About Dakvor DamashekMale half-orc monk 3
Item Details:
Totals for Items: (Total cost of Items: 2,995.30, Total Weight: 47lbs) Carrying Capacity: Str 17 (instead of 16 due to masterwork backpack) – Light Load: 86 lbs or less Weight to spare before being medium-loaded: 39 lbs Excess coins: 4gp, 7sp Dakvor’s Background:
Dakvor was raised by monks in a monastery in the Graywall mountains of Breland. Aznak Damashek, a human wizard explorer found Dakvor’s then nearly dead pregnant human mother alone in the mountains during a harsh winter. The woman named Almisha, the wizard learned, bravely escaped from a tiny village in the borders of Droaam and Breland that suffered an attack from marauding orcs who violated the women of the village. The villagers, not wanting the orcish blood tainting the village’s lineage, were aborting the fruits of the violation which Almisha did not want to happen to her child.
Aznak rescued Almisha from certain death and brought the helpless woman to the monk monastery where he dwelled as one of the resident mages and where the monks’ tenet was more tolerant of Dakvor’s race. Eventually, the two fell in love, got married, and raised Dakvor in the monastery. True enough, the monks did not make Dakvor feel inferior because of his race and even bestowed furtively more attention on his progress when he decided to be a monk, too. It was the first time a half-orc became a monk in that monastery and they were naturally curious on how one of such race would fare. Dakvor did not disappoint and excelled on his own merit. While Dakvor was growing up, Aznak continued his arcane exploration, traveling around Khorvaire and Xendrik. Dakvor usually joined his stepfather in these explorations when his training in the monastery required him to travel outside the monastery for three months each year. They both enjoyed this yearly episode and bonded them closer. This became Dakvor’s life for years until a year ago when the wizard did not return from an expedition. The last time Aznak saw Almisha and Dakvor, the wizard spoke of a great artifact that he had been searching for years and was on his way to follow its trail in Karnath. Dakvor had been roaming Khorvaire since then, joining different adventuring companies who had the same interest as Aznak, hoping they may be searching the same thing as his stepfather sought and hopefully lead him to Aznak himself. Dakvor is naturally an introvert character but is actually friendly and mischievous with people he had spent a long time and had been comfortable with (this is apparent on his relationship with the monks in the monastery). He always comes as aloof and stoic with strangers. He is a passionate learner especially concerning the path of a monk. He has acquired the nonjudgmental and tolerant attitude of the monastery and has a very high sense of justice. Since Dakvor started searching for his stepfather, he had also started chronicling his journey and the things he had been learning thus the writing tools he carries. He had also already equaled the fighting prowess of his martial mentor Vikashtai, a female kalashtar monk3 and the monastery recognized that they had already taught everything to the half-orc in terms of fighting techniques and that Dakvor can grow so much more outside of the monastery and thus tasked Dakvor to discover on his own the higher path of the monk. The monks bestowed to him a parting gift in the form of a silver kama for they knew that the last quest of Aznak where the young half-orc would consequently be involved is in the nation of Karrnath where the undeads were prevalent and a silver weapon can always be of use. In combat, Dakvor prefers to fight unarmed as his versatile unarmed strike gives him extreme flexibility. He only uses the kama when needed as when it can bypass a foe’s damage reduction. Dakvor has a high respect for spellcasters due to his exposure to his stepfather's powers and knows well that the best way to defeat a spellcaster is to quickly subdue one before it can cast their spells. Aznak actually taught him many times in their travels to use his monk speed to apply this principle. As the background shows Dakvor grew up in a happy family but was very well aware of the prejudice against his race. He values much what his mother and stepfather did to give birth to him and learned firsthand the extent of prejudice and violence in Khorvaire when he joined his stepfather Aznak in his arcane explorations especially in the last years of the Last War when they were caught in the middle of too many battles. His adventure in Karrnath will perhaps severely test his high sense of justice and tolerance to people’s differences as he might be forced to choose a stand at one point and realize later that he made the wrong choice. |