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![]() @GMsui
If anyone else wants to steal ideas or the build from Hasphim, feel free look on the first page and check his bio. Just remember, magical abilities will be lacking from the start (No Su or spells). That makes Healing difficult, and the Heal Skill rather important, even with the Stress rules to help mitigate some damage. ![]()
![]() Hmm, Skype session on Saturday the 22nd of August as a one-shot? I'm tempted here, and don't have plans for that day (outside of PbP games). Got ideas for a Bladebound Magus as well, lets say with the Words of Power spellcasting. I'll start putting it together, and let you look over it. Skype is live:mliebennett Just to confirm though, starting gold will be 450 + (Avg lvl 1 starting gold for the class) instead of the starting gold for a lvl 6? ![]()
![]() Ahti wrote:
The last time I setup a caster, the spell component pouch had a hole in the side of it from the start. So it was tied around the waist, and stuffed with the most important spell components for a sorcerer. Very comfortable, and silk lined was worth the five gold. ...Oh god, its contagious. ![]()
![]() @Voin_AFOL
After giving the name and avatar, from the "My Account" go back to "Message Board Aliases" and click on the Name of the Alias, not the "Edit" button. From there, click on the Profile tab and then "Edit my Profile". There, you can enter the information. I don't know for others, but there is a time limit to enter details, so keep a copy in a Notepad of what you are trying to enter in the Profile's About box, or save changes constantly. @JonGarrett
![]() Well with Witches there is the one-day limit on Hex targets on some of the abilities unless someone casts Hex Vulnerability. Though there are only three part-Witch Entries, my own included. Part of the reason why Erana Vasanti doesn't have Hexes. The main reason being I really wanted to make use of a build that could use the White-haired Witch archetype. I'm trying to figure out what classes are low/not used in the pool. No Alchemist, Barbarian, Hunter, Investigator, Brawler (One my own), Paladin (One), Hmmm... ![]()
![]() Two days till end of recruitment? Well I guess I might as well leave my late entry here then. Erana Vasanti
Why yes, her hair is literally her main weapon, while magic falls to a support role. It gives up those oh so lovely Hexes, but this setting is the first where the build can fall into place. ![]()
![]() Oh and for potential allies in this campaign? On Healing, we won't have magical healing to begin with. That means the Heal skill will be VERY important at first, as will the Healer's Kit. The Strain/Injury alternate rules will help buffer things, but its much harder to recover from Injuries (Damage from Crits, Failed Saves, "Finishing Blows") in the beginning moments. So you may want to include a Healer's Kit in your own equipment, even if you can use the skill or not. Each kit can only be used 5 times on Treat Deadly Wounds (2 uses for each treatment), and only heal 2 hit points at level 2 for a success on a DC 20 check. DC25 gives +Wis to amount healed ... or +Int with Precise Treatment trait if GMsui allows. And yes, DC 25 is reachable with enough Aid Another support.
Further, take a good look at some Alchemical(Non-magical) items for survival. For Example:
I would mention Troll Styptic, but that one mentions being made with Troll blood and I don't think anyone has met a Troll to bring back its blood yet in this setting. So keep in mind that your character does not know of magical healing, and plan accordingly to what they would bring to keep themselves alive. Even if it is just a bunch of wool scraps and a flask of high proof whiskey. I know Hasphim wouldn't mind drinking that, as he tries to figure out the bloody puzzle someone might represent. Wait, what do you mean that the alcohol supposed to be for cleaning the wound and for the patient to drink to ease the pain? Blasphemy. ![]()
![]() I didn't get around to writing more of the first mission yet (Babysat my niece), but I filled out the character sheet, equipment, and such for Hasphim so far. The background/personality/description is still being polished, but the basics are there. Mostly to see if I can get a few extra Traits to meld into Hasphim.
Potential Extra Traits:
Adopted->Carefully Hidden(Human) and Reactionary (Or Careful Combatant depending)
Still, I'm liking the concept for him on my side so far. ![]()
![]() Alright, my original idea didn't quit pan out as it stretched too many ideas and got unwieldy. After a massive bit of pruning, I decided that for this campaign the big focus would be that Technology. I removed the doctor side of things, but I think the results are turning out alright so far. Miguel von Huger Crunch:
Miguel von Huger Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 1 CN Medium outsider(native) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex) hp 9 (1d8+1) Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2 Defensive Abilities Resist Fire/Cold/Electricity 5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee White Hair +4 (1d4+4/×2/Grab) . . Claw x2 +4 (1d4+1/x2) Range Shortbow +4 (1d6/x) Special Attacks -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8 Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14 Feats Weapon Finesse Traits Arms Master, Quick Learner, Student of Philosophy, Tech Savvy, Paranoid (Drawback) Skills *Acrobatics +8 *Bluff +3 (+11 for Lying) Climb +0 *Craft (Alchemy) +9 *Craft (Technology) +8 *Disable Device +9 (Can disable magical traps) *Diplomacy +3 (+8 for Persuading others) *Electronics +9 *Knowledge (Engineer) +9 *Knowledge (Technology) +9 *Perception +4 (+5 vs Traps) *Spellcraft +8 Sense Motive +0 Stealth +4 Languages Common*, Abyssal*, 2x more
Concept comes down to a truly Tech Savvy character. Salvage, repair, and even use of some of the potential tech weapons. Miguel's childhood experience with a variety of tools and tech, even if broken, allows him to catch on quickly on how some weapons are used, referenced by the traits Arms Master and Quick Learner. (Non-proficiency Weapons are only a -2 penalty instead of -4, due to Arms Master. Further, after the first attack with a non-proficient weapon, the penalty drops another 2 to a 0 penalty for non-proficient weapons after the first attack. It resets back to -2 once the weapon is no longer wielded though.) Then the mutation part came back, and I decided to play that further with the Character Twist of White Hair from the White-haired Witch archetype. It has potential, but it definitely fit the theme this character had after a massive bit of culling ideas. Of course in these times, that means trouble and having a silvered tongue to deal with some of that trouble. Backstory:
Miguel was born into a nomadic tribe of old world scavengers, the Macinypsi. They would constantly travel, visiting old sites and trying to dig up and repair what technology they could to sell at a friendly location later. Further, they were a refuge for various members of the arcane on the run or living in fear from their former family and communities. They are not welcome in Minimuse, though individual may seek them out for cures or fortunes with their mixed results. Alchemy, fortune telling, minor bits of magic, mutations, and everything that Minimuse society hated and parts of Amrocia was uncomfortable with were a common sight in Miguel's childhood. Even bits of technology that couldn't be fixed were used as the tribe's communal children toys, leaving him curious and in awe with the old world stuff. It was never their history, but their items that got his attention, and he tried to figure out how it always worked. Then HE came, Victor Marcone. At first, he was just a new recruit, if a pretty face by what the tiresome female gossip kept saying, but his words were a slow poison. Maybe we should be a bit more respectful with these ruins, or be wary with that item. That its BAD to lie to the poor souls coming for a fortune. That we should be a bit more careful with the arcane. Then it grew, that we should leave the ruins alone and their dangers. That the arcane is witchery at its worst. It slowly split the tribe apart. Then the tribe leader died, Miguel never knew his name outside what all the kids called him by "Old man Popo", and Marcone's side decried that it was by the Wards of the Gods. That it was time for us to turn from this horrible path. There was doubt about Miguel's words being true, and the fighting started not soon after. Worse, the fighting stopped not much longer after that as well. Our camp was near Minimuse lands, and their forces crushed most of the tribe fighting Marcone and sending some scrambling for their lives. The run is vague in Miguel's mind until he was in Amrocia, tired and having no clue on the fates of his parents and friends. Now, he is cautious of others, fearing they will turn against him as Victor Marcone did against his tribe. Whether for his looks and mutations, for his interest in technology, or his alchemy and extracts which blurs the lines of magic and mundane. Still, he looks for jobs to put food on the table and willing to join others ... even if he keeps an eye on them. But the chance of finding a piece of old technology to mess with, and the feelings of nostalgia of his old home, are too great to pass up. Description:
Still working on the concept, but I decided to post what I have so far. ![]()
![]() Investigator
![]() Alright, so keeping Sleuth to keep the Investigator completely lacking Su or Sp abilities. So in addition to questions in my earlier post, there is another. Are there any Feat Buffs to Point-blank Shot and Precise Shot similar to other feat buffs mentioned in the Doc linked in the OP? Sorry for all the questions. The come up as I try to plan the character. ![]()
![]() "Owl" wrote: That is fine. I want archeologist bard for the personal bonus to attack since he's a loner and bardic knowledge. I can't find an archetype that doesn't have spells but imagine he will jump at the chance to use magic later. I will fully update tomorrow and read further into your changes. Huh, that is a good idea if allowed. "Discovering" the talents at a later time in a class... I may have to drop the Sleuth archetype from the Investigator side, and let the Alchemy(Su) be suppressed until a relevant plot point later. Further, it would fit with his progress in research into healing and alchemy(mundane) as the campaign progresses more into the arcane. ![]()
![]() Okay, I think I see how Linguistics work. It would probably be easier to explain if there was a word for the sub-section of Linguistics made with these home rules. Maybe call them "Principles" and mention instead of bonus languages of Int Bonus at level 1, that you get Principle points equal to that Int bonus to be used on Linguistic Principles. Also that each rank in Linguistics gives you another Principle point. Huh, no clue how to reword the "native human-speaker". Questions:
Further, can Dark Vision be taken as an Elven Racial trait? (You mentioned the changes to the sunrods taking away from the spooky, so I'm asking on this one as well. Still debating if I want to take it or not.) Can my character craft his Masterwork firearm in the attempt to save some gold to buy alchemical goods? Gunsmithing takes it only needs a 1x day per 1000 gold to craft a gun.
Is Use Magic Device and Knowledge(Arcana) frowned upon in this setting at this time, due to the fact its doubtful there is any experience or knowledge about magic? Finally:
Hasphim Houlsen - Alpha incomplete write up:
Physical Description: Hasphim can be described like a willow tree. Tall, thin and bendy that is predominantly the colors green and brown and being rather solemn. Its also a description that he hates. He can't do much about his build, which is tall, agile and not anemic if the describer even knows what it means. Hasphim has grown out his brown hair, and thrown it into a pony tail in the attempt to get away from how his former short hair helped the illusion of a willow tree. Even his clothing tends to be predominantly in greys, greens, and browns, but he has gone out of his way to include a splash of blue in the form of a stripe along his left arm's sleeve to try to distract from that. His hands have minor scars from burns and small cut from his craft. Personality:
That isn't quite finished, as I'm still fleshing out portions for things I've got notes for this character (Secrets, rival/enemy, etc.). Also I'm in the process of making a write up of the first mission as well just for fun, and trying to get a feel on how his personality will turn out. Skill wise? Its a scattershot of things. Knowledge(Nature, Dungeoneering, Engineering, Local East, Local South), Heal(Precise Treatment trait is my first choice of Traits), Perception, Craft(Alchemy), Disable Device, Linguistics, Sense Motive, Climb, Stealth, and Acrobatics (A number of these with just 1 rank). Further is the ability to improve these with the Inspiration 1d6 from the Investigator class.
Role-wise? Part (non-magical)Healer, and a versatile combatant. Not the most damaging, but able to switch up his style of attacks to fit the need of combat. Out of combat? Rogue-like skills and knowledge. ![]()
![]() Well, I'm interested. Thinking of going as an Alchemist(Combat Engineer) and Investigator(Steel Hound Sleuth). I need more info on Combat Engineer, specifically the Experimental Armorer and how many you learn at level 1 (And it sounds like you can prepare as many mods you have learned, limited by your equipment and slots for each). Yes, probably a strange combo but I'm wanting to get it to work for a Gestalt. Got a general idea, just need more info on Combat Engineer's Experimental Armorer and how many Mods he learns at level 1. Now to get on to making a backstory and personality for this curious detective. Edit: On Languages, do the Int Bonus for languages in this new system transfer as a rank to buy a regional dialect or new usage for Linguistics or in some other fashion? ![]()
![]() Definitely interested. If I can use the Character Twist to get back a class feature lost by archetypes.... Tiefling Alchemist with the Vivisectionist and Grenadier archetypes (Character Twist for Bombs to bring it back ... if allowed). As a warning, this may change as I am trying to put the concept together. The question I do have, after seeing how you seem to hate feat taxes, is if you can give the Alchemist the Infusion discovery for free? [IC]
Miguel visibly restrains himself from continuing the rant, before sighing and rubbing a hand against his head a glimpse of a small horn can be seen before the long black hair covers them once again. "Anyways, ignoring that I'm not bad in a scrap. I may not have one of those firearms everyone seems to love, but I'm decent with my bow and ... lets just say hand-to-hand combat. Besides, I've got an explosive trick up my sleeve when its needed as well."
![]() Can a Brawler with Shield Champion and Snakebite Striker work? You could go Dex with Weapon Finesse, Agile, and a Light Shield, ignore the Blinkback Belt (lvl 5), have Cha for Bluff/Feint for Sneak Attack along with Dirty Tricks (Capable with a thrown shield at level 7), and use Brawler's Flurry for multiple attacks. ![]()
![]() WOLead wrote:
Just noticed the difference between this style of rolling vs rolling twice and taking higher for each level. Going by that method using these rolls from earlier (taking higher from each dice roll): (5, 10, 6, 10, 3, 8, 3) = 45So 10 higher HP then previously. 85 HP for Norvallen instead of the 75 posted previously. Eh, make it 80 HP by moving 5 points of Favored Class from HP to Skill Ranks and putting them into Sense Motive. Changes to Norvallen: 80 HP, Favored Class Bonus: 1 HP and 7 Skill Points, Sense Motive +12 (6 Ranks)
Now for the fun stuff! Backstory:
"The greatest sight? A moonlit night at sea with an empty slaver ship burning bright and sinking. It was beautiful." In any other time of history, Norvallen would have been a pirate. He can sail, survive off the sea and land, loves to drink and brawl, and has a mighty fine time with it all. But this isn't any other time, and Amerys called to serve, which Norvallen served cheerfully. He has sailed ships attacking slavers, seeing the atrocities done to their victims, and it lit a cause in his heart. He may never have the hulking physique of a true fighter, but seeing his former captain shatter the shackles binding slaves in a single blow and the hope it gave to them drove him to train to repeat the feat. In fact, he considers his own version more impressive as he does it unarmed instead. Even turning 22, and being released from the service for a number of years, Norvallen is more then willing to join any service or cause to cause more havoc against those wretches. One thing weighs on Norvallen's mind, a victim he failed to save and promised he would come back to free. The fair Erana, trained as a bed slave and healer, Norvallen was smitten by the lady but the situation turned sour before he could attempt to rescue her. He has made a vow to find her and free her from those lands, whether in life or thereafter. Sadly to Norvallen, the only clue he has is the fan that Erana lent him on that hot summer day they met, and that he wasn't able to return in the chaos that followed later on. Its a rather expensive fan too, well-crafted with white silk running between the frame decorated with strange symbols that don't adhere to any language that anyone he's asked knows of.
"Yeah, I don't have a weapon beyond my crossbow. Do you have any idea just how fragile those things are?" Norvallen is a tall lissome human, with darkly tanned skin and dirty-blonde hair that has been bleached slightly from the sun and sea. His blue eyes can be quite piercing when he doesn't have that grin on his face, as he looks his target over finding weaknesses and faults with practiced ease. Light scars litter up and down his arms from the dangers of combat and the sea, while his fingers and knuckles have callouses only seen on dedicated monks. Around him perpetually, there always seems to be the smell of the salty sea air. Personality: "Steel is not stronger, it just hides the faults a bit better." Blunt and crass probably describe Norvallen rather accurately to anyone that talks with him. He speaks his mind, with little thought to diplomacy or guile. A rough privateer describes him perfectly, loving the drink, pubs, and even a good brawl for fun. He considers the coast and sea his home. ![]()
![]() Norvallen v5:
Norvallen Male Human Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 8 NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +7; Senses Perception +14 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 26, touch 21, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +6 Dex, +2 dodge, +2 deflection, +1 Luck) CMD: 31 (10 + 8 BAB + 2 Str + 6 Dex + 2 dodge + 2 deflection) (+2 vs Disarm and Trip, +3 vs Sunder) hp 75 (8d10(45)+30) Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Unarmed Strike +18/+13 (1d10+9/x2, B) --Flurry +16/+16/+11/+11 (1d10+9/x2) Ranged Underwater Light Crossbow +15 (1d8/19-20/x2, P, 80ft) CMB: +10; +15 with Trip, +17 with Disarm, +18 with Sunder Special Attacks Knockout (1/1 Fort DC: 21), Brawler's Flurry, Exploit Weakness, Pummeling Style -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 14, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13 Base Atk +8; CMB +10(+15 Trip, +17 Disarm, +18 Sunder); CMD 31(33 Disarm and Trip, 34 Sunder) Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Crane Style, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Crane Wing, Combat Style Master, Pummeling Style Traits Know the Land, Threatening Defender Skills Acrobatics +18, Climb +13, Escape Artist +11, Intimidate +7, Knowledge(Local) +5, Perception +14, Profession(Sailor) +14, Sense Motive +7, Survival +15, Swim +10 Languages Common, +1 Combat Gear: Brawling Mithral Chain Shirt +1, Ring of Protection +2, Belt of Dexterity +2, Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists, Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier, Acrobat Slippers, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Fighting Fan, Underwater Light Crossbow, Bolts x20 Other Gear: Handhaver Sack, Alchemist's Kindness x4, Holy Weapon Balm x2, Troll Styptic x3, Smokestick, Tracking Powder (10 uses) x2, Marlinspike, Footprint Book, Hot-weather Outfit, Diving Suit, Masterwork Survival Kit, Waterproof Bag x2, Fishing Tackle, Everburning Torch, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Mess Kit, Soap, Trail Rations x6, Waterskin x2, small tent Wealth: 420 GP -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Favored Class Bonus: 6 HP and 2 Skill Points Martial Flexibility (7/7): For 1 minute, gain a Combat Feat you have prerequisites for. Swift Action for 1 Feat. Move Action for 2 Feats. Number of feats per day is 3+1/2 Brawler level.
Hopefully last revision around Magic Items and gear, as I noticed another mistake in them. Lost a point in AC so down to 26 before Defensive Fighting and Combat Expertise. Sorry about the mistakes earlier, as reading a new splat book while trying to build something this high with a new class took its toll on me. ![]()
![]() Swapped Combat Reflexes for Weapon Focus(Unarmed Strikes), dropped the stupidly taken Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 to just Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists. Picked up Body Wraps of Mighty Strikes +1 and Robe of Infinite Twine. The Twine couldn't be passed up when I saw it, considering a sailor probably can never have enough rope.
Norvallen Male Human Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 8 NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +7; Senses Perception +14 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 27, touch 21, flat-footed 21 (+6 armor, +6 Dex, +3 dodge, +2 deflection) CMD: 32 (10 + 8 BAB + 2 Str + 7 Dex + 3 dodge + 2 deflection) (+2 vs Disarm, +3 vs Sunder) hp 75 (8d10(45)+30) Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Unarmed Strike +16/+11 (1d10+7/x2, B) --Flurry +14/+14/+9/+9 (1d10+7/x2) Ranged Underwater Light Crossbow +15 (1d8/19-20/x2, P, 80ft) CMB: +10; +15 with Trip, +17 with Disarm, +18 with Sunder Special Attacks Knockout (1/1 Fort DC: 21), Brawler's Flurry, Exploit Weakness, Pummeling Style, Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes +1 (Two unarmed strikes per round) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 14, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13 Base Atk +8; CMB +10(+15 WFinesse, +17 Disarm, +18 Sunder); CMD 29(31 Disarm, 32 Sunder) Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Crane Style, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Crane Wing, Combat Style Master, Pummeling Style Traits Know the Land, Threatening Defender Skills Acrobatics +18, Climb +13, Escape Artist +11, Intimidate +7, Knowledge(Local) +5, Perception +14, Profession(Sailor) +14, Sense Motive +7, Survival +15, Swim +10 Languages Common, +1 Combat Gear: Mithral Chain Shirt +2, Ring of Protection +2, Belt of Dexterity +2, Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists, Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes +1, Cape of the Swashbuckler, Robe of Infinite Twine, Wand of Cure Light Wounds Other Gear: Underwater Light Crossbow, Bolts x20, Alchemist's Kindness x4, Holy Weapon Balm x2, Troll Styptic, Smokestick, Tracking Powder (10 uses) x2, Marlinspike, Footprint Book, Hot-weather Outfit, Diving Suit, Masterwork Survival Kit, Masterwork Backpack, Waterproof Bag x2, Fishing Tackle, Everburning Torch, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Mess Kit, Soap, Trail Rations x6, Waterskin x2, Fighting Fan Wealth: 80 GP -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Favored Class Bonus: 6 HP and 2 Skill Points Martial Flexibility (7/7): For 1 minute, gain a Combat Feat you have prerequisites for. Swift Action for 1 Feat. Move Action for 2 Feats. Number of feats per day is 3+1/2 Brawler level.
I made a second mistake looking at Slashing Grace, until I read it doesn't work with Light Weapons (And thus Unarmed Strikes). I had everything changed and posted ... till I looked it up to confirm it worked and saw that it doesn't. ![]()
![]() Finished the crunch for Norvallen, including gear. I had to drop the Heart of the Wilderness alternate racial (which lead to a smaller Survival check) because of needing more skill ranks for potential prerequisites needed. In its place, I grabbed the Masterwork Survival Kit and some Tracking Powder to help with Survival skills again. Further, I dropped the Reactionary trait for Defender Training trait with regards to how often Norvallen will probably be Defensive Fighting. Turning that from a -4 attack penalty to a -1 penalty for the +2 AC bonus is nice, getting the Crane Riposte to turn that into a -0 Penalty is great. Using the style and fighting defensively for +3 Dodge AC with 0 attack penalty is simply wonderful, especially as Combat Expertise can allow that to be boosted further for a -3 to attacks with +3 Dodge AC, and Exploit Weakness can be used against one creature for a +4 Dodge AC. So hopefully that helps with the defensive side of things when its needed.
Norvallen Male Human Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 8 NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +7; Senses Perception +14 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 27, touch 21, flat-footed 21 (+6 armor, +6 Dex, +3 dodge, +2 deflection) CMD: 32 (10 + 8 BAB + 2 Str + 7 Dex + 3 dodge + 2 deflection) (+2 vs Disarm, +3 vs Sunder) hp 75 (8d10(45)+30) Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Agile Unarmed Strike +1 +16/+11 (1d10+8/x2, B) --Flurry +14/+14/+9/+9 (1d10+8/x2) Ranged Underwater Light Crossbow +15 (1d8/19-20/x2, P, 80ft) CMB: +10; +15 with Trip, +17 with Disarm, +18 with Sunder Special Attacks Knockout (1/1 Fort DC: 21), Brawler's Flurry, Pummeling Style, Exploit Weakness -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 14, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13 Base Atk +8; CMB +10(+15 WFinesse, +17 Disarm, +18 Sunder); CMD 29(31 Disarm, 32 Sunder) Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Boar Style, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Combat Style Master, Pummeling Style Traits Know the Land, Defender Training Skills Acrobatics +18, Climb +13, Escape Artist +11, Intimidate +7, Knowledge(Local) +5, Perception +14, Profession(Sailor) +14, Sense Motive +7, Survival +15, Swim +10 Languages Common, +1 Combat Gear: Mithral Chain Shirt +2, Ring of Protection +2, Belt of Dexterity +2, Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Cape of the Swashbuckler, Wand of Cure Light Wounds Other Gear: Underwater Light Crossbow, Bolts x20, Alchemist's Kindness x4, Holy Weapon Balm x2, Troll Styptic, Smokestick, Tracking Powder (10 uses) x2, Marlinspike, Footprint Book, Hot-weather Outfit, Diving Suit, Masterwork Survival Kit, Masterwork Backpack, Waterproof Bag x2, Fishing Tackle, Everburning Torch, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Mess Kit, Soap, Trail Rations x6, Waterskin x2 Wealth: 85 GP -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Favored Class Bonus: 6 HP and 2 Skill Points Martial Flexibility (7/7): For 1 minute, gain a Combat Feat you have prerequisites for. Swift Action for 1 Feat. Move Action for 2 Feats. Number of feats per day is 3+1/2 Brawler level.
27 AC is at the lower end of the spectrum, but there are ways to boost his AC in combat. Crane Style feats let me use Defensive Fighting for a +3 bonus, at a -1 attack penalty. Exploit Weakness can let me add +4 more against one target. Decent Initiative to help start first. Further, Martial Flexibility allows to grab various Combat (and Style) feats when needed. Drop Defensive Fighting down to a 0 attack penalty with Crane Riposte. Use Slashing Damage (+2d6 potentially) with Boar Style (When Bludgeoning doesn't work). Accuracy with Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus. Semi-Pounce with Pummeling Charge. Various bonuses grabbing Monkey Style and Monkey Moves. Improved Disarm when Disarming is useful. Power Attack and Improved Sundering for when it too is wanted. Bleeding Attack for Bleed Dmg. And many, many more options depending on the situation. 7 of these feats per day, up to 2 at once for 1 minute at a time? That is interesting, but had to keep reminding myself to work without them if needed. Its the Steel-breaker side of things that also caught my attention, and made me realize it helps deal with a problem of Monks/Unarmed Fighters. With Exploit Weakness, you can potentially ignore DR or Hardness that would otherwise need that golf bag of weapons to get around, but it can also act as a defensive boost as well when that is not needed. Still working on that background to flesh it out more, though I'm hitting a wall with my own lack of knowledge about the setting. Though on languages, what is a common language of the slavers ... outside of Common? ![]()
![]() Rolling HP.
Eh, 7 under average. Norvallen Prototype:
Norvallen Male Human Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 8 NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +9; Senses Perception +14 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 27, touch 21, flat-footed 21 (+6 armor, +6 Dex, +3 dodge, +2 deflection) hp 75 (8d10(45)+30) Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +5 Defensive Abilities +5 racial bonus on Con checks to Stabilize while dying. -20 HP to die. -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Agile Unarmed Strike +1 +16/+11 (1d10+8/x2, B) --Flurry +14/+14/+9/+9 (1d10+8/x2) Special Attacks Knockout (1/1 Fort DC: 21), Brawler's Flurry, Pummeling Style, Exploit Weakness -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 14, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13 (Starting: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11) Base Atk +8; CMB +10(+15 WFinesse, +17 Disarm, +18 Sunder); CMD 29(31 Disarm, 32 Sunder) Feats Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Combat Style Master, Pummeling Style Traits Know the Land, Reactionary Skills Acrobatics +18, Climb +8, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge(Engineering) +5, Knowledge(Local) +5, Perception +14, Profession(Sailor) +14, Sense Motive +7, Survival +19, Swim +8 Languages Common, +1 Combat Gear: Mithral Chain Shirt +2, Ring of Protection +2, Belt of Dexterity +2, Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Cape of the Swashbuckler, Wand of Cure Light Wounds Other Gear: In Progress Wealth: 650 GP -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Favored Class Bonus: 6 HP, 2 Skill Ranks Alternate Racial Trait: Heart of the Wilderness: Gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 racial bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces skilled. Martial Flexibility (7/7): For 1 minute, gain a Combat Feat you have prerequisites for. Swift Action for 1 Feat. Move Action for 2 Feats. Number of feats per day is 3+1/2 Brawler level.
27 AC is at the lower end of the spectrum, but there are ways to boost his AC in combat. Crane Style feats let me use Defensive Fighting for a +3 bonus, at a -2 attack penalty then boosted further with Combat Expertise. Exploit Weakness can let me add +4 more against one target. Decent Initiative to help start first. Decent Initiative and Perception to attempt to go first or at least early. Further Martial Flexibility makes things interesting, allowing to get certain combat feats on the fly for a bit. A Sailor, a survivalist, and a brawler. Not completely done yet, as I still need to fill out his non-magical inventory, and flesh out the back story more and make it more ledgible. Backstory v1: In any other time of history, Norvallen would have been a pirate. He can sail, survive off the sea and land, loves to drink and brawl, and has a mighty fine time with it all. But this isn't any other time, and Amerys called to serve, which Norvallen served cheerfully. He has sailed ships attacking slavers, seeing the atrocities done to their victims, and it lit a cause in his heart. Even turning 22, and being released from the service for a number of years, Norvallen is more then willing to join any service or cause to cause more havoc against those wretches. One thing weighs on Norvallen's mind, a victim he failed to save and promised he would come back to free. The fair Erana, trained as a bed slave and healer, Norvallen was smitten by the lady but the situation turned sour before he could attempt to rescue her. He has made a vow to find her and take her free those lands, even if she is already dead, he'll still carry her away. ![]()
![]() Potentially interested.
Set 1:
Set 2:
![]() Jazz Kraz wrote: cap of light plus it doesn't use up a whole valueable pound of encumberance. *Sniff* Encumberance? What is this encumbrance when you have a Steamsuit to walk around in? Quote: "Medium suits give the pilot a lifting and carrying capacity as if she/he had a Strength of 60, and grants her/him a speed of 40 feet. This effective Strength score does not affect the pilot's skill or ability checks, nor her/his attack or damage rolls." ... Of course Jasper needs to get his hands on the materials and parts to make his Steamsuit first ... so maybe that encumbrance bit still applies. ![]()
![]() Rednal wrote: I'm not starting with Darkvision, but I plan to get it later on. XD Seems kind of useful in this setting, really. I'm sure the city isn't constantly covered in thick smog or anything, but I get the feeling that we'll have a lot of operations at night... Quote: "Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains. ..." Why do I get the feeling that will come back to haunt us all? Though Jasper does carry a Hooded Lantern and Oil, mostly to have enough light to inspect various crime scenes, but also has a Sunrod backup in case of combat. Low-light vision though does help, but it never hurts to be prepared.
![]() Sohar Ko-Chav wrote:
My heart wouldn't be in it, sadly, as there wouldn't be much of a point. Alas, I shall grieve the lost chance and be glad you convinced yourself of such a thing. =P Still, at least Sohar has no chance of getting lost, even if he looses his entire party again. That Starchild Trait along with Skyseer asking for what path to travel will make sure of that.Of course, if Sohar ever starts giving a prophecy, Jasper may try to duck and cover to avoid it. Cursed or Charmed Seer, no offense Sohar, just sounds too ominous not to be wary about. I am curious if Jasper Varmine looks decent enough though, or if he does need more tuning. Seing Rosealita Englasias and Andiel there makes me worried about that part, even if Rosealita is more of a Gunslinger then an Alchemist and Andiel seems more of a witch then alchemist at first glance. Its still daunting to see at least two other part Alchemists in the pool. ![]()
![]() Sohar Ko-Chav wrote: So... I switched the theme to Skyseer. I guess I failed my will save. And darn, I was getting ready to lay into tempting you with the Skyseer that seemed to fit just as well as the Veteran theme did. All I did was take a nap ... which turned into a mini-coma, and woke up too late to even attempt. ![]()
![]() Hurrah! Glad to hear from you again GM! Hear that Edward? You didn't kill off the game with your questions as you feared. This doesn't mean to go trying, again, you got me? On the Theme part. Has anyone gone the Skyseer route? I personally would have gone with that one, if my concept simply didn't demand the Technologist Theme along with promises of access to a Steam-powered Suit of Armor of all things. The Mad Tinkerer is already salivating at getting his grabby mitts on that ... After he replaces his Spontaneous Alchemy set and his pocket watch he lost in the unfortunate explosion a couple weeks ago, of course. Its so hard to not get lost in tinkering without a pocket watch to keep track of time! ![]()
![]() Well, their is my submission of Jasper Varmine. Decided to stick to breaking the mold of "War Veterans" for the RHC constables we had going there. Oh and for his bow? I'm going to flavour that as a Compound Bow instead of a traditional Longbow. Wires and Pulleys of a compound bow just seem to fit more. ![]()
![]() Jasper Varmine submission Initial Draft. Just the initial taste, as I am still working on this one. Fluff (Initial Draft):
Personality: Those who know Jasper Varmine always seem to wonder, "Oh by the gods, what is it?" The inflection of emotion though may range from exasperation of another question all the way to sheer utter fear at the item in question held up to them. Further, Jasper is a glutton for comforts. It may be his method of trying to make up for his past, but all of life's comforts is what keeps him going from day to day. If you ever asked him, Jasper would say during those moments is the only time his mind truly rests. Even during his sleep, ideas and thoughts run abound through his head on what should be tried or built. Jasper may be a Researcher in the mind, but his heart is always driven more towards action. Its never about making an item, but rather USING them for all sorts of reasons. Its also why he transferred from being a Researcher for RHC to being a Constable, as he wanted to do more to help then just craft the gear for others to use. Appearance:
Crunch Minus Gear:
Jasper Varmine Half-elf Alchemist(Grenadier) 1 / Artisan 1 Technologist Theme NG Medium humanoid (human,elf) Init +4; Senses Low-light; Perception +8 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex) hp 11 (1d8+3) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4 +2 vs Poison and Disease (Mutagen - Dex) AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex) Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +3 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Longbow +4 (1d8/x3/100ft) Bomb +4 (1d6+5 Fire/x2/20ft and +6 Fire splash with DC 15 Ref for half) (Mutagen - Dex) Longbow +6 (1d8/x3/100ft) Bomb +6 (1d6+5 Fire/x2/20ft and +6 Fire splash with DC 15 Ref for half) Alchemist Extracts (1 minute to craft)
Theme Technologist:
Artificer (Grenadier):
There, he isn't ALL about explosions and setting people on fire, which the RHC would probably frown upon. ... Just when he needs to, things will get LOUD. Just waiting on details about crafting items, before filling out Jasper's gear and still trying to polish and flesh out the background. Not to mention later the Alchemical Weapon + Hybridization Funnel will make things fun along with Explosive Missiles discovery. ![]()
![]() Still building the character, but a question popped up. Can my character start off with any crafted items he can make, or must simply buy them outright?
Yes, new to Zeitgeist here, hence why I'm taking some time crafting the character and background reading through it slowly. ![]()
![]() Just leaving a post as I am still trying to finish up my alias before the soft deadline. Tiefling Alchemist with the Vivisectionist and Internal Alchemist archetypes just sounds fun with the Kirin Style and Kirin Strike feats too. Spontaneous Alchemy looks fun to play with as well, but more just to have some alchemical items made relatively fast. Initial Background
Joren Thexes:
A Hermetic Flask, a simple piece of glass that was used in the purification of a Philosopher's Stone. Oh the stone itself is a marvel, but this simple byproduct is something that Thexes can USE! Distillation of alchemical essences, studying of unknown substances, antidotes, and more! Its a researcher's second greatest dream to get a hold of one of those humble-looking pieces of glass, where the first is of course making a philosopher's stone.
And its rumored that the Vault of Hao Jin has one. Usually that would be the end of any thought of obtaining such a treasure, but there is a tournament where the prize is something from the vault. A tournament that just might put the artifact in Thexes' reach, if he can overcome the challenges and find the right partners. Since the discovery of the rumor and the tournament as a child, Thexes has dedicated part of his studies to combat purposes, an atrocity to any researcher who loves their art. Studied were charts of weaknesses and pressure points of any and all manners of creatures from arcane libraries to monasteries, efficient forms of unarmed combat and even claws that didn't require dedication to master. All time lost for further research. Yet, for a chance at the flask... The Thirtieth Ruby Phoenix tournament passed him by without an invitation leaving Thexes wondering if he was too young, or too unknown to even have a chance. Making a rash decision to solve both, he headed out and began life as an adventurer to make a name for himself to catch the Emissary's eye for a participant in the tournament. A decision that strangely hasn't slowed down his research, due to the sheer need of practical applications. Still, its all for one purpose for now which can lead to every alchemist's greatest goal. First, get that flask. Crunch: Joren Thexes Male, Tiefling, Alchemist 11 N, Med Init +7; Darkvision Perception +13 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +7 Dex, +1 Def, +1 Nat) hp 69 (11d8+11, +6/level) Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +7 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Claw x2 +16/+16 (1d4+8+1d6/x2) Ranged Light Crossbow +15 (1d6/19-20) Dagger +15/+1 (1d4-1/) Spells Prepared (CL 11th) 4th(3) 3rd(5) 2nd(6) 1st(7) -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str 8, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 8 Base Atk +8/3; CMB +7; CMD 24 Feats Weapon Finesse, Instant Alchemy, Improved Unarmed Combat, Kirin Style, Extra Discovery, Kirin Strike Traits (In Progress) Skills Acrobatics +18, Craft Alchemy +33, Disable Device +21, Fly +18, Knowledge Arcana +20, Knowledge Dungeoneering +17, Knowledge Local +18, Knowledge Nature +20, Knowledge Planes +17, Knowledge Religion +17, Linguistics +7, Perception +13 Languages Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Gnome, Tien, Jistka, +1 Combat Gear (In Progress) Spellbook (In Progress) -------------------- SPECIAL ABILITIES -------------------- (In Progress) ![]()
![]() Ryuko wrote: If you flesh out the concept a bit, I can work with why you're here Background Grew up in a family of five, which slowly drifted apart across the US over the years. Said family having a long history of ADD symptoms before it was called such. Learned to focus his attention to an extreme to complete a task while ignoring everything else, rather then always be easily distracted. Learned of magic from his grandfather living nearby in Charleston, SC.(Phase Aspect: Overly-focused ADD) Rising Conflict
Still writing Phase Three, but essentially, its going to deal with his first taste of becoming a "Freelance Sorcerer on the Line" constantly carrying multiple cheap cellphones to keep in contact even if his magic fries the one currently on, by swapping the SIM card into one of the off ones and turning it on. Also in dealing when dealing with the Law, hence "On the Line". Turned to "For Hire" work, due to how trouble keeps popping up on him from both the Fey that he first met and his ex-girlfriend trying to lure him into her enthrallment/service. It makes for difficulty holding mundane jobs, but being a merc sorcerer gives him some protection, info, and contacts to help against them.
Evocation is specialized in Spirit (Control Bonus). Thaumaturgy's specialization is in Crafting (Strength). ![]()
![]() Ryuko wrote: Title says it all really. We've lost 2 players right before things got really, really interesting. Would like at least one more person. Power level is 8 Refresh, and we currently have a were-lion, a mortal FBI agent, and an old-world satyr. Anyone interested drop me a line. I'm definitely interested here, just I'll be coming in new to the game. I've been wanting to play a game in this system/setting, but I've haven't had any luck finding one till now. Tiny Initial thoughts until more details abound. Template: Sorcerer (Musts: Evocation (-3), Thaumaturgy(-3))
![]() HarbinNick wrote:
For those days/hours, I like the Saturday and Sunday blocks, but preferably after 8PM if possible. The Friday hours work, up until about 11:00 to 12:00 which requires a bit of a break at that time. On equipment? Is it possible for my Alchemist to have made a few items rather the buy with his Craft(Alchemy)? Oh, and Kafwes' Character sheet as I am building it. Not yet complete. ![]()
![]() From the EnWorld forum here. Planning on making my Alchemist. Currently trying to pull everything together, while fleshing out his background more. For Traits though, Merchant Apprentice (Craft(Alchemy)+2) is definitely one.
Stats: 12 Str, 16 Dex, 12 Con, 18 Int, 10 Wis, 10 Cha. Alternate Racial trait:
(More to come on the build.) On the times noted, they easily fit in what I can make. On my Alchemist? Across from you all sits a half-elf easily described as a scholar. His features seem delicate on his lanky and tall frame. Light brown hair is well kept, and long. His clothes even reflect this, being a simple dress shirt, pants, and a vest as he lounges close to the tavern's fire, having discarded the heavy cotton clothing for comfort temporarily. His blue eyes though, hidden slightly behind the circular eyeglasses he wears, give a hint of possible danger from the male figure. Madness would be to harsh of a word for it, but a sharp focused edge seems to be behind those eyes. "My name is Kyle J Kafwes, and if you couldn't tell from the tools of my trade," the half-elf says as he gestures to the books, notes, and various potions in reach. "is simply Alchemy. This trip, is merely another expedition to improve it." |