Empire of Night: Way of the Wicked (Vampire Campaign)

Game Master Neil Mansell

In the noble land of Talingarde, the righteous deity Mitra has purged the land of evil cults and undead predators, yet the darkness is set to rise once more. a band of evil outcasts plot the destruction of the people who imprisoned them and a way to attain power for themselves, even if it costs them their humanity.
Power at any price.

Full map of Talingarde

Branderscar Prison - Full Map.

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Shadow Lodge

as soon as I get an answer on whether or not I can use the alternate aasimar racial things, then I will be done

Wade Willhelm wrote:
as soon as I get an answer on whether or not I can use the alternate aasimar racial things, then I will be done

Where did you find that racial trait? I can't find mention of it in my books.

True Repentance wrote:
Immune to being turned into a vampire? Dam thats cool.

As a Anti-paladin you get that too. Though how effective it makes me wonder, seeing as the require meant for vamparism normally is to be killed by a vampires blood drain ability ( Thought the dm can make the disease upon saliva or blood contact and do it that way if they wish; it is their game after all.) On weather my immunity to being affected by Diseases would work on my corpse.

Shadow Lodge

GM of Blinding Light wrote:
Wade Willhelm wrote:
as soon as I get an answer on whether or not I can use the alternate aasimar racial things, then I will be done
Where did you find that racial trait? I can't find mention of it in my books.

player companion "blood of angels"

bottom of this page

Updated List! Looks awesome everyone!

Razze Tovar, Ratling Tiefling Alchemist - a thief

Karias Blackheart, Human Anti-Paladin (Knight of the Sepulcher) - a murderer
Sion, Drow Anti-Paladin - an attempted murderer

Anton Vitruvian, Human Bard (Dirgesinger) - a seditionist

Wade Willhelm, Peri-Blooded Aasimar Death Mage (shadow) - a graverobber

Dane Grahn, Human Fighter - a death duelist

Cole, Human Monk (Master of Many Styles) - a deserter
Mordesel Corwin, Human Monk (Flowing Monk) - a seditionist

Kolrath the Cleanser, Angel-Kin Aasimar Oracle (Flames) - an arsonist

Drahzar the Bloody, Human Ranger - a murderer

Lin, Azata-Blooded Aasimar Sorcerer (Musetouched) - a fraud
Donovan Gance, Human Sorcerer (Sanguine/Umbral) - a graverobber
Asil Twice-Damned, Angel-Blooded Aasimar Sorcerer (Draconic/Pit-born) - a desecrator
Kaishere Fameri, Tiefling Sorcerer (Infernal) - a blasphemer

Riley Pinkerton, Ratfolk Witch - a consorter with dark powers
Nikita Vicci, Fetchling Witch (Gravewalker) - a blasphemer

Kermah Orletithar, Elf Wizard (Admixture) - a consorter with dark powers

Incomplete Submissions (at least to my knowledge):

Mad Minxie Frubjubber, Gnome Bard - ????

Veldrin d'Shraen, Drow Wizard (Necromancer) - ????



Wade Willhelm wrote:
GM of Blinding Light wrote:
Wade Willhelm wrote:
as soon as I get an answer on whether or not I can use the alternate aasimar racial things, then I will be done
Where did you find that racial trait? I can't find mention of it in my books.

player companion "blood of angels"

bottom of this page

The closest thing I can find is on pages 18-19 of Blood of Angels which allows DR 2/evil or DR 2/magic (depending on the specific variant). Either of these I will allow.

Unless you can give me the page and/or the quote then I'm going to have to decline. To be fair though, anything from the list that I've just mentioned is fair game. Such as:
Blood of Angels. p.19 wrote:
You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Constitution score.


I think he's talking about picking from the random table (seems silly to me)

Nope. That's the table that I was referring to in my post. There in no mention of DR 5/magic and 20ft fly speed.
I'm open minded to allowing a variant:

Blood of Angels p.18 wrote:
Players with a particular character concept in mind may consult their GM if they want to select a specific variant ability.

Maybe he rolled 100 to get two rolls followed by 07 (DR 2/evil) and 99 (flight) and the DR/5 part was a typo.

RE: Con and such. Well I plan to stay on the back line far far away from melee if possible. I didn't intend to dump con, it was just poor luck, but not poor enough luck for a reroll. But with that con, it looks like I won't have much choice re the becoming since it would improve survivability quite a bit (if I'm able to make it that far). It will be an interesting ride.

@Karias Re: AP immunity to vamprirism. I think that this version of vampirism would more likely be considered a curse rather than diseases (as mentioned in the feat chain). I also believe that normal vampirism isn't a disease at all, it's a result of a vampire creating spawn. So no immunity. Still, you don't need to vamp up. The Knight of the Sepulcher effectively sort of becomes undead as they level.

Well I think everything I could use to convince Blinding Light is shipshape on my sheet, best of luck everyone!

I'm new at this, but I am watching this thread...

Will you allow a crossblooded Kitsune enchantment sorcerer?
Add some diabolical puppetmastering to this.

Shadow Lodge

5 was indeed a typo, and yes those were my rolls
Fly 20 (poor) and DR 2/ evil

Shadow Lodge

Saminjutsu wrote:

I'm new at this, but I am watching this thread...

Will you allow a crossblooded Kitsune enchantment sorcerer?
Add some diabolical puppetmastering to this.

recruitment closed yeaturday night, sorry man

Saminjutsu wrote:

I'm new at this, but I am watching this thread...

Will you allow a crossblooded Kitsune enchantment sorcerer?
Add some diabolical puppetmastering to this.

'Fraid with how many applications the GM got, no more are being accepted Saminjutsu.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'll have My Aasimar Inquisitor up here soon. Just finishing his backstory, which was all I liked last night on him.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I present Jaq, an Aasimar Inquisitor (Infiltrator) of Sifkesh with the Inquisition of Heresy.

: Jaq
Sex: Male Race: Aasimar Class: Inquisitor (Infiltrator) Age: 25
NE Medium Outsider(native)
Init -1; Senses Darkvision; Perception +11



AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex) 

HP 7 (1d8-1)

Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +7
+2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects

Energy Resistance: acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5



Speed 30 ft. 

Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.

Misdirection (Sp) At 1st level, each day when the infiltrator prepares spells, she may choose an alignment. She detects as that alignment as if she had used misdirection on a creature with that alignment (this does not change any divination results about her other than her alignment).

Guileful Lore (Ex) At 1st level, the infiltrator’s will is bent toward subterfuge and deception. She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers

Judgement 1/day

Inquisirion Heresy




Str 16, Dex 8, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 

1st: Catch of Guard

- Birthmark: +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects, birthmark counts as Holy Symbol
- Murder: +1 dmg on attacks against flanked foes

Skills ( ranks): (8 level, 1 favored class)
(1) Bluff +17 (+5 Wis from Heresy instead of Cha, +1 Rank, +3 Class Skill, +5 Wis additional Bonus from Infiltrator)
(1) Diplomacy +17 (+3 Cha, +2 racial, +1 Rank, +3 Class Skill, +5 Wis additional Bonus from Infiltrator)
(0) Intimidate +5 (+5 Wis from Heresy instead of Cha)
(1) Knowledge(planes) +4
(1) Knowledge(religion) +4
(1) Linguistics +1
(1) Perception +11 (+5 Wis, +3 Class, +1 Rank, +2 Aasimar)
(1) Profession(Butcher) +9
(1) Sense Motive +9
(1) Spellcraft +4
Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal



Aasimar Racial: Daylight 1/day

Level 0 - Save DC 15
Detect Magic
Acid Splash

Level 1 - Save DC 16
Cure Light Wounds



Righteous Infiltration (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff and Intimidate checks.




Carrying Capacity Light: 76 lbs. Medium: 77-153 lbs. Heavy: 154-230 lbs.

Currency: 0 gp

Total Weight: 0 lbs.

About Jaq:



Jaq looks like an oddly colored human, with a light bronze tan, his hair is blackish grey near his scalp, turning a creamish off white as it reaches the tip. It sticks straight up, spiking some. His eyes are silver. He never has to shave, always appearing cleanshaven. While a bit of a clutz, he knows how to command his presence. And often dresses in the clothes of different religions. Oh his chest, there is a birthmark in the shape of Sifkesh’s unholy symbol.



With a tendency towards causing chaos, Jaq has always served Sifkesh faithfully. He loves to trick people into believing his is one of them, that he is a member of their religion. When the truth finally comes out, his true worship begins. The vile acts he convinces them to unwittingly commit lead to many a member performing suicide. A bit of a jokester, he does know that at times one must become serious, but he often tries to make people underestimate him. He also has worked to make sure he can take anything he can pick up and use it to defend himself and catch people off guard.

Born to a tiefling mother and her demonic lover, Jaq was quite unexpected. An Aasimar was the last thing they expected, but upon seeing the birthmark on his chest, they knew that nothing about Jaq was to be what was expected. As Jaq grew up, he rarely felt the pull of his celestial heritage. He learned to trick, to lie, to fight. But he could tell something was missing from his life, a purpose. What did this mark upon his chest mean?

He started looking and researching, what could it mean? It was weeks, before he found it in an unholy text. It was an Unholy symbol that look uncannily like his birthmark, or was it the other way around? This symbol belonged to the demoness, Sifkesh. That night he prayed to her for the first time. Soon every night he prayed to her, and the world felt right. He knew what he was to do with Sifkesh to guide him, he would be her inquisitor. He would corrupt mortal souls to condemn them to her realm. He had found his purpose.

Jaq left home, dropped his last name, and traveled. He worked his way into different churches. Corrupting while pretending to be one of them. His silver tongue got him into many doors, leaving many a dead believer in his wake time he left. He worked his way across Taligarde, leaving death in his wake.

Recently, the Mitra church finally caught up with him, after several corrupted churches. He had forged documents and was pretending to be a member of Mitra’s clergy. When they did finally catch him, he was standing in the middle of the blood covered and desecrated Mitrain cathedral. He was openly praying to Sifkesh, asking her to take the recently departed souls into her domain, committing blasphemy and heresy right in front of them. He was labeled a mass murder, though all his victims had actually killed themselves. Murder, Blasphemy, Heresy, Forgery, and Desecration were all sentenced upon him. He did not deny any of them, for why should he. The one that was to lead to his death was the one he had committed the most, the more vile crime he of those he was sentenced with, Murder. He had laughed when he was sentenced. If he was to die here, he knew he would be welcomed by Sifkesh. If he lived, the more days he had to serve her. And serve her he would, for If he managed to get out Branderscar prison, he would continue work to make all of Taligarde revel in the wonder that is his Lady Sifkesh.

Well, I don't think I'll make it in time. Sorry. I'm dropping out.

Well, I'm all ready. Good luck everyone!

Having trouble deciding between Desecration and Graverobber as my crime. Both fit the character and backstory, and both offer solid benefits.

Any suggestions?

Also, Veldrin is more or less all set, just need to pick out spells.

Oh, GM I took Shadowcaster from Inner Sea Magic, but if its not allowed, its not a big deal.

Veldrin is actually one of my oldest PCs from RL, and he focuses on both Necromancy and Shadow magic, so the archetype fits.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

You might find more use out of the benefit of Desecration. Because while Graverobber is nice do you see him getting possible critical hits often?

@Veldrin: Shadowcaster is fine. Damn, I did indeed forget to include 'Inner Sea Magic' to the list of acceptable books.
@Saminjutsu: Yeah, recruitment is over. I'm just delaying a little to allow character updates now. Sorry.
@Lord Foul II: Pick one or the other.

I'll make my final choices later tonight. Right now, I have a WotW home game to GM. :S

I decided to drop my submission due to it being incomplete and not wanting to try to edge out these fine folks. Best of luck to everyone!

Shadow Lodge

Dang it, hmmm 1d100 ⇒ 77 flight it is,

The Silver Prince wrote:
I decided to drop my submission due to it being incomplete and not wanting to try to edge out these fine folks. Best of luck to everyone!

Aren't you the one that started the whole idea? 8)

MPCampbell, this is true, but between being ill, which has impaired my character creation process (Minxie is almost finished on MS Word,), and having already played through about half the AP before the home group collectively dropped the campaign, I feel it would be best to let the excited WotW newbies have a chance. So, yeah, being sick and being too nice of a guy are why I dropped. Ah well, at least I got some other good players a campaign, so it's all good! :)

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Decided after some thinking to switch daylight for a +2 racial bonus in con. (If that is acceptable.) Here is a link to Jaq's alias. His stats are there, and I've raised the con on the alias's stats. Let me know if i need to change it back and I will.

The Silver Prince wrote:
MPCampbell, this is true, but between being ill, which has impaired my character creation process (Minxie is almost finished on MS Word,), and having already played through about half the AP before the home group collectively dropped the campaign, I feel it would be best to let the excited WotW newbies have a chance. So, yeah, being sick and being too nice of a guy are why I dropped. Ah well, at least I got some other good players a campaign, so it's all good! :)

'Preciate the sentiment and being a good sport about it Prince. Wish you the best with the recovery business.

Here, here Dane, I believe we all wish you the best SilverPrince. On a happier note, it looks like all the submissions have been relatively finalized! Hurrah!

Submissions: FINAL:

Shadow Lodge

with 19 characters submitted barely over a quarter of us are getting in, finger's crossed everybody
you know it is only after looking over the other submissions together I notice how many aasimars there are, really quite surprising.
heck there are enough aasimars to fill an entire team, which would be interesting
I expected more drow, more orcs, maybe a kobold or two,
of course there are even more humans but that's hardly surprising, humans will fit in anywhere
I'm glad I chose a different class,

No problem Dane. Thank you and Donovan for your well wishings!

As a side note, I MAY choose to run this later, so anyone not selected, don't completely abandon hope: your characters haven't died and went through THAT gate yet!


Welp, life is funny. I am now looking for a job AND my Old dm finally decided to get off his ass and start back up his home game, so I'm going to be more busy than before, so I don't know if I can play; so I'm gonna go ahead and withdraw my entrance; not like there's any lack of people to fill my spot if I was being chose anyways. Have fun guys~


Shadow Lodge

well good luck with that home game and with life in general
which one were you?
5/18 now

Sorry to see Karias and Silver Prince go. All the best.
Well, guess I can't delay it any longer. I've selected the characters that I would like to join the campaign.

It was no easy decision though. It took me hours to finally decide and even now, I'm forced to break my own rules. Instead of 5 PC's, I'm choosing 6 instead.

Sion, Drow Antipaladin (Convicted of attempted murderer)
Nikita Vicci, Fetchling Witch. (Sentenced for blasphemy)
Donovan Grance, Human Sorcerer (Condemned for grave robbery)
Dane Grahn, Human Fighter. (To be executed for dueling to the death)
Mordesel Corwin, Human Monk (Sentenced for the crime of sedition)
Anton Vitruvian, Human Bard. (Condemned for seditious activities)

I'd appreciate a quick post from the above players just to confirm they're still around.

Regrets to those of you not selected. Alas, 6 spots and 18 applicants.

Shadow Lodge

Daang it
0/7 attempts at joining a way of the wicked campign...
Ah well, could you please PM me if someone drops or dies?

Mordesel reporting for transport to Branderscar.

Dane is wasting away in prison with a murderous song in his heart!

Congratulations to those who made it!

I really hope the reason I/Veldrin was not chosen was due to not having his last feat chosen. You had sent your message to me at 6am my time, and I was very much sound asleep.

Sion here. Just got to make an alias. Thanks for choosing.

Congrats to those who made it in.

Damn upon those Mitrans and thank you GM!

Best wishes to all those who didnt make it!

So much for considering posting history and activity on the boards 3 players with not even 100 post combined??? maybe Anton Alias of Dark Netwerk can keep your game going when the others decide to quit.

Thank you for the pic. My condolences to anyone who didn't make it in.

I just finished my 8 hour test and I'm beat. I'll be checking in again tomorrow.

Shadow Lodge

Ashe wrote:
So much for considering posting history and activity on the boards 3 players with not even 100 post combined??? maybe Anton Alias of Dark Netwerk can keep your game going when the others decide to quit.

It makes you wonder what was deemed more important,

I accept I did not get in, I am disappointed, but that's life,
it happens

Edit: I just realized that this could be construed as rude, this was not my intent


Congrats those who made it in. Guess I will try again!

That looks like everybody.
Introduction in the Gameplay thread is up. Characters can introduce themselves when ready.

Discussion thread is also up. Some info about alias setup is there.

Shadow Lodge

could you please PM me (or whoever would be the 7th pick) when/if someone dies or drops?

Hmm, we are still waiting for Anton to respond.

I'm here. I'm in an EST time period and weekends are generally low-posting for me.

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