GM DSP presents Crown's Reach! (Inactive)

Game Master Darksmokepuncher

The Imperial Dragoons must endeavor to protect the realm of Pollexia for all enemies: both foreign and domestic.

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male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
Kayla Adrianas wrote:

Kayla gives Cecil a happy little hug. "It must have worked!

"Yes, let's send a note. Shinami, who should we send it to?"

"The prince? Just don't be too specific. Just say something like "the servants are abuzz with good news. Has the kings health taken a turn to the better?" or something equally non-incriminating."

M Human Level 6 Cavalier (Houndmaster)

At the mention of the Prince, Osslend scowls. "Yeah, give him my regards." With that, Osslend makes a rude gesture and continues packing his gear.

"So are we off to stop this war, then? If so, let's be off."

Shadow Lodge

OK gang. I'd like everyone to update their character sheets with new gear they've purchased.

Also, a few of you are missing things like saves and CMB/CMD. Please add those. I can do the math for them on the fly, but I may miss bonuses and that's not fair. When you fell that you're 100% updated, give me an "ok." and I'll continue.

The reason I need sheets done, is because you all will likelt come up with interesting ways to approach this army and I need to know what you have at your disposal.

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
GM DSP wrote:

OK gang. I'd like everyone to update their character sheets with new gear they've purchased.

Also, a few of you are missing things like saves and CMB/CMD. Please add those. I can do the math for them on the fly, but I may miss bonuses and that's not fair. When you fell that you're 100% updated, give me an "ok." and I'll continue.

The reason I need sheets done, is because you all will likelt come up with interesting ways to approach this army and I need to know what you have at your disposal.

The only money I really have is the 8K from the tournement that isn't really mine because we're using it to pay off some debt that Im not actually associated with. As such I'm basically broke. As much as I'd love to rain alchemists fire down upon the army I don't have any gold to spend. Unless of course I can spend the 8k, which case I'll consider a carpet bombing campaign. :-)

Male Elf Monk 2/Ninja 4

I got me some grappling hooks, ninja gear, (apparently I was a ninja not wearing ninja clothes. Who knew pathfinder had a pair of Shinobi shozoku??) I'm set!

Shadow Lodge

You have items to sell, and there is nothing saying you have to pay that 8k to the Prince. Moreover, your debt isn't due for another 60 days.

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

How much does having a cleric/pally/mage cast Detect Disease or Detect Curse cost?

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
GM DSP wrote:
You have items to sell, and there is nothing saying you have to pay that 8k to the Prince. Moreover, your debt isn't due for another 60 days.

Well then...


While I'm out I'm going to use my Arcanum contacts to see if I can find some boots of levitation. ;-) Also anything "explodey" that might be useful.
Or a ring of sustenance. ;-)

ALso, what do we have to sell? Did someone write that down? Shinami?

M Human Level 6 Cavalier (Houndmaster)

Osslend buys some traveling food and any new basic gear if he needs to replace anything (sleeping bag, etc.). Otherwise, he is ready to roll.

Male Halfling Bard 1 / Rogue 1 (Carnivalist)

Knowledge: Local to figure out how many days' journey we are facing here.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Necessary adjustments to food stores will be made based on distance.


Male Human

Looking through the spell lists, I don't actually find anything for detect curse/disease/etc. I find remove, but that's really expensive.

I think there are two real options here: divination magic to ask the gods if you're smitten, or just wait it out and see. Remember, You need a 12 level cleric to cast remove curse withing 3 days of your bite. That leaves the rest of today and it costs caster level x spell level x 10 gp (360gp).

If it were me, I'd get a cheapo div magic for 90 gp.


What kind of explodey things are you looking for Cecil? You should be able to grab boots of levitation, but the connection will come out to cost + 5% +another 5% for how fast you need them.


Armen, This is at least a 10 day journey. Probably closer to 2-2.5 weeks.

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
Darksmokepuncher wrote:

Looking through the spell lists, I don't actually find anything for detect curse/disease/etc. I find remove, but that's really expensive.

I think there are two real options here: divination magic to ask the gods if you're smitten, or just wait it out and see. Remember, You need a 12 level cleric to cast remove curse withing 3 days of your bite. That leaves the rest of today and it costs caster level x spell level x 10 gp (360gp).

If it were me, I'd get a cheapo div magic for 90 gp.


What kind of explodey things are you looking for Cecil? You should be able to grab boots of levitation, but the connection will come out to cost + 5% +another 5% for how fast you need them.


Armen, This is at least a 10 day journey. Probably closer to 2-2.5 weeks.


That brings the price to 8250, which I am 75 short. I would like to try diplomacy to have them let me bargain down the last 75.
Diplomacy 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

If that doesn't work I'd like to offer a favor in return for the cost difference. Something of approximate worth or slightly more that I shall repay at a future date.

A favor from a noble is no small thing, not to mention an arcanist. ;-)

Also no splodey things as I am broke.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

What are availabilities for scrolls of things like fireball, lightning bolt, invisibility and disguise?

Shadow Lodge


Is the group ok with you spending the entire 8k on one item? It was a group effort to get it. I just don't want to see arguments or bad feelings.

Shadow Lodge

Kayla Adrianas wrote:
What are availabilities for scrolls of things like fireball, lightning bolt, invisibility and disguise?

Scrolls from the Cleric list are available at cost from the temple of Sarenrae. Scroll of spells from Sarenrae's domains have their cost reduced by 1/4 for members of the faith in good standing. That's you! Scrolls of spells not on the Cleric list are available at the arcanum where they are double cost unless you are a member, which you are not.

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
GM DSP wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


I think I'm a bit confused on the purpose of the money. Other than the boots I can't think of anything particularly helpful. I'm not a wizard, so I don't have fireball or such spells on list.

I don't want to garner bad feelings, so I'll just get the mundane stuff. Rations etc.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

List right now is a scroll of Wall of Fire for 525gp. Might be useful to help block an escape if we get chased by a large number of things. Not sure what else I may want to get, any suggestions?

Shadow Lodge


The money was intended to be the prize purse for the winner of the boxing matches in Koppolex. That changed when the town "caught fire" and you and the team worked to put it out. The town opted to give the dragoons (though they didn't know that's what you were) the money. Someone had the idea to use it to pay the Prince because most of the team was present at the death of the halfling Dango. The team owes 10K gp in 60 days for the ressurection. There is nothing saying that you all must spend the 8k for the ressurrection, but I gave the money with intent that it be used to benefit the party. How exactly is up to you guys. But, it is the only cash I've given so far.

As far as the stuff to sell goes, you have what you got off the werewolf and whatever of Bryce's gear that didn't get claimed or buried.

Shadow Lodge

Kayla Adrianas wrote:

List right now is a scroll of Wall of Fire for 525gp. Might be useful to help block an escape if we get chased by a large number of things. Not sure what else I may want to get, any suggestions?

Normally, I would. However, you don't have enough info in character to prepare for specific challenges, so i will not be able to give insight right now. IF Narv is still in friendly hands when you get there, you might get more info and can better prepare there. It's not as big of a trade district as Pollex, bu it is the biggest city near 2 borders, so it should be adequate.

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

Alright, Cecil, subtract 90g out of the pot for my divination. DSP, DO WE HAVE A WINNER?!

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian
GM DSP wrote:
IF Narv is still in friendly hands when you get there...

Don't forget that in-game time, only maybe an hour has passed :P Don't get too anxious to change your story yet!

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Snickers. I was actually asking the other players if they had any suggestions what I should buy. I'll be more specific next time. :)

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
GM DSP wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

lol. I remembered where the gold came from, just not why I had all of it. I'm going to relabel it "Party Fund" to keep it separate from my own.

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt

Regardless, the party bought whatever gear in the few hours they were out. Kalya I think is planning on writing a note and Cecil will recommend she send it with page to whomever it's going. Then we head out. Time is of the essence.

Shadow Lodge

Yes, the note! Let's have it Kayla.

I'm not concerned about current time, Brynn. I'm concerned because it'll take you 10-18 days to get there on horseback and it's already a crisis for the Prince...

Bryn drinks the silvery blue liquid and sees three visions in flashes quick as blinking: an alternating frame of each.

The first shows you in the future, healthy and thriving.

The second finds you dead an buried from the poison you just drank.

The third reveals you as a wolf, systematically hunting and eating everyone you've ever cared about.

As the flashes drive on, flashes of the first becomes more and more prominent until they are a continuous picture of a healthy Brynn.

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

Brynn returns to the Dragoons' quarters with a larger-than-normal smile on his face and pulls out his lute while he waits for everyone to return.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Kayla would ask for a bit of help on the note. Something to the effect of: We are overjoyed to hear of your improving health, deepest regrets we cannot see for ourselves, but are preparing to depart on a mission given to us by the Prince.

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
Kayla Adrianas wrote:
Kayla would ask for a bit of help on the note. Something to the effect of: We are overjoyed to hear of your improving health, deepest regrets we cannot see for ourselves, but are preparing to depart on a mission given to us by the Prince.

"Just don't be too specific. Just say something like "the servants are abuzz with good news. Has the kings health taken a turn to the better?" or something equally non-incriminating."

Male Halfling Bard 1 / Rogue 1 (Carnivalist)
Brynn Halistack wrote:
Brynn returns to the Dragoons' quarters with a larger-than-normal smile on his face and pulls out his lute while he waits for everyone to return.

"Master Brynn, perhaps you could teach me a thing or two. I'm still a novice with this." Armen gestures at this lute.

Well, I've added 15 more days rations to my equipment then, and subtracted the suitable gold

Male Elf Monk 2/Ninja 4

"Any news on Thobir's location? When are we heading out?"

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
Shinami Genbu wrote:
"Any news on Thobir's location? When are we heading out?"

"I tried to locate him earlier, but had no luck. We're leaving as soon as possible."

Shadow Lodge

I think I have the gist of the letter y'all want to send. I wave my hands and *poof* it is sent.

The Dragoons and their newest associate, Armen Corrick, ride out well before first light the following morning and toss the guard a few silver to open the gates early.

The road is foggy until nearly 10 am, then it turns into a fine fall day.

Ok. Please see the OOC.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

We ride and enjoy a lovely day, the air not too hot and not too cold. Kayla manages to ride in quiet for the first couple hours, just enjoying the ride and nature and then starts up with the questions. "I wonder if we'll be able to find an inn to stay at for the night? I'm sure we'll be spending plenty of them outside as it is, so I'd rather not pass up any chances for an actual bed. I wonder what the chances of running into Aya or Bo and Po again are? Brynn, where did you learn to play the lute? Cecil, when did you and Owen meet? Owen, do you know any embarrassing stories about Cecil?"

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
Kayla Adrianas wrote:
We ride and enjoy a lovely day, the air not too hot and not too cold. Kayla manages to ride in quiet for the first couple hours, just enjoying the ride and nature and then starts up with the questions. "I wonder if we'll be able to find an inn to stay at for the night? I'm sure we'll be spending plenty of them outside as it is, so I'd rather not pass up any chances for an actual bed. I wonder what the chances of running into Aya or Bo and Po again are? Brynn, where did you learn to play the lute? Cecil, when did you and Owen meet? Owen, do you know any embarrassing stories about Cecil?"

Cecil contemplates a moment then replies in a calm tone

"I was attacked by bandits one day while traveling. I didn't know about my abilities at the time. My escort was murdered quickly and brutally, though the two of them managed to take out a few before they were slain. Terrified I ran into the wood and was eventually cornered by a pair of them. In my terror I must have called Owen instinctually. He appeared from above the ridge I was pressed to. He slew the bandits then vanished. Later that evening when I calmed myself and was safely in my private rooms I called for him and much to my suprise he came."

When Owen is addressed he simply replies
"Yes." in his growling voice. THough his grin is so wide his canine teeth stick out slighlty with amusuement. All in all it's very endearing.

Eidt: Owen continues to imply that he knows something with his expressions, but never actually tells any embarasing stories.

Shadow Lodge

Please the out the MAP of Pollexia and tell me which road you take to Narv. Do you go by way of Pyrandon, or Ryn? Also, am i hand-waving this, or do you want to enter the towns and interact: even if it's only to find a room and sleep?

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
GM DSP wrote:
Please the out the MAP of Pollexia and tell me which road you take to Narv. Do you go by way of Pyrandon, or Ryn? Also, am i hand-waving this, or do you want to enter the towns and interact: even if it's only to find a room and sleep?

Ryn looks quicker. Time is of the essence so Cecil will encourage us to keep moving, stopping at an inn onlly if convinient.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

I vote for way of Ryn. The terrain looks a bit easier to cross and would therefor be quicker. I'm also fine with hand-waving a long journey.

Shadow Lodge

OK. Post in a bit.

Shadow Lodge

MAP of NARV This is a rough idea of what it looks like. It's bigger and more modern. Replace wooden walls with stone. ask questions if needs be.

You arrive at midday on the 13th day of your journey to find Narv under siege! The lower district of the city is swarming with the enemy and siege engines are under construction. The first bridge in intact, indicating that the enemy likely infiltrated the city and allowed allied forces inside without a struggle.

The inner bridge that defends the keep has been burned away as a defensive measure and movement can be seen within the castle. It is clear that Narv will fall without help.

Ideas? You can attempt to break the siege with the few of you. You could try to scale the wall behind the keep, cross the moat, climb the hill, and enter the castle without being shot by those within. Finally, you could come up with your own plan. Remember, Pollexian armies who engage this enemy are declaring an acceptance of war from Odalisk. This includes those in the castle.


Shadow Lodge

Perception checks are in order. Please include one with your post.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

"Well, if we attempt to sneak in, we're going to have to find a safe place to put our horses. They sure aren't scaling any walls with us."

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Shadow Lodge

Kayla Adrianas wrote:

"Well, if we attempt to sneak in, we're going to have to find a safe place to put our horses. They sure aren't scaling any walls with us."

Perception 1d20+5

You see the majority of enemies are eqiped with melee weapons, including a few implements that could be thrown in a pinch. The enemy have installed several archer on the outer wall to defend against newcombers like yourselves. (At least 5 of them) The most unnverving are the 8 robed figures hovering over the army at different locales around the city. You are able to point these things out to your crew. may want to get off the road as they will notice you eventually if you just stand there.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Kayla points over to a stand of trees a ways off the road. "Let's go hide the horses over there for now as we discuss plans. I really don't want to the attention of anyone who might shoot at us."

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
Kayla Adrianas wrote:
Kayla points over to a stand of trees a ways off the road. "Let's go hide the horses over there for now as we discuss plans. I really don't want to the attention of anyone who might shoot at us."

Once we're in the tree line

"Poe can get a message to the castle if needed. Owen can ferry us up the wall, though only one at a time so it's not exactly tactical. That's all I can think to contribute."

Owen Perception 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

Male Elf Monk 2/Ninja 4

"I've got a grappling hook if need be, some of us can scale, Owen can carry the others?" Shinami suggested as he looked over the battle below.

Perception1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

"I have little martial knowledge, but I see at least one question that needs answered first. Are we going to attempt to get into the keep proper to help defend it or are we going to try to pick off the enemy as we can from the outside?"

male 1/2 Elf Sage Sor/Wiz 2 Gestalt
Kayla Adrianas wrote:
"I have little martial knowledge, but I see at least one question that needs answered first. Are we going to attempt to get into the keep proper to help defend it or are we going to try to pick off the enemy as we can from the outside?"

"Flanking an army is a time honored tactic, though our efforts would be coordinated with from those in the castle."

Shadow Lodge

Owen snorts.

"The army has two leaders. One in heavy armor, the other is lightly armored and carries a staff. They look very well organized."

Those in the castle might be persuaded to help you. However, you know that should anyone affiliated with the Pollexian army fight, it will constitute an acceptance of war with Odalisk. If you guys, while stripped of rank, can put this conflict to rest, there can be no full scale war.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Would asking them for any intelligence that they may have gathered on the invading army count as engaging in the fight?

Shadow Lodge

No. If they swing sword and shoot bow, that counts. It will certainly be argued as direct involvment if you guys go charging out of the keep too. I should also tell you that your estimation of the army's size is somewhere around 500 combatants.

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