
Meredith's Eidolon's page

556 posts. Alias of chadius.


Denair's HP 39/39| AC 22 (Mage Armor) T 12 FF 16 | CMD 21 | Saves 5/3/4 (Evasion)| Init 2 | Perception 16


| Invisible


| 6 HD Female Eidolon Outsider (also counts as fey) | Meredith |




Common, Sylvan

Strength 19
Dexterity 15
Constitution 13
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 11

About Meredith's Eidolon


Picture of Meredith and Denair, on the hill

Current Evolutions:

Meredith took the Extra Evolution feat for 1 more point.
7 Points:
Skilled (Perception)
Flight (4 point version)

Defenses and Movement:

HP 6 HD + 6 Con = 39
AC 10 + 6 Natural Armor + 2 Dex = 18
Touch 10 + 2 Dex = 12
Flatfooted 10 + 6 Natural Armor = 16

Fly (Perfect) 30 feet

Saving Throws:

Fort 4 Eidolon + 1 Con = 5
Ref 1 Eidolon + 2 Dex = 3
Will 4 Eidolon + 1 Con = 4


Power Attack
Precise Strike


10 foot reach

BAB 6/1
Attack +4 from Strength
Damage 1.5 times Str

[dice=Slam, Power Attack]1d20+6+4-2[/dice]
[dice=Damage, Power Attack]1d8+6+6[/dice]


Acrobatics 3 Eidolon + 2 Dex + 2 Ranks = +7
Disable Device 3 Eidolon + 2 Dex + 2 Masterwork Tools + 3 Ranks = +10
Sense Motive 3 Eidolon + 0 Wis + 3 Ranks = +6
Fly 3 Eidolon + 2 Dex + 8 Perfect + 2 Ranks = +15
Perform (Oratory) 3 Eidolon + 0 Cha + 3 Ranks = +6
Knowledge (Nature) 3 Eidolon + -1 Int + 6 Ranks = +8
Perception 3 Eidolon + 0 Wis + 8 Skilled + 5 Ranks = +16
Stealth 3 Eidolon + 2 Dex + 8 Skilled + 5 Ranks = +18

Spell Like Abilities:

Prestidigitation at will



Base Form Biped:
Size Medium; Speed: 30 ft.;
AC: +2 natural armor;
Saves: Fort (good), Ref (poor), Will (good);
Evolutions: Limbs (Arms), Limbs (Legs)
Ability Scores: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11

Base Evolutions:
Starting at 1st level, fey eidolons gain Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge (nature), Perform, Sleight of Hand, and Use Magic Device as class skills.
They also gain the low-light vision evolution,
the skilled evolution (Perception)
and the ability to use prestidigitation at will as a spell-like ability.

Level 1-4:

Notes were lost.

1 - Power Attack
3 - Precise Strike

Level 5:

HD +1 to 4 HD
HP: 4d10 + 4 Con = 22 + 4 = 26 (noted)
BAB +1 to +4
- CMB +1 (now +7)
- CMD +1 (now 18)
- Power Attack trades -2 Attack for +4 Damage (+6 for 1 1/2 times damage attacks)

Str Bonus +1 to 18
- +1 to attacks
- +1 to damage (+2 for natural attacks)

Dex Bonus +1 to 14
- AC +1 (now 16)
- Touch +1 (now 12)
- CMD +1 (now 19)
- Reflex Saves +1 (now +2)

Dex based Skills improve
Acrobatics now +7
Disable Device now +9
Stealth now +15

Armor Bonus increases from +2 to +4
Reallocating armor from +4 Natural Armor to +4 Armor bonus (noted)

Saving Throws: Fort +1/Will +1 (now 5/4)

Evolution Pool +1 to 4 (include Summoner's +1 feat)

Current Evolutions (5 point capacity)
Skilled (Perception)
Flight (2 point version)

Denair lost her Climb evolution. Without a Climb speed, Denair's Climb drops by +8 and she cannot take 10.
Denair gained the Fly evolution. She has a Flight Speed with Good manueverability, gaining +4 to Fly checks.

Ability Score Increase: +1 Int (now 8 Int)
Knowledge (Nature) improves to +4

Now 5 Skill Points per level
Should have 20 Skill Points total (5 * 4 HD)

Skill Points: (6 Outsider - 1 Int) * 4 HD = 20 Skill Points
8 Skill Points to allocate
- Disable Device (now +10)
- Fly (now +10)
- Knowledge(Nature) +2 (now +6)
- Perception (now +14)
- Perform(Oratory) (now +4)
- Sense Motive (now +6)
- Stealth (now +16)

Level 6:

+1 HD means 5 HP + 1 Con (now 32 HP)
+1 BAB (now +5 BAB)
Feat: Outflank (noted)
Skills: 6 Eidolon - 1 Int
Fly +1 (now +11)
K Nature +1 (now +7)
Perform +1 (now +5)
Perception +1 (now +15)
Stealth +1 (now +17)

Evolution Pool +1
Improved Natural Armor (AC is 18)

Special: Devotion
Devotion (Ex): An eidolon gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment
spells and effects. (noted)

Level 7:

Level 7
HD +1 (So 6 HD + 6 Con)
BAB +1 (now +6)
Skills +4
Perform (Oratory) (now +6)
K Nature (now +8)
Perception (now +16)
Stealth (now +18)

Armor Bonus +2 (No change due to losing Natural Armor Evolution)
Str/Dex bonus +1 (Str 19, Dex 15)
Evolution pool +1

Perfect Flight (costs 2 points, losing Natural Armor Evolution)