house-rule that no prestige class can allow you to have a caster level higher than you Hit Dice.

TheBobJones |

Edmund Ollivero wrote:I will allow this, but I will house-rule that no prestige class can allow you to have a caster level higher than you Hit Dice.Here is my submission.
I still need to do some tweaking, but it is done for the most part.
The character venerates Nethys but has yet to attempt petitioning the clergy. This is when the Gestalt kicks in he will go cleric. I was thinking of doing the old fashion 3 levels cleric 3 levels mage and the the gestalt part would be the Mystic Theurge..not sure if the GM would allow that as it would make him a 3 wizard/ 3 Cleric/ 6 Mystic Theurge. Which would make him a caster level of 9 wizard and 9 cleric, pretty nasty combo. Now if the GM Sam is cool with that I will be happy to go that direction.
Thanks for the consideration
Totally up to the GM in this but what I have seen is that PC that give full class progression become the only levels you progress in. So once you reach MT you no longer progress as Wizard/Cleric but only MT. I have seen that with Eldrich Knight too.

GM Sam |

GM Sam wrote:Totally up to the GM in this but what I have seen is that PC that give full class progression become the only levels you progress in. So once you reach MT you no longer progress as Wizard/Cleric but only MT. I have seen that with Eldrich Knight too.Edmund Ollivero wrote:I will allow this, but I will house-rule that no prestige class can allow you to have a caster level higher than you Hit Dice.Here is my submission.
I still need to do some tweaking, but it is done for the most part.
The character venerates Nethys but has yet to attempt petitioning the clergy. This is when the Gestalt kicks in he will go cleric. I was thinking of doing the old fashion 3 levels cleric 3 levels mage and the the gestalt part would be the Mystic Theurge..not sure if the GM would allow that as it would make him a 3 wizard/ 3 Cleric/ 6 Mystic Theurge. Which would make him a caster level of 9 wizard and 9 cleric, pretty nasty combo. Now if the GM Sam is cool with that I will be happy to go that direction.
Thanks for the consideration
I have no idea what happens with gestalt and prestige classes. I am willing to make some house rules to make it work though, if necessary.

GM Sam |

Okay, here is my list. For those who did not get picked, I apologize. Those who did get picked, please report to the discussion thread. Also, I will keep a list of backups in case someone drops out.
** spoiler omitted **
Okay, actually making a discussion thread would have been helpful; I should do that.