ScegfOd |

Zarzuket will have detect magic (which he'll make liberal use of) and open/close from level 1, so we'll have very basic magic trap handling for doors and chests at least...
I say go for it too~
Will Grugnok be making liberal use of Rage? I'm thinking of prepping Moment of Greatness for extra fun :D
EDIT: OOO. I forgot we also have a bard! That means it would be help everyone. Super awesome fun time >:3
apparently Zarz's songs give competence (except the save bonuses vs fear and charm), but I'll eventually get Good Hope so you can double my +2 from that if you want :3

Zarzuket Kelunol |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
oooh I'm done, pick me!
11 things:
1. What does your character look like? Please describe their clothes, and if they openly display any recognizable symbols (such as the emblem of a nation or the holy symbol of a god)
Zarzuket has a large bright red z with a gold border emblazoned on his left shoulder, but it's usually covered by his sleeve.
He wears sturdy boots, a pair of stout linen pants, a cloth shirt, leather gloves, a hat and a cloak; not to mention numerous belts, straps, bits of rope, bits of twine, a couple bandoleers, a pair of goggles (with one lens missing), and a scarf. These items are all also emblazoned with the exact same red and gold Z (though the size of each Z that isn't on his shoulder is very small).
His hair is blue and spikey, his skin is tan, and he looks rather well built for a gnome.
He also spends a great deal of time riding atop his brown and inconspicuous donkey, Ho Tay.
2. How long has your character been in Numeria?
He has been wandering around with his friend Grugnok for quite a long while (ask Kubular exactly how long :P)
3. What drives your character to adventure in Numeria? What will keep your character invested in this motley group?
Zarzuket's friendships (especially with Grugnok) and his desire to destroy stop the league's evil once and for all.
4. How does your character feel about new technology?
Zarzuket is curious about new technology but doesn't want to upset Grugnok, so Zarzuket will usually avoid technology while Grugnok is present. Usually.
5. How does your character feel about the Technic League?
Zarzuket hates their guts. He was a Technic League slave for a while and wants to end all of their... "business ventures"
6. Where is your character from?
Zarzuket is from a traveling caravan that used to spend a lot of time in dwarven lands and the river kingdoms
7. What is their personality like?
Caring, generally curious, talkative, and loyal.
8. What training did they undergo, if any, to become their class?
Zarzuket picked up things here and there while he was a slave and after he escaped
9. Why does your character wield the weapon(s) they use?
Grugnok picked out a couple good 'smashing sticks' for him and the dagger he has is just really darn handy to have.
10. If your character is religious, describe what lead them to their deity.
Zarzuket has enough worries in this life without bothering about the next.
11. Explain what your character's alignment means for them.
For Zarzuket, being chaotic good means always trying to do good and rarely trying to be honest. Also, he was never fond of authority.

ScegfOd |

Oh BTW, while finalizing Zarzuket I realized that I wanted to ask about another thing:
By RAW I don't keep any non perform bonus for things I replace with versatile performance, so I doubt you'll let me keep my racial +1 to diplomacy & bluff (please correct me if I'm wrong), but how do you feel about my +2 size bonus to fly?

Small Tarl |

Kiora, a couple more things:
- I've revised my build slightly, so apologies if you've already begun your detailed review.
- While revising, I caught an error in my build: I'd taken 2 of my 3 traits as combat traits: reactionary (+2 init) and reckless (+1 acrobatics, and it's a class skill).
There are regional traits that are identical to reckless, e.g. Rice runner ...but my backstory isn't from the far East.
Would you allow a "Jungle runner" regional trait that's mechanically identical to Rice Runner, but that comes from swinging on vines and tumbling over fallen logs to avoid the great saurians that roam in the tropical jungles that surround Tolguth?

GM Kiora |

Oh BTW, while finalizing Zarzuket I realized that I wanted to ask about another thing:
By RAW I don't keep any non perform bonus for things I replace with versatile performance, so I doubt you'll let me keep my racial +1 to diplomacy & bluff (please correct me if I'm wrong), but how do you feel about my +2 size bonus to fly?
Fly bonus sounds good :)
Would you allow a "Jungle runner" regional trait that's mechanically identical to Rice Runner, but that comes from swinging on vines and tumbling over fallen logs to avoid the great saurians that roam in the tropical jungles that surround Tolguth?
In regards to item creation during character generation, do we need to make the required rolls? I.e. a DC20 Craft(Alchemy) check if I want to make some of my own Alchemist's Fire?
Nope, as long as you can take 20 to make it you can make it

Kaziya Hellfallen |

Soroza Alessio wrote:Nope, as long as you can take 20 to make it you can make itKiora:
In regards to item creation during character generation, do we need to make the required rolls? I.e. a DC20 Craft(Alchemy) check if I want to make some of my own Alchemist's Fire?
Awesome! Thanks!

Kaziya Hellfallen |

11 questions!
1. Kaziya is a shorter Garundi woman (standing at 5'5") with dark skin, short, dark hair, and prominent cheekbones, but lacking the broad shoulders common to many Garundi people. Being also a Tiefling, she possesses inhuman features to the tune of red, pupil-less eyes, fingers that end in small but quite sharp claws, and stunted horns on her forehead. By far, the most noticeable and unnerving manifestation of her Infernal heritage is a long, prehensile tail that rarely sits still and often occupies itself by fidgeting with nearby unattended objects.
Her profession and skill sets lend her to often being dressed for adventuring and skulking, so she typically eschews the bright colors of traditional Garundi clothing in favor of muted blacks and earth tones. She does allow herself some small touches of personal flare: she is fond of traditional, colorful Garundi headwraps and will often wear one unless it is utterly impractical to do so. She also wears a bracelet with a small charm on it. Upon closer inspection, the charm is a holy symbol of Brigh.
2. Kaziya has been in Numeria for roughly the last ten years.
3. Right now, Kaziya is relying on the old "safety in numbers" method. She's hoping being part of an adventuring group will make her a more difficult target. And if she's able to pick up some of that strange technology scattered about the region along the way, then all the better.
4. Kaziya demonstrates higher-than-average familiarity with Numerian technology, though is often reluctant to explain how or why. She's always eager to take a look at any new tech that crosses the party's path.
5. Bringing up the League to Kaziya is a guaranteed method to ensure she doesn't speak to you for the rest of the day.
6. Kaziya hails from The Grand Duchy of Alkenstar in Garund.
7. Kaziya is surly, sarcastic and lacking in trust to a degree that boarders on paranoia. She is also inherently good natured, and will often mask her compulsion to do the right thing behind a cloud of cynicism. She is also the type to do something nice for a comrade while they are not present, then deny or dismiss it if they bring it up later.
8. Kaziya's unique set of skills and Roguish abilities arise from a combination of being born an intellectual prodigy, formal university training, and a long, long tenure in the School of Hard Knocks.
9. Kaziya's preferred weaponry is personal explosives. Her natural talents as a chemist and engineer means she can usually concoct her own, and the natural deftness of her Tiefling heritage ensures her payloads hit their mark more often than not. She prefers the firearms of her homeland over more conventional ranged weapons, but at the moment does not possess any and is making due with a bow. When forced into melee, she overwhelmingly prefers her natural claws over any manufactured weapon.
10. Kaziya is largely agnostic. She is aware their is empirical, every day evidence that the gods do, in fact, exist and she does not deny this. However, her dedication to her craft and the often pressing tumult of her life has kept her from ever developing any significant religious identity. She does know a handful of prayers to Brigh, and often invokes them when working on a project or as an invocation of good fortune.
11. Most of Kaziya's adult life has been preoccupied by either her pursuit of science and technology or simply trying to stay alive. As such, she has never spent much time debating the virtue of personal freedom over an orderly society. She chafes at rules that impede her personal pursuits, but has equal distaste for those who disrupt society to such a degree as to prevent important work from getting done. While she has a bit of a hard heart, her experiences over the last several years have imparted on her an understanding that vileness in the world will not be overcome unless those with the ability to oppose it stand up and do so.

Kaziya Hellfallen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

YAY! I'm super excited someone else knows her :D :D
My first geekdom was film, and I remain to this day a bit of a movie buff.
My first two years of community college were spent as a screenwriting student, and one of my professors was more than a little in love with O'Hara, hahaha!

Kaziya Hellfallen |

Ohh screenwriting. I tip my hat to you. I've taken screenwriting before and it broke my brain. I'm much better at watching movies than writing them ;)
Ah, broke my brain, eventually, too. Switched to something else after two years. Screenwriting takes an almost superhuman work ethic. D:

Citrine Hammerheart |

Yeah that. Also, I don't tust. The father of one of my best friends is an author/screenwriter/. He got hired to ghostwrite a chunk of Olympus Has Fallen. They put him through hell with changes and deadlines and in the end they gutted all his good plot/dialogue for more explosions. He'd written this really poignant bit that tied into the president and his son getting ice cream and they cut it down to a single line. I could not handle having a piece of work gutted like that.

Citrine Hammerheart |

Fluff stuff!
1. What does your character look like?
Citrine is 4’5 and 155 pounds. She has curly red hair and light brown eyes. Her skin is deeply tanned where it meets the sun but exceptionally pale under her armor. She wears a typical traveler’s outfit: shirt, pants, cloak, sturdy boots and a hat to keep the sun off. Over this she has a long leather armored coat. Her hammer is strapped to her back
Citrine wears a holy symbol of Desna around her neck. A badge with the city symbol of Janderhoff is pinned to her belt. She has a set of iron earrings with a matching ring. They’re of Dwarven make but they’re not worth much.
2. How long has your character been in Numeria?
Citrine’s just arrived in Numeria.
3. What drives your character to adventure in Numeria? What will keep your character invested in this motley group?
Citrine’s here to find and study any alien creatures. She’s also very interested in learning more about the stars and other planets. To her it’s a holy calling since she’s a priestess of desna.
As for sticking with the group, keeping people in one piece is what she does. Traveling with groups is normal for her; mostly she’s just escorting them on the road so this is a nice change of pace. Citrine is a protector at heart. And she’s not stupid. She’s in a new country with technology she’s never seen trying to find crazy alien monsters. No way is she doing that alone.
4. How does your character feel about new technology?
She’s unsure. Fancy new telescope? Awesome. Crazy death machine? Not awesome. She’ll judge it as she sees it.
5. How does your character feel about the Technic League?
She’s wary. Word around town is they’re pretty corrupt. She’d like to avoid them.
6. Where is your character from?
The Sky Citadel of Janderhoff. Her family immigrated there after surviving the catastrophe at Jenershall/Raseri Kanton generations ago.
7. What is their personality like?
Citrine’s complex. Mostly she’s stubborn, gruff, blunt and intimidating. But also protective, curious, generous and caring. She’s got layers. Like an onion
If you met her at a tavern she’d sit with you and buy you a drink. If you had any good stories she’d want to hear them. If a fight broke out she’d wade in and break it up. Forcefully. If you found yourselves on opposite sides of a discussion she’d argue with you until the tavern burned down. But she’d also make sure you got home in one piece.
8. What training did they undergo, if any, to become their class?
Her martial skill comes from years of being a guard. Once her divine powers kicked in she got some training from a local church of Torag, but for the most part she’s been flying by the seat of her pants.
9. Why does your character wield the weapon(s) they use?
Family tradition. Hammerhearts have been using warhammers since dwarves first came to the surface. Every youngster is taught how to wield one. Citrine’s practiced with other weapons but she’s always liked the warhammer best.
10. If your character is religious, describe what lead them to their deity
It started with Citrine saying a prayer for luck every time she went on duty. Every time she caught a lucky break she would say a prayer of thanks. She went out of her way to make sure travelers were safe in her city. She would guard diplomats and city officials when they visited other cities in Varisia. Traveling on the open road was a wonderful experience, especially since it let her stargaze. Her family thought she was weird for turning to Desna instead of the Dwarven pantheon but she didn’t care.
A decade ago Citrine chased a pickpocket into an alley and got jumped by a gang. She would have been killed...except for the divine magic that suddenly kicked in.
11. Explain what your character's alignment means for them.
Neutral: Follow the law. Except for when it’s corrupt. Then you work to change it.
Good: Do good things for others. Protect them. Actively work against corruption and evil. Be charitable.

ScegfOd |

Fun to read Zarzuket's, Kaziya's, and Citrine's backgrounds.
Citrine, I'm totally curious to hear more of how a dwarf living in a dwarfy place got turned on to Desna and the (very undwarfy) sky. I like it, and hope more comes out in play. It seems like interesting fodder for RP!
Yeah, I'm also really liking everyone's descriptions so far.
I'm so psyched xD
Kaziya Hellfallen |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's going to be interesting juggling Soroza: an eccentric, fairly likable sort with strong personal convictions - and Kaziya: a surly, straightforward loner who reluctantly feels compelled to set aside her own concerns for the greater good.
I like to imagine that if they ever met they would drive each other nuts.

Burhul Dha'zeek |
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1. What does your character look like? Please describe their clothes, and if they openly display any recognizable symbols (such as the emblem of a nation or the holy symbol of a god)
"Grugnok have impeccable pecs, beautiful biceps, and Amazing Abs. Hair long, like horse. Have big sword. Took from brown-skin talky man years ago. Also have spiky hammer thing. Wear skins of many animal. Some for boot, some for bottom, some for shirt. Body is... not Grugnok's. Glowy magic tattoos all over. Wizard Baine Khonnir say it not magic. Say it 'techlonogy' or some thing. Grugnok say, 'Same thing'."
2. How long has your character been in Numeria?
"Grugnok lose count of stupid things like years. Only for shriveled dogs of Technic League. Maybe Z know. Ask him."
3. What drives your character to adventure in Numeria? What will keep your character invested in this motley group?
"Grugnok life of party! No party, no life. Z would be slave, Wizard Baine do boring reading stuff. Grugnok have no party, Grugnok bored."
4. How does your character feel about new technology?
"Dirty Technic League magic. They will be crushed by it. Real magic from gifted from spirits and ancestors. Wizard magic Grugnok usually no trust, but Baine Wizard okay."
5. How does your character feel about the Technic League?
"Dirty running dogs and spies. Shrively weaklings. Unworthy cowards. Hide behind 'tech' to win battle.
6. Where is your character from?
"Grugnok was warrior. Man of Svacsror ruimd. You say... Ghost Wolf maybe. You hear of us? Good. You know. Understand why I don't- can't go back. Must to get back old body. Must be human again. This body is... How you say? Evil.
7. What is their personality like?
"Grugnok do as he please. Someone bother? Grugnok say, 'Go away'. That no work? Grugnok use fist. They have weapon? Grugnok us sword."
8. What training did they undergo, if any, to become their class?
"Train? You talky people funny. Svacsror ruimd boy is born, he fight. No train. Only fight. He make mistake, he gets scar or die. No more mistake."
9. Why does your character wield the weapon(s) they use?
"In my tribe, Svacsror Ruimd, you win battle, take weapon of loser. It is the way. Brown talky man lose, Grugnok use weapon. Honor to worthy foe."
10. If your character is religious, describe what lead them to their deity.
"The great Wolf spirit is no God, but he is stronger than Gods. Your 'Gods' too much talking. Great Wolf Spirit only fight. Great Wolf spirit never lose. Only win. Svacsror ruimd men never die, only fight in Spirit world with the Great Wolf."
11. Explain what your character's alignment means for them.
"Grugnok do as he please. Boys in city play and make rule, but can't stop real Svacsror ruimd men to break rule. But Grugnok no Evil. Maybe no good, but no Evil. Only kill who deserves death."
This is what I've got right now. I had some other fluff stuff that I might continue writing, but I'll finish the sheet first.

Zarzuket Kelunol |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"He may seem a bit rough around the edges, but don't worry guys, his manners grow on ya!
Especially in the middle of a bar fight.
... which reminds me of the prancing pony, remember that Grugnok?
Good times!
It reminds me of an epic I learned from a fellow bard named Spoony I ran into a while back..."
[insert very long, very convoluted, and very very impossible story here]

Kaziya Hellfallen |

Okay! I've got today and tomorrow off so I'm gonna be readin' through your characters and auditing your sheets. And then when that's done we can start :D Yay!!!
Awesome! I'll work on setting some time aside tomorrow to write up a proper backstory for Kaziya to go along with those questions you had us answer.
Also, did you get the PM I sent you a couple days ago?

GM Kiora |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey guys!
Really sorry about the delay, both here, and in Andoran. I'll be candid, and explain. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but I work as a pharmacist, and I've been working on a project for a patient. Basically I'm working on hashing together a summary of recommendations pertaining to transgender MTF hormone replacement therapy for a patient. I live in a fairly rural area and my hospital has never actually worked with a transgender patient before, and to make things worse, they're economically disadvantaged so the endocrinologists here aren't really keen on taking a lot of time to research properly as to how to help her. (....I'm basically the only person here who isn't too bigoted to deal with this stuff. =/)
So... it's basically a pet project haha. And it's eating all my time!
But it's for a good cause, so I don't mind. I enjoy helping others.
I intend to open up game play either today or tomorrow to give you an enviornment to roleplay in while I try to wrap up audits. The audits take a long time not because your character sheets are filled with errors, but because I really wanna sit down and analyze your backgrounds and ask questions. I'm really big on personalizing games to my PCs.

GM Kiora |
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Hey guys!
I’ve got bad news :/
Well, sort of. I’ve been steadily gaining more responsibilities at work, and generally working longer hours because of it. Which is good, because what I’m doing is really interesting.
But it also means I have less free time to devote to DMing – and I need to prioritize my f2f campaign first, obviously. So I’m gonna have to drop this campaign =(
I'm really sorry about getting your hopes up. But c'est la vie :/
I wish you guys the best.