GM DSP presents Crown's Reach! (Inactive)

Game Master Darksmokepuncher

The Imperial Dragoons must endeavor to protect the realm of Pollexia for all enemies: both foreign and domestic.

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Shadow Lodge

I'm putting up the game thread now, so those of you who want to get to know each other in character can do so. The game will start when we're all set on the OOC thread.

The five of you step through the back of the pavilion. Phineas and Euripides nod encouragingly to any who dare to meet their eyes.

Before you looms an immense iron gate through which you see a mighty coliseum: completely empty save for a handful of figures in the royal box. Before you can look closer however, the same dour dwarf from earlier ushers you all through a door in the wall to the right of the iron gate.

Once inside, the dwarf moves to a far corner and begins pursuing some papers on a squat table.

You all see that individual arming stations are scattered around the small room. Each one contains one of your weapons and gear. As you all move to your possessions and begin preparing for your trial, the dwarf speaks.

"I am Thobir. My duty is to see you have what you need. My services will expand if you survive. If you require anything, you may ask and I will do what i can. Your trial will begin tomorrow."

GM DSP wrote:

You all see that individual arming stations are scattered around the small room. Each one contains one of your weapons and gear. As you all move to your possessions and begin preparing for your trial, the dwarf speaks.

"I am Thobir. My duty is to see you have what you need. My services will expand if you survive. If you require anything, you may ask and I will do what i can. Your trial will begin tomorrow."

Bryce looks briefly over at the arming station. Practiced eyes flick over his familiar gear, checking their condition. His unstrung bow and silver sword rest on stands. His shirt of linked mithral chain, bound with strips of dark dyed leather to muffle any noise of metal, and rubbed with soot to dull any gleam, hangs on the torso of a dummy. His quiver hangs there also, and stacked at the bottom are neat bundles of arrows, heads glinting in the lantern light. Plain steel, silver, cold iron, they were bane to many enemies.

Everything ready, everything in place. What else do we need..? Information.

Bryce walks over to the dwarf's table. Thobir? Pleased to meet you. I am Bryce Rosewood, though I guess you know that. What can you tell us about tomorrow's trial?" His tone is carefully polite and neutral, not the tone of a master to servant.

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

An average-sized, heavily bearded man in a dark blue robe looks through his equipment, checking each piece carefully and handling a number of items as if they are irreplaceable relics to him. Of particular interest to him are a heavy, leather-bound tome that he makes sure is carefully wrapped in an oilskin cover, a well-crafted crossbow that is quickly loaded and unloaded, and several wooden wands of varying shapes and sizes.

As he examines his gear, a large brown hawk sits on the table, apparently looking over it as well. Once he is finished examining and repacking his gear, he raises his leather-gloved left hand--a clear signal for the hawk to perch there, which it does--he moves over to where Bryce is talking to Thobir, just in time to catch the last part of Bryce's question. "Yes, any information would be most welcome. I have preparations to make for tomorrow, and 'tis best to avoid doing that blindly, I've found." He raises his free right hand to move his hair back briefly, and a keen observer might note a slight point to Maedoc's ears before his hair moves back and hides it again.

Shadow Lodge

"Tomorrow you will face many things. All of them are designed to ensure that you will work as a unit: an elite unit. If you are the team chosen to be the Crown's Reach, you will face horrors forgotten in a civilized world. I am not permitted to disclose the exact nature of your challenges. I can tell you that you will face them all together. The best thing you can do now is learn to trust each other."

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

A red-headed woman in her mid-twenties walks over to one of the arming stations, looking over her gear stationed there. Gathering up all of her gear, she moves over to where the two men are talking to the dwarf. Greetings all, my name is Kayla Adrianas. Addressing Thobir, If you don't mind my asking, what time tomorrow do the challenges begin? I would like to ensure that I have plenty of time for my daily devotions to Sarenrae in the morning.

Shadow Lodge

"The trials will begin at 10 o'clock precisely. Breakfast is scheduled for 8:30. You should have plenty of time to commune with the Dawnflower."

M Human Level 6 Cavalier (Houndmaster)

A short man in the corner looks up at those present as the ball of his heavy flail clinks loudly against the handle. The larger of the two hounds with him stands on hind legs inspecting the armor that still lay draped on the shelf, while the smaller stands dutifully at his feet as though on alert.

"'s Osslend. Good to meet you all."

Trust each other, huh?

"I guess for me, the greatest trust I can show you all is letting you pet my friends, here. Trust me...few folks ever get to."

The dark-haired man snaps his fingers, drawing the attention of both hounds who sit immediately at attention. He smiles and nods, waving his hand, wide open, toward Kayla.

Slowly, with tails wagging, the two hounds approach Kayla and sit at her feet, clearly desiring attention.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Kayla coos Such well behaved puppies and kneels down to pet them both. Looking up at Osslend What are their names? This man seems nice enough and he clearly has two little friends who think he is worthy of trust. I hope the rest of my group are as nice.

After a couple minutes of petting Kayla will stand back up and smooth out her robes and brush her copper colored hair out her face. Holding out her hand to Osslend, My name is Kayla.

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Maedoc nods in thanks to Thobir,and blinks as Osslend introduces himself. As Kayla pets the dogs, he scratches his cheek with his free hand and coos to his bird in a strange language. "Easy now Garrick. At least they won't harm you, I'm sure." The bird snaps at Maedoc in apparent irritation before hopping over to Thobir's table.

As Garrick appears to examine some of the paperwork scattered there, Maedoc ifinally introduces himself. "Ah yes. I am Maedoc Insolitus, formerly of Risiei. This should prove.... most interesting." He frowns slightly as he notices a dagger still sitting at his arming station, and, with a wave of his hand, a sudden burst of air moves the dagger from the table to his other hand. He nods in approval as he sheathes it. Grayson would not have been pleased if I'd forgotten his gift in a waiting room...

Shadow Lodge

Maedoc Celibrus wrote:

Maedoc nods in thanks to Thobir,and blinks as Osslend introduces himself. As Kayla pets the dogs, he scratches his cheek with his free hand and coos to his bird in a strange language. "Easy now Garrick. At least they won't harm you, I'm sure." The bird snaps at Maedoc in apparent irritation before hopping over to Thobir's table.

As Garrick appears to examine some of the paperwork scattered there, Maedoc ifinally introduces himself. "Ah yes. I am Maedoc Insolitus, formerly of Risiei. This should prove.... most interesting." He frowns slightly as he notices a dagger still sitting at his arming station, and, with a wave of his hand, a sudden burst of air moves the dagger from the table to his other hand. He nods in approval as he sheathes it. Grayson would not have been pleased if I'd forgotten his gift in a waiting room...


With a few quick glances at the scattered documents on Thobir's desk, Garrick is able to glean the following information.
traps, simultaneous stages, sniper, gold, prince, and a wax seal in the likeness of a dragon holding a battleaxe.

M Human Level 6 Cavalier (Houndmaster)

Osslend smiles and nods to Kayla. "The big one's Virgil. The smaller one's Raleigh. I named them after the uncles of someone I...knew."

He turns to face the other man who has spoken and says, "Good to meet ya, Maedoc. Interesting bird ya got there."

Turning yet again, he says, "Good to meet you too. Bryce, was it? "

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Laughing, Do I need an animal companion as well to fit in with this group? I am fond of cats...

Osslend Abenier wrote:
Turning yet again, he says, "Good to meet you too. Bryce, was it? "

"Yes, Bryce. Pleased to meet you Osslend. Your beasts look ... well trained." Bryce reaches out to shake Osslend's hand, friendly enough. You notice that unlike Kayla he doesn't pet the dogs.

Kayla Adrianas wrote:
Laughing, Do I need an animal companion as well to fit in with this group? I am fond of cats...

"No, no. It seems both you and I are free of animals. We'll have to wait and see about our fifth companion, when they arrive."

Bryce walks over to Kayla - just a few paces for his lean frame and long legs. A smile tugs one corner of his mouth up and touches the creases at the corner of his eye. He makes a small, almost courtly, bow, and two fingers touch his greying temple, as he says, "At your service, priestess."

So, a priestess, a hound-master, and an arcanist. That seems... workable.

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Maedoc frowns slightly as he watches Garrick poke around on the table. "I don't think that Garrick would appreciate that.... although he might find some entertainment if it's a small cat." He sighs at the bird before moving over to him and scratching him lightly on the head. "Please don't mind him, Thobir. He's a curious one in the best of times."

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Thobir, are we to remain together here for the rest of the trials? If so, what are the sleeping arrangements?

"Maedoc," Bryce gives a curt nod to the arcanist. "Take it that's your bird? Could make a useful scout. What other tricks are up your sleeves?" Bryce seems genuinely interested. You get the sense that he has sized up Osslend's and Kayla's abilities, but is much less certain of what Maedoc will bring to the team. Perhaps he has not worked with many magic users before.

Shadow Lodge

Kayla Adrianas wrote:
Thobir, are we to remain together here for the rest of the trials? If so, what are the sleeping arrangements?

"Apologies if you are used to better mistress, but bedrolls are provided and this will be your suite tonight."

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

A tall, husky man staggers into the preparation room behind the rest of the group. His straight brown hair naturally parts on the right and ostensibly floats to the left. His gray eyes, which appear to be in a distant place at the moment, are permanently creased at the corners from what you may assume to be years of physical exertion. His larger nose curves down at the end, pointing to a pair of perpetually pursed lips, and more prominent still is framed by a burly, bedraggled beard.

The pain isn't even muscles aren't tensed...

Still speechless from the immense pain he was just going through moments ago, he realizes he has stopped in his tracks for the last minute, still gathering his wits. Everything that has been done or said while he was stunned is finally processed. Ugh, I hate being the last to post, sorry guys! As the party gathers their items, he speaks loud enough with a somewhat commanding voice to catch their attention, "I...I'm sorry, I just came from my test..." Brynn trails off. His eyes finally narrow into a hawk-like gaze. "I'm not sure if we're to speak of these or not, but in my test I experienced a great amount of pain that I'm just now recovering from."

Hesitating for just an instant to begin walking to his arming station, he speaks again. "The name is Brynn Halistack. You all seem to be a well-formed party so far, but from the looks of things, I might be the only one here to deliver some devastating toe-to-toe combat prowess." Brynn reaches for his greatsword. Obviously well-used, but still maintained, it stands just over five feet long. Brynn picks it up as if it were made of twigs and suddenly brandishes it, swiping it over the table, crossing it behind himself, then swinging with an overhead arc straight at the table, stopping hitting the table by a mere half-inch. He sets it down and checks the rest of his gear. Rifling through an item or two from his handy haversack, his warhammer comes to the top. After placing it on the table, he reaches for his two wrist sheaths out of the sack and equips them both, clicking the mechanism on one to pop out the hidden dagger into his hand.

Though his eyes have glazed over during his routine, they suddenly focus again and he looks up at the rest of the room. In a somewhat forced manner, Brynn grins at his new cohorts. "Good to meet you all. I may be rough around the edges, but I know that the best way to get to know each other is to spend any amount of time in group combat. It sounds like tomorrow will have that in store for us."

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Addressing Thobir, No apologies needed sir. I am sure these trails are not about our comfort. Besides, I am sure that I will need to get used to this sort of camping out if I ever plan on going out on any missions. I doubt there will always be inns nearby or even any sort of decent shelter.

Looking over at Brynn as he enter, Kayla will walk up to him and extend her hand. It is nice to meet you Brynn my name is Kayla. Kayla will cautiously step back when he begins swinging around his sword, commenting, I think your blade is nearly as tall as I.

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Maedoc nods in response to Bryce's question. "Indeed, he is my familiar. As far as tricks up my sleeves... well, let's just say that I have quite a few." He smiles slightly as he snaps and four small lights appear at the end of his fingers. "Minor tricks and a few things more... ah, substantial. The key, of course, is preparation." With a wave of his hand, the lights fade away, and he reaches into his pack for his spellbook, which is still wrapped up. "Let me know if you have anything in mind, and I'll see what I can do. I can create fire and illusions, allow people to fly, stun people with a scream, and more. Hmm... let me see..."

With that, he begins to give Bryce a detailed accounting of the resources he has on hand, as well as the spells that he can prepare. So caught up is he in this rendition that he hardly even notices the Barbarian's entrance.

Shadow Lodge

Nearly 2 hours go by without much direction. You all sort of mill about and speak to one another, checking your weapons and gear.

Suddenly, near the door to the arena, the floor begins to rise. Light spills out of the strange opening, and soon you see that inside is a halfling woman pushing a meal cart.

She doesn't speak to anyone, but goes straight to work arranging the food and drink. There are roasted meats of different kinds, stewed vegetables with big, brown beans, piles of fruit, and 3 stacks of chewy flat bread. There are beers and mead, wine, both elven and of human make, and other drinks including a mango-dragon fruit juice. However, what catches your eyes first, are the five skull loaves resting on a little pedestal at the center of the table: Death bread. Inside are two brass coins so that the dead could pay Pharasma's gatekeeper and gain access to the bone yard.

The woman bows to the room and returns to her secret compartment and the floor immediately sinks back to its original height.

At this, Thobir speaks,"Please, eat." Once you have gathered what food you wish, the dwarf continues,"I have just had a message from the Emperor. It seems that you are to be given some more detailed information about your trial tomorrow."

Thobir waits a beat to ensure you are all listening.

"In the morning you will be tasked with two things: 1. Protect an ancient scroll from any harm. 2. Destroy an evil tome containing rituals on raising the dead."

"What makes this tricky is the prince. You see, the Emperor wants you five, loyal, brave people to act as his enforcers around the realm. However, the Emperor's strength is failing and his ambitious son would rather see his good friends, five imperial guards, receive this honor."

"In a last effort to compromise, it was decided that they will protect the book even as you seek to destroy it, and their goal will be to relieve you of the scroll. Whomever succeeds gets the job"

"The prince has given them insights into your abilities and talents. This was against the rules, but nothing can be done now. You must prevail in the face of this adversity. I will remain a while longer to answer any questions I may."

Thobir starts in on his plate, leaving the room in silence for a moment.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Kayla will put a little bit of everything on her plate in an attempt to sample everything to eat and she will choose the mango-dragon fruit drink. There is just too much to choose from so I think I shall try a little bit of everything.

In response to Thobir's announcement, If the rules were for the contest to be equal for all contestants, then can you give us any insights into their abilities and talents to put us all back on an even playing field?

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

As the halfling passes by him while setting the table up, Brynn says a light "thank you" to her.

The mercenary approaches the table, grabs a large serving of veal and fish. Perusing the rest of the food, he takes a few vegetables, fruit, and two flat bread...Aw, why not....and helps himself to the piece of death bread nearest him. His drink of choice is a darker human beer.

At Thobir's announcement, Brynn speaks up. "Sounds like a little brat of a kid. Because these are guards we're up against, will we be held accountable for their lives, or shall we play the higher road and rather bring them within inches of death?"

Brynn starts in on his veal and realizes he's missing something. He pulls out his flask of Oldlaw whiskey and takes a single sip. To the Lord of Iron.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Kayla appears a bit surprised after Brynn's comment, Of course we will play the higher road. Our goal is to destroy the book and protect our scroll, surely we can manage that without killing the guardsmen?

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Maedoc takes some bread, beef, and mixed vegetables, and piles assorted meats onto another plate for Garrick. He eats using the bread to scoop up the other things on his plate. As he chews, he idly watches Garrick tear into the meat set aside for him, occasionally making a comment in the strange, birdlike speech that he uses with his familiar. Taking a sip from his mead, he listens in as Kayla and Brynn discuss their plan of attack. "Hopefully that will be possible. I have a few tricks that should prove useful. Ummm. Thobir, will we be able to examine the scroll beforehand, or will we get it during the trial?"

Craft an illusion to create a false scroll for them to chase, hide ours and make it disappear if need be... perhaps pass to Garrick? Hmm. Alternatively, call darkness on the scroll, perhaps followed by illusion formation. Slick up the floor to deal with the other group, then focus on the defensive end... Should discuss this after dinner. With a slight smile, he scoops up more food and takes a bite, savoring the flavors. Almost there! Grayson will be pleased, I'm sure.

Shadow Lodge

Thobir swallows a bit of elven wine before answering you.

"I will tell you all I know about the opposition, which isn't much. As for killing: the match was originally to be performed seperately against witless creatures. The winning team would have be the one who completed their task quickest and most completely. That's all changed now. I don't know if they will try to kill you or not. If it were me, I'd prepare for the worst. I'm sure the Emperor would want as little death as possible, but I can't speak for Prince Theodric"

"you will receive the scroll as the match commences and can use any means to keep it safe."

"All I know about your opponents is that they are 5 in number and much like yourselves. They'll have a sanctioned arcanist for certain. I've heard a rumor that they have one who weilds a hollow stick that spits fire and lead. He's supposedly a sniper of some sort. They have two warriors they say are hell incarnate if they team up on you. However, the rumor that intrigues me most is of a beauty so intense that people simply forget to strike her in combat."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I do have some final preparations to make. If you'll excuse me..."

Thobir gets up from the table and exits the the arena door.

You are now alone as a team. Feel free to discuss and speculate what might happen and how you'll deal with it.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Well, I suppose if any of you have trouble dealing with a beautiful woman, then I will have to deal with her. Shaking her head with a look on her face that clearly says, "silly men". I hope my group won't be taken in by a pretty face. Beyond that, I doubt I'll have much to add in the way of tactics. Kayla shrugs and finishes eating.

Bryce nods in polite greeting as the final member of the group enters and introduces himself as Brynn Halistack. The display with the sword, so similar to Bryce's own weapon, passes by without comment. Brynn's slur, intentional or not, on the combat ability of Bryce and Osslend, recieves merely a raised eyebrow.

Bryce listens intently to Thobin, and to Kayla and Maedoc's follow-up comments. He says, "We should not go out of our way to kill these men, they are servants of the crown as are we. But this is combat, and with real weapons. We need to put them down fast, and trust that the Emperor will have healing close to hand."

A pause for thought, and Bryce continues, "I can see three broad tactics that we might choose. For one, we could hole up like a badger in a den, and force them to attack us. For a second, we can take the fight to them and hope to push through to the book before they acquie our scroll. For a third, we could use some form of misdirection," here Bryce gives Maedoc a significant look, "to keep our scroll safe while we focus on neutralising the opposition."

I know my preference, but let's see what ideas these others come up with. We should also talk about how we best respond to each of our opponents.

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

Brynn, obviously uncomfortable with leaving the men alive, speaks up. "I'll be honest, I don't do so well with non-lethal sparring or the whatnot..." He attempts to rephrase, "I sometimes don't know my own strength in battle and can possibly lose my focus on secondary goals, such as sparing a life that happens to be attempting to take my own."

It's a trial, Brynn, a test of your measure.

"However, if the group wills it, I will try my hardest to follow this edict through. But I make no promises to a man taking me -- or my party -- to the brink of death." Sitting back in his seat, content to have put in his piece, Brynn picks up the death bread and examines it before taking a bite.

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Maedoc scratches his beard as he considers the others' words. "I'm all for pushing at them and trying to destroy their tome, while using misdirection to hide ours. I have a few tricks that should prove useful for that." He smiles and looks over to Garrick. "Perhaps having an invisible bird flying about with the scroll would be handy, wouldn't it, Garrick?" The bird hisses (insofar as a bird can hiss) in response to this comment before picking at his food again.

Maedoc laughs as he continues. "Umm. I can try to lock them in place with a few spells, and do at least a little bit of countering their own arcanist. Other than that..." He shrugs and toys with his dagger a bit. "I'll prepare a few surprises and see what opportunities present themselves. After all, 'No plan survives first contact with the enemy,' yes?"

And now I get to test that advice out. Grayson, did you know that you were preparing me for such things when you started to train me?

Shadow Lodge

Alrighty. I'd like to have everybody check in on the OOC thread because I know that a few people said they'd have limited internet access this weekend. If enough of us are here, I'll post the start of the triall. Otherwise, we can keep roleplaying to get to know each other and we'll start the test on Monday. BTW, good plans so far. Some I didn't even anticipate! 8)

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

After chewing for a few seconds, Brynn holds up his piece of death bread in display. "Anything special about this bread? With such an ominous name about it, I'd almost expect to fall over dead for eating it."

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Knowledge Relgion check to see what Kayla knows about Death Bread. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Shadow Lodge


Kayla knows that death bread is served at funerals. It is skull shaped and contains two coins. The family eats one for the dead person and places the coins in the corpse's mouth. The guests get to keep their coins as thanks for supporting the family. The more death bread at a funeral, the more wealthy the family.

Having thoroughly checked his gear, armor and blade and bow, Bryce takes his fill at the food table. Roast lamb, vegetables, bread. None to excess and eaten quickly and mechanically. Some wine, well watered. At length he speaks, "Rest well. It sounds as if we will be facing a team who have worked together before. That is... a tough challenge, for a group such as us, who have just met. We will need all our wits about us."

Bryce turns in early, and lies facing the wall. Asleep or not, his breathing is long, slow, calm.

M Human Level 6 Cavalier (Houndmaster)

Osslend takes a lion's share of food for himself and a little extra for his hounds. Anyone paying close attention would see that he chooses only the leanest cuts of meat for his hounds, while being considerably less picky about his own. He eats like a commoner, fast and big, a stark contrast to Bryce's table habits.

"I don't know much about these men, but I've been in plenty of scrapes. You lot seem like you know what you're doing and strategy is a fine thing, but I might add one thought for you to consider this night: what wins a fight is determination and perseverance. The other fella might hit harder, fight better, or have more friends, but if you just keep getting up, win."

Saying little else during dinner unless asked, Osslend finds rest in his cot, both hounds asleep on the floor in front of him.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Kayla will turn in early as well so that she can wake early for her prayers. If possible, Kayla will go outdoors to greet the sun in the morning as part of her prayers.

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

As the others start sleeping, Maedoc glances over toward Brynn. "I suppose that we should get some sleep as well, hmm? That includes you, Garrick." The hawk nips at him playfully as Maedoc stands and stretches. "A pleasure meeting you, and good night." He goes to his cot to try and sleep, thoughts of different approaches to the trial swirling through his head. Garrick, meanwhile, hops to the top of the back of Garrick's chair, making some bird noises to Brynn before going to sleep himself.

Shadow Lodge

Thobir enters the room close to mid-day. "Ah. I see you're all awake and ready. That is good." He produces a cumbersome looking scroll: two and a half feet long with wooden dowels at each end. From the center hang 3 ribbons with a wax seal at the end of each. In all it looks to be about 4 lbs.

"Who will keep the scroll?"

I will assume for now that Maedoc takes the scroll based on the plans I've seen.

Thobir hands Maedoc the scroll with a wry smile and inclines his bald head in a little bow. Then, with a sweep of his hand, the opens the door to reveal the grand arena.

It looks very different to those of you who may have seen it before. The bare sands and stone pillars have vanished. In their place is quite a sight to behold.

At this point you should grab some paper or an excel sheet. I cannot for the life of me get this map to post so I will give you coordinates for now. The map runs A-P across the top of the page horizontally, and 1-16 down the page.
Directly in front of you is a curved stone wall. Moss seems to serve as its mortar and there is a 5 foot wide gate at the center. You can see rusty iron hinges that suggest there may have been a door here long ago. The wall is in A11, B11, C12, D12, E13, E14, F15, F16. The gate is between D12 and E12.

Past the wall, away to your left, stands a mighty oak forest. A10-D10 then diagonally up to H1 and it fills in the map up to A1 on the left.

In the distance on your right is a very similar forest. From k12 down to K16, over to P16 and up to P9. The forest ends at M9 and L11

On the border of this second forest at M9 and L11 and stretching to fill H7 and 8, I and J 6-10, K6, and k and L 7-10 is a lake of clear blue water and from K6, a towering waterfall cascades into the pool below from some 60 feet up.

There is a ridge running along the waterfall in both directions from I4, J4, K5, L6, M7, N8, O9 lined with dense shrubbery. The sound of running water is apparent, and since waterfalls come from somewhere, you gues there must be a river up there. K6, L5, M4, N3, O2, and P1.

PC Initiative:

Maedoc 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Kayla 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Osslend 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Bryce 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Brynn 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Imperial Guard's Initiative:

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

You walk out into the arena, all is dead quiet.

You guys go first!

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

After taking a deep breath to try and calm his nerves, Maedoc nods thankfully to Tobir as he hands the scroll off. We'll see if this plan works as well as I hope... Gods, let me have prepared the right tools for this combat! Nodding to show his readiness to the others, he hands the scroll off to Garrick, petting the bird's head as he does so. "This is it my friend, fly carefully now." he says in the strange language he uses when addressing the bird.

After a moment, Maedoc makes a strange gesture over Garrick while releasing a single syllable--causing the bird to disappear. A faint sound of flapping wings is audible to the group as the bird takes off with the scroll in his talons, headed into the field of battle.


Move Action: Give Scroll to Garrick
Standard Action: Cast Vanish on Garrick. Garrick is invisible for 5 rounds.

Stat Changes: Flight Speed: 55', Maneuverability: Poor
Move Action: Fly, ascending 45 degrees from D13 to E12 to G12. Garrick is 25' in the air.
Move Action: Fly, still ascending at 45' from G12 to L12. Garrick is 50' in the air.

Garick Perception Check (in case he sees anything while flying). He can't tell Garrick, but he can send any emotional reaction over his empathic link.
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22

Edit: Oh, and here's a Fly check, in case he needs it, although I think he's good to go:
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Female (for now) Human 6 Barbarian

Getting a slight chill in his bones from watching the bird vanish and hearing it fly away, Brynn takes a look at the arena. Peering deeply into each of the forests, Brynn feels his resolve set in. Not sure of what to expect, he draws his greatsword, closes his eyes, and touches the flat of the blade to his forehead. Gorum, you brought me here today, grant me strength.

Thinking his hawk-like gaze couldn't become any more keen, his eyes sharpen into the woods to watch for movement. Said under his breath, more to himself, "Come 'ere, little buggers..."

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Shadow Lodge


A pang of fearful excitement not your own courses down you spine. Has Garrik spotted something?

M Human Level 6 Cavalier (Houndmaster)

Nodding to the others, Osslend reaches for the gate in the moss wall before him. The hounds sit patiently, awaiting word from Osslend.

"We shouldn't bunch up, but don't get too far apart either. Should you need help quickly, shout for me and I'll send help your way." With that, he nods to the hounds. With a deep breath, Osslend slowly pulls the gate open.

AC 21. HP 56.

Bryce sizes up the wall in front of him. Mossy, old, plenty of handholds, not too tall. Seems better than an overlooked doorway.

"Good work Maedoc. And Osslend's right - we should spread out a little. I'll head into the forest north of us and try to get a vantage point. Looks like they start with the high ground."

He climbs the wall, tall frame making short work of the obstacle. He moves quickly and quietly, relying on dark clothing to blur his form against the stone and moss. As he goes over the top his practiced eyes rake the view looking for movement.

I'm assuming we start around A-16. Bryce moves over the wall heading to A-10. Climb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23. Stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25. Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19. Let me know if anything Bryce is trying to do is impossible or really unlikely - I might have misunderstood the layout.

Shadow Lodge


You see movement near the top of the waterfall. It is slow and deliberate.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Looking at the gate, Kayla takes a deep breath. I'm not one for stealth, so I may as well not even bother. Maybe one of the other team will give away his position by watching mine. Kayla will walk through the gate with her scimitar in hand and stop 10 feet from the door and scan the land around her.

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Shadow Lodge

Kayla scans from the forest to her left, across the waterfall and cliff face, all the way to the trees on the right.

If she didn't know better, she'd think all was well and good.

Just then, a pair of mighty war cries ring out across the arena. You all see two figures launch themselves over the waterfall. One's 6' frame is encased in thick, steel armor, the other seems to be a child in chainmail.

They plummet down, wild elation plastered on their faces. Just then, a grey skinned, emaciated half orc steps the edge of the precipace. Ankle deep in the rushing water, he waves his hands and the two careening shapes, slow down considerably in mid air and come to rest easily at the edge of the pool.

It is now the party's turn again.

M Human Level 6 Cavalier (Houndmaster)

I think this puts the two jumpers at K6, the thin half-orc at L5, me (at the gate) at E12. If this is the case, and it is the case that each grid space does mean 5 ft, then...

Seeing the two figures splash into the water, Osslend turns to Brynn. "Let's meet them by lake's edge, catch them as they get out of the water. I'll move up after I take a shot at that half-orc up there."

Turning to find Bryce, Osslend points to the half-orc at the top of the waterfall and nods.

Osslend pulls an arrow to his ear, aims for the half-orc at the top of the waterfall and looses the string.

Should be well within range if each grid is 5ft. Plan will be to fire from E12, then move to G10 (closer to lake's edge).

Bow shot at casting half-orc:
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 71d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Perfect positioning, now I don't have to worry about catching the woods on fire and none of mine are beside them yet. Caught up in the excitement, Kayla wants to prove herself by starting out big. Assuming that none of her companions are in hand to hand with those two yet, she casts fireball at them centering it between them. I'm assuming that they landed within 20ft of each other?

5d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 1, 5) = 18

Shadow Lodge

Osslend's shot goes wide of the half orc. He sneers at it as it sails by.

Kayla releases the searing fire of Sarenrae at the two warriors on the lake's edge.

Reflex Saves 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

The burst engulfs both fighters. When the flames disburse, The halfling is completely unscathed while the human has some soot marks and a few burns: nothing serious.

Ok Brynn, Bryce, and Maedoc still get to go then...RETALIATION!

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