GM Rat King's Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master LAB Rat

Angels, demons, and mortals! Oh, my!

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Grand Lodge

Scratch my earlier post, take 5

new new backstory with minor tweaks:

Tért Snàkoo (or Turt Snacko to his human friends) was a strange child to his clutch, mostly because of the fact that he is human and not a nagaji. being the only human in a entire tribe would probably have some negative effects on a child’s mind, but not Turt‘s, to him the nagaji were all he could ever ask for. But just because Turt was happy with being there does not mean that he was accepted by everyone. While training, Turt was kidnapped and thrown into the Worldwound by a group of nagaji who hated humans. Turt's was quickly set upon by cultist who beat the boy into submission and took him as a subject for a ritual of some kind, but they made a mistake and instead of the ritual corrupting Turt, it empowered him.

He then escaped and wandered the wasteland for 6 months, hunting and killing lesser demons for food and drinking from the corrupted water, not knowing the ritual was the reason he could do this and not get corrupted. He was found by a Ranger named fox and brought to Kenebras, where he was imprisoned at age 14 for 5 years by members of the crusade who thought him corrupted, he would have instead be put to death had fox not argued on his behalf . He was set free the day of the festival and was given new gear as a apology. Finally free of chains Turt is eager to see his home again, but is curious to see what this...festival, has to offer

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This may throw off the way that some of you are building your characters at the moment, and for that I apologize. That said, it should make some lives significantly easier for the feat-starved classes. So hopefully nobody will hate me for it. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I really prefer this style of play. Maybe you all will, too.

We will be using the feat fixes in this campaign that can be found here.

Yay! I love those changes but no one ever uses them. Now my character can actually defend themselves in melee and potentially even dissuade people! (Non melee based alchemist, now I can at least do some basic damage)

One question:
Grenadier alchemists get proficiency in one weapon. Would you rule this to be one weapon type (even if it's reduced from normal), like "Light Martial Polearms" or "One-Handed Martial Blades" or something?

It doesn't apply to my character, but I think it's a great idea. It will make things much easier for feat starved builds, though others might be wondering what to pick up instead as there aren't that many good feats to chose from for a fighter not using combat maneuvers for example. It does pose a problem for stuff like rangers that usually get specific feats. Of course for both ranger and fighter already having the feats is a good problem to have. Will unchained rogues/swashbucklers get anything extra to compensate for the replaced finesse? (Though swashbuckler is somewhat different from the standard finesse already).

GM Rat King wrote:

This may throw off the way that some of you are building your characters at the moment, and for that I apologize. That said, it should make some lives significantly easier for the feat-starved classes. So hopefully nobody will hate me for it. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I really prefer this style of play. Maybe you all will, too.

We will be using the feat fixes in this campaign that can be found here.

Huh, interesting. I'll revise Therrik to take advantage of that instead of Power Attack.


This is my finished submission for Goldwen Unduval, Elven Arcanist (Occultist).

As mentioned before he would be going for the Archmage path. Everything should be on the profile as well as a link to Mythweavers for any cross-checking if desired.

Good luck to everyone!

Well count me out.

Silver Crusade

GM Rat King wrote:

This may throw off the way that some of you are building your characters at the moment, and for that I apologize. That said, it should make some lives significantly easier for the feat-starved classes. So hopefully nobody will hate me for it. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I really prefer this style of play. Maybe you all will, too.

We will be using the feat fixes in this campaign that can be found here.

*Pencils in Cleave over Power Attack*

I've played by these before; you'll hear no complaints here...unless you feel like sending 20 orcs in one encounter at us at level 2, all with Power Attack, Ferocity, and a scary amount of Falchions Giantslayer, man. I still have nightmares.

Alrighty; I think I'm done tweaking for the most part. Might continue to add in tiny bits of fluff here and there as I remember them, but do throw me a line if there's anything in particular you want me to fix up and I'll be happy to adjust~

Grand Lodge

GM Rat King wrote:

This may throw off the way that some of you are building your characters at the moment, and for that I apologize. That said, it should make some lives significantly easier for the feat-starved classes. So hopefully nobody will hate me for it. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I really prefer this style of play. Maybe you all will, too.

We will be using the feat fixes in this campaign that can be found here.

I've never even seen these changes before...there Amazing.

Well that took longer than I thought, but here's my barbarian (world serpent totem) champion, Bulla Thune!

Bulla is a world warrior, a designated champion of Golarion against extraplanar invaders. While she could, in theory, battle extraplanar creatures of any alignment, were they in sufficient quantities to affect the planet, the Worldwound is the most immediate threat. Mechanically, she's designed to be strong and tough, though not the quickest person in the party. It's possible she'll dip into a level or two of ranger for the favored enemy bonuses, but we'll have to see how far her imbued rage will take her. She places her faith in the spirits of her tribe and of the world, and is a fervent animist.

Mythic Path: Champion


The only daughter of a Kellid warrior in the Numerian wastes, Bulla Thune grew up faster, stronger, and tougher than many in her tribe; by age 8 she was outwrestling the 13 year old boys, and shed blood in battle before she’d passed her first moon’s blood. Though the pace of her thoughts were plodding, they were deliberate and well-formed. The time she took often caused her to see things others had overlooked. So wise was she that there was discussion amongst the tribal elders that she would be joining the tribe’s spirit talkers, rather than their warriors. It was well that the shaman were convinced to let her express the virtue of sword and spear, as they ended up foreseeing a martial destiny for her…one that was realized sooner than they’d anticipated.

Whilst with a small band of young warriors on a hunt, Bulla’s band was attacked by cultists come down from the World Wound seeking sacrifices. They slew her companions and captured her, thinking to offer her virgin blood up to the demon they served. Unfortunately for them, Bulla was no stranger to love, and her scent provoked the demon into a blind fury, allowing her to free herself. She took up the arms of the fallen and put the demon down, carrying its head back to her tribe as proof of her tale. The spirit talkers revealed her destiny to her: to remove the demons from Golarion, she was marked and empowered by the land itself to close the Worldwound once and for all. Now that she had proven herself a capable warrior, the spirits had directed her to attend a special ceremony that would be held on the next moon in Kenabres. Taking her trophied head along as her invitation, she set off northwards.

Stat Block:

N Medium humanoid (human) Barbarian (World Serpent Totem) 1
Init +1; Senses Perception +6


AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 16 (1d12+4)(+1 favored class)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3


Speed 40 ft.
Melee greatsword +5 (2d6+6/19–20)
Ranged javelin +2 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks rage (7 rounds/day)

Raging Statistics: hp +2 temporary; AC 12/9/11; Will +5; Melee greatsword +7 (2d6+8/19-20); Ranged javelin +2 (1d6+6)


Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Cleave, Powerful Maneuvers
Traits Indomitable Faith, Stolen Fury
Skills Acrobatics +4, Knowledge (nature) +3, Perception +6, Survival +6
Languages Common, Kellid
SQ fast movement
Combat Gear acid flask; Other Gear hide shirt, greatsword, javelin x3, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), shovel, torches (5), trail rations (4), waterskin, 5 gp

GM Rat King wrote:

This may throw off the way that some of you are building your characters at the moment, and for that I apologize. That said, it should make some lives significantly easier for the feat-starved classes. So hopefully nobody will hate me for it. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I really prefer this style of play. Maybe you all will, too.

We will be using the feat fixes in this campaign that can be found here.

Those look very nice. They don't affect Kinvara at creation, but they do lead to some interesting advancement ideas. I think I like it.

I've compartmentalized my alias so that it's a lot easier to navigate, and added a short backstory for Valko detailing his personality a little better. I'll probably make some adjustments over the next day or so, but otherwise I think I'm pretty much done...

Feat fixes FTW! Well played, Rat King!

Some adjustments to be made beyond the Level 1 plan. Very interesting to play with that option!

The fixes make sense to me and work well with my character. :) I'll just assume my weapon focus is with all large blades instead of just the Longsword.

Grand Lodge

I have decided that Turt will dip once into urban barbarian, I'll get deplomacy as a class-skill (weird right?) and controlled rage, which while not as strong as normal rage(+4 moral bonus to strength, dexterity, or constitution, and I can split it in segments of two) it and crowd control(EX) will be great little additional bonuses to the two weapon warrior archetype.

I've been toying with the idea of Shadow Dancer, and with the feat changes, it makes it even more appetizing.

Hey Rat King
I have a friend that's interested in playing alongside me, since I'm introducing him to Play by Post games. I'm getting him to make an account and a character application. He's a professional writer, so I can vouch for his writing quality since he won't have any post history.
He's probably going for a arcane character.
Hopefully he can make it in time, but obviously I don't expect you to delay anything.

Hi there! ^ Aforementioned friend checking in. I have the bare bones of my character and profile down, and I'd love to play. Hoping to play as a Half-Elf Sorcerer raised in Kenabres.

Dark Archive

With the changes has anyone looked into why Kinsei doesn't have any armor proficiencies?

I may change from alchemist to Magus (kinsei)

Liberty's Edge

Bloodred918 wrote:

With the changes has anyone looked into why Kinsei doesn't have any armor proficiencies?

I may change from alchemist to Magus (kinsei)

I'm not 100% sure I understand your question. Which changes?

Anyways, the why is because they get Canny Defense like the Duelist Prestige Class, so they get to add their Intelligence modifier as a dodge bonus to AC. The big problem the Kensai faces is Arcane Spell Failure Chance. Though, since the Duelist can do so with Light Armor you could theoretically wear something like a hiramaki (no ACP or Arcane spell failure).

Or, since Mythic is on the table, you could go for the Champion "Armor Master" Path Ability and then wear whatever light armor you want.

Silver Crusade

I assume he means the Feat Tax Fixes that Rat King's implementing; it's a pretty big thing if you happen to like weapon dabbling (not Gwyn though; she's a Longsword-For-Life* kind of girl) but I can see why you might want to extend it to armour.

However. DinosaursOnIce is oh so very right. Canny Defense deals with Magi AC pretty decently, and Kensai's a solid enough archetype on its own even without diving into the Mythic tinkerbox. Of course Mythic's a sucker for "Nice Idea But Why On Golarion Would You Allow That" choices anyway.

TL;DR - Armour Master shenanigans. The legal cheap and dirty fix. I'll take twelve. Oh, no, they're not all for me. They're for...friends? Mythic friends? Sure. Those. Gimme.

*I keep dreaming that I'll one day wake to find Iomedaean Sword Oath has stopped sucking like a backstreet dentist. No such luck :(

Liberty's Edge

Lol, dream big, it's Wrath of the Righteous. That makes sense, on the feat fixes, can't believe I didn't think of that.

Maybe I missed it up thread, how does this feat system interact with mythic versions of the feats? Say like Mythic Weapon Finesse, do you count as possessing it?

(I'm applying with an Arcanist so this doesn't actually matter to me, I am just curious.)

Hendron wrote:
Aforementioned friend checking in.

Welcome! You should have a bit of time left to work out your character and feel free to PM me if you have any questions about Pathfinder or the AP. Always good to have new people around.

Bloodred918 wrote:
With the changes has anyone looked into why Kinsei doesn't have any armor proficiencies?

What they said. You should have a stupid high Int regardless as a Magus (especially in a 25 point buy campaign), so add your Dex to that and you're rivaling the tank for AC. Most of the time, anyway.

DinosaursOnIce wrote:
Maybe I missed it up thread, how does this feat system interact with mythic versions of the feats? Say like Mythic Weapon Finesse, do you count as possessing it?

Yes, whatever feat is required for the mythic versions, you are counted as having for prerequisite purposes. Provided that the feat-tax-fixes give it to you, anyway. The Mythic feats are not provided to you for free, though. Can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Liberty's Edge

Errr, right, I didn't mean to sound like I was suggesting you got the mythic version for free too. Anyways, neat.

All right. I think I've everything set up properly on this alias now. I'll probably continue adding a bit of fluff over the next day or two, but I believe things should be more or less finished. I love the backgrounds of so many of the characters I've seen posted thus far. This looks intriguing, to say the least!

Silver Crusade

Good call. Free Mythic Power Attack for the mythical-masses sounds absolutely awful, and that monstrosity's underpriced as all hell as-is. There is exactly zero sarcasm in that statement. Standard Mythic's more than capable of going out of control without adding to it. ALL THE NUMBERS.

And on that we can agree, Amatria! I'm impressed at the variety cropping up for this game. Fingers crossed I get to play with some of them! :)

Grand Lodge

gwyneth wrote:
(not Gwyn though; she's a Longsword-For-Life* kind of girl)

*holds up two Longswords* "Lingrahtuz fah laas!"

translation from dragonic:
longswords for life!

I'm dottin'.

Ya'll need a wizard. Ain't nuthin' like a wizard.

I'll brang 'im back down to 1st. Add 5 points. Yup.

I changed Rukzha's personality to match with her new background. Hopefully she's more appropriate now...

GM Rat King wrote:

This may throw off the way that some of you are building your characters at the moment, and for that I apologize. That said, it should make some lives significantly easier for the feat-starved classes. So hopefully nobody will hate me for it. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I really prefer this style of play. Maybe you all will, too.

We will be using the feat fixes in this campaign that can be found here.

I've seen this before but never got a chance to play with them. They seem reasonable enough. Had I known going in I probably would have gone in a completely different direction (maneuver build) but as is I'll just make a few changes. As a ranged character swapped my backup melee weapon for a light one to take advantage of the free weapon finesse. Point-Blank Shot I'll actually miss as that's one less point of damage per attack. For now I have replaced it with WF to make up for the loss of AB and without having to get in close, but I was planning on taking that a 3rd anyway. The free deadly aim I might make use of occasionally but I've never been a big fan of trading attack for damage, doesn't matter how much damage you do if you don't hit. I'd rather stand a better chance with iteratives and rapid. Deadly aim also doesn't have the 50% damage bonus for 2-handed, Furious Focus, Cornugon Smash, Felling Smash or any of the other feats that make Power Attack more appealing.

Grand Lodge

Updated Turts personality as well to make him more realistic (as realistic as you can get in pathfinder)

So we are closing in on a week since this started. Do you have a deadline for when you will be choosing players yet? Might be nice to give the people who haven't finished their characters yet something to work towards.

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Well, I did say that it would be open for a week. Which puts the deadline at about 5pm EST tomorrow, Friday the 2nd. Everyone has a little less than 24 hours to get their characters done, at which point recruitment will be closed. I plan to reveal who I'm choosing later that evening and get rolling over the weekend.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I wonder if I'll get in...


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mimesyne wrote:

I wonder if I'll get in...


10/10; would throw at abyssal breach to stem tide of encroaching apocalypse.


Grand Lodge

Mimesyne wrote:

I wonder if I'll get in...


Between you and me....I think your chances are fairly high :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gwyneth Koschei wrote:
Mimesyne wrote:

I wonder if I'll get in...


10/10; would throw at abyssal breach to stem tide of encroaching apocalypse.


Heroic Sacrifice, unnamed bard, 4713

Grand Lodge

Naali wrote:
Heroic Sacrifice, unnamed bard, 4713

Wow...hitting deep.

Good luck everyone!

Good luck to all. *fistbumps around* Except Mime. She doesn't need it. :P

I'm not a stat pile. I'm just a wizard.

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 9
Charisma 7

Help me help you!

Good luck guys! Crossing my fingers here. It's Wrath of the Righteous! In a campaign with (finally) some chances to go far!

Good luck, everyone! I do believe this is a campaign I just might follow even if I don't get in; several of the backgrounds I've read have intrigued me, and I'm interested to see how the various characters might interact.

Hmm...5 EST. That's it. The laptop's coming with me to work tomorrow so I can fill in any last bits and pieces that will inevitably pop into my head at inconvenient times. :)

"Does anyone need a doctor?
Or are you just looking for a few items?"

Mythic Path:
Trickster and maybe Champion...

Silver Crusade

Naali wrote:
Gwyneth Koschei wrote:
Mimesyne wrote:

I wonder if I'll get in...


10/10; would throw at abyssal breach to stem tide of encroaching apocalypse.


Heroic Sacrifice, unnamed bard, 4713


Wait, that's against the code? What do you mean that sacrifice wasn't "Freely Given"? Iomedae? Iomedae plz no, wait, come baaaack!

Hi there. I'd like to submit a character.

Aelwyn, Male Elf Wizard

Crunchy bits:

Evoker) 1, NG, 5'11”, 121lbs, 145 years old
Stats & Saves:
Wizard (1), hp 7
Base Stats
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 10

Saving Throws
Fortitude = +1 (Base +0, Con+1)
Reflex = +3 (Base +0, Dex +3)
Will = +3 (Base +2, Wis +1)
+2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Armor Class = 13 (Dex +3)
Flat-Footed AC = 10
Touch AC = 13 (Dex +3)
BAB = +0, CMB = +0, CMD = 13(Dex +3)

Drawbacks and Traits
Eyes and Ears of the City: Your religious training involved serving in the city watch of a large city, the primary duty of which was standing sentinel on a city wall. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
Riftwarden Orphan: You gain a +2 trait bonus on all concentration checks.
Associated Mythic Path: Archmage.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff.
Scribe Scroll: You can create magic scrolls.
Improved Initiative (Combat) Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.

Appraise (Int +4) (+3 class skill) (+1 rank) (= +8)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int +4) (+3 class skill) (+1 rank) (= +8)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int +4) (+3 class skill) (+1 rank) (= +8)
Knowledge (engineering) (Int +4) (+3 class skill) (+1 rank) (= +8)
Perception (Wis +1) (+2 racial) (+1 trait) (+3 class skill) (+1 rank) (= +8)
Spellcraft (Int +4) (+2 racial to identify magic items) (+3 class skill) (+1 rank) (= +8, +10 to identify magic items)
Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc, Sylvan, Gnoll
Opposition Schools: Necromancy & Conjuration
Equipment & Wealth:
-Longsword (15gp) (weight 4)
-Shortbow (30gp) (weight 2)
-40 arrows (2gp) (weight 6)
- Bedroll & winter blanket (6sp) (8lb)
- Candle x5 (5cp) (-)
- Chalk x5 (5cp) (-)
- Flint & steel (1) (-)
- Rations x4 (2) (4)
- Spellbook (15) (3)
- Parchment x10 (2) (-)
- Pen & Ink (?gp) (-)
- Empty sack x2 (2sp) (1)
- wooden bowl and drinking cup (-)
- Explorer's outfit (-) (8)
- Arcane Bond item (spiral pendant) () (-)
Weight: 35 (Medium Load, but 1 empty sack, bedroll and winter blanket are in the other large sack, ready to be dropped as a free action, reducing weight to 27, a light load )
(medium load >33lb, heavy load > 66lb)
Total Cash: 68.9gp spent out of 70gp

Spellbook contains:
0-level spells – All Core
1st level spells - Comprehend Languages, Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Color Spray, Expeditious Retreat, Identify, Silent Image


Aelwyn has returned to his foster family (elven parents and sister) in Kenabres from a trip to Mendev to check out his birth family, who he believes were from the crusader nation. Sadly, he found nobody who could help him in Mendev, and after 3years searching, he's returned to the only home he knows, to look after his foster parents in the city. He's intending to make a living as a minor mage for hire, mending, identifying items, copying scrolls and working as a scribe. In stressful situations, he tends to trace the spiral birthmark on his left cheek, often subconsciously.

When he first left his own people, he packed carefully, and intended to make his way as a travelling wizard, fixing small things with his magic, teaching where possible, but certainly not adventuring. He searched Mendev and ended up in the capital, Nerosyan. Much to his surprise, he found himself in the city watch of that city. His elven sight made night patrols easy, and his magic allowed him to find a place. The people he knew in the watch mostly followed Abadar, god of cities, and Aelwyn explored that faith while in Mendev. He eventually decided that Abadar was too morally murky for him. He's no fiery preacher, but he'd like a deity to look up to.

I would like to present Hykan the Traveller

Hobgoblin Hydrokineticist

Following the Champions Path

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Current application list (Simplified):


Archmage (Riftwarden Orphan)

Champion (Stolen Fury)

Guardian (Exposed to Awfulness)

Hierophant (Touched by Divinity)

Marshal (Child of the Crusade)

Trickster (Chance Encounter)
Dr Jones

List simplified for easier Updating

Dunno if Rat King has looked at any applications yet, but in case: I updated Naali's personality to match the rest of her character better. If you looked at it before, just know it's a little different now when you review applications.

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