
Tariel Alexander Valinndir's page

55 posts. Alias of rorek55.

Full Name











common, Elvish, Dwarven, halting, abyssal, aquan

Strength 13
Dexterity 20
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 17
Charisma 8

About Tariel Alexander Valinndir

Orphaned at the age of 5, Tariel spent most of his childhood stealing meals, or other commodities when he could from the streets, always careful to not get caught as the streets of the port town were harsh and held little kindness. He was eventually forced into a local 'gang' where he was told what to do and when to do it for meager scraps . As he aged his skills became ever more impressive soon he rarely got seen, let alone caught in his dirty business but he wanted more. Soon, as he grew older he began to rise through the ranks of the fledgling gang, in no small part because of his charm on the guilds female leader, this of course made him quite a few enemies within the gang that were jealous of his rapid ascension since they had been there longer. Tariel paid them no heed, perhaps letting his hubris get the best of him. A year later, when Tariel was performing one of his “major heists” those enemies struck. They had known about the job, and had informed several of the corrupt guard and offered a payment for his capture. With the information of when, where, and how Tariel would perform it, he was quite easily apprehended, were it not for the gangs now ex-leader, Anna, Tariel would have died that day, fortunately she was able to bribe, lie, and favor her way into enough power to have him sent into exile instead of outright killed. Tariel was 18, anna, a prodigy was 19. The group within the gang that had orchestrated the incident used these events to pull of a coup. Claiming that Anna was, is, blinded to what is best for the group as she had used the gangs little money and few favors to save Tariel, and, before Tariel could return, killed her. Upon returning to the rundown building the group called home he saw Anna’s lifeless body on the floor and almost let them have him. He let them beat him, let he tie him up and take him to a cellar "dungeon". He heard the new leader say that he would make him suffer before killing him. He hung there, almost wallowing in his own pity and disgrace when he thought about Anna, and about what he was doing. He was beaten, maimed, and alone, but he wasn't broken. He remembered Anna saying that was one of the things she liked about him the most. His ability to keep going. He looked around, he was chained up, arms, legs and even manacles on his wrists. He had nothing, and was alone. But that never stopped him before. With more thsn enough cunning, and a little bit of luck, he managed to escape. He dropped by Calek's new room (the guy that lead the coup) and almost killed him, but only left the one who had started all this trouble with a nasty scar on his face. He eventually signed on to a ship that specilized in bounty hunting for a time, where he worked as labour and learned some of the trade. He even got fairly close with the captian when he managed to save his life during a battle and due to the first mates death, Was promoted to that and sailed with the captian for 3 years learning the blade from the captian. He eventually left to find his own way, when he did, the captian gave the lad a pair of his old blades, blades the captian had received from his father, along with several months worth of pay. Now he is back with his new name of Tariel, different hair, and a different style, with two goals in this city. Avenge his beloved Anna, and make it rich. He could kill the man that ruined his life those 5 years ago, but he decided it would be more fun, and poetic, to let him stew as he watched as Tariel grew more and more prosperous, only when he knew humiliation and pain would Tairel end him. What better place to start than here? In ole shackles. Last he hears was the gang had turned to full scale piracy, he would find them, and kill them all, then he would be free, and able to live a free life good enough for him and Anna....

But perhaps Anna isn't dead...

Personality – charismatic and charming, sort of, quite the ladies man and despite his love of freedom and upbringing a somewhat kind heart, even if it is mixed with quite a number of other things. Advancing his interests is his number one priority, if however he can do this while helping someone he deems worth helping, then that is just an added bonus, though rarely will he go out of his way to help someone he doesn’t consider a close friend.

Male half-elf Slayer 1
Meduim humanoid (human/elf)
Initiative: +3; Senses low-light; Perception: +9
AC: 17, touch: 13, flat-footed: 14 (+3 Dex, +4 armor)
HP: 13 (1d10+3)
Fort: +4,
Ref: +7, Will: +4
Defensive Abilties: immune to sleep
Speed: 30ft
Melee: Cutlass +7
Damage: 1d6+1 (18-20x2)
Ranged: longbow: +4
Damage: 1d8 (x3) 120ft
Special Attacks:
Strength: 20 (+5), Dexterity:16 (+3), Constitution: 17 (+3), Intelligence: 10 (+0), Wisdom: 13 (+1), [bCharisma: 08 (-1)
Base Atk: +1; CMB: +6; CMD: 19

Skills: 6+ Int/level (8/level)
Acrobatics: 1 (+9)
Climb: 1 (+8)
Perception: 1 (+9)
Sense motive: 1 (+6)
Swim: 1 (+8)
Stealth: 1 (+7)
Sleight of hand: 1 (+9) (background)
Profession (sailor) (+7) (background)
Disable device: 1 (+7)

Traits: Indomitable will( Indomitable faith refluffed), sailors Pay(rich parents), Native,
Drawback: haunting regret (couldn't save Anna)
Languages: Common, elvish,
EQUIPMENT: 5/1150 gold
Weapons: 760g, 22lbs
Master Work cutlass (x2) 8lbs, Longbow (3lbs), Morning Star

Ammo: common arrows x20, blunt arrows x20, 6lbs

Armor: Chainmail

Miscellaneous Items: 26lbs ~195g (rounded up)
MwK Backpack, bedroll, trail rations (5 days), Belt Pouch, flint and steel, 100ft silk rope 10lbs, masterwork theives tools 2lbs, grappling hook 4lb, waterskin (3) 3lbs, compass,

Alchemical items: 100g 4lbs
Flash powder x1
Smog smoke pellet x2
Smokestick x1
Acid flask x2
Carrying: 66lb, combat gear load: 45lbs
]b]Carrying Capacity:[/b] 58lb/59-116/lb117-230lb
Favored Class Bonuses:
1st- skill