Attiliax |

"I can abide this no more!" shouts Attiliax with a voice that echoes in the shattering blast of his descent to the world below. In rebellion to his fathers wishes, he shall proceed to the world of gods and mortals to do war with the Black Vizier who has angered him so!
His appearance is that of a giant, stone soldier sat atop a chariot driven by a legion of Centaur warriors, and accompanied by a cohort of his brother celestial sons. Their massive forms are yet dwarfed by the great Leviathan, and yet their majesty is a terror to behold, endowed as they are with the cosmic power of the Overgod, Alosvalophos.
"Your Leviathan shall fall before my strength interloper! BEHOLD! My chariot defies your seas and I draw nigh your abomination! The time will come that I shall slay it and you cannot act against me!"
NPC: Attiliax enters the game! He is worth 40 to kill, has 10 armies with war, and like the Leviathan, must be fought at a 1/6 disadvantage without the aid of miracles. He shall progress to the Leviathan over the next five turns. If he is not stopped he will kill the Leviathan, costing an even more expensive penalty starting at 75 points down to 40 as determined by dice rolls. If the Leviathan should be killed and Attiliax is not, Attiliax will take his vengeance upon the gods and cast armaggedon as the last action to take place in the game.
He is accompanied by a huge host of Centaur warriors serving as his steeds and cohorts of celestial sons. Celestials sons kill on 3, die on 4 and have 5 armies a piece with war. They are worth 15 points per kill. The Centaurs are as in the first round, save that are in vastly bigger numbers and are immune to obliterates (but not other miracles).
Even if combat is engaged, the entire retinue will advance closer and cloesr to the Leviathan each turn.
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