GM Oni's Ruby Phoenix Tournament

Game Master Samuel Stone
Tournament Bracket

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A small human dressed in resplendent ruby-colored robes approaches, flanked on either side by two large, armored bodyguards. His eyes flit between a piece of paper that he holds and your face, as if verifying who you are. He calls your name in a light, high-pitched voice, and hands you a scroll case with an elaborately detailed picture of a ruby-colored phoenix on the outside. Inside the case is a small scroll, its writing in a gold tinted ink. It reads:

Congratulations! Your fighting prowess has been proven. The Emissary, on behalf of the Grand Bank of Abadar, invites you to partake in the thirty-first Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Each member of the victor’s team shall receive their choice of a single item from the Vault of Hao Jin, the famed Ruby Phoenix. So it is judged.

Signed, Sifu Xho Nuo

As you finish reading the scroll, the short eunuch’s eyebrow ticks upwards as he awaits your reply.


I am currently recruiting four players for a non-PFS PbP of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament module. This module takes place over the course of a five day tournament held on Xielan Island in the harbor of Goka. Each day features a single match, a single test of skill, and a single exhibition match…and possibly a few surprises. Participants are not allowed to leave the island once the tournament has begun. The each of victor’s team’s members is allowed to choose a single item from Hao Jin’s Vault, which contains artifacts both major and minor, as well as numerous other objects and items of value or power. Further flavor details on Hao Jin and the tournament will be placed in the next post. Below are some outlines for prospective players and characters.

This module features performance combat, so you may want to look into that prior to making your character!

Player and Character Rules and Requirements

1) You Do Not Talk About the Ruby Phoenix Tournament Wait, no, that’s…no.
2) The usual Paizo rule: Don’t be a jerk!
3) Be able to post at least once per day, if not more.
4) Starting level is 11. 20-point buy, 2 traits (no campaign traits or drawbacks), 82,000gp to buy equipment; this money is going towards purchasing the gear outright, not crafting. All Paizo material for classes, spells, archetypes, etc. is allowed, save for Synthesist Summoners, Gunslingers, the Leadership feat, and ACG classes.*
5) Remember when making your character that you started at level 1! By which I mean your level one feat could not have been something that required BAB +8.
6) Race selection is restricted to the core races, tengu, aasimars, tieflings, dhampirs, and skinwalkers.
7) Make a character that can fit into the setting. If you make a rogue that specializes in poison, that would be looked upon unfavorably in a tournament setting. You'll probably want to take Tien as a language.
8) NE and CE alignments are offlimits. LE is fine if you have a reason that you won't PK your teammates; for example, if you want to play a Red Mantis Assassin, that is fine. If you want to play an Anti-Paladin of Rovagug, not so much.
9) Once you have a good idea for your character, please fill out the following “form”:
How to make an Application:

Your character’s history, and why they want to join the tournament. Also think about what sort of item they want to choose should they win. An artifact that can cure any disease to save their ailing mother? A tome of great power to study to gain knowledge and power? Include that here.

This “sample form” for a level 1 wizard should help (remember that you’re level 11):

Gender, Race, Class(es)
Alignment, Size
Init +2; Senses Perception +5 (+7 with Familiar [Alertness])
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 16 (1d6+3, +6/level [+7 if favored])
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-2/x2)
Light Crossbow +3 (1d6/19-20)
Spells Prepared (CL 1st; Concentration +9)
1st-Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, Color Spray (DC 16, 2), Snapdragon Fireworks
0 (at will)- Acid Splash, Daze (DC 15), Ghost Sound
Specialization Conjuration; Opposition Schools Necromancy, Divination
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Scholar (+2 Arcana and Planes), Scribe Scroll
Traits Riftwarden Orphan (+2 Concentration), Eyes and Ears of the City (+1 Perception, Class Skill)
Skills Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (Engineering) +9, Knowledge (Geography) +9, Knowledge (History) +9, Knowledge (Local) +9, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledge (Nobility) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +11, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perception +5, Spellcraft +10, Survival +1
Languages Common, Polyglot, Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Tian
SQ Arcane Bond (thrush familiar)
Combat Gear crossbow bolts (15), haramaki; Other Gear candle, trail rations (5), ink, inkpen (2), paper (20), waterskin, spellbook, 20gp, 97sp, 18cp
Spellbook All 0-level spells, grease, summon monster I, mage armor, obscuring mist, color spray, silent image, vanish, protection from evil, mount, snapdragon fireworks

Physical Description:
What do you look like?

Animal Companion or Familiar (if applicable):
Stats and such.

* I feel I should also mention that while I am allowing all material and a fair amount of starting gold, I will be much less likely to pick you if you enter a cheesed-out character. RBT is a fun little module, but it isn’t intended to be very deadly. You won’t need a min-maxed character to beat the module. Also note that this is largely a martial tournament; as such, the final party may not be a standard Tank-DPS-Divine-Arcane set up.

Gameplay Rules

1) Combat will be adjudicated using either a shared GoogleDoc, or occasionally simply by using the power of imagination (some of the expedition matches are 1v1 set-ups, and I likely will not use a grid for those).
2) If you do not post during combat within 18 hours of the start of your turn, your may be delayed.
3) If you do not post for 48 hours without notice, you may be removed from the group and replaced.

I plan to leave recruitment open for a week or two, depending on interest and number of applicants. I'll post when I have a sure deadline.

Background Information!

The sorceress Hao Jin left an indelible mark upon the land of Tian Xia. Throughout her centuries-long life, Hao Jin—a devout follower of Abadar, god of contracts, wealth, and order—set out to amass her own First Vault, a collection of those items she deemed most perfect or wondrous in all the world.

Among the many Abadaran pacts and contracts that dictated Hao Jin’s life was her carefully contracted agreement with the temple of Abadar in Goka regarding the fate of her collection in the event of her eventual death. Fearful that her treasures would fall into the wrong hands or simply be lost to history, Hao Jin left strict instructions that were she not to set foot within the temple for 10 years and a day, on the 10 year anniversary of that occasion, an epic competition of martial arts was to be held, overseen by the city’s Abadaran clergy; the winning team would be allowed to choose a single item as a prize for their victory. Not only would this prevent the collection from immediately being broken up, but it also ensured her life’s work would attain its own legendary immortality through the prestige the contest would bring.

During her lifetime, many who knew of her will attempted to end her life prematurely, and many succeeded. But Hao Jin had contingencies in place to such a degree that even her most cunning and careful would- be assassins underestimated her ability to return from the dead. Each time an enemy killed her, she miraculously emerged unscathed days later, her red hair a shade more vibrant than before her death. Her ability to overcome death and the resemblance her hair soon had to an animated, flickering flame earned Hao Jin the nickname Ruby Phoenix, and over the centuries of her life, many believed her to be truly immortal.

Yet in 6891 ic (Imperial Calendar; 4391 ar), a recordkeeper at Goka’s Grand Bank of Abadar informed the archbanker that a decade and a day had passed since the Ruby Phoenix last visited the temple. The conditions of her will had been met. As no one had seen nor heard from the sorceress for several years, she was assumed to have finally met her end, and the preparations were made to conduct the first Ruby Phoenix Tournament 10 years later. That tournament also established the office of the Emissary, an Abadaran official appointed for life to run the proceedings. Each decennial since, the greatest champions from across Golarion have vied for the victors’ spot, and most contestants have competed honorably and passionately.

One last thing to mention: this module will be assuming that the players competed in a qualifying tournament wherein the top four participants would be put together on a team and entered into the tournament. This may be subject to change, but it will be the easiest way to get four characters that do not know each other into the tournament on the same team.

Recruitment is open!

Are prestige classes allowed? Nothing specific in mind yet, just asking.

I've always wanted to give this module a shot! I'll see what I can conjure up.

Question: are the races above set in immovable stone? Because I had an idea a while back of a kobold gladiator slave, who is under service to a human lord. For something like this, he would participate in the tournament to effectively "purchase" his freedom at long last; if he wins, he gives his owner the prize and he goes free.

I can always conjure up something else, but I always liked the idea of a kobold arena fighter trying to earn his freedom.

Prestige classes are allowed.

I would certainly prefer to keep to the races above, but I wouldn't call it set in immovable stone. Perhaps its personal preference, but I'm not a fan of seeing a group of, say, a goblin, a drow, a catfolk, and an android all teaming up in a world where such races are supposed to be rather uncommon outside of their various societies. I will probably have a slight bias towards the core races, but if someone can come up with a strong backstory for why a less common race is in this setting, that is fine.

So...long story short, you can make a kobold. Just be aware that, all else equal, if it comes down to a decision between a kobold and a human, I'm more likely to pick the human.

I have the idea of a paladin of Abadar, who enters the tournament to ensure that the contract is fulfilled but the treasures remain in hands that would not wield them against civilization. Might need a little work but that would be great motivation and flavor.

Great, thinking up an Aldori Swordlord then! Will most likely complete the application over the weekend. Speaking of which, is there a deadline for applying?

Dotting for interest, building a character. I have a friend who wants to try and get into play by post who might apply as well.

How do you feel about non-synthesist summoner, and how would they fit within the organised tournament? Would the eidolon and summons count as outside help, or as part of the combatant's arsenal? I've been dying to try out the Summoner, hence my asking.

Assuming the above are fine with you, I would like to submit the following for approval:

Eidolon Base Form: Avian
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 30 ft., Swim 20ft; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Free Evolutions
claws, limbs (legs), tail, swim

(I'm looking to make a birdlike eidolon, and none of the base forms fit.)

I'm going to set a soft deadline for next week Wednesday, with a hard deadline for next week Thursday. What I mean by that is that anyone who is interested may express their intent to create a character up until Wednesday. If anyone has expressed interest but has not had a chance to finalize their character, they will have until Thursday, 6pm (UTC/GMT -5:00 hours; or Central Time) to post their finalized character.

@Cydrius: Normal summoners are allowed, and their eidolons/summons count as part of the combatant's arsenal. There may be some matches where an eidolon or summons are impractical, however.

EDIT: I'd prefer to avoid using houseruled eidolons, as I am not very familiar with that particular aspect of the rules.

I am the friend that Cydrius spoke of, and am interested in starting in on play by post fun. I'm currently kicking around the idea of a fat human monk, and am presently hammering out the mechanics.

Fair enough. I'll probably look into another class for this one. I hadn't considered the issues the eidolon might pose in a tournament.

I'm going to work out an human Order of the Warrior Sword Saint Samurai who is fighting to bring honor to his family and what better way than acquiring so rare an artifact.

I've decided to go with an Aasimar(Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Gladiator Archetype) who fights for the art and not for the glory. I'm not sure what kind of prize he's after, though, I'll have to think about that.

Definitely interested, I've been wanting to actually run the module but perhaps playing it will help me run it better in the future.

Incoming Monk, gonna be over the top Kung-Fu movie type.

Interested. :) I'm thinking brawler type, maybe a monk/fighter in the tournament to show he is one of the best and only seeking knowledge of new techniques a book of which he'd heard was in the vault.

Hi GM Oni,
I'm interested but before I draft the whole thing I may need some of you inputs.

My Concept:

Black Blade description says the mission of the blade is decided by the GM, so perhaps you can confirm if what I've written will do? If not, just tell the me the modifications you want. EDIT: I still haven't decided the exact type of blade yet so katana is tentative at the moment.

Male Human Magus (Black Blade) 10 / Fighter (Gladiator) 1

Background Outline:
Although born with the natural talent to wield arcane power, he applied to be trained as a Magus due to his passion for direct confrontation. "It has more honor", he says.

Upon completion of his apprenticeship, his master allowed him to inherit his own black blade, a katana. Given the age of the old Magus, he can no longer act to fulfill the wishes of the blade and is giving it to a better candidate who can. The blade is looking for its twin, where the two was separated from each other centuries ago, in a war long forgotten.

Now, with news of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament spread wide across the land, what pushed him to join was not only the chance to prove himself, but rumors of another black blade katana among the Hao Jin collection of weapons. fused the will of both owner and blade to participate and win.

I'm liking the ideas so far!

@DFang: Sounds good. I have a couple of ideas of ways to play off that; I'll run them by you when/if you are selected.

I feel I should also note that after the entry deadline, I will ask potentials to vote on their favorite characters with whom they would like to play. While my final decisions will not be entirely based on the votes, it will likely have a strong influence. I'll post the details after the soft deadline next Wednesday.

Dark Archive

Looks very cool! Would a transmuter wizard be welcome?

Motive: heard rumors of the blueprint for the philosopher's stone.

Background: Son of an Arcanamirium Crafter, but not permitted to go to the university himself. Is trying to become a mage capable of creating more impressive items than those who went to university.
Not really interested in combat himself, but willing to help allies to achieve his goals. Has learned that if the opponent is changed into something he will usually give up and leave when he is changed back.

Appearance: As a transmuter, has made himself into someone tall, dark, and dangerous. Think Josh Brolin or Daniel Craig. As he is always making slight changes to his appearance, he cannot be better described.

Attitude: Progress can best be made by working together, and it is better to make an opponent an ally than to destroy one.

Any thoughts? (Crunch if approved)

I've got the crunch done. Getting started on the background when I get a chance.

Corlis Tern:

Corlis Tern
Human Fighter(Gladiator) 11
Chaotic Neutral, Medium
Init +1; Senses Perception -1 (Often accompanied by Zephyr the Falcon, Perception +14)
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +1 Dex) [23 with Combat Expertise]
hp 132 (1d10+1, +11/level [+12 if favored, favored 11 times])
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
+4 Flying Blade +22/+17/+12 [+26 AoO] (1d12+15)
Masterwork Lucerne Hammer +16 (1d10+7)
Masterwork Composite Longbow (Strength Rating 6) +14 (1d10+7)
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +11; CMB 19 (+24 when using flying blade, +32 to trip and disarm); CMD 18 (22 vs Trip and Disarm)

  • Performance Weapon Mastery (All weapons have the performance quality)
  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Flying Blade
  • Weapon Focus (Flying Blade)
  • Dazzling Display (Demoralize foes within 30 feet as full round action)
  • Savage Display (Swift Performance : +2 to check, +1d6 to damage rolls until end of next turn)
  • Dramatic Display (Swift Performance : +2 to check, +2 to all attack rolls and maneuvers until end of next turn)
  • Masterful Display (Use two performance feats on performance check, +2 applies only once)
  • Performing Combatant (Performance combat check in any combat if DC20 performance combat check)
  • Stage Combatant (Deal nonlethal at no penalty)
  • Combat Expertise* (Can take -1 to attack roll for +2 dodge bonus. *See Threatening Defender)
  • Improved Disarm (No AoO for disarm, +2 to disarm checks)
  • Improved Trip (No AoO for trip, +2 to trip checks)
  • Greater Trip (Tripping provokes AoO, +2 to trip checks)
  • Greater Disarm (Disarm knocks weapons 15 feet away in random direction, +2 to disarm checks)

Traits Threatening Defender (Combat Expertise penalty reduced by 1), Indomitable Faith (+1 Will Save)
Skills Climb +20, Handle Animal +17, Intimidate +17, Perform +17
Languages Common, Tian
Combat Gear

  • +4 Flying Blade
  • +4 Mithral Breastplate
  • Belt of Giant Strength +4
  • Cloak of Resistance +3
  • 5x Potion of Cure Light Wounds
  • Feather Step Slippers
  • Masterwork Composite Longbow (Strenght Rating 5)
  • 40x Arrow
  • Masterwork Lucerne Hammer
  • Fighter's Kit
  • Falcon (Zephyr, knows Attack, Come, Down, Fetch, Perform, and Watch)
  • Training kit (bird)
  • Training Sleeve
  • 2x Noble's Outfit
  • 377 gp

Armor Training (Ex) : Reduce Armor Check Penalty by 3, Increase Maximum Dex Bonus by 3, can move at normal speed in medium and heavy armor.
Weapon Training (Ex) : +2 to Attack and Damage with flails, +1 to Attack and Damage with bows.
Fame (Ex) : Start any performance combat with 2 extra victory points.

@GM Oni: Almost done with the crunch. I just need to confirm with you the bonus languages my black blade have. Unless you empower me to select them myself of course. I need two of them.

@DFang: You can select whichever languages you want for your blade. Tien and Common are really the only ones that come into use in any big way in the module.

@Cydrius: Looks good! I'll go over it tonight to check for any glaring errors. One thing I forgot to mention, though, is that I'm planning to use the PFS rules for HP gain. Your initial level will be max HP, while subsequent levels with be half max plus one.

In other words, you would have 12 HP from first level (10 class + 1 CON + 1 favored), and 8 HP from every subsequent level (6 class + 1 CON + 1 favored). This would make for a grand total of 92 HP.

@Gatekeep3r: Sounds good. Bring on the application!

Oh, alright. I was going by what was written on the sample, and misunderstood the HP part.

I've got my WIP character sheet here, for future reference:
Corlis Tern, WIP.

Dark Archive

Turner Bout, wizard who wants to change the world!

@GM Oni: This is DFang's submission.
It's still the first draft and still the physical description, but you should get the character concept. Let me know if you find any errors. I'll update it again later today or tomorrow.

General Party Role: Melee Striker.

1. Do you consider swords and cestus wearable at the same time?
2. References to Black Blades are unclear on this so I'll leave it to your ruling. What item stat should a Black Blade have? e.g. HP, Hardness, etc.

Corlis Tern, complete profile.

Should all be there. Here's hoping to be picked, Ruby Phoenix looks like a blast.

Turner Bout
I think this is everything. Looking forward to selections!

I've been wanting to play this module for a long time. I definitely plan to submit something. Most likely an Oracle because Level 11 is when they get the best of their revelations.

I'm putting together a Gladiator for this and one of their class features mentions piecemeal armor. Are you oppose to me using this alternate rule?

Scarab Sages

I'm interested. Planning to submit a Lore Warden fighter from Westcrown who is a follower of the teachings of Aroden.

1. Yep!
2. Item stats should be that of a magic weapon of the appropriate level. So it should be the equivalent of a +3 weapon. Sunder rules don't really come up in this module, so I'm not really worried about it.

@Ptolmaeus: Go ahead and use it.

Ah, a fellow gladiator applies. I salute you, Ptolmaeus.

Finally submitting my Swordlord application:


Viktor Aldori is a man in his late twenties, with steely grey eyes, shoulder-length blond hair, and a thin scar across his face.
He is the only surviving son of a Brevic viscount who was deposed from his seat in a violent coup. The assassins were forced to retreat from the castle wing before they were

able to locate and kill Viktor when he was but a toddler. One of the chambermaids has escaped with him, but lacking the funds to raise the child in exile, she was forced to give him to one of the Aldori monasteries for raising.

The Aldori are as close to a family to Viktor as he ever got. But he still often sees nightmares about the attack, and his primary goal in life is to restore his identity, his family honor, and his lands. Being raised as a swordlord, it seems that fate has left him with only one way to achieve this goal: to challenge the usurper and any who would stand up for him to a duel of honor, and prove his birthright in combat.

To that end, Viktor has spent countless hours perfecting his skill in swordplay. By age of 28, he has sparred with all of the most famous Aldori school masters of Brevoy and River Kingdoms - and bested a few of them. After proving his worth in a joint test by two schools, he became the youngest person to be taught a closely guarded style of the Falling Water. But the closer he was getting to becoming an invincible duelist, the less inclined he was to follow his old plan.

For he was no fool, and he understood that during the time he spent honing his skills, a whole generation has grown up under the usurper's rule. They couldn't care less for his birthright or his vendetta. To them he would just be an upstart who showed up one day and murdered their current ruler. without a clue about how to actually run a state,
or understanding of the intricacies of political intrigue, it would only be a matter of time before he himself would become a target of an assassin's blade or perhaps even the pitchforks of the people's revolt.

Disheartened, he has abandoned his homeland and set to travelling Golarion, hoping that the wisdom of experience gained across different nations and culures would make him better suited to ruling his future subjects. In his travels, he frequently sought out masters of combat who were famous in the region, and sparred with them. Gradually he became intrigued by the mystical ways of Tien warriors, who seemed to draw upon some unearthly wisdom to power their fantastical exploits. Soon enough, he has drawn enough attention to himself among the martial circles of Tian Xia to warrant an invitation to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament.

Viktor sees the tournament as a shortcut to gain the authority and power he's entitled to wield, looking to gain either an Aldori relic from the pre-Choral days, a tome of princely wisdom, or an artifact which would allow him to glimpse into the future to see the consequences of his choices.


Viktor Aldori
Male Human Fighter(Swordlord) 10 / Aldori Swordlord 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +7 (+13 w/sword drawn); Senses Perception +9
AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +6 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +2 shield)
hp 91 (11d10+21), +7/level [+8 if favored])
Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +6 (+9 vs fear)
Speed 30 ft.
+2 Dueling Aldori Dueling Sword +24/+19/+14 (1d8+14/19-20x3)
Mwk Silver / Cold Iron Short Sword +19/+14/+9 (1d6+1/19-20)
Mwk Composite Longbow +1 +19/+14/+9 (1d8+1/x3)

Str 13, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +11; CMB +18 (+20 Disarm); CMD 30
Feats Weapon Finesse, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori Dueling Sword), Weapon Focus (ADS), Weapon Specialisation (ADS), Dazzling Display (ADS), Aldori Dueling Disciple, Aldori Dueling Mastery, Duelist of the Roaring Falls, Duelist of the Shrouded Lake, Falling Water Gambit, Combat Expertise -3/+3, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Agile Maneuvers, Lunge
Traits Issian Noble (+1 Sense Motive and Knowledge (Nobility), Fencer (+1 to AOOs with blades)
Skills Acrobatics +20, Bluff +14 (+17 feint), Intimidate +14 (+19 demoralize), Knowledge (Nobility) +10, Perception +8, Sense Motive +15
Languages Common, Taldane, Tien
SQ Bravery +3, Weapon Training +1 (Heavy Blades), Defensive Parry +3, Disarming Strike, Steel Net, Deft Strike, Dueling Mastery
Combat Gear +2 Dueling Aldori Dueling Sword, Mwk Silver Short Sword, Mwk Cold Iron Short Sword, Mwk Composite Longbow +1, 50 arrows, +2 Mithral Chain Shirt
Other Gear Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4, Circlet of Persuasion, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Cloak of Resistance +3, Gloves of Dueling, Daredevil Boots, Potion of Haste, Potion of Keen Edge, 2x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, 526gp, 95sp

OK went with Tiefling Samurai. A family descended from demons, but they live with honor and follow the way of the samurai. Sicarrius is looking for enlightenment upon his path, the way of the warrior.

Male Demon-Spawn Tiefling Samurai 11 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 18)
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness; Perception +2
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+11 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 103 (11d10+33)
Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +4; +3 Morale bonus vs. fear when beneath banner
Defensive Abilities resolve; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +2 impact valiant cold iron katana +17/+12/+7 (2d6+21/15-20+1d6 vs target of challenge)
Special Attacks bloodline arcana: abyssal, claws, challenge
Str 24, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +11; CMB +12 (+14 bull rush); CMD 30
Feats Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, Eldritch Heritage[UM], Improved Critical (katana), Improved Eldritch Heritage[UM], Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])
Skills Bluff +12, Climb +11, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (planes) +3, Perception +2, Ride +1, Sense Motive +6, Swim +11; Racial Modifiers ride mount, honor in all things
Languages Common, Tien
SQ banner, fiendish sorcery, honorable stand, mounted archer, orders (order of the warrior), warrior's skills, way of the samurai, weapon expertise
Other Gear +3 o-yoroi, +2 impact valiant cold iron katana, belt of giant strength +4, cloak of resistance +1, 1,750 gp
Special Abilities
+5 Ride while riding your bonded mount. (Ex) Cancel your armor check penalty of -5 while riding your mount.
Abyssal Summoned creatures gain DR 4/good.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Banner +3/+2 (Ex) Allies who can see your banner gain +3 save vs. fear & +2 to hit while charging.
Bleeding Critical Critical Hits deal 2d6 bleed damage.
Bloodline Arcana: Abyssal (Ex) Summoned creatures gain DR 4/good (doesn't stack with other DR).
Critical Focus +4 to confirm critical hits.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Fiendish Sorcery Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.
Greater Resolve (6/day) (Ex) Your resolve can remove effects, reroll saves, or ignore crits.
Honor in All Things (3/day) (Ex) Gain +4 morale bonus to Save or Skill check.
Honorable Stand (1/day) (Ex) At 11th level, a samurai can make an honorable stand, deciding to fight the target of his challenge to the bitter end, no matter the cost. He can make an honorable stand once per day at 11th level, plus one additional time per day at 16th level. Decl
Magic Claws (7 rounds/day) (Ex) 2 Magic Claw attacks deal 1d6 damage.
Mounted Archer (Ex) At 4th level, the samurai becomes skilled at firing ranged weapons while mounted. A samurai only takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls with ranged weapons while his mount takes a double move. This penalty increases to –4 while his mount is running.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
See in Darkness See perfectly in darkness of any kind, including magical darkness.
Warrior's Challenge +11 (4/day) (Ex) +11 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, DR 3/- against attacks from challenge target.
Warrior's Skills +5 +5 For Knowledge (Nobility) checks relating to the nobles or politics of your land.
Way of the Samurai (Ex) At 8th level, an order of the warrior samurai’s sense of honor and loyalty drives him to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. The samurai can, as a standard action, focus his mind and will. Once during the next minute, he can choose to roll an atta
Weapon Expertise (Katana) (Ex) You can quick draw the chosen weapon, and gain +2 to confirm critical hits.

I've had no news from my friend regarding his joining, I'm pretty sure he decided PbP wasn't for him. Therefore, I'm applying by myself.

Corlis Tern (Link again for convenience.)

The profile should be all good now. Please let me know if there's an issue with it.

Lots of melee combatants... It'll be fun to use Haste as an opening to combat with a team like this :D

Mass enlarge person works too

A small mindnumbingly huge reminder to everyone: the soft deadline is in about 26 hours. At that time, I will only accept applications from those who have previously posted in this thread, and only in an 18 hour window (6pm Thursday, UTC/GMT -5:00 hours).

Once the application window has closed, I will be asking everyone who has submitted a character to send me a PM with their top 3 picks for other party members. While I may not be taking the most-picked characters, it will at least give me a read on what everyone wants. The voting will play a large role in my ultimate decision, but will not decide the ultimate decision all on its own. I'll post any further details once the deadline guillotine drops.

@Turner: Hmmm... good point. Sadly, I like the only two spells I can get at level 4. It's more flexible at different situations. Besides, our characters are not supposed to know that they'll be playing as a team until they receive the invitation.

I've settled on a Waves Caster Oracle. I will have her finished by tomorrow.

Scarab Sages

I have the background done so far.

Luke will be a Lore Warden. I hope to have more done by tomorrow.

Sounds fun, I'll try and build an alias by the soft deadline. I've never pried a PC at such a high level, so the opportunity is very enticing.

Just leaving a post as I am still trying to finish up my alias before the soft deadline.

Tiefling Alchemist with the Vivisectionist and Internal Alchemist archetypes just sounds fun with the Kirin Style and Kirin Strike feats too. Spontaneous Alchemy looks fun to play with as well, but more just to have some alchemical items made relatively fast.

Initial Background

Joren Thexes:
A Hermetic Flask, a simple piece of glass that was used in the purification of a Philosopher's Stone. Oh the stone itself is a marvel, but this simple byproduct is something that Thexes can USE! Distillation of alchemical essences, studying of unknown substances, antidotes, and more! Its a researcher's second greatest dream to get a hold of one of those humble-looking pieces of glass, where the first is of course making a philosopher's stone.

And its rumored that the Vault of Hao Jin has one. Usually that would be the end of any thought of obtaining such a treasure, but there is a tournament where the prize is something from the vault. A tournament that just might put the artifact in Thexes' reach, if he can overcome the challenges and find the right partners.

Since the discovery of the rumor and the tournament as a child, Thexes has dedicated part of his studies to combat purposes, an atrocity to any researcher who loves their art. Studied were charts of weaknesses and pressure points of any and all manners of creatures from arcane libraries to monasteries, efficient forms of unarmed combat and even claws that didn't require dedication to master. All time lost for further research. Yet, for a chance at the flask...

The Thirtieth Ruby Phoenix tournament passed him by without an invitation leaving Thexes wondering if he was too young, or too unknown to even have a chance. Making a rash decision to solve both, he headed out and began life as an adventurer to make a name for himself to catch the Emissary's eye for a participant in the tournament. A decision that strangely hasn't slowed down his research, due to the sheer need of practical applications. Still, its all for one purpose for now which can lead to every alchemist's greatest goal.

First, get that flask.


Joren Thexes
Male, Tiefling, Alchemist 11
N, Med
Init +7; Darkvision Perception +13
AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +7 Dex, +1 Def, +1 Nat)
hp 69 (11d8+11, +6/level)
Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Claw x2 +16/+16 (1d4+8+1d6/x2)
Light Crossbow +15 (1d6/19-20)
Dagger +15/+1 (1d4-1/)
Spells Prepared (CL 11th)
Str 8, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +8/3; CMB +7; CMD 24
Feats Weapon Finesse, Instant Alchemy, Improved Unarmed Combat, Kirin Style, Extra Discovery, Kirin Strike
Traits (In Progress)
Skills Acrobatics +18, Craft Alchemy +33, Disable Device +21, Fly +18, Knowledge Arcana +20, Knowledge Dungeoneering +17, Knowledge Local +18, Knowledge Nature +20, Knowledge Planes +17, Knowledge Religion +17, Linguistics +7, Perception +13
Languages Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Gnome, Tien, Jistka, +1
Combat Gear (In Progress)
Spellbook (In Progress)
(In Progress)

I would like to submit Karlia Riftbane for this tournament. She was in another PbP that was 9th level but it fell apart, so I'll get her updated to 11th level today.

Quick question: Do you allow custom-made items at all? I'd like for Karlia to have a phylactery of negative AND positive channeling, which would cost approximately 27,500 gp (that's the cost of one phylactery plus 1.5x the cost of the other phylactery). Would you allow such a thing?

Edit: Bah, I've already got a headband of mental prowess on her, which means the item would have to take up a different slot, which means it would cost approximately twice as much, so I can't afford it anyway. :-P

2 questions:
1. I didn't see a message otherwise, so I assume recruitment is still open?
2. It says tournament, does this mean we are split up into teams? Or up against other PCs in any way?

DoubleGold wrote:

2 questions:

1. I didn't see a message otherwise, so I assume recruitment is still open?
2. It says tournament, does this mean we are split up into teams? Or up against other PCs in any way?

It's not a tournament in that way, the storyline is that the characters go and compete in the tournament. As far as I know from hearing bits and pieces of it at a nearby table at a convention, you work as a group, competing against NPC groups.

Joren Thexes: Tiefling Alchemist 11

A Hermetic Flask, a simple piece of glass that was used in the purification of a Philosopher's Stone. Oh the stone itself is a marvel, but this simple byproduct is something that Thexes can USE! Distillation of alchemical essences, studying of unknown substances, antidotes, and more! Its a researcher's second greatest dream to get a hold of one of those humble-looking pieces of glass, where the first is of course making a philosopher's stone.
And its rumored that the Vault of Hao Jin has one. Usually that would be the end of any thought of obtaining such a treasure, but there is a tournament where the prize is something from the vault. A tournament that just might put the artifact in Thexes' reach, if he can overcome the challenges and find the right partners.

Since the discovery of the rumor and the tournament as a child, Thexes has dedicated part of his studies to combat purposes, an atrocity to any researcher who loves their art. Studied were charts of weaknesses and pressure points of any and all manners of creatures from arcane libraries to monasteries, efficient forms of unarmed combat and even claws that didn't require dedication to master. All time lost for further research. Yet, for a chance at the flask...

The Thirtieth Ruby Phoenix tournament passed him by without an invitation leaving Thexes wondering if he was too young, or too unknown to even have a chance. Making a rash decision to solve both, he headed out and began life as an adventurer to make a name for himself to catch the Emissary's eye for a participant in the tournament. A decision that strangely hasn't slowed down his research, due to the sheer need of practical applications. Still, its all for one purpose for now which can lead to every alchemist's greatest goal.

First, get that flask.

Joren Thexes
Male, Tiefling, Alchemist 11
N, Med
Init +7; Darkvision Perception +13
AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +7 Dex, +1 Def, +1 Nat)
hp 69 (11d8+11, +6/level)
Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +7
Resist: 5 Electricity
Immune: Cold, Paralysis, Sleep, Poison, Disease, Nonlethal
Speed 30 ft.
Claw x2 +16/+16 (1d4+8+1d6/x2)
Light Crossbow +15 (1d6/19-20x2 80 ft.)
Dagger +15/+1 (1d4-1/19-20x2)
Alchemist's Fire +15 (1d6)
Sneak Attack

(+2 Natural Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis)
AC: 24 (+3 Armor, +8 Dex, +1 Def, +2 Nat)
Touch: 16, Flat: 18
Claw x2 +18/+18 (1d6+10+1d6/x2)
Bite +18 (1d8+10/x2)

Spells Prepared (CL 11th)
4th(3) Fluid Form x2, (1 Blank)
3rd(5) Channel Vigor x2, Thorn Body x1, Fly x1 (1 Blank)
2nd(6) Alchemical Allocation x4, Elemental Touch, Vomit Swarm
1st(7) Shield x2, Enlarge Person, Cure Light Wounds x2, (2 Blank)
Str 8, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +8/3; CMB +7; CMD 24
Feats Weapon Finesse, Improved Unarmed Combat, Kirin Style, Extra Discovery, Extra Discovery, Kirin Strike
Traits (In Progress)
Skills Acrobatics +18, Craft Alchemy +33, Disable Device +21, Fly +18, Knowledge Arcana +20, Knowledge Dungeoneering +17, Knowledge Local +18, Knowledge Nature +20, Knowledge Planes +17, Knowledge Religion +17, Linguistics +7, Perception +13
Languages Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Gnome, Tien, Jistka, Osiriani

Combat Gear
Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists +1
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (Flight & Knowledge Planes)
Cloak of Resistance +3
Deliquescent Gloves
Ring of Protection +1
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4
Quilted Cloth of Deathless +2
Bag of Holding I
Alchemist's Kit
Explorer's Outfit
Portable Alchemist's Lab
Filter x20
Retort x3
Alchemical Reagents (400 Gold worth)
Thieves' Tools, common
Light Crossbow
Bolts, Crossbow x50
Dagger x2
Hooded Lantern
Lamp Oil x30
Alchemist's Fire x5
Acid x5
Potion of Barkskin +4
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Mage Armor
Potion of Levitate
Potion of Resist Energy 10
115 Gold

1st: Shield, Crafter's Fortune, Cure Light Wounds, Identify, Enlarge Person, Jump, Disguise Self, True Strike, Deathwatch
2nd: Vomit Swarm, Elemental Touch, Alchemical Allocation, Anthropomorphic Animal
3rd: Fly, Channel Vigor, Thorn Body, Awaken, Baleful Polymorph
4th: Fluid Form, Restoration
Racial Traits:
Skilled: +2 Racial Bonus to Bluff & Stealth
Darkvision: See perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Maw or Claw: Two Claws dealing 1d4 that are primary natural attacks
Prehensile Tail: Long, flexible tail that can be used to carry items. Can't wield weapons. Can retrieve a small item as a Swift Action.
Scaled Skin: +5 Electrical Resistance. +1 Natural Armor Bonus

Class Features
(Archetypes Vivisectionist and Internal Alchemist)
Alchemy: Extracts. +Class Levels to Craft Alchemy. (1 min to prepare extracts)
Sneak Attack: 6d6 damage. (As per Rogues)
Mutagen: +4 to one of Str/Dex/Con and -2 to one of Int/Wis/Cha of the respective choice. +2 Natural Armor. Lasts 10 min per class level. 1 Hour to prepare.
Breath Mastery: Without Preparation, hold breath for Con score minutes. With Full-round Action, hold breath for Con score hours. Survives 2x as long without food or water before taking penalties. Move Action to put self in suspended animation where he is unconscious, appears to be completely dead, and awakens at a preset time or in response to a condition set by him when entering state.
Torturer's Eye: Add Deathwatch to formula book as 1st level extract
Poison Use: Cannot accidentally poison self when poisoning a weapon.
Poison Immunity: Immune to Poisons
Disease Immunity: Immune to Diseases
Cruel Anatomist: Use Knowledge (Nature) skill bonus in place of Heal skill bonus.
Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be caught flat-footed, nor looses Dex bonus to AC if attacker is invisible. Still looses Dex when immobilized or against feint.
Torturous Transformation: Add Antropomorphic Animal as 2nd level extract. Add Awaken and Baleful Polymorph as 3rd level extract. Special usage requirements for these three extracts, not normal.

Feral Mutagen: Under Mutagen, gain two claw attacks with 1d6 damage and one bite attack for 1d8 damage. These are primary attacks. +2 bonus to intimidate.
Preserve Organs: 25% chance of sneak attack or critical hits are negated and damage is rolled normally.
Infusion: Extracts can be drunk by others.
Enhance Potion: Int modifier times per day, any potion he drinks functions at a caster level equal to class level.
Spontaneous Healing + Healing Touch: 5*Level pool of hit points. Fast Healing 5 as a free action once per round. Unconscious because of hit point damage activates automatically the healing. As a Standard Action, apply 1 round's effect of healing to another creature.
Mummification: Immune to cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis, and sleep.

Kirin Style: Swift Action to make a knowledge check to ID a creature (DC 15 + creature's CR). Success means +2 bonus on saving throws against that creature's attacks and +2 dodge bonus to AC against that creature's attacks of opportunity.

Kirin Strike: +2 insight bonus on Knowledge checks made to ID creatures. After IDing a creature with Kirin Style, as a swift action after hitting a creature with a melee or ranged attack, add 2x Int Mod in damage.


Joren Thexes would almost look human, if one could overlook the details at least. The pale skin matches what one would expect, but any close look shows the fact it lacks spore and is made of scales instead. The facial features are correct, though the eyes are too slanted and narrow to be close to the norm as are the red mixing in with the brown pupils can't be natural. He has no hair while a close examination would reveal not one follicle anywhere on his head, or anywhere else on him. The markings running along the top of his head to swoop down to the sides of his eyes could be passed off as normal tattoos, except for they shift with his mood. His gloved hands seem quite normal if a bit longer then normal fingers, but the claws under those gloves gives it all away. Even the oddly striped "snake skin" belt around his waist is odd, but even odder as it twitches every now and then. Even the headband and conical straw hat over his head would normally be fine, except the small bumps in the headband that shows where his small horns are.

Joren Thexes is not good in hiding the fact he is a tiefling nor does he put much effort into it beyond the basics, but he tries all the same so he doesn't cause a panic or too many fearful whispers behind his back. His clothing is rough and worn canvas, cloth, and leather, sticking to the general greens and browns outside of his "Snakeskin belt" that is his dyed tail. The numerous bottles and paraphernalia that hang on his clothes though does nothing but show off the fact that he is an alchemist

And my entry is now complete. Now to read through the others, start making a couple choices, and hope I get selected when the deadline rolls around. Good luck all.

I'm holding off on posting with the alias in case he's not picked. I've had a look at fellow applicants, and I have some ideas of who I'd like to play alongside of.

Good luck, everyone, here's hoping to be picked.

Corlis Tern, the Whirling Falcon of Varisia

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