Escape from the Deadly Menagerie (Advanced Race Guide Playtest) (Inactive)

Game Master Jeff Lee

A game to playtest the new race rules using a variety of characters made with 10 to 30 point race builds.

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hey Shano can you possibly build my race in HeroLab? And its REALLY creepy how much your avatar looks like you...

I'm still interested just beating my head against herolab to get everything to configure right.

One Primal Goblin, ready to go!

Need to choose normal feats, and a Favored Enemy. I was going to pick human, but I would like it to be something that will actually get use.

Okay my question is what Class do we need more? Ranger or Barbarian?

Well, I'm a Ranger, but they can be done up differently enough where we can be fill two different roles. I'm ranged, so you can go melee of some sort.

btw, Shadow, how we doin HP??

Vaki wrote:

Well, I'm a Ranger, but they can be done up differently enough where we can be fill two different roles. I'm ranged, so you can go melee of some sort.

btw, Shadow, how we doin HP??

Actually my creature build is based upon natural attacks. I was considering a beast master Archetype and using the natural weapons combat training from the APG.

Why not go Wild Stalker from UC? it mixes both Ranger and Barbarian without needing to take levels in the latter.

Monkeygod wrote:
Why not go Wild Stalker from UC? it mixes both Ranger and Barbarian without needing to take levels in the latter.

Cause I don't own UC but that is a good point. I have been wanting to run Beast master for the longest time too........OW MY HEAD!!! All this thinking is too hard when I'm this tired. I'm going to bed.

Shadow Lodge

If I'm still in, I can have a Quarterling Barbarian built by tomorrow morning at the latest.

I'm still in. This should be fun.

I'm a melee ranger.I could be a rogue if need be....yeah,in fact I will play one,since we don't appear to have a skill monkey sort.

It looks like we need some sort of caster right now,though...

Dragonborn3 here with my Quarterling Barbarian(with a bit of Fey Sorc thrown in).

Just need to find a better avatar now...

After much think, painful as it was, I decided to make my character a monk for the sake of class diversity. I am going to make him Tetori archetype too. It is an Archetype I have always wanted to run and it may work with this character. I may make a few adjustments to my race to better fit the concept.

Is this thing still on??

The silence is disturbing.

Shanosuke wrote:
The silence is disturbing.


I am withdrawing my application. There are other campaigns I have applied for I would rather get into. Not to mention the silence doesn't bode well for the future of this campaign

Sorry folks. My computer was on the fritz for the last few days. It's still on. Have a few things to get done today, then I'll start the game and discussion threads this evening.

Shanosuke wrote:

btw, Shadow, how we doin HP??

For expediency, full hp at first level and the average of the hit die (rounded up)+ Con bonus and other modifiers for every other level.

For example: 5th level fighter w/ 16 Con = 13 + [4 x (6+3)] for a total of 49 hp.

Monkeygod wrote:
Why not go Wild Stalker from UC? it mixes both Ranger and Barbarian without needing to take levels in the latter.

Because I'm not using anything other than the Core and the APG for the playtest.

I may resubmit if I don't get into the other campaigns I have applied for. The recruitments for the other campaigns end on Sunday. If you still need people then I will comeback. Otherwise feel free to chose someone else over me if apps get to be too tedious.

Vaki wrote:

One Primal Goblin, ready to go!

Need to choose normal feats, and a Favored Enemy. I was going to pick human, but I would like it to be something that will actually get use.

Considering most of the guards are human, that would be a fine choice. Also good to consider would be (in no particular order): derro, magical beasts, humanoid (reptilian), animal, construct.

Shanosuke wrote:
I may resubmit if I don't get into the other campaigns I have applied for. The recruitments for the other campaigns end on Sunday. If you still need people then I will comeback. Otherwise feel free to chose someone else over me if apps get to be too tedious.

If you're not in anything by Monday, let me know. I have no problem dropping your character in mid-game.

All right. Gameplay and discussion threads are a go. If you're still game for the game, then go ahead and jump on in when you're ready to roll.

Shadow Lodge



Anyone else still interested?


That's two. I originally had six or seven. I'll take newcomers too, if it comes to that. Ring-a-ding-ding, come one, come all!

I'm guessing newcomers won't be attracted to this thread,because it already has so many posts.Perhaps you want to start a new thread asking for more players?

Probably a good idea. Consider it done.

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