Satinder Coric |

So this is what I'm seeing then unless anyone else I've missed actually wants to speak their opinion for preference.
- Satinder Coric
- Adjinakou
- Fulito Ferrywarden
- Talori Lyons
- Tryggve
- Merick the Blue
- Cuàn
- Derek Trey
- Skyla Vanadevata
- Jolly Roger
- Svalk Arnbjorn
- Zephir Strombjorn
- Adjinakou
- Fulito Ferrywarden
- Tryggve
- Talori Lyons
- Talori Lyons
- Kayle Lightbringer
- Rednal
- Jolly Roger

GM Lord of Runes |

This was a really hard selection!!! Those who were not selected, trust me, it was not through any fault of your own, because all of the submissions were amazing, some of the best I have seen in a while. Those selected, continue finishing up backstories, statblocks, ect. That said, here are the 6 finalists, in no particular order.
1. Svalk Arnbjorn, Fighter
2. Talathel Darkariel, Wizard
3. Arthur Brimstone, Oracle
4. Vladlena Petrovna Dasnadova, Investigator
5. Skyla Vanadevata, Druid
6. Satinder Coric, Ranger
Everyone else, I have now determined which AP shall be the second campaign: Wrath of the Righteous! Anyone up for some gritty, Mythic action with possible gestalting?!

Rednal |

That would be... most enjoyable. ^^ Of course, it won't stop me from submitting here, too. XD I've actually got a fairly solid idea already, probably some kind of Arcane/Divine hybrid with an emphasis on time magic... well, I'll just mull it over until I see whether or not I'm even getting in. XD Or at least asked for more details.

Svalk Arnbjorn |

Glad and grateful to be aboard and selected, and I am greatly looking forward to this! Still working on the mythic direction I would want to take him, I will probably need some help with that... but then again, ascension time is not yet upon us, so I do have a bit of time to figure it out.
I do want to echo our GM's comments on the quality of people's submissions though. All of them are spectacular in their own ways, and I am happy to be able to adventure with some of you (as well as saddened that I don't get to adventure with others). Keep up the great work!

GM Lord of Runes |

Fulito, War of Honor is slain, unfortunately. With Seori having to drop due to college, Hiriko dropping, and Mamoru following Seori because their stories were so entwined, plus all the drops with the GM before I took over, it would take some mad GM'ing to be able to adequately explain everything that went on as part of the story. Takeshi craves WotR and Sophia is accepted here as Arthur. That was a sad thing to see upon my return, that an adopted campaign I had such high hopes for imploded, but such is the way it works sometimes. Hopefully, we will all have better luck in our campaigns! I'm still playtesting Annie's possible game-breaking power for WotW, since we already have a Summoner. I'll get back with you on that.
Those up for WotR, PM me your ideas while I noodle over the specifics of character creation. If you have any crazy ideas for a character, feel free to ask me about it. The worst I could say is no!
Merick, just send whatever character you plan to use. Your current one could work out well as a Low Templar recruit, if you were so inclined!

Skyla Vanadevata |

So glad I got selected, although a little sad that some amazing characters I roleplayed with didn't get in :( That said, best of luck to everyone in the WotR group, its a truly fun AP, and has a very "epic" feel.
Svalk - I wouldn't worry about Mythic too much, since it has something for everything, but if you want advice on something, I would be happy to help.

Svalk Arnbjorn |

So glad I got selected, although a little sad that some amazing characters I roleplayed with didn't get in :( That said, best of luck to everyone in the WotR group, its a truly fun AP, and has a very "epic" feel.
Svalk - I wouldn't worry about Mythic too much, since it has something for everything, but if you want advice on something, I would be happy to help.
It looks like it. I have the Mythic Adventures hardbound book here, and have gone over it a few times. I like (in general) what I see in it, but the specifics as to implementation and whatnot have always eluded me. Combined with the fact that this is the first campaign I have had the chance to play with it as an option... well, let me just say that I am a tad intimidated by the whole affair, but in a pleasant way (if that makes sense). I will probably have lots of questions when we get to it, but in the meantime I will sum it up with a simple one: does my mythic class have to be a continuation of my regular one? I mean, I gather that champion or guardian should be right up the alley of Svalk's preexisting skills... but could I, say, take Archmage and make it work?
I know, probably wouldn't be ideal, given magic users don't do so well with the whole "arms and armor" thing... but would taking it give me the ability to learn spells and cast them, or would I be hamstrung by the simple fact that fighters don't use spells?
I guess that is the heart of my question regarding implementation. Do these mythic powers merely augment existing abilities, or can the supplant them with newer, more powerful ones?

trawets71 |

Skyla Vanadevata wrote:So glad I got selected, although a little sad that some amazing characters I roleplayed with didn't get in :( That said, best of luck to everyone in the WotR group, its a truly fun AP, and has a very "epic" feel.
Svalk - I wouldn't worry about Mythic too much, since it has something for everything, but if you want advice on something, I would be happy to help.
It looks like it. I have the Mythic Adventures hardbound book here, and have gone over it a few times. I like (in general) what I see in it, but the specifics as to implementation and whatnot have always eluded me. Combined with the fact that this is the first campaign I have had the chance to play with it as an option... well, let me just say that I am a tad intimidated by the whole affair, but in a pleasant way (if that makes sense). I will probably have lots of questions when we get to it, but in the meantime I will sum it up with a simple one: does my mythic class have to be a continuation of my regular one? I mean, I gather that champion or guardian should be right up the alley of Svalk's preexisting skills... but could I, say, take Archmage and make it work?
I know, probably wouldn't be ideal, given magic users don't do so well with the whole "arms and armor" thing... but would taking it give me the ability to learn spells and cast them, or would I be hamstrung by the simple fact that fighters don't use spells?
I guess that is the heart of my question regarding implementation. Do these mythic powers merely augment existing abilities, or can the supplant them with newer, more powerful ones?
Mythic is an add on to your character. They tend to augment what you have and in a few cases give you new abilities. If you character can't cast spells then none of the mythic powers that effect spells will do you any good. That's really about the only "restriction" to it. Depending on the type of fighter you are playing you could go champion "attack", guardian "defense", Marshall supportive/teamwork, or even Trickster "sneaky".

Skyla Vanadevata |

Sure you can take Archmage! That said, the majority of Archmage path abilities are geared toward Wizards, Witches, Sorcerers and Magus, so your Fighter couldn't really make much use out of some powers such as the Archmage "Channel Power" path ability, or the Arcane Metamastery Path. You could however, use the Mirror Dodge Archmage ability, because its not "Magic Specific", if you get my drift.
Sadly, your fighter won't get the ability to cast spells, simply because Mythic doesn't really give a non magic class the ability to use Magic.
If you want, you can even take TWO Mythic Paths via the Mythic Feat "Dual Path", which lets you join a SECOND Mythic Path (so you could be a
"Fighter X Mythic Champion/Archmage X"), and when you make a Mythic Path ability choice, you can pick from either of those two Paths. So if you only want a few Mythic Path abilities from the Archmage list (Maybe those Crafting Path Abilities that are Archmage only?), you can pick those up, and then choose the rest of your Mythic Path Abilities from the Champion / Guardian list.
So I guess to answer your question, you are by no means forced into a Mythic Path, you have the freedom to choose. That said. if you went for something like Hierophant (for example), you would have a smaller selection of Mythic Path abilities to pick from, because Mythic paths do not generally grant you the ability to Channel / Cast Spells / Weapon Proficiency / Get an Animal Companion, they are geared more to upgrading your existing class features / strengths.
I do hope I explained that well enough lol.
trawets71 did a good job explaining it

Svalk Arnbjorn |

OK, edited my character a tad (noticed a few inconsistancies... like I granted myself an extra feat that my archtype isn't allowed by mistake, and forgot to give myself one of the skills I was allowed) and I think that I am set. Barring anything else I am forgetting (did wonder if we are throwing the CON modifier into the starting HP... I have seen it done both ways, so not sure which is proper... currently just have max starting plus my bonus for favored class) I think Svalk is ready to begin whenever we start.

Wivvy |

I haven't finished my character yet, but how would you feel about a slayer catfolk? He would be stealth based, but good with a sword as well as a bow. He also has a high charisma (mainly for intimidate). I have used this character before and I loved it, but I have never used a 25 point buy so I would be excited to see how that turns out.

GM Lord of Runes |

Wivvy, this recruitment is closed. Did you apply earlier?