DM Rich's Carrion Crown

Game Master Briccone

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Thank you for considering me; it is always fun to make new characters.

Hey there!

Once again, our team of valiant heroes (and me) are GM-Less.

We are seeking someone to pick the adventure up. We've just arrived in Trushmoor, and got ambushed in a barn.

Vivian Deberth wrote:

Hey there!

Once again, our team of valiant heroes (and me) are GM-Less.

We are seeking someone to pick the adventure up. We've just arrived in Trushmoor, and got ambushed in a barn.

(At the start of Book 4)

Let me know what you'd like/prefer in a frontliner. Happy to build one to suit.

I've been toying with tripping builds and would love to build one for this. Would that help everyone get their licks in? Or are there too many ranged combatants?

Would love to craft a character that synergizes with the group's combat style/tactics, etc...

I'm not much of a divine caster.

Here is Sonny Wright He is a channeler and spell casting cleric rather than a more martial one. I have played him in a couple of Carrion Crown games. Between them I have played up into book 5.

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