GM Captain Trip's Giantslayer Adventure Path - Now with 50% more calories!

Game Master Chad Newman

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Giantslayer Reference Site
Loot Sheet - Google Doc

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Female Halfling (avenging) Hunter 7 || HP 64/64 (64/64 nonlethal) || AC 16/13 Tch/14 FF || F+7 R+7 W+4 (+2 vs. fear) || CMB +5 CMD 17/15 FF || Init +2 || Perception +12
Galor HP:

Sasha is good to go.


Wanted to post first thing this morning, but as luck would have it Roll20 is doing site maintenance and is foiling my plans! I probably won't be back at my desk till after lunch due to some scheduled installs today, but I'll get the results of round 1 posted as soon as I can.

On a side note, it seems Jaghal is MIA. I saw him post on the 18th but before that it was several weeks since we'd heard from him. Anyone have any word there?

His last IC post is Nov. 24... Doesn't look good.


We will move forward and see what happens. For now he's struggling in some mud along the river bank, quite stuck and unavailable! :)


Looking at his other posts, the last being Jan 4th, he's dealing with some issues in his home country which have kept him away from the boards. However, he did not notify me of this issue and while he posted in a different game, he did not post here. Based on that I am going to move forward with the understanding that he is unable to continue, and we will proceed accordingly.

I'll start looking for an additional recruit unless one of you has someone in mind who might be looking for a game.


Just to give everyone a heads up, I'm leaving Thursday evening for vacation will not have access to a PC on Friday. My plans are to post in the mornings each day next week, but the time could be a bit spotty. I'll try to keep things going as best I can.

Hoping to catch another shark this year! :)

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

Good luck with the fishing.

Regarding getting a replacement, we can probably get by without a dedicated healer. Svasha can use a wand of CLWs, which I think we have.


So can Sasha for that matter, Johan too. I'm fine either way.

Gizsmith Glitterbyte wrote:

Good luck with the fishing.

Regarding getting a replacement, we can probably get by without a dedicated healer. Svasha can use a wand of CLWs, which I think we have.

That's true, but there's more to healing than CLW, especially in a situation like the one we just went through. I'd prefer the group had a healer.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human [AC: 20/14 tch/16 ff; HP 49/49; Frt +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Init +5; Perc +10 and Darkvison 60' 40 minutes/day] Ranger/Infilitrator 5

Yes, Johan can use a wand, but will very likely not be doing so ever in combat. I concur with Szacha. Its good to have a group healer. They can bring a lot of useful skills and buffs to the party as well.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

Clerics are awesome, full stop, but I'm not a proponent of in combat healing. It seems a waste of an action most of the time.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human [AC: 20/14 tch/16 ff; HP 49/49; Frt +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Init +5; Perc +10 and Darkvison 60' 40 minutes/day] Ranger/Infilitrator 5

That is a long running debate. Suffice it to say that its sometimes necessary to keep people from dying, like this last fight. Life oracles seem to be better than clerics at combat healing but at the price of not being as good all around.

Johan Fletcher wrote:
That is a long running debate. Suffice it to say that its sometimes necessary to keep people from dying, like this last fight. Life oracles seem to be better than clerics at combat healing but at the price of not being as good all around.

I completely agree with you.


Walking out the door now to leave for Florida. My next post will likely be Saturday. See you all then! :)

Male Human Cav 6/Sent 1 | AC 21 T 10 FF 21 | HP 61/61 | F +8 R +4 W +3 (+2 v Charm/Comp) | Init +2, Perc +9, Chal 2/2, Tact 2/2 (6 rnds), Inspired 1/1
AC 21 T 11 FF 19 | HP 60/60 | F +9 R +7 W +5 (+4 vs Ench) | Init +1, Per +5

Have a good trip!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human [AC: 20/14 tch/16 ff; HP 49/49; Frt +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Init +5; Perc +10 and Darkvison 60' 40 minutes/day] Ranger/Infilitrator 5

What part of Florida? If you are driving south on 65 you will drive within 15 minutes of where I am sitting right now.

Female Halfling (avenging) Hunter 7 || HP 64/64 (64/64 nonlethal) || AC 16/13 Tch/14 FF || F+7 R+7 W+4 (+2 vs. fear) || CMB +5 CMD 17/15 FF || Init +2 || Perception +12
Galor HP:


Somewhat away for the weekend. Bot as needed :)

Male Human Cav 6/Sent 1 | AC 21 T 10 FF 21 | HP 61/61 | F +8 R +4 W +3 (+2 v Charm/Comp) | Init +2, Perc +9, Chal 2/2, Tact 2/2 (6 rnds), Inspired 1/1
AC 21 T 11 FF 19 | HP 60/60 | F +9 R +7 W +5 (+4 vs Ench) | Init +1, Per +5

Heh, apparently I should have worded Corentin's response a bit better. He wasn't intending to reject the give but more "you didn't have to do that, but since you did thank you." :)


No post today, had to give the wife some much needed time on the beach. Tomorrow we will be out on a fishing trip so I'm unsure if I will be back in time to post.

All, please take a look at the applicants on the recruiting thread and send me your thoughts on which ones you think would be a good fit. If your vote is to press on as a group of five, let me know that as well.


PM sent.


On a side note, they just released the chronicles for Giantslayer for PFS, so I'd like to be able to report this if possible. If you have a PFS number and would like a chronicle for the game please post it here or send it to me via PM. I'll fill chronicles for book 1, scan, and email them when I get back home on Sunday.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

PFS #44335-17 (Kyleea Starshine), please.


I've sent Martok a message informing him of his selection for the game, so expect him shortly. I think figuring out a link between him and Johan seems a good way to work him into the group without things being awkward. It may take a few days or so to get him into the actual gameplay, mostly because of where you all are currently, but I have an idea of a spot.

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |

And I'm here. :)

Thanks for the invite; here's hoping to make this game even better.

I still have a couple of minor details to work out in my stats but other than that, I think I'm ready.

So what are your thoughts for bringing him in the story?

Male Human Cav 6/Sent 1 | AC 21 T 10 FF 21 | HP 61/61 | F +8 R +4 W +3 (+2 v Charm/Comp) | Init +2, Perc +9, Chal 2/2, Tact 2/2 (6 rnds), Inspired 1/1
AC 21 T 11 FF 19 | HP 60/60 | F +9 R +7 W +5 (+4 vs Ench) | Init +1, Per +5

Welcome aboard!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human [AC: 20/14 tch/16 ff; HP 49/49; Frt +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Init +5; Perc +10 and Darkvison 60' 40 minutes/day] Ranger/Infilitrator 5

Welcome Martok. Glad you are joining us as I think you will add to the group. Am I life linked yet? ;)

As part of the connection between our two characters consider my background, which includes "Trained as a scout in the dangerous Mindspin mountains by his adopted Dwarven klan of Kraggodan..." And "Thane Stonefist, his adopted father found Jphan somewhat reckless, at least by dwarven standards, and he was denied the right to scout alone last season. But this year things were different. A group had been picked to scout for Trunau, and for once being human had paid off. It was felt that having a human in the group would help with things in general with the town. And his adopted father though it might be good for the lad to mingle with other humans."

So maybe you were one of the dwarves that spoke for Johan to allow him to come on this trip? Or maybe you even spoke against him. That could be interesting.

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |

Ok, this could work.

How about Martok was also with the Kraggodan for the last few years (his original clan was wiped out).

He has taking a liking to Jonah and wants to protect him since Martok thinks that Johan IS too reckless so he recommended that Johan NOT be allowed to go on the scouting trip.

Later (how much time has passed?), Martok talked to his friend Thane Stonefist and convinced him to allow Martok to venture forth and 'check on Johan'.

What happened to the dwarves Johan was originally scouting with? This could be important.

Male Human Cav 6/Sent 1 | AC 21 T 10 FF 21 | HP 61/61 | F +8 R +4 W +3 (+2 v Charm/Comp) | Init +2, Perc +9, Chal 2/2, Tact 2/2 (6 rnds), Inspired 1/1
AC 21 T 11 FF 19 | HP 60/60 | F +9 R +7 W +5 (+4 vs Ench) | Init +1, Per +5

They're back home drinking all our's why we have to get this mission done quickly :)

On a more serious note if you want a bit of background on what we've been up to please take a look at the Capt'n's Giantslayer Reference page. It's fairly current on where we are.

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |
Corentin the Younger wrote:

They're back home drinking all our's why we have to get this mission done quickly :)

On a more serious note if you want a bit of background on what we've been up to please take a look at the Capt'n's Giantslayer Reference page. It's fairly current on where we are.

awesome; I'll certainly take a look at it today sometime.

And I do know where you are. You're all on a boat and I missed it. :(

Martok, Dwarf Flame Shaman wrote:

And I'm here. :)

Thanks for the invite; here's hoping to make this game even better.

I still have a couple of minor details to work out in my stats but other than that, I think I'm ready.

So what are your thoughts for bringing him in the story?

Welcome Martok/Fabian!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human [AC: 20/14 tch/16 ff; HP 49/49; Frt +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Init +5; Perc +10 and Darkvison 60' 40 minutes/day] Ranger/Infilitrator 5
Martok, Dwarf Flame Shaman wrote:

Ok, this could work.

How about Martok was also with the Kraggodan for the last few years (his original clan was wiped out).

He has taking a liking to Jonah and wants to protect him since Martok thinks that Johan IS too reckless so he recommended that Johan NOT be allowed to go on the scouting trip.

Later (how much time has passed?), Martok talked to his friend Thane Stonefist and convinced him to allow Martok to venture forth and 'check on Johan'.

What happened to the dwarves Johan was originally scouting with? This could be important.

Sounds good to me. You are my overprotective uncle. :)

The denied trip was a year ago. Its a new season and Johan got to go scouting this year, partly because he was human and the group was checking in on the human town. I'd guess the scouts have been out nearly 3 weeks. Johan has been assigned to this team as the dwarven contribution to the effort. His dwarven mates are indeed likely moved in into the inn awaiting word from our group.

Have you come to fetch me home, or to help? :)

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |
Johan Fletcher wrote:
Have you come to fetch me home, or to help? :)

"Son, your father is worried about you. What sort of trouble did you get yourself into these past few weeks? You gotta come home. " :)

All kidding aside, we have to think about this because timing could be an issue.

If it's been three weeks since you've left, Martok would have gone to Truneau where he would find the other dwarves (?) and told that you went on a boat trip.

So how did Martok get where ever it is that we are going to meet so quickly? In fact ahead of you?

I'm leaning towards Martok starting off towards Truneau to find you but he has some sort of vision where 'Lord Fire' shows him a picture of conflict, death, fire, etc.

The vision also gives Martok hope and shows him a place (GM?) to go to meet up with you. Martok, confused and worried, goes to this place and waits...


Liberty's Edge

Male Human [AC: 20/14 tch/16 ff; HP 49/49; Frt +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Init +5; Perc +10 and Darkvison 60' 40 minutes/day] Ranger/Infilitrator 5

Or maybe you simply met the dwarves going home and found them quite unconcerned that Johan was still out "scouting" with an attitude of "I'm sure he will be along once he finished that orc business". That could have giving you a head start.

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |
Johan Fletcher wrote:
Or maybe you simply met the dwarves going home and found them quite unconcerned that Johan was still out "scouting" with an attitude of "I'm sure he will be along once he finished that orc business". That could have giving you a head start.

Yep, I suppose that could work if the distances/directions aligned or we could 'hand wave' the entire thing.

I guess it's time to let the GM weigh in. :)

If the GM agrees with the vision, I'll write something up about it.


I'm fine with however you want your backgrounds to tie in. My plan is for Martok to come in at a point where the barge puts in the horses to begin the harder part of the upstream voyage, which is coming up next. His motivations and tie in with Johan are up to you all, as long as it gives him a good reason to set out on his own across southern Belkzen in the middle of orc hordes. :)

He'd need a reason to be alone, and not with others. Maybe bringing word of another band of orcs spotted near Trunau by the scouts, but moving in the direction of the river...

I'll be far from computers from Friday morning until Monday morning. Please bot me as needed.

Female Halfling (avenging) Hunter 7 || HP 64/64 (64/64 nonlethal) || AC 16/13 Tch/14 FF || F+7 R+7 W+4 (+2 vs. fear) || CMB +5 CMD 17/15 FF || Init +2 || Perception +12
Galor HP:

Sounds good to me. Welcome, Martok!

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |
GM Captain Trips wrote:
Excellent intro, and gives me the perfect place to throw you in. :)

Great then; I'm looking forward to start playing with you guys. :)


Back from vacation and ready to hit things full stride again! It stinks leaving 70 degree weather to drive back home and find 8" of snow on my driveway, but those are the breaks I guess!

Each year we go to Sarasota at this time and each year it gets harder to leave. My wife insists we move there as soon as possible, lol. :)

That's a hard welcome!

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |

Very nice post GM. :)

... but I'm a little lost with regards to this boon.

Is this something extra? A one-time use item or ability? Something more?

Please give me some guidance and I'll suggest possible boons.


"- GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. However, if you stick a vorpal sword into your background hoping to gain it for your character, I will stick it into the application and behead it. The GM sees through all monkey business!"

I've messaged you the details.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human [AC: 20/14 tch/16 ff; HP 49/49; Frt +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Init +5; Perc +10 and Darkvison 60' 40 minutes/day] Ranger/Infilitrator 5
GM Captain Trips wrote:
On a side note, they just released the chronicles for Giantslayer for PFS, so I'd like to be able to report this if possible. If you have a PFS number and would like a chronicle for the game please post it here or send it to me via PM. I'll fill chronicles for book 1, scan, and email them when I get back home on Sunday.

My PFS number is 3387. I am not sure what character I want to use the chronicle for. What level range is it? Is it ok to ask to see the chronicle before I decide?


first one is 2-4. You can download the chronicles on the additional resources page, nothing preventing that.

GM Captain Trips wrote:

"- GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. However, if you stick a vorpal sword into your background hoping to gain it for your character, I will stick it into the application and behead it. The GM sees through all monkey business!"

I've messaged you the details.

Didn't get a PM. Is that normal?


Szacha, that was directed towards Martok. Sorry for the confusion :)

Ahah! I'm sooooo greedy!


This is a kind and gentle GM prodding from those who haven't been active the past two days. Let's not set a bad example for our new player nor start off their addition to the group with a slow week. I'm sure Martok's player is eager to get into the action, and this delay is definitely slowing that down.

Right now I'm not forcing the scene forward because you may want to discuss things, but if activity doesn't step up by the end of the day I will skip feedback and progress to the next day.

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |
GM Captain Trips wrote:

This is a kind and gentle GM prodding from those who haven't been active the past two days. Let's not set a bad example for our new player nor start off their addition to the group with a slow week. I'm sure Martok's player is eager to get into the action, and this delay is definitely slowing that down.

Right now I'm not forcing the scene forward because you may want to discuss things, but if activity doesn't step up by the end of the day I will skip feedback and progress to the next day.

You're too nice. I usually whip my players into shape. :)


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