The Mad Priest (Ghost)

Gatekeep3r's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts (36 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Turner Bout, wizard who wants to change the world!

Dark Archive

Looks very cool! Would a transmuter wizard be welcome?

Motive: heard rumors of the blueprint for the philosopher's stone.

Background: Son of an Arcanamirium Crafter, but not permitted to go to the university himself. Is trying to become a mage capable of creating more impressive items than those who went to university.
Not really interested in combat himself, but willing to help allies to achieve his goals. Has learned that if the opponent is changed into something he will usually give up and leave when he is changed back.

Appearance: As a transmuter, has made himself into someone tall, dark, and dangerous. Think Josh Brolin or Daniel Craig. As he is always making slight changes to his appearance, he cannot be better described.

Attitude: Progress can best be made by working together, and it is better to make an opponent an ally than to destroy one.

Any thoughts? (Crunch if approved)

Dark Archive

I am building a beastmaster ranger for pfs, and was hoping to use the pachycephalosaurus to do so. I have the following questions. The dino has a slam attack that does 2d6 in the bestiary, and a gore attack that does 1d10 as an animal companion. Is this a misprint?
Since the beast still has the clobbering charge ability, I would think that the slam should stay, and the damage scaling (1d8 to 2d6 instead of 1d10) would work correctly.
Is this something that has already been resolved, or just an oversight?

Dark Archive

My alternate rogue: built to make an enemy drop without necessarily killing him
Half Elf
Rogue lvl 11
HP 80
AC 21
Init +11
Str 10
Dex 28
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 10
Feats: Weapon Finesse, skill focus (stealth), two weapon fighting, combat expertise, gang up, improved two weapon fighting, stealthy
Rogue talents: camouflage, fast stealth, offensive defense, slow reactions
Advanced rogue talent: crippling strike
Traits: bandit (stealth), reactionary
Skills: stealth 44, disable device 23, disguise 14, acrobatics 23, diplomacy 14, perception 14, knowledge planes 11, profession bartender 14
16, 16, 11, 11 : two +1 daggers
Armor +1 improved shadow darkleaf quilted cloth armor
Magic gear
Ring of invisibility
Belt of dex +6
Unfettered shirt
Nightmare boots
Half elf specific traits
Adaptability, drow blooded, keen senses, elven immunity

Dark Archive

The question came up in a pfs game recently, and I was hoping to get a specific ruling. Does a heartseeking weapon ignore the duplicates created by a mirror image spell. I ruled that since the weapon is pulled to a beating heart and the images do not possess those, the weapon ignored them. Any thoughts?

Dark Archive 1/5

Thank you, very interesting.

Dark Archive 1/5

If you could add a link to those posts I would appreciate it. It looks to me as if the golem manual only helps create the golem, the golem is not activated per se. The character still has to buy the raw materials to construct the golem and either pay for a wizard to cast fabricate or cast it himself. Note that this does not go against the raw of fabricate because the body of the golem is a statue, not a creature, until it is animated. This entire process is ungainly, but does not break the rules. I would prefer to just be able to buy a golem, but until that is specifically made legal this process should work. As the golem manual is destroyed in the creation of the golem, it fulfills its purpose as a one use item. If my understanding is incorrect, please post a link to the ruling. I would be grateful for an official confirmation or denial.

Dark Archive 1/5

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I don't know about that Malag. The specific thread says to add the item created by the book to your character item sheet. It would seem you get to keep the golem. I would agree with Warhaven and count it as the one active companion at a time. I personally would love to have a golem as a companion. Wizards built the things for a reason. We have no physical capabilities in combat! Quick build a golem. Huzzah!


Dark Archive 1/5

Awesome, thank you for the rapid reply. That was confusing me

Dark Archive 1/5

So, in reading the guide to organized play, I noticed that the backloaded experience takes a character up to 38xp. There are only 4 parts to eyes of the Ten. Is one of the scenarios worth 2 experience points or was there a misprint somewhere?

Dark Archive 1/5

One big thing to remember is that there is no master tactic. I have played in a scenario where the grappler in the party kept grabbing the enemies, and they promptly teleported across the room. The tetori is at heart a melee combatant, and the best counter to it is standard wizard shtick: Stay out of reach. Flying enemies or incorporial foes are fairly common in pfs, and either can balance a situation with a melee munchkin. As for spellcasting munchkins, I think I just saw a few posts where people were saying how hard it is to spellcast when grappled. What's good for the goose is fine for the gremlin.

Dark Archive

This seems conclusive, and was my first argument as well. However, in the advanced player's guide it is stated that Eidolon may take any feat they qualify for, so long as they possess the physical capabilities to perform the feat. The question is, does that statement qualify as an explicit permission to take bestiary feats?

Dark Archive

The Title says it all. I have been told both ways and would like a specific ruling on this if possible.

Dark Archive

Worth it for hellknights and poses interesting options for infiltration missions. And hey, if you are going to spring for say, adamantine full plate I imagine 500 extra gold isn't going to put you off. For most purposes though forget it.

Dark Archive

I am running this for a party in which all but one player is new to the game. My advice is this, make sure that the party is balanced. This is a very TPK happy campaign for the first four character levels. My party had the character envy issue where one class did really well in thistlewood and everyone wanted to switch to that class (blasted druids and their terrain advantages anyway). The immediate TPK that followed (wait, you have no rogue, priest, or arcane spellcaster?) caused me to force my party to sit down with a list. Tank, traps, heals, arcane, ranged, and dps. The party has been having a great time since. You might want to nerf Nualia though. She is more than a little overpowered as written.

Dark Archive

MrSin wrote:

You only get one immidiate action, can activate one or the other. Its also a very expensive ring.

Whats a monkey palm amulet?

Hand of glory yes sorry. I wonder though. Since the rings are identical I would think they could be activated with the same immediate action. It certainly seems like something I would insist on if I were buying IRL.

Dark Archive

mplindustries wrote:

Why would you use the crappy bodywrap instead of the Amulet of Might Fists? They're almost the same price.

Two Rings of Retribution cost 30k. A +3 Amulet of Might Fists costs 36k. I'd rather have the amulet.

I agree, the amulet is far superior. However, the goal here is to provide a possibility for pathfinder society play, in which there are level based spending limits. The rings are buyable almost two full levels before the lvl 3 amulet. (unless your Venture captain permits that leveling the item, since you only have to pay the cost difference, only has a price of the cost difference. Then it is one level sooner.)

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So you are playing in PFS, and you run up into something with damage resistance 10/cold iron or silver. Normally, you would have to either be a lesser summoner and use the feats to give the eidolon the equivalency or wait till level 7 to get a bodywrap of mighty strikes +3 that only applies to 2 attacks anyway. There is, however, another way. Elemental damage bypasses normal damage reduction and an eidolon can wear rings. Equip the eidolon with two rings of retribution (or if you wear the monkey palm amulet 3) and have him charge into battle. Since the rings can be detonated as an immediate action, the eidolon will be able to use them as it is being destroyed by attacks of opportunity. Boom, 20d6 worth of fire damage. Worried about the eidolon dying? Hey, it can be summoned back in 24 hours. Coincidentally, the rings can be reused in 24 hours too. Bombs away!