Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Flo, Zilchus is happy to lend you a flat 200 gp (so you have some walking around money...you know, for things).
Zilchus Lyghtlode wrote:..132 gp
+.974 gp disbursement
.1106 gp to spend.1106 gp to spend
+.839 gp disburse 12/7
.1945 gp to spend
.1945 gp to spend
-.200 gp loan to Flo-------------
.1745 gp to spend
Florence Corvina |
^Thanks Zilchus, I owe you one! Though it might take a bit for me to be able to repay the favor as Flo is now flat broke mostly broke.
Also, sorry for the lack of posts later last night and today; dealt with a bit of sickness last night after getting home from work and then of course I had to work today (and it was pretty busy).
@Nidhi - Lucky! I wish the snow would've traveled a bit further north because according to my FB feed, Georgia got it pretty good too! But alas, all it is here is just really stinking cold.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
"Oh, I think I know something about this place!" Nidhi excitedly turns to her companions: "Those who descended to the lowest level of the Sepulcher of the Servant were likely to remain for several days or weeks in communion with the Lady of Graves or engaged with mummification and interment rituals. This chamber provided a communal space for socializing, taking meals, and worship."
Hey Nidhi, you should really read other posts before yours, otherwise we risk saying exactly the same thing in quite a strange way.
Nidhi Aashirya |
I'm back home so I can access Roll20 again.
December 15th - 23rd I'll be visiting the same relative (who doesn't have Wi-Fi) so I won't be able to use Roll20 that week.
Just as a reminder. I'll still be able to post or look at google slides (which I know this game doesn't use but other games do.)
Florence Corvina |
She's not really 'my' cat, more like a cat that a few of us in this particular apartment building have more or less adopted. She started hanging around in June and clearly belongs/belonged to *someone* as she was friendly and had a flea collar on, but she seemed pretty thin so I don't know if she was dumped or if her owners quit feeding her or what. We're not supposed to have pets here per the lease and all but some of us feed her and at least two of us have rigged up little shelters under our porches since the weather started cooling off. Sometimes I let her come inside in the evening to eat and to sit with me for a bit and warm up, but only when my husband is at work. He's not really been thrilled with me feeding her for fear of us getting into trouble but I think that if someone were going to complain or snitch about it it would've happened months ago.
I think the older woman on the far end of the building calls her Miss Millie but I call her Domino :)
Florence Corvina |
Hey guys, I've got work all day tomorrow and then I'll be heading out to see The Last Jedi with friends and family once I get home. If I've got any slow moments during work I'll try to sneak in a post but otherwise I'll catch up with the game either late tomorrow night or Tuesday :)
Florence Corvina |
Welcome back! :)
And thanks! It may sound dumb but sometimes when I post little comments or stories about not-Pathfinder-stuff in a Discussion thread (not this one specifically, just in general) I feel a little anxiety over doing it. Sort of a, "Dude, no one gives a rat's behind about your cat story or whatever you're rambling about" worry. So, I'm glad you liked it - and Domino is very sweet and also a bit drooly when she's getting lots of attention :)
Florence Corvina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Here's another cat story - despite my best efforts to be cautious about feeding Domino, being forced to serve the majority of her meals outside has inevitably attracted other critters from the neighborhood. Last night I had to stand guard while she had her dinner because there were three other cats circling around and around that wanted something to eat as well. There's Blackie, a black cat that I've seen occasionally that is either feral or very shy, because he/she runs away from people if they get too close. Then there's Handsome Orange, a young orange-striped male that is also a bit skittish but who *has* approached and rubbed around my legs from time to time but rarely stays still long enough for a proper petting. Finally, there's a creamy-colored cat who I guess I'll refer to as 'Cream' for lack of a better descriptor. Cream, like Blackie, is also very skittish and will run from me.
Truth be told, I don't really mind the others eating whatever Domino leaves behind, but I doubt my neighbors would appreciate having a horde of cats always hanging around the building so I have to try and be careful about leaving food out. Handsome Orange and Cream were also in the process of ripping into the trash bags sitting out on the porch when I got home, the little turds. I really wish my county had an animal shelter or even some sort of a TNR program for ferals.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Merry Christmas everyone! I've spent the last two days at the hospital and wasn't able to inform you about that. I'm sorry. Going to post as soon as possible between the day.
GM Euan |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Level up!
Welcome to the end of book two. I do believe you should now be level 7.
First Synopsis - 1 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Second Synopsis - 5 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Third Synopsis - 6 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Fourth Synopsis - 9 Sarentith, 4714 AR
Fifth Synopsis - 14 Sarenith, 4714
Starday, 14 Sarenith, 4714
- The group rises and collects another wand from the church before heading into the Necropolis.
- They head into the Veins district and back underground. After a time they surface, fighting off a pair of snake swarms, in the Necropolis.
- The first elegiac compass is broken, so the party moves on to the second. Which is missing its core as they discover after slaying a skeleton in the wall.
- The party descends into the crevasse to discover a dragon! Shardizhad proves more interested in trade then second breakfast.
- Marid's Caress is the next stop, a bathhouse whose partial collapse destroyed the compass there.
- Heading up Vizier’s Hill, the party encounter the Dark Folk, who eventually offer them a deal, even though no one drank the water.
- Unsure how to battle darkness, the party decides to wait to help the Dark Folk, and instead turn on the tomb of Menket Maatya.
- One brief fireball later, and the party grabs a phoenix coprolite and trades it with the dragon Shardizhad
- Now with a working elegiac compass, they draw a line on their map and begin searching buildings.
- The first building in the line is an old observatory of Truth and Wisdom, with some strange Pharasmic symbology.
- A secret floor is found, and opened by the party.
- Descending into the brightly lit chambers below, the party encounters a handful of undead when Velriana takes advantage of the situation and attacks from behind!
- The fight drags into the next chamber where the party meets and defeats the head Neferekhu.
- Severely injured in the battle, with lingering curses and blindness, the group falls back to Ptenemib’s office and healing.
- Deciding two fights is too many, the party decides to rest and continue on in the morning.
Sunday, 15 Sarenith, 4714
- Continuing on the next day, the party enters the Necropolis once again.
- They search the upper rooms, finding evidence Ptemenib came through and was successful - at least this far.
- Downstairs they face a ghast in armor - could Ptemenib have passed this threat unharmed? The party bests the undead and moves on.
- Someone’s bedchamber appeals to Nidhi, as she collects the silk sheets - none too clean.
- In the next descending chamber, the party fights a graven guardian in the guise of Anubis himself! Vanquished the party proceeds.
- Finally, they face Nebta-Khufre, the man in the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh and find Ptemenib, dead on the platform.
- It is a long and convoluted fight, but in the end, the wizard is no match for the combined might of the party.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Level up!
Welcome to the end of book two. I do believe you should now be level 7.First Synopsis - 1 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Second Synopsis - 5 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Third Synopsis - 6 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Fourth Synopsis - 9 Sarentith, 4714 AR
Fifth Synopsis - 14 Sarenith, 4714
Oh man, I love these. Thank you again, Evilan!
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ben's level up to follow tomorrow too!
And a huge thank you to the GM!
And also a great huzzah for us all! It was an incredibly tough fight!
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Hey All-
Looking at the Loot sheet, let it be recommended that we destroy the unholy symbol of Urgathoa and keep the 500 gp in diamond dust (might be useful for restorations or stone skins or the like).
Flo, I think you or Nidhi should take the Mask. It's good/great to have, I think.
Edit: Ben, Flo, or Nidhi...are any of you interested in buying a rod of lesser extend (3k?). Zilchus just needs one of the 3 daily uses and would be willing to put in 1000gp for that privilege each day.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Last level Nov 14, 2017.
+8 hp
+moar spells
+bonus feat: Fortified Armor Training (may change)
+3 adventuring skills:
+1 Survival
+1 Know (Rel)
+1 Know (Local)
+2 adventuring skills:
+1 Know (Eng)
+1 Know (Hist)
Smite: not yet
Grit: not yet
Panache: nah, more like painintheass
Ki: not yet
Rage: some, mostly at mosquitos
GM Euan |
The mask itself emits no aura, neither necromantic nor evil. The elegiac compass pointed to the largest cluster of necromancy - not the mask itself. All the undead that Nebta-Khufre was making with the mask is how you found it with the compass.
As for the mask itself, it is certainly necromantic in its nature with the various powers and abilities, but not evil. With its nondetection ability, it is also undetectable as is the wearer.
You would look odd wearing it around town however. Not a lot of folks wearing masks. :)
Oh, and I made an error with the mask. It improves with time, and one of the later powers is finger of death, but you don't get it yet. Not quite yet...
Nidhi Aashirya |
So Nidhi's or Florence's soul will be safe if she wears it? Also, can the wearer take the mask off to sleep and it'll still be attuned?
Nidhi will wear the mask if Florence doesn't mind. Talking to the undead sounds fun. Would the Mask's nondetetion help with sneaking around and unlocking doors? I don't understand why it's beneficial.
GM Euan |
It's Nondetection, as per the spell (link). Mostly it protects you against scrying and the like - divination spells. And yes, you may sleep without it and still be attuned so long as its 'with' you (in your room with your gear, etc). It only effects your soul if you perform an evil ritual, so it's unlikely. :)
Florence Corvina |
Nidhi, you can take the mask if you like - especially if Flo is going to end up with the Bracers of Armor +6. I can see our whimsical little songstress having a lot of fun wearing it around :3
Zilch, I'd be willing to pick up a Lesser Extend rod; seems apropos since some of Flo's most-used magics tend to be beneficial ones :)
Nidhi Aashirya |
HP: +4 (level 7) = 35/35HP
BAB: +5
Fort: +2
Ref: +5
Will: +5
Specials: Inspire Competence +3
Spells known: gain 1 1st-level spell (Comprehend Languages) and 1 3rd-level spell (Speak with Animals)
Skills: +7
Diplomacy x2, Perception, Perform BACKGROUND, Sense Motive x2, Sleight of Hand BACKGROUND
For the sake of the party, is Charisma or Intelligence better to attune with the mask? I was thinking Charisma.
Nidhi Aashirya |
Instead of Speak with Animals, Nidhi will take Terrible Remorse
And Nidhi will take Good Hope as her second 3rd-level spell?
Florence Corvina |
+6 HP (4 + 2 Con)
+6 Skill Points (Heal, Kn. Arcana, Kn. Planes, Kn. Religion, Spellcraft, UMD)
+2 Background Skill Points (Kn. History, Profession: Herbalist)
+1 1st Level Cast/Day
+1 4th Level Cast/Day
+3 Spells Gained (Heroism - 3rd, Dimension Door - 4th, Ice Storm - 4th)
Feat: Improved Initiative
FCB: +1 Spell in Familiar
Bynx: +1 Natural Armor, +1 Int, Speak w/ Animals of Its Kind
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Zilch, I'd be willing to pick up a Lesser Extend rod; seems apropos since some of Flo's most-used magics tend to be beneficial ones :)
+1. Next shopping trip, let's make it happen.
Also, that rod and your new lvl 3 spell = good stuff.
Also, I had thought we were going to sell the bracers. If you're going to keep them, might be good to mark that on the loot sheet.
Florence Corvina |
Actually, Flo will pass on them - after doing a bit of research they're only +2 better than a Mage Armor spell (and won't stack) and she's already got a magic item for her sleeve slot. So selling them is fine with me unless Ben wants them.
There's so many little things to keep track of across games that sometimes I forget stuff :\
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ben will pass on the bracers too.
As for the rod, I would have been interested as well, but I'm sure it will be more useful for Florence than it would for Ben.