GM Kyshkumen's Carrion Hill

Game Master Kyshkumen

Maps and stuff.

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The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

"Ow! Hey, don't do that! I'm trying to help you!"

Tuich flicks the scarf again, more sharply this time.

Bladed Scarf (Trip): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

The end whips around her attacker's leg, wrapping a full turn and then some. With a smirk, she yanks while twisting her body and leaning back, in an effort to dump the crazed lecturer onto the floor.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Vyk moves toward the sounds of fighting. He can't make out exactly what's going on, but he summons his arcane reserves to cast a shield spell on Jeffrey.

"Be careful."

+4 shield bonus to Jeffrey. And my arcane pool is now (4/5).

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Sorry, but shield range is personal.

Khismia prepared her wand, getting ready to heal her friends.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Apparently Magi make crappy buffers. Instead he casts Shield on himself. Sorry, Jeff.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

Almost forgetting to breathe most of the way, Miko tries to close the gap to her friends.

Double move

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

@Vyk: Thanks for trying, but I have a tower shield that provides a +6 shield bonus anyway! ;) Shield bonuses don't stack.

Jeffrey takes a 5-foot step forward. He doesn't seem particularly worried he's now flanked by two of the enemies, and swings his longsword at the enemy east of him.

Cold Iron Longsword, Tower Shield Penalty: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 9 - 2 = 18 Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7


Tuich's trip move provokes an attack from the man in front of her.

Melee: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

He manages to slash Tuich again before the Varisian woman's scarf pulls his legs out from under him. The lunatic crashes to the floor with a daze look on his face for a moment before he starts laughing hysterically.

Jeffrey focus his attention to the other side of the battle and makes short work of another lunatic with his blade.

Waiting on Vincent.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Vincent slashes at the enemy behind him, hoping that the others have the other half of the fight under control.

Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 1) + 7 = 10

I could reroll that with Determination, but I'm not going to.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Tuich points at the man sternly. "Now stay down!"


"Down? No down is bad," the lunatic says in reply to Tuich's command. "Wait up is bad too, best go sideways. Yes sideways is good because it is neither up or down." He rambles to himself as he scoots across the floor on his back.

This provokes from Tuich and Jeffrey.

The other mad man laughs at the strange antics of the man crawling along the floor and slashes at Vincent with his make shift weapon.

Melee: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Everyone is back up.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

By all rights, Vincent should have been hit by the slash, but he pivots his blade and deflects the attack at the last moment.

Alright, using Determination to block that attack.

Determination wrote:
Defense: When the inquisitor would be hit by a melee or ranged attack, as an immediate action she may add a +4 insight bonus to her Armor Class against that attack, and if this makes the inquisitor’s AC higher than the opponent’s attack roll, the attack misses.

"Surprising..." Vincent muses. "I won't be caught off-guard again." He gives a hard chop downwards at the lunatic.

P.Attack: 1d20 + 9 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 9 - 1 = 26
Damage: 2d6 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6) + 7 + 3 = 21

1/2 Determination remaining

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Tuich snaps her bladed scarf at the man as he scuttles away, but only half-heartedly since she doesn't really want to hurt him.

Bladed Scarf: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

She considers following him, but decides instead to move further into the room and wait to see what happens. Delay, please.

I'm a little confused as there's only one baddie left on the map (blue), yet we have one loony laughing at a second loony just two posts up?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

I think the one that is up is laughing at the one that went down?

Miko arrives in time to see lunatic scuttling on the floor, and responds to the man in a similar, rambling fashion Neither up nor down, like a fly in a jar. A fly with no wings is a crawl.

She then shoots off a dazing spell.

Move, then cast daze (DC 16)

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

Jeffrey takes a swing at the man when the opportunity presents it.

AoO: Cold Iron Longsword, Tower Shield Penalty: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 - 2 = 15 Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

If that's not enough to bring the man down, Jeffrey moves up to him and takes another swing.

Cold Iron Longsword, Tower Shield Penalty: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 9 - 2 = 17 Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12


Sorry was intending to get a post in there, but only managed to remove one of the targets so no one would try and attack it.

Vincent's blade ends the lunatic's laughing as Jeffrey and Tuich make short work of the one scooting across the floor. Allowing the eerie silence to fall on the asylum once again.

End of combat.

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

"I really hoped this was the dude's office..."

Jeffrey starts searching the room for anything of interest.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8


Jeffrey searches the room and finds nothing of interest.

Perception DC 15:
Still nothing interesting.

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

Jeffrey shrugs and heads back to the corridor, where he moves up to another door. When it looks like the others are ready to move on, Jeffrey opens the door.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 LOL at the spoiler! :o)

Tuich sighs. "I really don't like having to hurt these people. They're crazy, not evil."

She steps back out into the hallway and checks in with Miko. "You okay, hon?"

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Vyk opens another door himself.

The one on the top right. I moved my figure there. FYI, I still have shield for a couple more minutes.

Perception (new room): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Welp, clearly nothing to see here, folks.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

They're not evil, Miko says with an absent voice, none of them are. It's just in their head. Or it left their head.

She ponders for a moment. I could never figure that out - do you keep the intrusion out, or do you stop the drain within?

Miko looks up at Tuich, these children, she says, pointing at the grown men on the floor, it's not their fault. We never did anything wrong. Never said anything. They were fair, honest. Obedient. Paid attention, in all the classes.

Miko stays a bit closer to the group this time.


Vyk opens the door to the north eastern room only to find it completely empty. Yup clearly nothing to see there.

Jeffery also opens the door to another of the northern rooms. The room is empty except for a single chair which is currently being used by one of what seem to pass for guards in this place. He stands up and glares oddly at Jeffrey from behind the metal cage that covers his head. "Hey, how you get in here?" he asks Jeffrey as he stands and draws his club. "Crove said no one post to be here."

Khismia: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Miko: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Vyk: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Vincent: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Jeffrey: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Tuich: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Monster: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Round 1


Everyone except Vincent is up. He's fixing his hair at the moment.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

That's right he is. No point in fighting if you can't look good while doing it.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

Crove said no one post to be here. You go away! Miko says with determination.

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

"Coocoo," Jeffrey mutters under his breath while Miko rants about children attending class.

When the man tells Jeffrey he's "not post to be here," Jeffrey nods his head. "I see, I am not post to be here."

He steps into the room and yanks the nearest unopened door open.

"Hmm, this doesn't appear to be the exit," he says while taking a peek at what's beyond the door.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

"Mind telling me how to leave?" Jeffrey asks the man with the cage on his head. "I'm not post to be here, you see."

While talking to the man, Jeffrey takes a look around the room he's currently in.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

Miko looks at Jeffrey and says Shht!

She then whispers in a conspiratory voice they check the door, they check the ceiling, but they never check floor.

Making a prying motion with one hand and shielding her mouth with other, she says, Little pieces. One stone at a time. Grind the pebbles, blow the dust. Dig deep, dig far.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Tuich's look of concern over Miko is interrupted by a glare at Jeffrey. Then she looks at the "guard."

"We're not... 'post' to be here because we need to see Crove but we're lost and can't find him! He'll be angry with us if we can't find him. He'll be angry with all the people that don't help us too! It's very bad!"

She gives the man a sickeningly sweet smile. "Do you know where Crove is? Can you tell us which way to go? We're late!"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 "Crazy" isn't on her known languages list, but...

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

Jeffrey sighs as Tuich kind of interrupts his plan.

I'd planned to 'leave' through the nearest door, to avoid having to beat up the man, then reenter through the front door and continue exploring elsewhere in the building :P


"You not one of the ones post to be here. Crove down below and I take you to him." The man says as he slaps his club against the palm of his other hand. "First I have fun though, he he he."

Waiting on Vyk and possibly Khismia. May have to bot her though.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

Miko talks about digging tunnels, but as soon as the concerned look of Tuich meets her eyes, she stops. She is confused at first by Tuich's glare at Jeffrey, but when the Varisian addresses the guard, she throws a look of understanding.

Miko only seems to degenerate into her strange behaviour more: Crowe will be cross. Cross, cross, was the owl at the albatross!. She then looks back at Jeffrey, and gives him a wink, taking care that Crowe's Crony doesn't notice her doing so.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5
GM Kyshkumen wrote:
"You not one of the ones post to be here. Crove down below and I take you to him." The man says as he slaps his club against the palm of his other hand. "First I have fun though, he he he."

"Yes, yes!" Tuich says, nodding enthusiastically. "Take us to Crove, that's what we want!"

Then she holds up a finger. "But... no 'fun!'" she says firmly. "No time, no permission, you'll make Crove angry! Don't make us hurt you!"

Jeffrey Warren wrote:
I'd planned to 'leave' through the nearest door, to avoid having to beat up the man, then reenter through the front door and continue exploring elsewhere in the building :P

Hey, she's not stopping you. :o)

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Vyk steels himself if things turn violent, but he hopes it doesn't.

Vyk will let his turn slide. Don't like the idea of attacking this guy, if he hasn't quite attacked first.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Really. (That's agreement, not sarcasm.) This whole asylum thing just feels wrong. We should be dealing with these people in ways other than killing or injuring them.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

The girl eventually called it the 'double game'. For weeks on end our best staff had tried to identify the nature of her illness, but within the confines of the complex, the girl was an incomprehensible mix of the strangest ailments. Every analysis in the book was applied, but nothing brought us any closer to what was ailing this girl. A mystery: the Pathfinder group had brought her in, asking us to evaluate what had been done to her. They had assured me the girl was lucid and able to communicate. With us, nothing of the sort. Catatonia, hysteria, delusions, the whole spectrum.

It was only when one of my assistants decided she was harmless enough to bring on a walk through the market quarter, that we reached a breakthrough. According to the assistant, the girl was calm throughout the walk. No mood swings, no rapid succession of mental states, just a quiet, smiling girl. I told him to take her again the next day and he managed to make eye contact. According to his report, she threw a wink even. The third time, she broke the silence and asked a question. Why are you helping me?

The next day I joined, and was then that she explained the double game. Feigning madness for the purpose of avoiding madness. She played the game with her friends, her pathway to survival. The deeper the howling madness, the less likely she was to lose her mind. No acolyte would touch her when she was raving. She was in on it, her friends were in on it.

When we brought her back to the facility, she went into another delusional fit. Incoherent rambling and hysteria, she had fallen into her old pattern again, until I saw her wink at me. The double game. It had become second nature to her.
-Dr. Garibaldi Dominiani, Egorian institute for the mentally deranged.


"You not one of the five. Me get fun time before you go to Crove." The large man says before swinging his club at Jeffrey.

Melee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

After the man's attack bounces harmlessly off Jeffrey's armor he shouts. "Not fair you some sort of metal man!"

Everyone is back up.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Tuich sighs. "Fine," she says flatly as she invokes a spell. "మెటల్ హీట్!"

Invoking Heat Metal, targeted so only the "guard" is caught. DC 16 Will save or his headgear -- and anything else metallic -- will be getting roasty-toasty in short order.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Do allies count as difficult terrain? I can never remember.


For regular movement no. For charging yes.

Will save: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

"Alright, game's over. You hit me, I hit you."

Cold Iron Longsword, Tower Shield Penalty: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 9 - 2 = 23 Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Vyk moves in to engage with the mad man. He draws his light mace, and attempts to knock him out.

Non-lethal, so (-4) to my attack roll. Granted, I'm kind of doubting he'll survive Jeffrey, but we'll see.

light mace vs. mad man: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 4 = 4

But at the last second, Vyk can see Miko standing before him, and his swing goes wild.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Vincent rushes forward as the sounds in front of him change from talking to fighting. He doesn't see an easy opening so he bides his time, checking to make sure his belts still lay flat and his shirt is still properly tucked.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia were running out of band-aids, so she prepared her wand again, just in case the blow will be to hard and bring one to close to the Gray Realms.


Jeffrey's blade cuts into the man's side, but he still remains standing. "Oww, me not like metal man."

Miko still has actions.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

I'm a bit short on time to post today. just put me on delay

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5
Jeffrey Warren wrote:
"Alright, game's over. You hit me, I hit you."
Or as Eliot Spencer wrote:

"Thanks, man. That's awesome. I hadn't hit anybody in over two weeks."


"It hot in here." The guard says as the metal cage around his head heats up. "Maybe to hot for metal man." He adds as he swings his club at Jeffrey again.

Melee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Again the attack is blocked by Jeffrey's shield.

Everyone is back up.

Liberty's Edge

M Human Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist)/7 (HP 67/67 | AC:27 [+6 Tower Shield; +2 vs Crit*] | T:16 [+2*] | FF:23 [+6 T. Shield; +2*] | CMB:11 | CMD:25 [+5 T. Shield +7 vs Grapple&Trip] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+6 [+2 vs burst with Shield] | Will:+6 | Init:+3 | Perc:+5 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-2

Jeffrey swings his sword again.

Cold Iron Longsword, Tower Shield Penalty: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 9 - 2 = 9 Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

"Whoops, that was the wall..."

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

"Drop your weapon now and we'll stop hurting you!" Tuich says sternly as she dashes into the room whips out her starknife, and throws it.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Starknife: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Heat Damage (Rd 2): 1d4 ⇒ 2

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

Don't hurt the wall! DON'T HURT THE WALL! Miko screams.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

"Vyk, mind moving in a bit more? It's a bit of a tight fit and my new vest wrinkles easily" Vincent calls out.

Waiting for if Vyk moves up so I can avoid provoking.

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