Selkania |

Sounds good to me ! Thanks GM.
I think I will take the prestige class Evangelist for Selkania

Serithial |

@GM: With Gen Con and OGC so close together, I have to make the right call and abstain from adding another game. MY bandwidth is really stretched until September. As much as I would LOVE to jump back in, I can't right now. Sorry :-(

"Doctor N" |
Hah! Khonnir has the exact same list of opposition schools as Doctor N.
I'm assuming we need to wait until we get back to town and sell some things to get scribing materials? That will give me some time to look through spell options to find in the book.

Vaughn Elliot |

No problem. Viv or Vaughn, if either of you is interested in a Core table in the 3-5ish range, there's an opening with many of the same people you're playing with here. Figuring out which scenario to play next (either high tier 1-5 or low 3-7)
I appreciate the offer and will consider. My only core PFS is a low (1 I think!) lvl bard, so I'm not sure yet...

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Big update to help tie up loose ends down here before heading back up with Khonnir.
I have a few thoughts for you re: gear, which I'll write up tomorrow. In the meantime, in the interests of making my prep a bit easier, do you guys know what your first port of call will be when you get back to Torch? Khonnir's house? Jhestine's? The temple of Brigh? Dump him by the side of the lake and head over to the craps table at Garmen's?
It looks like that core table will be high tier Dead Man's Debt. Vaughn, you could either be extremely brave and play up (in which case you get a ton of extra gold but a decent chance of a horrible, painful death), or a level 4 pregen if you feel so inclined.

Serithial |

I say Khonnir's house.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Serithial |

Awesome! Just finished reading the power through update. It's going to take me most of the day to get to a reply though.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Serithial |

Actually I change mine to that :-)
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Good to know. Thanks!
As for dealing with what you find, the Hell's Rebels group I'm playing in has settled on a system that seems to work pretty well. We've found it makes bookkeeping relatively simple, and tries to keep too much wealth discrepancy from emerging between those who find lots of useful items, and those who don't benefit much from what you come across.
Anything we find that is useful to the party as a whole (mainly healing items and anything plot-critical), stays with the party. Everything else gets totaled up and sold off, with the proceeds being divided up and split, sort of PFS style.
The big difference from the PFS model is that rather than having to buy those items back at the full price, you can purchase them for the same amount of gold as you sold it for.
For example, you found a Soft Grenade in the locker. You could sell it in town for 375 gp. That 375 gets split 6 ways (62.5 each), which becomes part of your "paycheck." If somebody wants to keep the grenade, they could buy it at 375 rather than the usual price of 750.
Does that make sense/sound good to you guys?

Serithial |

I'm fine with this system, especially for PbP. For some reason the medium just doesn't lend itself well to it. I suppose it's because I can't use pencil on my screen ;-)
There's a lot here to sift through. I think the grenade type weapons and guns are definitely worth keeping in one way shape or form. Normally I'd be all over this, but I've got 2 conventions in the next month and Gen Con is one of them. MY bandwidth is maxed out with preparing. I'll defer to the party on what people think we should do.
Once the convention season is over I'll be down to a FAR more reasonable level of gaming, and I'll pick up the slack.

Serithial |

I will be there!
Slot 1, Thursday AM: OFF
Slot 2, Thursday MID: 7-25 Orders from the Gate
Slot 3, Thursday PM: 7-98 Special: Serpent’s Ire
Slot 4, Friday AM: 7-25 Orders from the Gate
Slot 5, Friday MID: OFF
Slot 6, Friday PM: 8-00 Special: The Cosmic Captive (Tier 5-6)*
Slot 7, Saturday AM: 7-25 Orders from the Gate
Slot 8, Saturday MID: OFF
Slot 9, Saturday PM: 7-99 Special: Through Maelstrom Rift
Slot 10, Sunday AM: 7-25 Orders from the Gate

Selkania |

My schedule
Slot 1, Thursday AM: OFF
Slot 2, Thursday MID: 7-17 Thralls of the Shattered God
Slot 3, Thursday PM: 7-98 Special: Serpent’s Ire
Slot 4, Friday AM: 7-17 Thralls of the Shattered God
Slot 5, Friday MID: 7-17 Thralls of the Shattered God
Slot 6, Friday PM: OFF
Slot 7, Saturday AM: 7-17 Thralls of the Shattered God
Slot 8, Saturday MID: OFF
Slot 9, Saturday PM: 7-99 Special: Through Maelstrom Rift
Slot 10, Sunday AM: 7-17 Thralls of the Shattered God

Serithial |

I'm running Thralls of the Shattered God the week before at a convention. If you need any of the custom maps, I can give them to you.

Serithial |

De rien! I'll bring them with me and give them to you either Wednesday or Thursday morning.

Vaughn Elliot |

I and my daughter will be at GenCon's 50th next year, but not this year (she'll be entering any costume events she can...)

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Ok, once you do resurface I'll give y'all a big update with the money stuff, alongside the big plot stuff, as how you handle this area might impact the totals.
I won't be at Gencon. It looks like I'll probably be able to make it to at least part of OGC, but my schedule's been wonky enough this summer that I probably can't say for sure until last minute.

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Oh, one final thought on money/treasure stuff:
For our Hell's Rebels group, we keep a portion of the loot as a communal pot for party-wide expenses. Most of that ends up spent on the rebellion mechanics which aren't part of this AP. If that's something that you think would be helpful, we can do that here as well. My thoughts would be either:
Naturally there are other combinations, but those keep the math fairly simple (1/7 is a comparatively ugly fraction), and ensure that you're all still getting a decent amount of gold.

Serithial |

I've typically done Option 2 more than option 1. I also don't mind whatever the rest want to do.

Vivilaas |

Two seems pretty solid. It definitely works for things like wands (which we'd already been chipping in for anyway)

Vaughn Elliot |

I'm a fan of community pot and conformism (not so much that second one but it fit the idiom). In my other campaigns where I keep track, I include "group treasures" like expensive spell components that could benefit anyone (diamond dust) and general use items in the "group pot" spoiler on my profile. But I digress...Opt 2 for the Unanimity Vote

Ray the Unbounded |

I'm good with option 2.
We've been using this system - I don't want to complicate decisions at this stage, but I'll share it anyway.
Basically players pick items they wish as they are discovered and all other items go into the community pool until they can be sold, and then they continue to stay in the community pool until someone says "hey maybe it's time for a disbursement from the community pool". At that point, we see if anyone is grossly behind on WBL from the rest of the group, and they get a disbursement that is essentially a "true up" to the group's WBL, and then everyone gets an equal disbursement from the community pool. So if for the most part, let's say the group was level 5 and everyone was in the range of 8,000gp to 11,000gp (WBL is 10,500gp) but for whatever reason Doctor N was still at 3,3300gp. The pool would distribute ~5,000gp off the top to catch her up, and then whatever was left could be distributed out. Additionally, the group would decide to do wand/restore scroll/etc purchases right before that distribution.

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I just gave her chapter in Inner Sea Faiths a quick readthrough (she has a chapter in book 2 of Iron Gods as well, but it's almost identical).
Treatment of the dead, and related issues (how she feels about undead, etc.) isn't really covered at all. There are a few bits that might be relevant, though.
Brigh and her church understand physical and emotional needs such as food, sex, and friendship, but think people shouldn’t make such base needs their top priorities.
Given how ambivalent she is towards the needs of the living, I'd imagine her attitude towards the dead would be indifferent as well. The closest it comes to discussing death is:
Invention Is Immortality: For the many followers of Brigh so devoted to their craft that they cannot maintain a family and never have children, their inventions are their children and their work is their legacy. Allowing others to learn and use their discoveries is at least as good as passing on a family name.
And on morality in general, it says this:
The Whisper in the Bronze is a patron of all invention, even destructive devices, for a dangerous tool can still be used for creative purposes...If a person’s research leads in a direction believed to be dangerous or immoral, however, that person is free to stop pursuing it.
My conclusion from all that is it's really up to you. She's about as Neutral as it's possible to be. Her only concern is that you learn, create, and share what you know. How you choose to do those things is your decision.

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I think I found a more clear answer for you, Selkania. This is from the background of the Latten Mechanism, Brigh's Herald, so it should apply to her as well, I assume:
"It holds neither aversion nor affinity to undead creatures—it considers reusing dead body parts to create new entities essentially similar to reusing metal or wood from a destroyed construct to repair or build another."
So basically Brigh has no objection to what the vegepygmies are doing, but also no objection if you want to shut the whole thing down.

Serithial |

The treasure makes a big difference, but I REALLY want to upgrade Seri's rapier.

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Money Stuff
I hope nobody minds me taking too much control over this process, but PBP does make this a bit trickier than in person. If you want to make any changes to what I’ve listed below that’s no problem. There are some minor spoilers for the IC post that is coming soon.
Communal Stuff
The stuff here isn’t included in the gold calculations. It’s all stuff that either benefits you all collectively, or is potentially useful to any of you.
Selling Off
This stuff is getting sold off to form a large portion of the money you’re getting. The rest is coming from the GP and Silverdisks you found. You can buy these items for the price listed below. I included pretty much all the light related items here because the light spell is pretty ubiquitous and avoids the problem of hand-economy that torches and flashlights have.
GP Found: 75
Silverdisks found: 45 (450 gp)
Reward for rescuing Khonnir: 6000 gp
All of the above totals to 16,012 gp. Your last payout was a little under 140 gp. We’re going to round that up to a nice even 140 though.
Splitting that up gives a communal pot of 1600, and individual shares of 2400 apiece. That means you’ve received 2540 gp each to date. The remaining 12 gp I was just going to count towards next time, because round numbers are always nice.
Other Rewards
These aren’t explicit GP rewards, but are other useful boons for you.
Writ from the Council: The Council that governs Torch has offered to foot some of the bill for your services. This amounts to a 20% discount on all purchases in the town.
Credit from Garmen: You took advantage of Garmen’s offerings of free chips to visit his gambling hall. The winnings are already accounted for.
Bazlundi’s Gratitude Councilor Bazlundi Otterbie is grateful that you were able to rescue the body of Gerrol Sonder, her would-be son-in-law, so that he could be properly buried and give her daughter some closure. She ensure that Torch’s guild of metalworkers treats you extremely favorably.
Each PC receives a 500 gp discount on a single purchase from the guild. This is an individual award (you can’t pool them all together for 3,000 gp off a single purchase, etc.). I’ll let this stack with the Council discount in the most favorable way possible, taking 20% off first, then the 500 gp discount. That does make adamantine weapons affordable at this point.
Generally, this purchase would be a weapon or armor, but if neither particularly interests you, any primarily metal mundane object is fine. If the item costs less than 500 gp (like a standard masterwork weapon), it’s free, but any excess discount is wasted.

Serithial |

This is AWESOME. Thank you. Exactly what I was hoping for and more.

Serithial |

I'm cool with GM's run down, though it is painful to sell the Swarmbane Clasp, the Cloak of Resistance, and the Amulet of Natural Armor. I'd be in favor of giving those to people.
The main thing Seri needs I think is an adamantine rapier (3,020 GP.) Given the discounts: (3,020*.8)-500=2,416. He can't do it if we sell those items...
So I could go either way. It's up to the team.

Ray the Unbounded |

Agree with Seri we should keep those three items. Clasp should go to our highest physical damage source that could not affect a swarm (Ray has spells, so not him. Maybe Vaughan?).
Cloak and amulet always useful. Who's getting hit and who's most likely to fail a crucial Will save? :)

Vaughn Elliot |

Swarmbane clasp could save the party. Not to sound greedy, but it *seems* like it would be best on Vaughn (multiple lower-damage attacks).
I would buy the amulet, as I'm always going to be in melee. A res cloak is one of my "I always always get one ASAP".
maybe some of you (which is everyone) more experienced folk can give me some ideas. I'd like to consider a new type of weapon, what with a free EWP feat to burn. The way I figure it, the sooner the better so I don't sink too many feats into dagger and have to retrain (as it is, i'd want to retrain WF:Dagger to whatever the new weapon is).
I don't have any good ideas for a light exotic weapon that's better than a dagger (or maybe a kukri...if i'd realized those were martial i'd have picked that instead of dagger!!). Thoughts? I like the "double wield the same weapon" so my feats are better spent, but I could be convinced to pick a one-handed exotic weapon and pair itwith a dagger.

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Vaughn, there aren't a ton of great light exotic weapons, unless you wanted to do disarm, trip, or something like that. Falcata's always a solid choice.
You could also keep it in reserve for a backup ranged weapon (laser pistol maybe?) or if you happen to come across a particularly awesome melee weapon, like a high tech sword similar to the famous ones from a high profile series of sci fi movies...
All: I added in the next hook for you guys there, leaving you two main options, either head back down and see where the elevator goes, or follow Sanvill's lead about the warehouse.
I know this weekend will be busy for most, but I'd like to get you guys back in action early next week.
Let's stick with the lower payout for now: 1300 communal 1950 ea. Once you've hit at least one of those two leads we can see where things stand.
So far, aside from skipped encounters I've made pretty minimal changes to things. That will probably change a bit from here on out.

Serithial |

Hey guys, I'm at OGC until Sunday night and on vacation after that until Monday night. I'll be sporadic at best until Tuesday morning.

"Doctor N" |
Quick question (since we have some people indisposed for the weekend):
Do the purchase discount and/or council discount have to be used on a brand new item? I'm thinking of repairing my pistol and upgrading it to +1 because that would allow me to get better use out of Mage Bullets.

"Doctor N" |
Okay! Purchases done then.
1900 gp
Pistol Upgrade (mwk and +1) w/20% discount and 500 gp off
-1340 gp
Gunsmithing discount applies to all these
20 Paper Cartridges
-120 gp
6 Adamantine Paper Cartidges
-300 gp
26 Doses Black Powder
-26 gp
Scroll Comprehend Languages x1
-25 gp
Oil of Bless Weapon x1
-50 gp
Scroll Protection from Evil x1
-25 gp