Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
hp +6 (+4 class, +1 Con, +1 FCB)
Initiative upgrades +1
BAB upgrades +1
Saves upgrades +1 to all saves
Spells/day upgrades +1 3rd level
New spells added to the spellbook 2nd – fireball, summon monster III
Florence Corvina |
+6 HP (2 Con + Half HD + 1)
+1 BAB
+1 Fort/Ref/Will
+1 2nd Level Spell Slot
+1 3rd Level Spell Slot
Hex: Cackle
FCB: +1 Spell in Familiar (must be at least one level lower than highest casting level)
Spells Gained: Prayer (Patron Spell), Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Fumbletongue
+6 Skill Points (Diplomacy, Heal, Kn. Arcana, Kn. Nature, Spellcraft, UMD)
+2 Background Skill Points (Kn. History, Profession: Herbalist)
Nidhi Aashirya |
I never really completed level 5 so here is both:
HP: +4 (level 5) +5 (level 6) = 31
Fort: +2 (total)
Ref: +5
Will: +5
Specials: Inspire Courage +2,. Lore Master 1/day, Suggestion, Versatile performance (dance)
Spells known: learn 2 new second level spells (Heroism & Whispering Wind)
Level 4: Escape Artist, Intimidate, Know (Planes), Linguistics BACKGROUND, Perception, Perform BACKGROUND, Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device
Level 5: Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy x2, Perception, Perform BACKGROUND, Sense Motive x2, Sleight of Hand BACKGROUND
Florence Corvina |
For those celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Thursday to everyone else :)
I've graduated from moron to goober status; I did pick up Fortune earlier via the Extra Hex feat and just forgot to put it on my character sheet (but had it tracked on HeroLab). So, Cackle stays as my 6th level hex and now I get to feel extra silly :)
GM Euan |
Happy Holiday if there is one, and if not, create your own. :)
And no problem Florence. :D
Florence Corvina |
Re: Hexes & SR - A quick search of the forums yielded this thread that had an answer. A quick perusal shows that nearly all of the available hexes are listed as (Su). Of course this is your game and subject to whatever rules adjustments that you deem appropriate :)
GM Euan |
Re: Hexes & SR - A quick search of the forums yielded this thread that had an answer. A quick perusal shows that nearly all of the available hexes are listed as (Su). Of course this is your game and subject to whatever rules adjustments that you deem appropriate :)
That makes sense. I keep forgetting that most hexes are supernatural. ;)
GM Euan |
The lady is in the room, and the other is no longer blinded. But yes, two of them escaped. Well, at least this far.
Florence Corvina |
No worries GM :)
Also, in the interest of honesty, I've heard that Snowball got tweaked a bit in the new Ultimate Wilderness book to bring it more in line with other spells. I don't have my own copy yet so I can't say for certain what the exact changes are but scuttlebutt says that it's now subject to Spell Resistance and the Fort vs. Staggered effect has been removed. If you want me to start using that version once it shows up on AoN or the d20PFSRD, I'll be happy to do so.
GM Euan |
I don't have that source either, but I find that spell to be somewhat overpowered for a first level spell. I don't imagine that removing the Fort save would make it any weaker...
So lets wait and see. Use the current version for now.
BTW, you should own Pathfinder #67: The Snows of Summer or People of the North. In PFS, ownership of the source is required to use the ability. This is not PFS of course, but I do like to encourage good behavior so Paizo keeps making cool stuff...
GM Euan |
Oh, I agree there! I buy everything, but use the PRDs pretty exclusively for reference. The PDFs are just my receipts. :)
GM Euan |
Oops, I've been doing the fortune hex wrong.
It's not every d20 roll, it's one per round.
Fortune (Su) The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the fortune hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
So Cahal, the two abilities do not actually cancel each other out.
You're currently effected by a curse of sorts, such that all your rolls for attacks, saves, and skills must be rolled twice taking the worse of the two. You're also under the effects of the fortune, so one of your rolls may be rolled once instead of twice - but not all your rolls.
We're not going back, as usual (especially as it's my error which benefited the player), but going forward keep in mind how the two effects overlap. If you have questions, let me know. :)
- - -
And yes - I'm playing Starfinder and enjoying it!
GM Euan |
You failed it initially when I was DMPCing you unfortunately. It was a while back. You don't get to re-save against this ability.
Florence Corvina |
No Starfinder here yet, though I did just buy my brother the CRB for it today as a Christmas gift! I'll likely pick up the PDF and possibly a physical copy of it for myself closer to or right after Christmas. Doesn't look like we'll be running any home games of Starfinder though as my husband and one of our other regular players aren't that interested in it and my brother (our GM) would rather play it via Starfinder Society than run it himself.
GM Euan |
My numbers are rough generally and just a guideline. They don't take into account a few different variables, and so I don't really trust them. They're just a guideline for me as to how much damage I'm doing to a character in a given combat. Your count should be more accurate as you track things like charging AC (which I might miss), temp HP, damage carry-over from prior fights, etc.
Plus I'm working a lot of numbers in every round and am more likely to make a mistake as a result. :)
So I probably missed something. For now, you're down.
Florence Corvina |
Still here of course, but I do want to give a heads-up: all of my days from now through next Friday (sans Wednesday) are spoken for with work and other RL commitments that actually involve me leaving the house and on top of that, I've still got a bunch of Pathfinder Society engagements that I'm juggling in addition to my regular games. So my posting might be a little sparse for a few days though I'll do my best to keep up :)
GM Euan |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
A quick note about posting rate... I want more! :)
Remember when we started this campaign we all agreed to a twice a day posting rate. Now I know that’s a lofty goal, but we’re having trouble with even single posts a day lately and so I want to push for better regularity.
There are little moments when perhaps you feel you have nothing to say. But you should, daily, at least post a ‘me too’ post indicating you’re there, and paying attention. I’m going to pick on Ben a moment, but I do not intend to single him out, we’re all posting more slowly. That said, when he was blinded, he felt that there was nothing to add as he couldn’t engage in the combat effectively. However, as he and I discussed, he could have posted little refrains of suffering - just to let us know he’s still there. That way no one is waiting on his input - and we get a deeper look into his inner muse (always an enjoyable read!).
So even if you think you have nothing to say, say something when you stop by the campaign thread. Think about what’s going on and see if there’s any way you can add to it, even if it’s only a thought bubble. If you agree with the way things are going, just shout out a quick post like, “<character> agrees, nodding along with the group.” I’ve found, over time, those little posts can attract more attention, and even help me develop my character. For example, “<character> thinks about the last time he was in this situation and considers what to do. He disagrees with Zilchus, but still cannot find fault with his argument, so he nods along with the group.”
So please find a way to post with more frequency, even in the little quiet moments when it looks like there’s nothing going on. It may be that someone is waiting on your input. :)
I won't push the party unless three of you agree to a course of action, and even then sometimes I must wait for everyone to decide (like now, when it could be life or death). So be one of the three - let me know what you're character is thinking. Thanks for reading my ramble.
GM Euan |
Oh yes, sorry Benedictus - and now Florence - I forgot to mention, partially charged wands are hard to find. In most cases you're getting stuff through Abdur or the church, who are obtaining the items new from storage or having them made.
You'd need to ask around town to find someone who had such an item, and wanted to sell it after some period of use. Fewer of those folks around, and harder to track down. It does happen though, more often as found loot, but Diplomacy checks to gather information, and the d4 hours it takes to hunt down the leads, could result in something from time to time.
As it is, magic item availability is a little wonky in favor of the party (true in most campaigns I play). A lot of folks just happen to have the stuff you need without much delay. :)
Florence Corvina |
Okay...I think Florence would like to purchase the following out of her personal stash:
Alkali Flask x5 (75gp)
Holy Water x5 (125gp)
Tanglefoot Bag x2 (100gp)
Wand of Magic Missile (750gp) - Yeah, the damage is piddly but it's a sure-fire way to be able to do at least some damage against most things.
Available Funds = 2,053 gp
Total Cost = 1,050 gp
Remaining = 1,003gp
Does that look okay, GM?
GM Euan |
Those look fine Florence. Between Abdur and Ptemenib, you can get everything at those prices.
Abdur suggests, for just 1,500gp more, you can get a wand of magic missiles cast at third, so two missiles per charge. "You let me know." he says.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Abdur suggests, for just 1,500gp more, you can get a wand of magic missiles cast at third, so two missiles per charge. "You let me know." he says.
+1 to this. I would actually suggest getting to a lvl 5 wand. You'll get more use out of it for longer. Zilchus can loan you $$ if you need it.
Edit: Can Flo cast Magic Missile? If not, maybe a lvl 1 ray of enfeeblement? That's cheap and helpful. Or lvl 4 ear piercing scream? (yes, lvl 4, i think...for 2d6)
Cahal ud'Din |
As GM Euan and I discussed, the brawling enchantment has been errata'd with the result that brawling is now a +3 enchantment, which I obviously can't afford.
So the solution is to remove the enchantment and the +1, getting back 4,000 gp, and with that gold to buy instead a Undead Bane Amulet of Mighty Fists.
GM Euan |
Yes, I think they are. Both neck slot items. However, I show the mummified hand as sold on the treasure sheet in the last divvy I think. So maybe problem solved?
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
@Zilch - No, Magic Missile isn't on Flo's spell list but she's been investing in UMD and so right now has a slightly better than 50% chance to activate a wand. Ear-Piercing Scream is on her spell list (so no need to UMD) however. Thoughts?
If you're UMDing a wand of magic missile you want to have a very high chance of activating it to make it go (+90%) to make it worthwhile. It's not super powerful at this level (a lvl 3 wand of MM doing about 7 points per activation) and you're not activating that most of the time, then it's virtually useless.
You want your standard actions to matter...or, at least, to have a chance to matter (like people failing the save for the scraam).
That's my two coppers.