GM Valen |

This is my recruitment thread for a standard run of as many PFS Quests: The Silverhex Chronicles that can be completed before Gameday, August 13th - (hoping for at least 4, if folks stick to post-rate below).
I encourage role-playing and thoughtful descriptions in my games. Nevertheless, I am planning to run this as a quick-paced game.
Game Expectations
I ask for a posting rate of a minimum of 1-3 times per day during the business week and 1-2 times over the weekend, though I realize (and expect) that real life can get in the way of fun at times and that not all players will be able to meet that pace. I expect folks to occassionally be unavailable for a period of time. If I know that I will be unavailable for some reason for more than 24 hours (or 48 over a weekend), I will post such. I request and expect all players to do the same.
I will bot players who do not post anything within a 24 hour period and will request each player have botting instructions in place before the end of the first briefing.
Although there will be opportunities for role-play, expect things to move quickly. I will likely use GM rolls for Initiative, Perception, and a number of other checks. Expect players rolls to primarily be limited to combat.
Start Date
Presently looking at Tuesday, July 17, 2018 or as soon thereafter as I have three players.
Number of Players
Up to 6 (Note: I am also running a CORE table of the quests (PCs that play it can then be converted to standard and rebuilt before reaching 2nd level). That being said, I will consider running a second table of standard if there is sufficient interest.
How Do I Get a Spot?
I will hold a seat for each of the following until July 17th:
Gummy Bear
Rick (although credit cannot be applied to a level 2 character)(sorry)
Otherwise, seats are first-posted, first-seated.
Will You Go Back and Run the Quests that Aren't Completed Before Gameday?
Yes, if there is interest, but most likely not until after Gameday concludes, around mid-November.
Still Interested?
Great! If this game sounds like something you'd be interested in, go ahead and post here with your responses to the following:
1) Player name:
2) Character name:
3) PFS#-Character#:
4) Faction:
5) Day Job:
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle:

GM Valen |

Okay, folks! Welcome and thanks for your interest.
I will be running two tables, six each, which is one more than I had initially planned. I am also running a table in CORE. To help make this easier on me (and hopefully go more smoothly for you, as well), I ask the following:
1) Players agree to do the Quests in written order (rather than choosing an order among the PCs);
2) Tables divide up roughly along anticipated posting time/time zones (I think it will make things easier for the PCs to coordinate actions and for me to better GM each table separately).
3) Please be a bit forgiving if I fall behind on my own expected posting rate (which is above).
Start time is still, at present, sometime on Tuesday July 17th. Before, then, I ask that you please do the following:
a) make sure your PC stat block is current with current HP, AC, Saves, Initiative modifier, and Perception modifier visible with each post. It will save me time and, thus, we can complete more of the quests before Gameday.
b) include botting instructions with your profile (I prefer not to have to use them, but will if I think it necessary to keep things moving [general rule, being I will bot you if no post since the last prompt for action from your PC or the group as a whole]).
c) identify your anticipated time of weekday posting, which I will use this info mainly to help put together tables, but it also helps me to know when a post may be expected, which can help the game move along faster.
d) identify any planned period of unavailability of more than 24 hours (vacations, holidays, conventions, etc.) I will anticipate being unavailable July 27-30. If multiple players have conflicts at the same time, I will likely put them at the same table.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and I look forward to gaming with you all!

GM Valen |

@Valen: since I'm already playing on other tables, if we have people on a wait list that aren't playing anywhere, I wouldn't mind that they play replacing me :)
That is kind of you, T'Shar. At present, we only have someone on the wait list if Rick claims the reserve spot. We have a few days to work things out.

GM Valen |

Table assignments have been made. I have tried to make the division primarily by class in an effort to get a rounded table and then, to a lesser extent, by anticipated posting times.
Kenji Haru
Pelagos Sing
Blooming Flower
Shenendril al-Ranginori
Please post in the Gameplay thread here:
And agents:
Omero Tegus
Waddy of the Waddykins
Please post in the Gameplay thread here:
Our start date remains set for sometime on Tuesday, July 17th.