Professor Lidia Glenell |

At the Alabaster Academy Prof. Glenell comes back from her lecture. There is not much time left til 6pm so she only searches some fresh clothes, to be presentable in public. Which is a more difficult task than she thought it would be. But finally she finds something without stains that smells almost fresh. Things went down since Salonius disappeared. Ready to go out she sits at the table in front of her house and waits.

Zea of Kintargo |

Will head to Saul's a little before dark but want to give him time for his date. ;)
Zea nods to Fhingle. "Yes, I'm glad we got it." She looks at the wand and shakes her head. "Strange. I've never bought something magical before. So much money..." The stakes are a lot higher now... What have I gotten myself into? Brow furrowed, she walks along with the halfling.

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Well shoot, no sense getting myself into trouble on purpose, since the rest of you are taking your sweet old time getting here.
Saul continuously glances at this clockwork timepiece on the mantle. Time is dragging today... I just want to get going to save Logan... Time. Time... time time time. I was supposed to do something else today. What was that... Oh s!+*! I have a date!
Pulling his Jackdaw costume off- as carefully as he can- Saul throws his old jacket back on and grabs his heavy mace, leaving the mithral spear behind.
He rushes over to the Academy to salvage what he can of his chances. Ok, ok... I'm not too late. She couldn't have been waiting too long.
He comes across a cleaned up and very good looking Professor who taps her toes impatiently on the floor.

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"Hello gorgeous. Right, it's a nice place, with good pastries. I'm happy to show it off for you. Sorry I'm a little late, by the way. Its been a rough afternoon. Shall we?" He offers his arm to her.

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Right, I was willing to forget my date, but no one was posting, so...
"Laundry? Yeah, I know a spot. Knew a washer woman at this place in Old Kintargo, a swordswoman on the side, and I hired her to do a job but she up and left, taking my gold. I've had a bad history with people disappearing on me." Saul shakes his head at the bad memory.
Memory of Alamara, who lasted about 2 weeks in this game.

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"That's right, Laria, it is I, Saul Gibson, P.I., that's my name, your good friend who likes his coffee black because that is what my soul is. This is Lidia Glenell, a botany professor at the Academy."
Saul tries to ignore how the professor STILL can't get his name right.

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I did say my name to her, but lacked the courage to directly correct her.
"So... how is... life in the Academy? Any new... plants that we can expect to see on market?" Saul is nervous. He hasn't been on a date with a stranger in decades.

Fhingle Nib |

Fhingle and the others head back to the coffee house, opening the door Fhingle steps in to see Saul. Stopping short but moving aside quickly to not get trampled Fhingle looks up at Zea and Cassius. "Who is that?" Fhingle says moving into a booth.

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Saul can't help but roll his eyes when Fhingle, Cassius, and Zea walk in. "Oh great. The posse just showed up. Can't a guy get away from work for ONE HOUR?" He shouts this last bit at them.
"Sorry gorgeous. I have strange friends. Do you want to meet them?"

Cassius Sacero |

"Detective! I should have known that your absence was for good reason, but a reason so striking is a wonderful surprise! Do pardon the interruption, but your companion caused an eruption of joy I simply had to verbalize. Cassius Sacero, at your service."

Zea of Kintargo |

Zea laughs quietly behind Cassius at his outburst of charm then smiles and nods, offering her hand. "Zea. Nice to meet you." She throws Saul a smirking look as they shake.

Professor Lidia Glenell |

"Life at the Academy is relaxed. I give some lectures, do some work in the garden, and dawdle around. Salonius had that thing for changed tastes in fruits, which is nice, but will probably not become a widespread thing."
"More interesting is the research on how to improve harvests in bad conditions. Or getting plants that produce more or bigger fruits. But I'm not on the frontier there. I'm just doing my job."
"How's being a private eye?" she asks before all of Saul's friends join the party.
"Lidia Glenell." Lidia replies to Cassius and Zea. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

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"Everyone, this is the professor from the Academy who was helping me this afternoon. Just because she wanted to. No charge, no strings attached. Amazing, isn't she?"
"Ok, now everybody leave. We were going to meet at my office, right? I still have time."
He turns to Lidia.
"Being a private eye? Well, I get to meet a lot of different people. Some are nice. Most have other ideas. But I am a charming guy. They all come around eventually. Nothing like a few silver in the pocket to to get the stool pigeons to sing, see? A greased palm or two, and a case is almost solved. How's the coffee?"

Professor Lidia Glenell |

"It's low on alcohol for that time of day. But for coffee it is ok. The pastries are nice though." Lidia tells taking a bite.
"That sounds like investigations are expensive. But it's no different in my area of work. If you want the right people to help, you have to offer them something."

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"It's true. Of course, pure animal sexual magnetism helps too. No one can resist the Saul charm."
Except just about every dame I've come across, but she doesn't need to know that.

Professor Lidia Glenell |

"Ah, and there it is again." Lidia raises her hand to wave Laria over. "I'm definitely not drunk enough for that kind of talk."
"You look so smart. And then you open your mouth."
"But maybe it's just me and I should listen more patient." she ponders. "You know. I'm not sexually magnetic, my big love left me for a better job and the closest thing to erotic I had in the last years was when Salonius carried comatose drunk me to bed and caught a boob when I slipped his grip."
"Now you. Tell me how your magnetic sex life works for you."

Zea of Kintargo |

At Saul's cue, and particularly at the talk of his sexual magnetism, Zea chuckles and heads out, ready to meet him at the office. Oh boy... Those two are quite a pair...

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"You see... ahh... of course well... Alright. So maybe I just like to talk big. That's what a gumshoe has to do, be a man of mystery and what-not, the more mysterious and hard-boiled the better. But I guess you could say my magnetism is like a north-aligned magnet pointing at the north end of every dame around me."

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Jarithe sits in the hide out and will try on the disguise again and then take time to use a whetstone to sharpen up his blades and then take out the leather oil and treat his armor to an oiling, and then polish his boots and belt buckle. He puts his critical eye to everything he has so that it stands out with the disguise as if it was part of it.
Then Jarithe will take a nap and wait for the others to arrive not quite sure how the group keeps wandering in and out and knowing he could have been out with his cart all day making money but that they had made an appointment to make plans and now a second appointment to group up and free Saul's friend, and that they were getting a magical wand to do this so called plan. So much for plans, eh?

Professor Lidia Glenell |

"That sounds more like someone who'd take me out on a date." Lidia replies with a smile, nudging Saul.
"But I'm mysterious too! I'm the 'Gardener in the Dark'. I'm suspected of all kinds of evil and feared by the students - at least those who prowl in my acres at night." her smle changing to mischievous.
Feel free to wrap it up before you call it a day today. I have all the time to continue that, but it will get boring for the others.

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"Here's to being mysterious and scary!"
Saul and Lidia are able to have a nice time over a cup of coffee and pastries-- somehow they are both able to keep their self-destructive tendencies at bay.
After wishing Lidia a gentlemen's good-night at the doors of the Academy,and expressing his desire to do something else again soon, Saul goes back to his office.
Could have gone better, could have been a lot worse. Nice being with someone who I am also not trying to kill things with. Now... onto more serious matters. Logan. I wonder if he will forgive me for going on a date while he is sharing a cage with hungry dogs?

Foxy Quickpaw |

The group meets at Saul's office, before the curfew starts. All change into their disguises and in the dark of the night they sneak to aria park. Dottari Patrol: 1d100 ⇒ 1
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 + 1d20 + 6 + 1d20 + 2 + 1d20 + 13 + 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 12 + (3) + 6 + (13) + 2 + (10) + 13 + (11) + 2 = 92
This night they don't even see a dottari patrol on the streets. In the park the picture is slightly different from what was seen at day. The thugs stand around a small fire, the dogs sleeping in front of the doghouse. One of the two bridges is now unguarded, at least by thugs.
The doghouse stands on a small island in the middle of the pond with bridges from two opposing sides leading to that island.

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Saul hides in the bushes with party... trying to figure out the best approach. He particularly studies the unguarded bridge. Is there something there or did they leave it empty?
perception w inspiration: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (6) = 16
Who else is stealthy? Wonder if we could sneak up right next to them and coup de grace the dogs and end the thugs before they know we are here. These Chellish thugs are pretty wimpy.

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Saul whispers, "Okay, here's my plan. Cassius hits the guards with a sleep spell from as far away as he can handle. We sneak in closer, and Jarithe does his mist and song, to block any unwanted eyes. Then we slit the throats of the guards and finish the dogs as fast as we can. Little Mac, it's up to you if you want to sneak up with me and Zea. Any corrections?"