Dungeon World PBP play (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Watch as our heroes, using skills aquired from across the continent, join together to combat evil and defend their adopted town

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Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Sheridan helps the man into the tub, careful not to upset the urchins. She then picks up one of the creatures and administers the sting. Muscles tense and then go unnaturally slack, the man's head loling to one side. He can still mumble and slur, but Sheridan catches him under the arm and sees if she can hoist him out of the tub.
Defy Danger(STR)?: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 1 = 6

In this case I'd say the limiting factor is the water and the tub. Sheridan wouldn't divy them out into potable water if it might stress them out. I'd say there's a handfull of them, but not nearly a dozen.

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:

Sheridan helps the man into the tub, careful not to upset the urchins. She then picks up one of the creatures and administers the sting. Muscles tense and then go unnaturally slack, the man's head loling to one side. He can still mumble and slur, but Sheridan catches him under the arm and sees if she can hoist him out of the tub.

[Dice=Defy Danger(STR)?]2d6+1

In this case I'd say the limiting factor is the water and the tub. Sheridan wouldn't divy them out into potable water if it might stress them out. I'd say there's a handfull of them, but not nearly a dozen.

Oh, they just need to get stung, then the poisons will cancel out? I had it in my head it was kinda a Leech thing filtering their blood. Sorry

You catch him barely, but cannot pull him up (Large guy, lots of muscle) until two assistants help you, and bring him back to the bed. Another man stands, and begins to enter the tub.

[ooc]I don't think you will have to roll anymore, and between, you, Tom and Belym, I think the poison is under control.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Sheridan helps the others get the first patient into a cot, and looks to the next. "It looks like you lot've got a handle on this. I'll drop by again later to collect the urchins, just treat them with a gentle hand. You're not likely to hurt 'em, but takin' a fall could get yerself a right conk on the head."

Satisfied, the Traveler collects her bag and seeks out Bucky.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I smile despite myself. This outsider knows more about elven life than most. I do a little half shrug half nod gesture.

You've heard correct. There are some who say that there is no finer beauty than the Great Forest. But I've been alive for more than 300 summers. I figured it was time for me to see for myself if "they" know what they're talking about. It's been educational, to say the least. I met a person who is at least part fish today.

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:

Sheridan helps the others get the first patient into a cot, and looks to the next. "It looks like you lot've got a handle on this. I'll drop by again later to collect the urchins, just treat them with a gentle hand. You're not likely to hurt 'em, but takin' a fall could get yerself a right conk on the head."

Satisfied, the Traveler collects her bag and seeks out Bucky.

As you leave the Barracks, you find that you did not tie TAM as well as you had intended. She has wandered off. (They do say that pets get their personality from their owner.) What do you do?

Conwall wrote:

I smile despite myself. This outsider knows more about elven life than most. I do a little half shrug half nod gesture.

You've heard correct. There are some who say that there is no finer beauty than the Great Forest. But I've been alive for more than 300 summers. I figured it was time for me to see for myself if "they" know what they're talking about. It's been educational, to say the least. I met a person who is at least part fish today.

Jericho nods "I understand, I haven't actually left Norwich, really. I went to Chillhollow once, but I've never been more that 20 kilometers from home." She drinks deeply again, and looks over the town. you can see most of it from up here, the smoke from the blacksmiths, the market square, the squid thing playing in the river. it's beautiful, in a humble way. Jericho smiles impishly "How about a little trade" She says, drawing out a map from her pack, and pointing to it as she speaks "I'll show you around Norwich, come along, and you promise take me to see the Great Forest". She snickers as she proposes this. What do you do?

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Discern Realities: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 2 = 6
Never seen so many sixes in my life.
Ther Merfolk kneels, putting a hand against the ground, but here inside the town, the ground is inconsistent. There's no way to make a sending from here that will contact TAM. Needed a stroll about town anyway, he reassures himself. He figures a huge cephalopod might be easier to spot than one particular human in a town of humans. Sheridan continues through the town in a direction he hasn't seen yet.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I give a kind smile, and shake my head sadly. Nothing would please me more than to have you as my guest beneath the boughs of my home woods. However, you've been kind enough to not lead me to my execution. It'd be terribly impolite to not extend you equal courtesy. It's expressly forbidden for outsiders to enter our woods.

I stand as best I can while my hands are bound behind my back and my sword is awkwardly in the front.

That being said, I'd be happy to find another way to repay a tour of your fair village. I know quite a few Elvish songs that may amuse you and I'm told I can stand on my head an entertainingly long amount of time.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ah, Faolan, me friend. Tis dark times. I'll put in a good word for ye best I can. But I promise ye, Faolan, Jenna 'n Sidney'll be safe.

He speaks up so all the recuperating soldiers can hear. All yer families'll be safe. See how they fear us! Poison, cuz they know they can't beat a Norwhich soldier man to man! Aye, we'll send the Braxan dogs running, mark me words!

He leans in close to Faolan and searches his pockets, taking any powder he finds. He whispers, Faolan, fer the safety of us all, ye best tell me precisely where to find the rest of the poison.

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:

[dice=Discern Realities]2d6+2

Never seen so many sixes in my life.
Ther Merfolk kneels, putting a hand against the ground, but here inside the town, the ground is inconsistent. There's no way to make a sending from here that will contact TAM. Needed a stroll about town anyway, he reassures himself. He figures a huge cephalopod might be easier to spot than one particular human in a town of humans. Sheridan continues through the town in a direction he hasn't seen yet.

It does not take long for you to stumble into Sam, one of the guards from the gate. He stops you "Have you seen Ron, Jericho has arrested the elf, and he says that Ron can absolve him of murder." He says. What do you do?

Yeah, I may have to steal Chaos's Karma Bank to deal with these rolls

Conwall wrote:

I give a kind smile, and shake my head sadly. Nothing would please me more than to have you as my guest beneath the boughs of my home woods. However, you've been kind enough to not lead me to my execution. It'd be terribly impolite to not extend you equal courtesy. It's expressly forbidden for outsiders to enter our woods.

I stand as best I can while my hands are bound behind my back and my sword is awkwardly in the front.

That being said, I'd be happy to find another way to repay a tour of your fair village. I know quite a few Elvish songs that may amuse you and I'm told I can stand on my head an entertainingly long amount of time.

She asks you "Is there no way for a human to earn the right to gaze upon the golden forests?". After hearing your answer, she takes out a knife. "Do you promise not to hurt me?" she says. What do you do?

Ron Bucanero wrote:

Ah, Faolan, me friend. Tis dark times. I'll put in a good word for ye best I can. But I promise ye, Faolan, Jenna 'n Sidney'll be safe.

He speaks up so all the recuperating soldiers can hear. All yer families'll be safe. See how they fear us! Poison, cuz they know they can't beat a Norwhich soldier man to man! Aye, we'll send the Braxan dogs running, mark me words!

He leans in close to Faolan and searches his pockets, taking any powder he finds. He whispers, Faolan, fer the safety of us all, ye best tell me precisely where to find the rest of the poison.

A few weak cheers rise up at your words, and Faolan sighs [i]"I hid it under the counter, in the third draw down, there is a bag, still half full. I'm sorry Ron"[/b] He falls back to his knees. You notice Sheridan has wandered off. What do you do?

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I only hurt in defense of others. You have my word as an Elf, a gentleman and someone who doesn't want to get stabbed.

I turn around to give better access to the bound

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

This is nastiness beyond the throes of war. War has good people on both sides drawn into conflict for one reason or another - this is solely the act of a wicked heart given the opportunity and impunity.

Tom frowns as the conflict in the area becomes more confusing. Turn to Ron he asks politely, Master Ron, would it be to bold to ask to travel with you if you want to confront these men? I can't leave an action like this lie when there is aide I can provide.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

"Ron... Ron... Oh, you mean Bucky! He was back there at the place with the sick folk huggin' one of yer type aweful tender. I think they were talkin' about the poison he'd given y'all. It's alright though, I've got it under control." Sheridan looks around. "He should be back that way... at the... 'bunkle? The home for your type of folk."

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Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Belym returns to the barracks with the antitoxins, and promptly begins administering them to those who would prefer not to deal with Sheri's urchins.

Good grief, y'all have been busy today! I'm playing single dad this weekend, but even if I wasn't I don't think I could keep up that pace :p

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron addresses the room. You two escort Faolan to the jail. You go tell every able bodied man and woman to grab arms and ready themselves. Two volunteers need to go relieve Sam and Jericho on the walls. Keep your eyes open. Everyone else rest up. We'll be fighting for Norwhich soon enough.

He then turns to the priest. Gods be good they send ye here in these dark times. They call me Ron, and I be honored to travel with ye.

Belym, have ye seen Sheridan or Conwall? We need to regroup and discuss options. And see what we can do about that gate.

Conwall wrote:

I only hurt in defense of others. You have my word as an Elf, a gentleman and someone who doesn't want to get stabbed.

I turn around to give better access to the bound

She cuts your bonds "If you're sure there is no way I could, Then lets hear a song. What do the elves sing of?" She says, taking a seat and offering you wine again. What do you do?

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:
"Ron... Ron... Oh, you mean Bucky! He was back there at the place with the sick folk huggin' one of yer type aweful tender. I think they were talkin' about the poison he'd given y'all. It's alright though, I've got it under control." Sheridan looks around. "He should be back that way... at the... 'bunkle? The home for your type of folk."

"Barracks? Thank you. Another thing, could you keep your mount out of the river, it's scaring the children." He says as he rushes off.

Belym wrote:

Belym returns to the barracks with the antitoxins, and promptly begins administering them to those who would prefer not to deal with Sheri's urchins.

Good grief, y'all have been busy today! I'm playing single dad this weekend, but even if I wasn't I don't think I could keep up that pace :p

Sorry, Im kinda... bored this weekend, so it's kinda my fault.

Ron Bucanero wrote:

Ron addresses the room. You two escort Faolan to the jail. You go tell every able bodied man and woman to grab arms and ready themselves. Two volunteers need to go relieve Sam and Jericho on the walls. Keep your eyes open. Everyone else rest up. We'll be fighting for Norwhich soon enough.

He then turns to the priest. Gods be good they send ye here in these dark times. They call me Ron, and I be honored to travel with ye.

Belym, have ye seen Sheridan or Conwall? We need to regroup and discuss options. And see what we can do about that gate.

As the militia get moving, Sam comes over to you "Jericho has arrested the elf for murder. He says you can clear the situation up" He looks around "Personally, I don't know why she arrested him, but I'm not comfortable leaving my sister alone with him. Knowing her, I would put gold on them having already eloped". He says snickering. Jericho is an adventurous girl of two and twenty, and was known for her wanderlust, and impetuousness. What do you do?

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

" Conwall or Sheridan, no, but I think I saw that giant beast of...hers heading toward the river. As for the gate, the hole near it has been patched, and the opening narrowed to a choke point. Are any of these men able scouts? It would be nice to know if we should expect an attack today, or if we have a little time. "

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Sheridan clicks his tongue and points at the guard with both hands. "Gotcha. That would be over that way?" He points the wrong way.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

Again, I decline the wine. The town guard is kind and somewhat lax, but the town guard also thinks me a killer. To say nothing of the potential invasion from demon worshippers. It's best to keep my wits about me.

Our songs are mainly about trees, or one tree in particular. A special tree who made us in his divine shade. Some if the songs are a little preachy in places, but the message is good and also most of them are in a language you don't understand.You show me around a bit and I'll be happy to perform for you.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Good thinking Belym. Tolmas, do ye feel up to scouting run? We know where they camped last night. The two soldiers discuss landmarks for a few minutes, but Ron looks up as Sam enters. He listens to the report with mild annoyance.

Who did he kill Sam? Was it that damned cultist? I'd best see to this. Belym, Tom, let's be on our way. Keep an eye out for... a fish woman.

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:
Sheridan clicks his tongue and points at the guard with both hands. "Gotcha. That would be over that way?" He points the wrong way.

He turns you around, toward the river (you can hear running water in the distance, it's a comforting sound I imagine). you can also hear children screaming. what do you do?

Conwall wrote:

Again, I decline the wine. The town guard is kind and somewhat lax, but the town guard also thinks me a killer. To say nothing of the potential invasion from demon worshippers. It's best to keep my wits about me.

Our songs are mainly about trees, or one tree in particular. A special tree who made us in his divine shade. Some if the songs are a little preachy in places, but the message is good and also most of them are in a language you don't understand.You show me around a bit and I'll be happy to perform for you.

"interesting, Ron should be back soon, to clear this up, Then I can show you around" She says smiling. "And at the end of the tour, first rounds on me". What do you do?

Ron Bucanero wrote:

Good thinking Belym. Tolmas, do ye feel up to scouting run? We know where they camped last night. The two soldiers discuss landmarks for a few minutes, but Ron looks up as Sam enters. He listens to the report with mild annoyance.

Who did he kill Sam? Was it that damned cultist? I'd best see to this. Belym, Tom, let's be on our way. Keep an eye out for... a fish woman.

Tomas seems eager to help. say what you will about the urchin toxin, it works. he agrees to scout out the local area, on the condition that you promise to act as soon as you have the information.

Then sam speaks up "Yeah, I don't even know why she bothered, I think she just wanted someone to talk to" Yes that was absolutely be something Jericho would do. if the girl wasn't a damn good fighter... oh well, best to get there before the two plan some foolhardy adventure together.

What do you do?

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

That I will agree to. Once Ron arrives, this will all be cleared up.

You have a deal Lady Jericho.

I'm no fool though. This child is sweet and is good company, but she's clearly looking for something I cannot give. I must tread carefully...

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron follows Sam. If they can hear children screaming Ron will ask Tom and Belym to go check it out. Meet at the mayor's house as soon as ye can. It's that big one right there.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Sheridan heads for the river. As they turn the corner they announce their presence with, "TAM? Are you playing nice with the wee folk?"

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Even if we can't - Belym last saw TAM headed that way.

Belym takes Tom and heads towards the river, and the sounds of frightened children. Seeing Sheridan, she offers them a wave and says "Come on - Ron wants us to meet at the mayor's house as quickly as possible. And you should try to keep this thing a little more restrained, at least until the townsfolk have had a chance to meet you - wouldn't want someone overreacting."

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Seeing the creature, Tom gets a bit sour, This is irresponsible as a pet owner and a citizen! You have t' know the people here are under enough stress without some sort of monster shambling about unrestrained! You are a professional, I assume, and as such I would expect you t' understand that while this thing probably isn't dangerous it is intimidating! calming himself he adds, I can't thank ye enough for your aid with the poisoned... but you cannot keep dancing through life unharmed. Think! Think and then act. I'd hate for something like this t' be killed - or caged - by otherwise we'll meaning people.

Conwall wrote:

That I will agree to. Once Ron arrives, this will all be cleared up.

You have a deal Lady Jericho.

I'm no fool though. This child is sweet and is good company, but she's clearly looking for something I cannot give. I must tread carefully...

You see Ron aproaching, as Jericho hums the tune from a song. What do you do?

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:
Sheridan heads for the river. As they turn the corner they announce their presence with, "TAM? Are you playing nice with the wee folk?"

TAM is, in fact, loving the water. however, children are scared of her. many have already run away, a couple more are throwing rocks (no real danger to her, but rude). What do you do?

Ron Bucanero wrote:
Ron follows Sam. If they can hear children screaming Ron will ask Tom and Belym to go check it out. Meet at the mayor's house as soon as ye can. It's that big one right there.

You reach the gate, and see Kaspars body, evicerated in the ashes of the warehouse. Jericho calls down "I am afraid I was forced to arrest your comrade, can you please either confirm or deny that the individual is dangerous, even unarmed and bound?" She says in her best formal voice.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Spotting Belym and Tom, Sheridan gives a wave. "Ahoy there, Bucky, Belym. I'd like not ter frighten the wee folk further, but I'd also rather not take a rock to the noggin. I'll settle TAM down if you gents take care of that lot."

A bit louder, the Merfolk shouts, "Tamatha P Driftwood, you settle down this instant. You're-" her voice chokes as she touches the river water. "Crikey, the mess you folk will drink from."

Crouching down to touch the water, Sheridan sends TAM caution concerning the sky folk water and compassion over missing their own waters. Then she sends a gentle command to follow.

And in case there's rocks to dodge or there's something in the water to sense other than being filthy town water...
2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9
If that's a discern realities:
What here is not as it seems?
What happened here recently? (or, like, upstream)
What here is useful or valuable to me?

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Aye that cultist was as dangerous as they come. He prided himself on his ability to summon demons. Conwall here could have killed the man at any time along our journey, and yet waited to do so within our town in the middle of broad daylight? I am certain his actions were justified. I have need of his expertise, immediately. Your fellow soldiers were poisoned by Braxan cowards. We have neutralized the poison, and two soldiers be along shortly to relieve ye. Rest quickly, I fear the Braxan dogs will attack today.

Ron leads Conwall first to Faolan's shop where he picks up the remaining poison and loads it into Roach's packs. I want all of it, how much does it weigh?

The pair then head to the mayor's house and knock on the front door.

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:

Spotting Belym and Tom, Sheridan gives a wave. "Ahoy there, Bucky, Belym. I'd like not ter frighten the wee folk further, but I'd also rather not take a rock to the noggin. I'll settle TAM down if you gents take care of that lot."

A bit louder, the Merfolk shouts, "Tamatha P Driftwood, you settle down this instant. You're-" her voice chokes as she touches the river water. "Crikey, the mess you folk will drink from."

Crouching down to touch the water, Sheridan sends TAM caution concerning the sky folk water and compassion over missing their own waters. Then she sends a gentle command to follow.

And in case there's rocks to dodge or there's something in the water to sense other than being filthy town water...
If that's a discern realities:
What here is not as it seems?
What happened here recently? (or, like, upstream)
What here is useful or valuable to me?

You get TAM back in had (She just wanted to be in the water, it looked so enticing).

You feel the water, it's not cold, like it would be if it was melt-off (I'm imagining it's mid-spring). this must come from a spring.

there is also a foulness here, like a small town dumping refuse and waste into the stream (Nothing you have seen in Norwich has suggested that this is the case)

If it were not for the pollution, this river would be very good for a number of creatures in your collection.

What do you do?

Ron Bucanero wrote:

Aye that cultist was as dangerous as they come. He prided himself on his ability to summon demons. Conwall here could have killed the man at any time along our journey, and yet waited to do so within our town in the middle of broad daylight? I am certain his actions were justified. I have need of his expertise, immediately. Your fellow soldiers were poisoned by Braxan cowards. We have neutralized the poison, and two soldiers be along shortly to relieve ye. Rest quickly, I fear the Braxan dogs will attack today.

Ron leads Conwall first to Faolan's shop where he picks up the remaining poison and loads it into Roach's packs. I want all of it, how much does it weigh?

The pair then head to the mayor's house and knock on the front door.

"Sorry Ron, we can't be too careful" Jericho says as she releases Conwall (Mostly ceremonial at this point, as she had untied him, and seemed to be drinking with him already. She calls out after you two "Conwall, Meet me in the tavern when you can, drinks are still on me!"

You get to Faolans shop, and find the bag, a large one still half full 2 weight, 6 uses left.

The mayor open the door "Mersiel's blessing, I hadn't thought to see you for days. What news do you bring?" he asks

What do you do?

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Leading TAM back from the current, Sheridan tries to catch the attention of Tom. "It's a right shame. That earthen current isn't fit to bathe in. It's something I'd expect from a much larger reef than this, or one that's much less concerned with keepin' clean. Y'all sure there isn't something foul being dumped upstream?"

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

"I certainly don't remember it being a problem. We do appear to have an unfriendly army encamped nearby, problems could be their doing.". Belym replies.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I give a friendly wave to Jericho.

After the battle, we shall both drink heartily!

And I follow close after Ron.

Thank you for the rescue. I'm sorry I had to put down your "friend" but he refused to behave and accept the new lease on life we offered him. He tried to perform a summoning. I couldn't risk another thing in the town center.

Once we pick up the meds, I accompany Ron to the mayor's house. I know little of local politics (You people CHOOSE your leaders? Leadership is not inherited and maintained for hundreds of thousands of years, as dictated by Pelnore? How odd!) but I know the mayor is someone important. I bow deeply.

Sir Mayor. We bring ill tidings. Ron can explain more detail, but we have reason to believe your town is in jeopardy by one or more forces working in concert.

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

With talk of poison, blights, and foul water I must conclude the profane corruption of a greater evil - as a follower of Iisac it be me nature to blame Zimran; but I will joining the guard her t' get t' the bottom of whatever the cause is. I will also try to speak to these children, though I tend to spook little ones...

Tom tries to convince the children to not throw stones, offering to let them pet or ride TAM (with Dan's permission) instead of just reacting to what they fear.

Parlay: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5) - 1 = 5 marked

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1
Iron Tom Bonney wrote:

With talk of poison, blights, and foul water I must conclude the profane corruption of a greater evil - as a follower of Iisac it be me nature to blame Zimran; but I will joining the guard her t' get t' the bottom of whatever the cause is. I will also try to speak to these children, though I tend to spook little ones...

Tom tries to convince the children to not throw stones, offering to let them pet or ride TAM (with Dan's permission) instead of just reacting to what they fear.

[dice=Parlay]2d6-1 marked

And that's how the children of this little hamlet turned lord of the flies and murdered Iron Tom

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Dusty old bones! Full of green dust!

Conwall wrote:

I give a friendly wave to Jericho.

After the battle, we shall both drink heartily!

And I follow close after Ron.

Thank you for the rescue. I'm sorry I had to put down your "friend" but he refused to behave and accept the new lease on life we offered him. He tried to perform a summoning. I couldn't risk another thing in the town center.

Once we pick up the meds, I accompany Ron to the mayor's house. I know little of local politics (You people CHOOSE your leaders? Leadership is not inherited and maintained for hundreds of thousands of years, as dictated by Pelnore? How odd!) but I know the mayor is someone important. I bow deeply.

Sir Mayor. We bring ill tidings. Ron can explain more detail, but we have reason to believe your town is in jeopardy by one or more forces working in concert.

The mayors eyes go wide as he recognizes you as an elf. "I suppose Ye better come in." He opens his door wider, and gestures inward. as Ron goes past, you hear him whisper "Is this threat large enough to involve the elves as well?". What do you do?

Iron Tom Bonney wrote:

With talk of poison, blights, and foul water I must conclude the profane corruption of a greater evil - as a follower of Iisac it be me nature to blame Zimran; but I will joining the guard her t' get t' the bottom of whatever the cause is. I will also try to speak to these children, though I tend to spook little ones...

Tom tries to convince the children to not throw stones, offering to let them pet or ride TAM (with Dan's permission) instead of just reacting to what they fear.

[dice=Parlay]2d6-1 marked

The children don't recognize you, and in a small town like Norwich, that is unusual, you have successfully gotten the children to leave TAM alone, but now you are pestered with dozens of questions.

"Who are you?"

"Where do you come from?"

"Where did that scar come from"

"What does your necklace mean?"

"What are those plants in your robe?"


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

My pointy ears are not just decorative. I smile politely and turn back to the mayor.

I should specify that my involvement here is entirely personal. As a member of the diaspora, I do not represent the Council of 12 or any great houses. This, unfortunately means that you only have one elf at your disposal. It's a shame, really. Two or three of my brothers and this wouldn't be a problem at all...

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

I no longer regret not settling down with a wife of me own... Tom thinks fielding questions patiently.

Me name is Tom.

I come from the coast, but now I be on pilgrimage across the land, and too the follow up, A pilgrimage be a journey taken for religious significance - I do it for me faith.

Scars are marks of a life hard lived, Tom smiles showing missing teeth.

This be a symbol of the road leading to the horizon; the symbol of Iisac, Tom lifts it off his chest as he says that.

Getting more annoyed, They be dangerous, don't touch!

Tom sits and speaks with the children out of obligation, but he's very tired of it already.

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Belym can't help but grin at the priest's plight, remembering her own similar encounter with the littles of Norwhich a few weeks ago. After a few moments, she also remembers how she eventually escaped, and grabs a small stone from the riverbed. "Littles, do you remember Selene's asking game? This is the asking stone. Whoever has it can ask one question, then you give it to Tom so he can answer, then he'll give it to another one to ask a question. If you don't have the stone, you have to listen well. Tarnam, you're the smallest, so you go first" she says, handing the stone to one of the children.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

We need any ally we can find, Mayor. Norwhich be in grave danger. We recently returned from the Braxos border, where we cleared a keep of demon worshipping cultists of Kelos. The keep awaits loyal Tanard soldiers, but there be more cultists to the (I can't remember which direction ... South?). More pressing, Braxos soldiers are camped out to the (Direction) and have poisoned the militia. We have cured the poison and expect attack be imminent.

Perhaps more troubling be evidence that the neighboring towns face similar dangers. Conwall, show the Mayor the papers you found.

Ron paces impatiently as the Mayor reads the papers.

You must contact the Crown, and declare an emergency. Everyone of age must take arms and reinforce the walls. The gate must be repaired as well.

Finally, this be bad timing, but we must be paid our ransom for clearing the keep. Those funds be needed to prepare to defend Norwhich.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

Lord Mayor, we should send message immediately to Chillhollow to seal their tunnels or even better to lay traps. Quickmoor is in grave need of reinforcements for their militia.

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Sheridan smiles down at Belym. "That's a right clever maneuver. You got someone takin' care of wee ones for ye at home?" Cursing her own distraction, Sheridan shakes her head. "No, we ca'nor be distracted by idle conversation. We should focus on the task at hand. Something's fouling up the water. We could follow the current up stream..."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Tom frowns deeply while looking at the river.

Discern Realities: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2) + 2 = 9

I'm just looking to see if the location of the source of the foul water ties to the direction the blighted farms were. Maybe "What should I be on the lookout for?" or "What here is useful or valuable to me?"

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

"No, no littles for me. A few weeks ago I was in Tom's spot, and one of the townsfolk got me out with the same trick. As for the stream - might be worth checking out, but we should meet up with Ron first. He's over at the mayor's. Norwhich is surely on the wrong side of a cave-in right now, and we'll need to dig together to get her out."

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

"Ah, because rocks!" Sheridan laughs, "Yessir, I think we're going to get along very well." The Merfolk takes TAM by the lead and follows Belym to the mayor's house.

Conwall wrote:

My pointy ears are not just decorative. I smile politely and turn back to the mayor.

I should specify that my involvement here is entirely personal. As a member of the diaspora, I do not represent the Council of 12 or any great houses. This, unfortunately means that you only have one elf at your disposal. It's a shame, really. Two or three of my brothers and this wouldn't be a problem at all...

The mayor seems relieved (any force great enough to threaten both Tanard and the elves would be formidable indeed), and even chuckles at your boast.

Ron Bucanero wrote:

We need any ally we can find, Mayor. Norwhich be in grave danger. We recently returned from the Braxos border, where we cleared a keep of demon worshipping cultists of Kelos. The keep awaits loyal Tanard soldiers, but there be more cultists to the (I can't remember which direction ... South?). More pressing, Braxos soldiers are camped out to the (Direction) and have poisoned the militia. We have cured the poison and expect attack be imminent.

Perhaps more troubling be evidence that the neighboring towns face similar dangers. Conwall, show the Mayor the papers you found.

Ron paces impatiently as the Mayor reads the papers.

You must contact the Crown, and declare an emergency. Everyone of age must take arms and reinforce the walls. The gate must be repaired as well.

Finally, this be bad timing, but we must be paid our ransom for clearing the keep. Those funds be needed to prepare to defend Norwhich.

South and North respectively, also, Braxos is to the east

"Damn it all, Garin choose a bad day to leave on a ranging, he took two thirds of our militia with him too" He curses as he reads the letters. he then throws them down on his desk as you finish speaking. "This is no emergency, this is war. if the Braxan's have the nerve to invade, we'll remind them why they failed before!"

He goes into the treasury (actually a pantry that the blacksmith added a lock too}, and pulls out a sack of I actually have forgotten the sum promised, I'll edit it in, and hands it to you.

"Ron, I need to ask a favour of you, and your allies" he says deadly serious. What do you do?

Conwall wrote:
Lord Mayor, we should send message immediately to Chillhollow to seal their tunnels or even better to lay traps. Quickmoor is in grave need of reinforcements for their militia.

He calls in his stewardess, mayella, and instructs her to take the letters, and inform the towns mentioned of the defensive deficits mentioned, and one to the crown, saying that Braxan soldiers moved in force into their countryside. What do you do?

Iron Tom Bonney wrote:

Tom frowns deeply while looking at the river.

[dice=Discern Realities]2d6+2

I'm just looking to see if the location of the source of the foul water ties to the direction the blighted farms were. Maybe "What should I be on the lookout for?" or "What here is useful or valuable to me?"

You examine the water, look smell and taste (all the while being pestered by questions about Iisac), and you determine from the level of pollution that there is a force camped not far upriver, at least 200 strong. What do you do?

Belym and Sheridan

You arrive (and tie TAM well this time) and hear the mayor shouting about war, and notice that Ron and Conwall are already inside, What do you do?

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

Having done my part, I await the favor asked of us. I'm guessing it will be "save the day"

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

It seems like Ron's and Sheridan's goals align. Water like this means a large encampment up the river. Let's make haste t' the others.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

The rumor we heard while carousing promised ... one million one thousand gold. I don't suppose he could pay us in those fancy lighter coins.?

Ron listens to the Mayor instruct the messenger. How will she inform the crown and the towns in time? What if she is captured? We must send out many messengers.

In response to the request for a favor:

Mayor, there is already much we must do to prepare to face these threats. We will complete this favor, but ye must do one in return. Open the treasury and repair the gate, today, whatever the cost. Now, what needs doing?

Male Ifrit Rogue - HP:7/14 AC:17 T:13 FF:14 F:+1 R:+6 W:+0 Init:+7 Perc:+5 DrkVisn:60' Enl/Red Inspired PosAttack
Intimidate+8 Use Magic Device+8 Pf:Dance+8 Diplomacy+7 Disguise+7 Acrobatics+6 Disable Device+6 Stealth+6 Perception+5 Climb+4

Sheridan spots Rob and has a double-take. They look back toward the river and then to Rob. "Y'sure got here fast, Bucky. What's he sayin'? Is it the Braxicans what are tainting the waters? You should serously consider gettin' them to move along." The Traveler nods as though he we imparting rare gems of wisdom. There, solved the shy folk's problems again. I sure am in a philanthropic mood today.

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