Rigel Kentaurus |

tbh, the character is amazing, and I still have like 30pp to do something with. PL is PL ... and it's actually specifically a 'thing' that rings only function at the Will Level of the user, so, 8 it is. INCOMPLETE.
Rigel - PL 8
Strength -2, Stamina 0, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 2, Presence 6
Attractive 2, Benefit, Wealth 3 (millionare), Extraordinary Effort, Fearless, Teamwork, Ultimate Effort: WILL, Untapped Potential
Blue Power Ring (Removable)
. . 1 A.I. and BL Database Access: Feature 2
. . 2 Communication Link: to Central Power Battery: Senses 1 (Communication Link: Choose Medium)
. . 3 Force Manipulation
. . . . 1 Move Object: Move Object 8 ([0 active, 0/20 PP, 2/r], 6 tons)
. . . . 2 Force Blast: Damage 7 ([0 active, 0/20 PP, 2/r], DC 22; Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . 3 Light of Hope: Healing 7 ([0 active, 0/20 PP, 2/r])
. . . . 4 Blue Light: Environment 7 ([0 active, 0/20 PP, 1/2r], force, life force, light, Radius: 1800 feet)
. . . . 5 Ring Flight: Flight 10 ([0 active, 0/20 PP, 2/r], Speed: 2000 miles/hour, 4 miles/round)
. . . . 6 Force Constructs: Create 6 ([0 active, 0/20 PP, 1/r], force, life, light, Volume: 60 cft., DC 16; Feedback)
. . 4 Force Field (Removable)
. . . . Immunity: Immunity 10 (Life Support)
. . . . Protection: Protection 8 (+8 Toughness)
. . 5 Quick Change: Feature 1 (morphic)
. . 6 Scanning Beam: Senses 21 (Acute (Type): Auditory, Acute (Type): Visual, Analytical (Type): Auditory, Analytical (Type): Visual, Analytical (Type): Chemical, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 4: atom-size, Penetrates Concealment: Visual, Ultra-hearing, Ultravision)
Initiative +2
1 Move Object: Move Object 8, +2 (DC 18)
2 Force Blast: Damage 7, +2 (DC 22)
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 8)
Throw, +2 (DC 13)
Unarmed, +0 (DC 13)
English (East Coast)
Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 4, Toughness 8, Will 8
Power Points
Abilities 20 + Powers 45 + Advantages 10 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 16 = 91
Validation: Complications: At least 2 Complications are required

![]() |

Here, I would like to submit a different hero for consideration instead of the other one I had previously.
Intellect -1, Awareness 3, Presence 2
Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Chokehold, Defensive Attack, Evasion,
Improved Initiative, Instant Up, Languages 1, Move-by Action,
Power Attack, Takedown, Tracking
Acrobatics 4 (+12), Athletics 2 (+8), Close Combat: Claws:
Damage 4 2 (+10), Expertise: Crime 2 (+1), Intimidation 2 (+4),
Perception 4 (+7), Stealth 4 (+12)
Animalistic Mind: Enhanced Trait 4 (Traits: Will +4 (+7))
Cat-like Agility: Leaping 2 (Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour)
Claws: Damage 4 (DC 19; Split: 2 targets)
Feline Prowess: Movement 4 (Sure-footed 2, Wall-crawling 2:
full speed)
Feral Senses: Senses 6 (Acute (Type): Scent, Extended: Scent
1: x10, Extended: Hearing 1: x10, Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing)
Speed of a Puma: Speed 4 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500
Tail: Feature 1
Initiative +12
Claws: Damage 4, +10 (DC 19)
Grab, +8 (DC Spec 16)
Throw, +2 (DC 21)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 21)
Monstrous: Slitted eyes and feral look, Carmen Alvarez, La Puma
Negra is a strange mix of cat creature and human. Elf like
caters sprout from her head of long curly black hair in place of
normal Human ears.
Motivation: Responsibility: A juvenile delinquent even before,
Carmen sees being a hero, or at least trying to be as a way to set
her life back to before she took on the family curse. If she can
make something out of this, is that she can find redemption for
some of her later deeds before being apprehended.
Temper: Constantly fighting her more animalistic side, Carmen is
somewhat of a wild spirit, easily getting frustrated when
things don't turn out her way. She is usually able to suppress it
publicly but make speak in a rather aggressive manner.
Weakness: Sound based attacks can have a serious effect
against her.
Spanish, English
Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 6, Toughness 6, Will 7/3
Power Points
Abilities 68 + Powers 30 + Advantages 12 + Skills 10 (20 ranks)
+ Defenses 0 = 120
At the age of fifteen, her true nature would emerge, and the shock of the event would lead to a young Carmen running from home, never to return again. During this period of wandering, Carmen was constantly on the run from the law, having gotten in with far less savory elements of society. Here however she felt free, letting herself go wild from her instincts often taking over. A group of other outcasts around the DC area that had coalesced together to survive.
This would be stopped when she was enlisted to help in a bank robbery for her peculiar skill set. This would have her stumble upon the likes of Wonder Woman, already used to a similar feline like foe. Carmen would be abandoned by her supposed friends and left to fend for herself in a losing battle against the Amazon. Beaten by the Leauger, she was taken pity for, seen as simply just a child trying to find a home. After a small recovery period, she was sponsored by to be rehabilitated. What that meant she didn't know.

Rigel Kentaurus |

oh you are recruiting. guess i should have asked lol.
@Rigel i am a fan of blue on what should be called the "Motivational" rather than "Emotional" spectrum.
The Guardians & the Ring Corps are some of the best stories in DC I think. I need to do the rest of Rigel's backstory, but he is going to represent a multi-verse level "anomaly" -- he materialized his own ring. Something which should be totally impossible, and that like the Quintessence would be watching. LOL and the Blue Lantern Corps should be thrilled AND freaked out.

Rigel Kentaurus |

Looks good, BlackoCatto. Shaping up nicely, Rigel. Dr. Kekyll, you are more than welcome to join us.
If you would believe it, I had to do a whole rebuild of HeroLab, which will include re-entering Rigel. Anything the group need? I went a little crazy on the scanning ray, not sure whay else we would want.

Rigel Kentaurus |

Nothing comes to mind...although it would be nice if there was someone other than myself who could pilot the Javelin.
VEHICLE - 2 Ranks, added (I made Rigel a little less Intimidating)
Good thought too, I'm adding it to his background.
He's a natural flier.
Anything else?

Kazmanaught |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If you're still taking people in, I just finished a sheet! I made a dream inspired character, but I'm still pretty new at this whole M&M thing, so I'd really appreciate any and all feedback! There's also some inspiration from one of my old pathfinder characters in there, a faceless enforcer vigilante.
The Gaunt Helm AKA Tabula Rasa, AKA the new Sandman
Power Level 8, 120 points
Strength: 0, Stamina 6[12], Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Awareness 4[8], Presence 4[8]
Dodge: 0+10=10[10]
Parry: 0
Toughness: 6
Fortitude: 6
Will: 5+5=10 [5]
Ranged attack (Soothing Sands): +8[4]
Deception 4+6=10[3]
Insight 4
Imtimidation 4+14=18[7]
Perception 4
Fearless [1]
The Tools of the Trade Array: Easily Removable(-12)
-Soothing Sands: Cumulative Concentration Sleep(8 ranks), Affects insubstantial: 4/ranks +2 [34(22]]
-Dream made flesh: Illusion(5) all senses, independant affects insubstantial: 6/rank +2
Have you ever dreamed of flying?: Flight 1 [2]
Thoughts can never die: Immortality 5 [10]
Meeting of the minds & Do Androids dream?: Language 8, can understand any language, when speaking, any can understand, can read any language, can speak to and understand animals and machines[16]
Mental Master Array
Effortless knowledge: Mind reading(8) Subtle, cumulative, concentration, distracting 1/rank +2[10]
Implacable communication: Communication Telepathy 1 Rapid, subtle 2 [9]
Rend thought: Ranged damage 8 limited(only sleeping targets) 1/rank [10]
The Gaunt Helm dresses very similarly to the Phantom Stranger. Due to the strange, featureless skintight helmet he wears, made of a mysterious taupe metal, he gives off a vaguely menacing aura. The monotone voice that he speaks in is slightly modulated, and hard to determine exactly what qualities it has to it. No skin shows anywhere on his costume, in fact people merely assume that the Gaunt Helm is in fact, a him. Also known as Tabula Rasa in mystic circles due to the blank helmet that is the Gaunt Helm's face, not much is publically known about the hero.
But where did the Gaunt Helm come from? Schollars of the arcane will tell you that a helmeted figure of vengence, similar to spectre has occasionally appeared throughout history, during times of particular unrest, bonding to a host, and imbuing them with the collected power from across generations. The last appearance of the helmet was in midevial times, in which after spending several years beating back a demonic invasion, it became unhinged after the threat was distroyed, going after even the smallest infractions of the law with extreme predjudice. Disheartened, it's previous allies banished it back to where it had come from, the land of dreams.
For the Gaunt Helm is not just a man, or an artifact but in fact a nightmare, escaped from the land of the Dream Lord. It is the nightmare of criminals, but it has been tempered over the years. In the past being nothing more than a one track minded automoton of violence, the Gaunt Helm has gained nuance, subtlety, and the faintest glimmer of compassion. The current wearer of the helm was a detective, shot and on the brink of death. In the past, the Tabula Rasa would have completely overwritten the man's personality, leaving only the burning desire for justice. However, this time, it merged, fused, became something more. There are glimmers of the man that Detective Crazwick used to be, favored paintings, a desire to protect instead of merely destroy, and perhaps most tellingly, a genuine appreciation for good partners.
Armed with a small portion of the Dream Lord's sand, the Tabula Rasa took on the mantle of the Gaunt Helm. Many have noticed his similarity to other heros, but the resemblance to the hero known as the Sandman have lead some to beleive that Detective Crazwick may have been related to the man in some way.

Rigel Kentaurus |

Strength -2, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 1, Presence 5
Attractive 2, Beginner's Luck, Benefit, Cipher 2, Benefit, Wealth 4 (multimillionare), Equipment 3, Extraordinary Effort, Fearless, Ranged Attack 5, Ultimate Effort: WILL, Untapped Potential
Deception 2 (+7), Intimidation 2 (+7), Persuasion 2 (+7), Vehicles 2 (+4)
Blue Ring of Power (Removable)
. . 1 A.I. and Blue Lantern Database Access: Feature 2 (extradimensional, force, life, light)
. . 2 Communication Link: to Central Power Battery: Senses 1 (extradimensional, force, life, light, Communication Link: Subspace)
. . 3 Force Manipulation
. . . . 1 Telekinesis: Move Object 8 ([0 active, 0/24 PP, 3/r], force, light, 6 tons; Increased Range: perception)
. . . . 2 Force Blast: Damage 8 ([0 active, 0/24 PP, 2/r], force, light, DC 23; Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . 3 Light of Hope: Healing 7 ([0 active, 0/24 PP, 2/r], force, life, light)
. . . . 4 Light of Rigel: Environment 7 ([0 active, 0/24 PP, 2/r], force, life, light, Light (Bright), Radius: 1800 feet)
. . . . 5 Moveable Force Contructs: Create 7 ([0 active, 0/24 PP, 3/r], force, light, Volume: 125 cft., DC 17; Movable)
. . . . 6 Ring Flight: Flight 8 ([0 active, 0/24 PP, 2/r], Speed: 500 miles/hour, 1 mile/round)
. . 4 Force Field (Removable)
. . . . Immunity: Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep)
. . . . Protection: Protection 6 (+6 Toughness)
. . 5 Quick Change: Feature 1
. . 6 Scanning Beam: Senses 20 (Acute (Type): VISUAL, Acute (Type): AUDITORY, Analytical (Type): VISUAL, Analytical (Type): AUDITORY, Analytical (Type): CHEMICAL, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 3: molecule-size, Penetrates Concealment: VISUAL, Ultra-hearing, Ultravision)
. . 7 Universal Translator: Comprehend 4 (Languages - Read All, Languages - Speak All, Languages - Understand All, Languages - You're Understood)
Psychokinesis: Move Object 2 (200 lbs.; Increased Range: perception)
Light Pistol, Light Pistol
Initiative +2
1 Telekinesis: Move Object 8 (DC 18)
2 Force Blast: Damage 8, +7 (DC 23)
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 8)
Light Pistol, +7 (DC 18)
Light Pistol, +7 (DC 18)
Psychokinesis: Move Object 2 (DC 12)
Throw, +7 (DC 13)
Unarmed, +0 (DC 13)
Power Loss: The power ring needs periodic recharging and issues a warning as its power runs low.
Weakness: The power ring's FORCE MANIPULATION ARRAY is limited to ranks no greater than the wearer's WILL rank, lowering the ring's overall cost for the wielder.
Native Language
Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 4, Toughness 8, Will 8
Power Points
Abilities 20 + Powers 60 + Advantages 21 + Skills 4 (8 ranks) + Defenses 15 = 120
It was a strange morning. He had a photo shoot. He had shredded for weeks. He must be dehydrated though … weird blue rings don’t talk to you. He wasn’t sure electrolytes, caffeine, and ibuprofen were going to fix the headache either.
and then things started to happen ...

Kazmanaught |

Gaunt Helm quotes:
"Bound, Beaten, Broken, Banished, Betrayed, I've done it all before and I'd do it all again."
"I've spent eternities repeating the same hopeless task. Do you think your patience exceeds mine?"
"Beware Dreaming. You never know what might crawl it's way into this world through your nightmares."
"The man in the helm does not want to die. And the helm wants to bring about absolute justice. Their uneasy union made me."
"Do I fear death? Part of me will live on in the next incarnation of the helm. I am but a temporary consciousness, born of two powerful wills. Every moment is a gift."

Rigel Kentaurus |

Strength -2, Stamina 3, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 2, Presence 4
Attractive 2, Beginner's Luck, Benefit, Wealth 3 (millionare), Benefit: Forgotten in spite of no disguise, Extraordinary Effort, Ranged Attack 5
Deception 1 (+5), Expertise: Python / Machine Learning 5 (+5), Intimidation 2 (+6), Persuasion 2 (+6)
Alternate Form (Energy) (Activation: Free Action)
. . Immunity: Immunity 10 (Life Support)
. . Insubstantial: Insubstantial 3 (Energy)
. . Teleport: Teleport 1 (60 feet in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.)
Metatomic Restructuring
. . Blast: Damage 6 ([0 active, 8/22 PP, 2/r], DC 21; Increased Range: ranged)
. . Flight: Flight 9 ([0 active, 8/22 PP, 2/r], Speed: 1000 miles/hour, 2 miles/round)
. . Psychokinesis: Move Object 6 ([0 active, 8/22 PP, 2/r], 3200 lbs.)
. . Total Self-Healing: Healing 3 ([1 active, 8/22 PP, 7/r+1]; Energizing, Persistent, Reaction 3: reaction, Restorative, Resurrection; Custom: Self Only)
Initiative +0
Blast: Damage 6, +5 (DC 21)
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 8)
Psychokinesis: Move Object 6, +5 (DC 16)
Throw, +5 (DC 13)
Unarmed, +0 (DC 13)
Native Language
Dodge 1, Parry 1, Fortitude 3, Toughness 3, Will 2
Power Points
Abilities 14 + Powers 56 + Advantages 13 + Skills 5 (10 ranks) + Defenses 2 = 90
There are times that you don't actually choose to be the Paris, but your last name is still Hilton, right?. So what do you do, text your father and say "you're too busy" to be the face of his billion dollar publicity stunt? Yeah no, it doesn't work that way ...
(and when it all goes to hell, at least you got powers out of it)
The Launch of the Kent Foundation Partical Inversion Accelerator was meant to be an extraordinary gift: mostly to science, but largely to the Kent Enterprises PR Team. It was meant to be a crowning achievement, not a disaster.
It turned out to be a disaster. Not a total disaster: all press is good press, right? The company was in the spotlight for sure, and the investigations and recovery were just as powerful for science as the lab itself would be. Having found each other as the only survivors of the press junket that morning, neither Rigel or his friend Olene could understand who would have sabotaged them ...

Rigel Kentaurus |

Leon 'the Paper' Moore |

Leon 'the Paper' Moore wrote:and did he go to Claremont?I actually joined a php forum last year that’s still using 2ed with a few house rules.
I recreated Leon as a teenager. :p
Yes. Actually he is a junior right now. :D
His roommate can transform into a dragon.Edit: Here’s the site:

Rigel Kentaurus |

Rigel Kentaurus wrote:Leon 'the Paper' Moore wrote:and did he go to Claremont?I actually joined a php forum last year that’s still using 2ed with a few house rules.
I recreated Leon as a teenager. :pYes. Actually he is a junior right now. :D
His roommate can transform into a dragon.Edit: Here’s the site: ** spoiler omitted **
jajajajajaja I was teasing, I know it well.
I have it in my Discord tooLOL - I have been working on a character for what seems like forever; just can't pin down what I want well enough.
When I get my Hawkboy respec finished, I may re-respec it for F-City.
Kind of a Wolverine meets Thanagar concept called: RAPTOR