GM Lari's Iron Gods

Game Master Dhenn

Numeria Map

Aldronard's Grave
Through the Secret Door

Other Scrapwall Locations


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Silver Crusade

Hello everyone,

I think it’d be best for everyone to be able to coordinate character ideas and such. As the player’s guide states, you’re arriving in the town of Torch as an already extant group. Before people get too far building characters, it might be good to figure out how you’re connected. I’d strongly prefer that you’re newcomers to Torch, and less strongly prefer that you’re new to Numeria in general.

Torch can serve as a draw for any number of reasons. Let me know if you need some ideas to get things rolling.

General Character Creation

Generally, we’ll stick to PFS rules and allowed material. The big exceptions will be below.

The adventure assumes that advanced technology is exotic, and that the discovery of the more sci-fi elements should come as a surprise to the characters. With that said, there are a number of important things that would be challenging impossible for you to do without the Technologist feat. As such, all characters will receive Technologist or Skill Focus as a bonus feat at level 3. Level 3 is also the earliest that characters will be able to learn the Androffan language (usually via Linguistics), unless you take the Numerian Archeologist campaign trait. That should retain a bit of mystery while avoiding the feat tax. Skill Focus is offered as an alternative in case Technologist doesn’t help you very much.

Race Selection
Core races are generally the most appropriate here, but since we’re in campaign mode, playing something more exotic is often appealing. Ratfolk and Orcs are common in the region, and as such would be appropriate, though may earn strange looks in some places. The various native outsiders also make decent options. Other races would generally need a really good reason for being there.

Alien races (including Androids) are a better fit here than in most campaigns. I’d rather not have you start out as one right away, but there may be opportunities to introduce characters of those races later (potentially as early as level 2). Background/class options may be restricted, so PM me if that’s something you’re interested in.

Advancement, Gold, Loot, Crafting, and Difficulty
Rather than get bogged down with the bookkeeping of XP, I’m going to level you up when the book suggests you should advance. If we end up going down a rabbit hole of side quests, I’ll need to reevaluate that, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Loot, however, I’ll be doing more by the book. I may adjust some of the rewards (as well as increase them for a party of six), but you’ll be relying on what you find, as well as what you can buy and sell in various communities across Numeria. Treasure encumbrance will be ignored (though personal encumbrance still matters). If there are specific things you’re interested in finding, I may make them available.

Because of that limitation, I’m open to allowing some crafting, on a trial basis. It’s admittedly an area I’m unfamiliar with in practice, as I mostly do PFS. You may not have the free time for long term projects, but short term ones (like scrolls and potions), could be viable. For classes where PFS gives alternatives to crafting (such as Wizard giving up Scribe Scroll for Spell Focus), I’ll allow either the original or the PFS option.

PFS Credit

The first book is sanctioned for levels 2-4, covering the later portions of the book, so it’ll be a while before you get a chronicle. The other tiers are 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 13-15, and 15-17. There are some incentives to awarding them to the same character (including a very interesting one for giving all six to the same), but it isn’t required.

I'm sure I've forgot something, or left something unclear, so definitely ask! Once those of you from Trouble in Tamran have checked in, I'll start reaching out to some other players/GMs of mine.

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

Hey there! (this is Imrana's player)

I've been kind of toying with a couple of ideas so far: a boisterous, tempestuous female half-orc kellid martial (haven't settled on class) or essentially Mordin Solus from Mass Effect as a grippli wizard (spellslinger) or alchemist (grenadier).

Sovereign Court

Checking in, as requested ;-)

I'll probably be aiming to play a spellcaster of some sort.

EDIT: Most likely a melee-focused Half-Elven/Half-Kellid Oracle of Battle

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Checking in. (Thorn)

I have NO idea what I want to play. So many options. I'm super easy, willing to fill in a role. I'll read through in detail in the morning.

Shadow Lodge

Normally I'm the guy who says "everyone else make something, and I'll create the class to fill in", but I now know that sometimes it's more helpful to actually pick something you'd lean to so the pieces can fall into play easier for everyone else in the same boat.

That said, I'm leaning towards creating an android.

(despite this: I’d rather not have you start out as one... GM Lari let me know if this isn't a direction you'd vibe from the get-go and I can easily retrench with several other concepts)

I haven't decided if it will vibe like Data, Bishop, Ash, HAL, Bender, etc. I think I might go out and try to find something new (although I suspect nothing is new and Hrothdane will point me to an anime which has an android just like what I'm thinking once I settle in on it). But essentially interested in exploring an android that is quite capable physically but just starting to experience emotion. As I'm sure as with all TTRPGs, he'll quickly experience the emotion of killing things, so I'll try to find an interesting, fun but not disturbing way to RP that experience.

I'm thinking along the lines of:

PC: "Interesting. The life force in that creature was terminated just now, was it not?"

Other PC: "Yeah, it was kill it, or we get killed."

PC: "I am experiencing a surge of power. I feel stronger. Almost satisfied. Is that an appropriate feeling to experience after performing such an action?"

Anyway, the idea is he'll ask a lot of questions, hopefully to help draw out the personality of other PCs as they relay their thoughts on the topic at hand... if that makes sense? Because he's so impressionable, other PC's personalities may magnify in his presence as they try to direct him and imprint their ideals upon him.


Class, I honestly don't know.

I'm working on process of elimination at this stage.

I think I want this PC to operate outside of divine-originated power... which rules out paladin, cleric, oracle, shaman, warpriest, inquisitor.

I don't think he'd be ranged... I struggle to envision an android firing a longbow. And I don't seem him as a firearm user as his primary mode of combat contribution. So that would eliminate a lot of the archer-themed archetypes.

I'm not sure if arcane makes sense either. I can imagine a few ways it could make sense (exploring an android sorcerer could be interesting...)

I suspect a skill class without an exotic power source would potentially "feel" the most correct to me. I considered monk and simply suggesting "ki" was the character running a certain subroutine for a boost. I may still lean back on this idea. I can also imagine rogue or slayer. I kind of vibe the idea of using studied target on a PC like this, and a bit of the creepy vibe as a target is silently assessed prior to engaging (T-800 style).

So, if it doesn't encroach on anyone else's space, I can see this PC being the trap-spotter/disabler of the group and a skill-based build. Investigator might be an option too.

GM Input Part:
I also mull over whether or not this character knows about their actual race (i.e. they think they are just human, perhaps with long-term amnesia?). Have they ever been injured? How far back do they remember?

I was imagining a backstory where the PC was found in the wastelands by a kind of jerk, maybe just 1-2 years ago. Because he was just "activated", he had skills, but really no experiences. Thus, he only has ~2 years of experiences, and I was imagining it as pseudo-slave labor. Perhaps he was picked up by a smith? Or a scavenger? And made to essentially repair/build things and never let outside?

Thus, when he sees his first flower, he would obsess over it. Perhaps ask others what it is, but then almost immediately identify it by name on his own.

PC: "It is.. exceptional."

Other PC: "Man, it's just a flower."

Perhaps he finally cut himself, and didn't understand why he didn't bleed red? Perhaps something happened to his "master/finder"? Perhaps he's actually the one that caused the "accident"?

TLDR: Android skill-monkey (GM permitted, race may be up for debate)

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

I can more than live with those points listed. At the moment I'm likely leaning towards something that is more rounded than specialized. I'll look tomorrow and make a choice.

Have I mentioned how excited I am for this? (Leaning towards gunslinger, bard, slayer, or a prestige class since I haven't gotten into one since 3.0

Dark Archive

I've no idea of what I want to play yet but I'm definitely interested to play this AP :)

Will think of something :)

Shadow Lodge

Here's a placeholder profile (if GM L vibes it)... Only Abadar knows what class I end up selecting (or which avatar I finally settle upon...).

Ray the Unbounded

Male Half-Elf Oracle of Time (Dual-Cursed) 3 (HP 21/21) (AC 18/11/17) (CMD 17) (Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1) (Init +3) (Perception +6)

Alright, here is a first draft of my (potential) character, with some build progression worked-in.

Basically, a self-buffing fighter, with a small amount of additional arcane-related options, who is good at providing (or forcing) re-rolls, and making tech-and-magic-related skill checks.

***definitely *not* a primary healer, just to get that out there***

Let me know what you think :-)

EDIT: Also, dibs on the chainsaw from the cover of book 2! ;-)

EDIT X2: If we have someone in the party who is a dedicated skill monkey (and feels that this would be infringing on their territory), I would be open to swapping out Lore for Time or Battle, to give Gregory even *more* of a melee focus.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Just because this will help me: :-)

Hrothdane: Martial or blaster

Gregory Leichardt: Oracle

Wakedown: Skill Monkey

Ilmakis: TBD

Dungeon Master S: Pistolero Gunslinger, Spellslinger (Wizard), or bard...

Shadow Lodge

I rarely make a character that is purely just good at one thing, so if I go after skills, I'd likely also go after being competent but not outrageous in melee (this is sounding more and more like a Slayer, especially now that I realize to play the naive character, I'd likely not have a strong Wisdom).

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

I'm really leaning towards spellslinger, taking technomancer as a prestige class. I'll try to get the stats and the backstory I have in-mind written up

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

I almost never go for the one trick pony, nor do I go after the jack of all trades. I try to go for the "1 major, 1 minor" build. Hrothdane, you take Spellslinger, I'll go with either pistolero or bard depending on Ilmakis

Dark Archive

@DMS play what you want I'm not yet decided

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

Okay, thanks DMS!

@GM Are you allowing drawbacks?

Silver Crusade

Wakedown and Luke, I'll look at your ideas more closely when I have some time, probably some time tomorrow.

Hrothdane, I don't think I'm going to do drawbacks here (though I'm open to being convinced). Instead, I'm going to say that everyone can take two traits PLUS one campaign trait from the player's guide

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

Oh, no need to worry about drawbacks if we get three traits!

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Ilmakis, I'm undecided, that's why I was hoping you would pick :-)

Are there any good bard swashbuckler combos?

Male Half-Elf Oracle of Time (Dual-Cursed) 3 (HP 21/21) (AC 18/11/17) (CMD 17) (Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1) (Init +3) (Perception +6)

Alright, if Hrothdane is definitely going for the Spellslinger, and Dungeon Master S is leaning towards bard, then I don't need to go with Lore, and can focus more on melee effectiveness ;-)

Consequently, I think I will go with Time - it gives access to some juicy wizard spells, and some delightful revelations :-D

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard
Dungeon Master S wrote:

Ilmakis, I'm undecided, that's why I was hoping you would pick :-)

Are there any good bard swashbuckler combos?

Archaeologist bard and arcane duelist bard stack well with swashbuckler imo. If you want to perform with inspire courage etc, the latter is the way to go.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Thank you. I'm pretty sure I can find some inspiration and fun there. I'll go archeologist bard/swashbuckler. Excellent!

Now it's time to build stuff!

Male Half-Elf Oracle of Time (Dual-Cursed) 3 (HP 21/21) (AC 18/11/17) (CMD 17) (Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1) (Init +3) (Perception +6)

So, to summarise:

Hrothdane: Wizard(Spellslinger) - presumably, knowledge skills and ranged blaster, with the possibility of light healing via Infernal Healing?

Gregory Leichardt: Oracle(Dual-Cursed) - self-buffing melee fighter, light healing, and party face

Wakedown: Skill Monkey?

Ilmakis: TBD?

Dungeon Master S: Bard(Archaeologist)/Swashbuckler - light melee and skills, light healing; presumably, our trap-disabler (since you get trap-finding)?

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

I dont use infernal healing, darling ;) This character especially wouldnt use it.

You've got it right otherwise!

Male Half-Elf Oracle of Time (Dual-Cursed) 3 (HP 21/21) (AC 18/11/17) (CMD 17) (Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1) (Init +3) (Perception +6)

Heh. Well, I could always say I don't use positive energy ;-)

*Tongue in Cheek*

More seriously, you shouldn't let you paladin morals bleed over into your PCs :-P

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

Sorry you feel that way *shrug*

Male Half-Elf Oracle of Time (Dual-Cursed) 3 (HP 21/21) (AC 18/11/17) (CMD 17) (Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1) (Init +3) (Perception +6)

You do get that I was joking, right? (Hence the *tongue in cheek* comment)

I have no issues with PCs that refuse Infernal Healing :-)

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

No worries then :)


The only pc I'm inspired to play at the moment, that I can't do in PFS, is a goblin feral gnasher...

Mostly for the rp side of it, as I'd hope to convince everyone *not* to know goblin =)

Not sure how viable the archetype is over the long haul though, as want to mostly just gnaw on things.

Will have to ponder.

Shadow Lodge

I'm also pondering a few other fluff options, so GM Lari - you shouldn't feel like you'd throw me off by suggesting pursuit of those... :)

Silver Crusade

Wow! Quite a bit of character development going on! Seeing a lot of skilled types is good.

I don't worry too much about party balance. That said, I would recommend the party attempt to be self-sufficient, particularly in the healing department. You may find yourself in situations where finding a friendly caster capable of handling a raise, restoration, or remove X spell is tricky.

Gregory, I'll be interested to see how that character ends up working in practice. I'm now able to make a Ganzi character for PFS, and Time Oracle was one of the options I was considering, along with a few other mysteries and classes. What sort of improved familiar did you have in mind?

Wakedown, some answers on the GM Input part. I'd ask the others to not read below:

Android Spoilers:
The "android who doesn't know he's an android" angle is possible. Some androids are relatively new, or newly awakened for the first time since the crash, while others have been on Golarion an extremely long time. When androids die of old age, they can effectively reboot and reform themselves. That's probably the best way to have your android "born" Perhaps your shady rescuer found you almost immediately after you awoke.

Androids do have visible circuitry, which can glow when at emotional extremes, but it's possible for the unfamiliar to assume they're tattoos, but they're common enough in Numeria that many people know what to look for.

It might work best if you were taken out of Numeria, to justify why your discoverer didn't turn you in for the hefty reward the Technic League pays for androids, and why you probably haven't seen any others so far.

If you just became aware of who you are, perhaps you are returning to Numeria to learn more about who you are. If you aren't aware yet, you will be shortly.

Also, in case you weren't aware of it, this feat is appealing to some Android concepts, as the lack of morale bonuses can make some builds problematic.

Does that help?

EvilMinion, I might need to see a bit more of that concept, as "wanting to gnaw on things" isn't a super relevant motivation. In fact, this may be the worst AP for that motivation, considering how many inedible opponents you'll face. How you intend to collaborate with the party would also be important to see before you get too far.

Everyone else, there have been some interesting ideas so far. I'll have more to say once you flesh out your ideas!

As for explaining your connection to one another, we get to have a better excuse than "the venture captain grabbed the 4-7 closest warm bodies"! Two concepts so far (Wakedown and Gregory) have both significant reasons to be wary of the Technic League, as well as major questions about their past. Those might be angles for the rest of you to consider, as well as potential personal ties to one another.

Silver Crusade

Female Half-orc Paladin/Bard

@GM Lari: The backstory I'm looking at is that Nordim was a former scientist with the Technic League, but due to having to commit some kind of morally repugnant atrocity, she left the League and has been living in-hiding from the League in Torch, Khonnir Baine helping her to remain hidden (would take the Local Ties campaign trait). She has been trying to atone for her misdeed, working to help out as a doctor, tech specialist, and even fighting troublemakers. You can pick something appropriate for the atrocity she helped with that would tie-in to the campaign later.

HP 43/43, Init: +6, AC: 18 T: 13, FF: 18, Perception +12 (LLV, Trap Spotter), F: +4, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 (19 v. Disarm/Sunder)
Per Diem:
Resiliancy (6 HP) 1/1 | Tactician (+2 on AoO) 1/1 | Comprehend Languages 1/1 | Detect Magic 1/1 | Detect Poison 1/1 | Read Magic 1/1

Dungeon Master S here. Building a character this weekend. I'm going with an elven bard (archaeologist)/Swashbuckler.

Story for me is likely just a wanderlust stricken elf who wants something *different* than a musty wizard's tower. He wandered into Torch recently. He's smart enough to know that he can't go it alone. Being addicted to unraveling the mysteries of the past, it'd be an easy thing to connect with people who need answers during his carousing about Torch. "Hey, you want answers and I need some beef. I think we can do this together as a team. There's got to be more like you. I also don't mind skirting the Technic League. I don't like them monopolizing.... well anything."

Male Half-Elf Oracle of Time (Dual-Cursed) 3 (HP 21/21) (AC 18/11/17) (CMD 17) (Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1) (Init +3) (Perception +6)

@GM Lari: I had originally intended to take a robot familiar, but I have subsequently discovered that there is no such thing; the best approximation is either an Arbiter, or a Clockwork Familiar :-/

Consequently, I'll just settle for a bonded object - crafting a +5 Keen, Shock, Speed Chainsaw sounds like worthy goal ;-)

Time is a pretty good mystery - the only ones that I would argue are on par in terms of raw power and versatility are Battle, Lore, and Lunar (all for different reasons, of course). That said, I think time should be a reasonable fit for this AP, especially since we won't suffer from the PFS level cap, and will actually get some use out of Contingency (Contingent Breath of Life, perhaps?) and Permanency.

HP 43/43, Init: +6, AC: 18 T: 13, FF: 18, Perception +12 (LLV, Trap Spotter), F: +4, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 (19 v. Disarm/Sunder)
Per Diem:
Resiliancy (6 HP) 1/1 | Tactician (+2 on AoO) 1/1 | Comprehend Languages 1/1 | Detect Magic 1/1 | Detect Poison 1/1 | Read Magic 1/1

I do believe I'm ready....

The elf is a striking sight. The six foot four figure is lithe and sinuous, but so are most elves. His hair is unremarkable, fair blond and straight, well past his shoulders. His eyes are deep pools of ink. It is something else, neither august nor imperious. It is as if the brashness exudes from the eyes. The posture is cocky. The rapier hangs like a statement. It’s not the elf, it’s the style. This is Sarithiel. He walks about town with a contagious smile. He never fails to say hello (especially to women of all races.) His force of personality gregarious nature is contagious.

He is a brightness seeker, and that journey has brought him to Torch. Here are wonders the world is willfully ignorant of. Here there are mysteries beyond mortal ken. Here there is adventure. The call is strong, and it has a source. To satisfy his hunger Sarithiel read voraciously; books, journals, scrolls, and stories. It was when he found the issue of The Pathfinder Chronicles detailing the wonders of Numeria that his interest was piqued. Here was something different. Here was a path to greatness that eluded the simple mind. He knew that his weird would unwined as it must.

He also knew he couldn’t be alone. Torch attracts seekers of many things. Some seek the future, some seek the past, some seek to excape the future and the past. Sarithiel has been seeking them. He knows that there’s safety in numbers. He also knows that a mutual goal helps fuel the desire. Thankfully, he’s right. Since arriving, he’s met a select few who kennit.

This is there story. These are their adventures.

HP 43/43, Init: +6, AC: 18 T: 13, FF: 18, Perception +12 (LLV, Trap Spotter), F: +4, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 (19 v. Disarm/Sunder)
Per Diem:
Resiliancy (6 HP) 1/1 | Tactician (+2 on AoO) 1/1 | Comprehend Languages 1/1 | Detect Magic 1/1 | Detect Poison 1/1 | Read Magic 1/1

GM, how do you feel about opening a game play thread so we can have it show up on our campaign tab?

Re: goblin PC thoughts

The general hope will be to tie his background in with one of the other players (whoever feels up the RP side of things and a willingness to work it in)

Basic premise being, said other pc managed (completely unintentionally) to save him from drowning (exact details of the event to be decided)... and ever since, despite countless attempts to lose him or shoo him away, he's been following them around incessantly like a cheerful little puppy... (that occassionally goes all feral and gnaws someone's leg off.)

They finally gave up trying to dodge him, and just got used to him following them around. Though he doesn't speak common (goblins do not get it automatically) and the other PC does not speak goblin, eventually the two of them have worked out a sort of pseudo language between them (part common, part goblin, part facial expression and physical gestures and tone, etc) that they understand each other well enough... much to the confusion of others.

Mechanically, I can give him common, just not use it.

(my main reason for hoping to do it this way, is because I want to make him this seemingly happy cheerful little fellow that's almost always talking to himself and breaking out into cheerful-sounding goblin tunes he makes up on the fly (like Golum in the LotR movie singing his little song while catching the fish) It would be really difficult to come up with all of this for real, so much easier to just mention he's off to one side singing something then worry about making up the words (I'm obsessive enough I'd probably try to do it)

I don't intend on him being a big conversationalist, just a missile you point and shoot at the enemy (possibly with a hidden clever side not immediately obvious.. depending on how my stats work out =))

Motivation is not a big issue, as he will just be intent on doing whatever the other PC is doing, and supporting their decisions over anyone elses. (In reality he believes the other PC is an avatar of the goblin hero god Zogmugot, who for whatever reason decided to allow him to live then stick around so clearly he must assist them in all things)

Not sure on the campaign traits, will partially depend on when he and the other PC meet up (I could work in a few of them if needed)

The feral gnasher archetype is a goblin only barbarian archetype that basically gives them a bite attack and upgrades to that.
So his main attack would be a natural bite attack, and I'd want to focus on that...
There's also some improvised weapon stuff to work with too (I'm pondering the throwing random things as he charges in to gnaw)

Lots of background and Rp stuff rolling around my head still, but don't want to dive too far down this rabbit hole if its not going to work for the campaign.

Silver Crusade

Gameplay is now open for dotting. Running and playing today, more thoughts/answers will be up tonight.

Human Female Cleric AC14 T14 FF10 CMD17| HP 55/55| F +7 R +5 W +10 | Init +3 | Perc +15, SM +9 |

Ilmakis' here

After a long thinking I finaly got a character in mind !

I'm thinking playing an Ecclesitheurge of Brigh with Fire as her primary domain and Artifice (Construct) as her secondary.

With Local Ties or Numerian Archeologist as her Campaign Trait.

HP 43/43, Init: +6, AC: 18 T: 13, FF: 18, Perception +12 (LLV, Trap Spotter), F: +4, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 (19 v. Disarm/Sunder)
Per Diem:
Resiliancy (6 HP) 1/1 | Tactician (+2 on AoO) 1/1 | Comprehend Languages 1/1 | Detect Magic 1/1 | Detect Poison 1/1 | Read Magic 1/1

Anyone else who chooses the Archaeologist trait can hook up with Serithiel to have learned about Numeria together and opted to make the trip together. I'm happy to be down for that.

I'm also happy to put up with a goblin (having cut my teeth on 1st edition I typically come from the "evil is evil and goblins are evil" school, but as Iron Gods reminds me of Barrier Peaks etc, I'm down if the GM is.)

Lastly, one of the things that I find makes for a successful PbP of an AP is record keeping. I'll keep a googledoc for notes and a sheet for treasure. Once it's up, I'll share it. It might be helpful to put it up on the campaign tab to make quick access easier.

HP 43/43, Init: +6, AC: 18 T: 13, FF: 18, Perception +12 (LLV, Trap Spotter), F: +4, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 (19 v. Disarm/Sunder)
Per Diem:
Resiliancy (6 HP) 1/1 | Tactician (+2 on AoO) 1/1 | Comprehend Languages 1/1 | Detect Magic 1/1 | Detect Poison 1/1 | Read Magic 1/1
Serithial wrote:

I do believe I'm ready....

....This is there story. These are their adventures.

#!~@$@%$^#%^#& I can't believe I did that.

Male Half-Elf Oracle of Time (Dual-Cursed) 3 (HP 21/21) (AC 18/11/17) (CMD 17) (Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1) (Init +3) (Perception +6)

I am fine with a Grippli, but in every long-term game that I have been in that has included a goblin, it has detracted from my enjoyment of the game.

Now, whilst I would never presume to interfere with another person's choice of character, I can vote with my feet, as it were, and feel that it is best if I do that now, rather than soldiering on.

Consequently, I am (with reluctance) withdrawing my application for this game.

I hope that the rest of you have fun :-)

HP 43/43, Init: +6, AC: 18 T: 13, FF: 18, Perception +12 (LLV, Trap Spotter), F: +4, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 (19 v. Disarm/Sunder)
Per Diem:
Resiliancy (6 HP) 1/1 | Tactician (+2 on AoO) 1/1 | Comprehend Languages 1/1 | Detect Magic 1/1 | Detect Poison 1/1 | Read Magic 1/1

Wait! that seems drastic. Let's skip the goblin thing. I'd rather have you in than a goblin when I'm sure there are other options (and while I said I was "happy" to have one along happy may have been too strong a word.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I think I'm going to have to say no to the goblin concept, as it has no real ties to the story, nor much what way to get involved with anything except combat.

Gregory, while it'd be a long way off in any case, we might be able to make a robot familiar work. I can take a look at how best to adapt some of the existing options.

Serithial looks good (despite the typo)!

Updated Character List
Please let me know if there are any corrections.

  • Gregory Leichardt (Luke_Parry): Half Elf Dual Cursed Time Oracle, with Local Ties
  • Nordim (Hrothdane): TBD Spellslinger Wizard, with Local Ties
  • Serithial (Dungeon Master S): Elf Swashbuckler (any archetype?) with Arcane Duelist bard levels down the line. Aspiring Numerian Archeologist.
  • Ray the Unbounded (Wakedown): Android skill-oriented class TBD
  • Ilmakis: Ecclesitheurge of Brigh. There are some cool options for Brigh here if you haven't seen them.
  • EvilMinion: ???

    Additional story note: Would anyone object to saying that the established locals (so far Gregory and Nordim) were sent by Khonnir to Hajoth Hakados, the most welcoming nearby city, to retrieve some expected visitors (Serithial and perhaps Selkania)? Without going too much into events happening in the background, it means you'd have a reason to know each other at the beginning, and makes it easy to start on the schedule the book expects. I'm on board with you guys going off-script, but I'd rather not start seriously derailed. The AP would begin as you arrive back in Torch, and discovering that the flame has gone out, and Khonnir is missing.

  • Shadow Lodge

    Incidentally, I'm usually a fan of highly humanocentric campaigns, especially when undertaking an AP, and depending on the player count, trying to stay limited to a single demi-human or variant race. For example, my typical home campaign AP is usually all human, or if it's 4-5 players includes a single non-human. I'm usually not a fan of 6 or more players, as in general APs are balanced for ~4 characters, and you end up having to hold the characters back a single level around 3rd-5th (and then again at a few points in later levels) for the challenge level to "feel right". I blame my humanocentric bias on the fact that most of the fantasy I prefer leans this way (whether its Martin, Abercrombie, Lynch, etc).

    Since we seem to lacking on humans at this point (Kellid, half-elf, elf, android, TBD x2 which leans towards grippli and goblin), I wouldn't object to noodling on a human concept to try and "ground" us more... And I don't object to putting peer pressure on folks to shy away from more exotic races - especially more chaotic ones (even though my first concept was a more "exotic one", which is largely because I'm used to so many AP groups being nearly all human.. or if they aren't all human, it's because an aasimar snuck in!)

    HP 43/43, Init: +6, AC: 18 T: 13, FF: 18, Perception +12 (LLV, Trap Spotter), F: +4, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 (19 v. Disarm/Sunder)
    Per Diem:
    Resiliancy (6 HP) 1/1 | Tactician (+2 on AoO) 1/1 | Comprehend Languages 1/1 | Detect Magic 1/1 | Detect Poison 1/1 | Read Magic 1/1

    The only correction is Archaeologist Bard/ Swashbuckler (no archetype.)

    Silver Crusade

    Wakedown, normally I'd agree with you, especially for APs like Curse of the Crimson Throne or Hell's Rebels, but this is definitely an AP that gets into strange territory fast. Some people describe campaigns with a lot of unusual races to the Mos Eisley cantina. Numeria is one of the most likely locations for such a place, so I'm more open to exotic concepts. I'd just like to see them connected to the story in some meaningful way.

    As for difficulty, I'm going to start out running things as written, especially as it's a relatively new AP, so they're taking advantage of most of the RPG line (pretty much everything except Occult and Bestiary 5). If things are proving too difficult (or too hard), I'll adjust as we go.

    Shadow Lodge

    Awesome, I feel less pressure to explore other things then.

    And I look forward to the moniker for our group... the Torch Numerian Cantina or some derivative. :)

    AC 18 T 14(18 incorporeal touch) FF 15 | Current HP 37/38| F +6 R +7 W +7| Init +3| Perc +6 (darkvision) l Grit 2/2 Grippli
    Spells Active:
    Mage Armor

    Alrighty. I mostly finished the stat block (just have to finish buying stuff). I'm having a really rough time finding an appropriate profile picture :/

    I already have the whole backstory in my head. I just need to finally get it all down lol

    ya, wait, don't withdraw because I pondered a goblin. =)

    I was just throwing it out there to see what folks thought of it.

    To be honest, I'm pondering not doing the AP thing at all.
    I get way too caught up in this stuff and am no sure I should be committing to it at this point.

    Silver Crusade

    EvilMinion, think it over on the next day or two, and let me know. I might invite a previous player or GM of mine in if you aren't joining us.

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