GM BPC TK2's Excellent PFS Adventure

Game Master Black Powder Chocobo

Automation map

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Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

It was a bug with Paizo; I had the same issue. As Thunderstealer noted in the FB chat, dumping the browser cache did the trick. But welcome back!

Dark Archive

Do we need to level for the next two floors?

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

The next floor is level 12 max, so you get to level up, but the others have to slow track this chronicle. The last floor is max level 13 so the last two chronicles can be normal.

And working on emailing the Chronicles now!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Arcanist (Occult) 12 [ HP 89/79 | AC 17/21/FF14/T14/18 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +12 | Init +5 | Perception +25

Pretty sure I am level 12 already...

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

That is correct, so your chronicle is slow-tier Art which should keep you there. The chronicle from this floor (15), whether taken as full or slow tier should then make you 13 for the last floor (16).

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Arcanist (Occult) 12 [ HP 89/79 | AC 17/21/FF14/T14/18 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +12 | Init +5 | Perception +25

Then I am ready to go. Was surprised to see the wish on the chronicle sheet. Was thinking you said it was not there. In truth it's hardly there. Those are some lame results for wishes. lol.

Dark Archive

Artemus Jarm wrote:
Then I am ready to go. Was surprised to see the wish on the chronicle sheet. Was thinking you said it was not there. In truth it's hardly there. Those are some lame results for wishes. lol.

Yeah, this prevents chronicle hunting I guess...

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

Yeah, I was thinking of crossing that off, but since the effects are so weak compared to what you would expect for a wish I just left it there. If you guys did do something different, I'd have it be some effect for the game world as so much in the sake of Emerald Spire and the surrounding area for your benefit because why waste a wish otherwise? :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Arcanist (Occult) 12 [ HP 89/79 | AC 17/21/FF14/T14/18 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +12 | Init +5 | Perception +25

Hey. Sorry for ghosting there. Trying to catch back up. Life go busy and when I get behind sometimes it feels like I can never catch up...

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

That's been much of my past couple of years, so no worries!

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