
Kaziya Hellfallen's page

81 posts. Alias of Orannis.

About Kaziya Hellfallen

Kaziya Hellfallen
Class: Unchained Rogue (Underground Chemist/Numerian Scavenger), VMC: Alchemist
Race: Tiefling (Garundi)
Deity: Agnostic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 87




Str. 12 (+1)
Dex. 17 (+3)
Con. 12 (+1)
Int. 17 (+3)
Wis. 12 (+1)
Cha. 8 (-1)


BAB: +0
CMB: +1
Initiative: +3
Movement: 30’

Claw +3, 1d4+1, Crit 20(x2), Slashing

Claws +3/+3, 1d4+1, Crit 20(x2), Slashing

Shortbow +3, 1d6, Crit 20(x3), 60', Piercing


HP: 9
AC: 16 (Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13)
CMD: 14
Fort. +1
Ref. +5
Will. +1

Cold Resist: 5
Electric Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 5


Weapon Finesse
Point-Blank Shot


Acrobatics(1) +7(+6)
Appraise(1) +8
Craft: Alchemy(1) +7
Craft: Mechanical(1) +7
Disable Device(1) +7(+6)(+7vsMech)
Escape Artist(1) +7(+6)
Heal(1) +6
Knowledge: Engineering(1) +8
Knowledge: Local(1) +7
Perception(1) +5(+6vsMechTraps)
Sense Motive(1) +5
Stealth(1) +9(+8)


Against The Technic League: +2 on weapon damage rolls against all targets Kaziya knows to be associated with the Technic League.

Mathematical Prodigy: +1 Arcana and Engineering. Engineering is a class skill.

Caretaker: +1 Heal. Heal is a class skill.

Loner: -1 to AC and Attack Rolls when adjacent to allies or when taking the Aid Another action.

Class Abilities:

Finesse Training: Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

Sneak Attack +1d6

Technic Training: +1/2 Rogue level to Perception checks to locate mechanical or high-tech traps and to Disable Device checks against those traps (min. +1). Gain Technologist as a bonus feat. Cannot use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Racial Abilities:

Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha

Size: Medium

Speed: 30'

Languages: Common and Infernal for free.

Fiendish Resistance: Resist Fire 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5

Skilled: +2 to Bluff checks, +2 to Stealth checks.

Claws: 2 claw attacks, inflicting 1d4(crit 20x2) damage each.

Darkvision: Can see perfectly in the dark out to 60'.

Prehensile Tail: May retrieve a small, stowed object on her person as a swift action. Her tail cannot wield weapons.

Spells and Spell-Like abilities:


Common, Hallit, Infernal, Osiriani, Dwarven


Arrows (20)
Studded Leather Armor
Alchemist's Fire (2)
Flask Of Acid (2)
Rogue's Kit
-Belt Pouch
-Chalk (10)
-Flint and Steel
-Grappling Hook
-Mess Kit
-Pitons (2)
-50' Rope
-Thieves' Tools
-Trail Rations (2 days)

Left at the Inn:
-Iron Pot
-Torch (10)
-Trail Rations (3 days)
-Pitons (8)



Weight Carried: 42lbs (Light Load)

Carrying Capacity:
Light: 43lbs
Medium: 44-86lbs
Heavy: 87-130lbs