Alosvalophos |

The Game Begins! The First Cycle
The world took shape as the divines settled into their respective places, conjured by the will of Alosvalophos from the sacred archetypes from the Place Beyond.
He addressed the gathered gods from on high, declaring, "So begins the Aeon of Strife, the time of gods and heroes! Prove your worth before me and you shall join me in Heavenly glory--fail and oblivion shall be your share.
"There is but one law: Victory!
"Begin now your projects and designs, ye mighty!"
For this turn, all players will begin with 10 power OR the value of their roll, whichever is highest.
So it begins!

Fraemaour |

2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6
10 power. 0 science.
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 1).
Move settler to K12 to create a settlement!
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 2)
Move settler to K11 to create a settlement! No roll needed due to survival.
7 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at L12 cost 1: (1 pop). Pop: 2
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11 cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12 cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.
4 power left.
Create settler at K12 (cost 3). K11 pop: 1.
Move settler to K10 and settle it!
GROW SETTLEMENT at K10. Cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop: 2.
0 power left.
Advance K10 for 2 science.
Spend 1 science on religion +1. Spend 1 science on religion +2 (2/2 = 1).
Settlements: 4
Population: 7.
Advancements: Religion +1, Religion +2
Power: 0. Science: 0.
Carried upon the wings of wind and insect, the Grasvolk spread swiftly and settle the forests of their home. Devout to the Father of the Fields, they create grassy stave churches in honour of their god where they gather to worship and meditate on their great mission to bring life to this world.

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5
10 power to start, then.
Move Settler to I3, create settlement.
That's 9 power left.
7 Power remaining.
ADVANCE I3 for 2 Science.
Spend Science on Religion +1 and Survival +1.
Settlements: 2
Population: 4
Advancements: Agriculture+1, Religion+1, Survival+1
Power: 7 Science: 0
The Prides move forth, claiming the lands and spreading ever forward beyond the hearth of home.

rcrantz |

2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
Celys, The Trickster. CEL - WF
10 power. 3 science (from volcanic terrain at B10).
SPEND 1 Science point on Survival 2 (2 advancements total; 2 points remain.)
CREATE SETTLER at B10 (cost 1), reducing its population to 2.
Move settler to A9 (no roll thanks to Travel domain); CREATE SETTLEMENT at A10. (Remaining power: 9.)
GROW A10 (cost 1), raising its population to 2. (Remaining power: 8.)
CREATE SETTLER at A10 (cost 2), reducing its population to 1.
Move settler to A9 (no roll thanks to Travel domain); CREATE SETTLEMENT at A9. (Remaining power: 6.)
GROW B10 and A9 (total cost 2), raising B10's population to 3 and A9's population to 2. (Remaining power: 4.)
ADVANCE A9 for 2 Science points (total 4).
SPEND 1 Science point on Religion 1 (3 advancements total; 3 points remain.)
SPEND 2 Science points on Religion 2 (4 advancements total; 1 point remains.)
Total Science Advancements:
Survival 2, Religion 2
Total Population Stats:
B10: 3
A9: 2
A10: 1
Power Remaining: 4. Science Remaining: 0.
The Wayfarer nomads spread their way out into the volcanic terrain that used to be their place of safety and retreat, learning everything they can about their surroundings--and about the enigmatic god they now follow into the volcanic wastes.

Fraemaour |

10 power. 0 science.
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 1).
Move settler to K12 to create a settlement!
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 2)
Move settler to K11 to create a settlement! No roll needed due to survival.7 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at L12 cost 1: (1 pop). Pop: 2
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11 cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12 cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.4 power left.
Create settler at K12 (cost 3). K11 pop: 1.
Move settler to K10 and settle it!
GROW SETTLEMENT at K10. Cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop: 2.0 power left.
Advance K10 for 2 science.
Spend 1 science on religion +1. Spend 1 science on religion +2 (2/2 = 1).
Settlements: 4
Population: 7.
Advancements: Religion +1, Religion +2
Power: 0. Science: 0.RP:
Carried upon the wings of wind and insect, the Grasvolk spread swiftly and settle the forests of their home. Devout to the Father of the Fields, they create grassy stave churches in honour of their god where they gather to worship and meditate on their great mission to bring life to this world.
Uh-oh, spaghetti-os! I realized a big error.
Correcting now!
Scratching the above turn (minus the rolls, natch) and starting from the beginning again:
10 power. 0 science.
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 1). Pop: 2
Move settler to K12 to create a settlement!
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12. Cost (1 pop) 1. Pop: 2
CREATE SETTLER at K12 (cost 2). Pop: 1.
6 power left.
Move that settler from K12 to K11 and create a settlement! No need to roll due to survival.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11. Cost (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.
5 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at K11. (Cost 3). Pop: 1.
2 power left.
Move settler from K12 to K10 and settle.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K10. Cost (1 pop): 1. Pop: 2.
1 power left.
Advance K10 for 2 science.
Spend that 2 science on Religion +1 and +2.
Settlements: 4.
Population: 5 (not 7).
Power: 1. Science: 0.
Advancements: Religion +1 and +2.

The Warlord |

2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6/ 10 Power Start it is
The Warlord begins to spread his influence by sending his worshipers across the land where you can see the beginning of his fortress monasteries grow one by one, spreading his influence and strengthening his faith at the core of his Empire.
Create Settler B2 - Pop. 2 (1 Point)
Move Settler from B2 to B1
Create Settlement B1 (0 Points)
Grow Settlement B1 (1 Point)
Create Settler B2 - Pop. 1 (1 Point)
Move Settler from B2 to C2
Create Settlement C2 (0 Points)
Grow Settlement C2 (1 Point)
Grow Population B2 (2 Points)
Grow Population C2 (2 Points)
Advance B2 +2 Science (+2 Religion) (2 Points)
Settlements: 3
B2 - Population 2
B1 - Population 1
C2 - Population 2
Advancements: Religion +2, Survival +1

Iazamaz, he who walks among us |

power: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 I start off with 10 power and 3 science then.
create settler at H12-pop 2 (3 points)
move settler from H12 to G12
movement: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Settler successfully moves over creates settlement at G12
grow settlementat G12, population grows from 1 to 2 (1 point)
grow settlementat H12, population grows from 2 to 3 (2 points)
Both settlements will advance generating 5 science (3 points)
I now have a total of 8 science points.
Spending 1 science points on seafaring 1
Spending 2 science points on survival 1
Spending 2 science points on survival 2
Spending 3 science points on defense 2
Power remaining:1 science remaining:0
Rp iazamaz watches as the other gods begin their civilisations.He considers his options before delivering his decree.As the Ethereals sleep they dream of his voice delivering his message. " live you so on the mountain, grow now a new will. Live you so near the water, learn you so to take the form of it's dwellers. Live you so fragile, grow you now a fast change of face" as the dawn breaks and the ethereals rouse from their slumber, they discover that through their dreams of a strange voice and visuals of sea dwellers, that their physical forms have harderned to better suit the harsh landscape. As the race of shapeshifters flex their spindly limbs it occurs to them that it is much easier to change in shape and form, and that they somehow know to grow fins and tail as they approach what limited water there is on the mountain.

Darjuu |

2d6 ⇒ (1, 6) = 7
10 Power it is then.
Create Settler: B6 - Pop. 2 (2 Points)
Move Settler from B6 to A6
Create Settlement: A6 (0 Points)
Grow Settlement: A6 - Pop. 2(3 Points)
Advance Settlement: B6 (2 Points)
Advance Settlement: A6 (2 Points)
Science: +4
Gain 1 Rank in Religion: (1 Science)
Gain 1 Rank in Survival: (2 Science)
Remaining Resources: 1 Power, 1 Science
The Formless One and his people had awoken from the darkness. He spoke to his chosen people, "Go forth, and spread Enlightenment throughout this land."

Mogar goblin mother |

2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
10 power
Create settler D12 pop. 2 power
move settler from D12 to D13 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Dc 2 (1 survival)
Create settlement in D13
Grow settlement D12 1 point, 3 pop {1 agriculture}
Grow settlement D13 1 point, 2 pop (3 agriculture)
Create settler D13 3 power
Move settler from D13 to C13 movement: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 dc 1 (1 survival)
Create settlement C13
Grow settlement C13 1 power, 2 pop
Advance C13 0 power, 2 science
Advancement buy Religion 1, 1 science
D12 3 pop
D13 1 pop
C13 2 pop
power 2
Science 1
Survival 1
religion 1
settlment names
D12 Mothers cradle
D13 Dryland
C13 Hotplace
Mogar arrives at this new world, finding a proper place for her spawn to grow in safety she lets them grow, but not for too long as she pushes them out to take over more land in short order, making them advance pushing them into lands they know nothing of. but she teaches them how to get by in the strange forest and jungles that she called them to go to. She has seen them start to bring about worship and more organized religion, this pleases her as it gives her more power to advance her children into the steps needed to take over this world.
I hope i got all the math right

Fraemaour |

RP post:
On the backs of a swarm of far-migratory butterflies, a diplomatic embassy of Grasvolk cross the narrow straits of the sea guided by the whisperings of their god.
The doll-like beings disembark amidst the strange forests of sacrificed mothers. Though far removed from one another in many respects indeed, the origin of these women being in a seed, like the Grasvolk, serves as a common foundation for a treaty of friendship they've been instructed to render to the divine majesty of the skull-cheeked ones.
The ambassador delivers this message. The rustle-language is sharpened into mutually intelligible speech via spontenous new growths:
"All which come from Seeds and which find succor amongst the Forest ought to hold no enmity to one another. Our world is in need of the woods and life abundant. Let us join together to this end and have no war between us for at least five cycles of this beautiful world."

Fraemaour |

Fraemaour wrote:2d6
10 power. 0 science.
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 1).
Move settler to K12 to create a settlement!
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 2)
Move settler to K11 to create a settlement! No roll needed due to survival.7 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at L12 cost 1: (1 pop). Pop: 2
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11 cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12 cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.4 power left.
Create settler at K12 (cost 3). K11 pop: 1.
Move settler to K10 and settle it!
GROW SETTLEMENT at K10. Cost: (1 pop) 1. Pop: 2.0 power left.
Advance K10 for 2 science.
Spend 1 science on religion +1. Spend 1 science on religion +2 (2/2 = 1).
Settlements: 4
Population: 7.
Advancements: Religion +1, Religion +2
Power: 0. Science: 0.RP:
Carried upon the wings of wind and insect, the Grasvolk spread swiftly and settle the forests of their home. Devout to the Father of the Fields, they create grassy stave churches in honour of their god where they gather to worship and meditate on their great mission to bring life to this world.
Uh-oh, spaghetti-os! I realized a big error.
Correcting now!
Scratching the above turn (minus the rolls, natch) and starting from the beginning again:
10 power. 0 science.
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 1). Pop: 2
Move settler to K12 to create a settlement!
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12. Cost (1 pop) 1. Pop: 2
CREATE SETTLER at K12 (cost 2). Pop: 1.6 power left.
Move that settler from K12 to K11 and create a settlement! No need to roll due to survival.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11. Cost (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.5 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at K11. (Cost 3). Pop: 1.
2 power left.
Move settler from K12 to K10 and settle.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K10. Cost (1 pop): 1. Pop: 2.
1 power left.
Advance K10 for 2 science.
Spend that 2 science on Religion +1 and +2.
Settlements: 4.
Population: 5 (not 7).
Power: 1. Science: 0.
Advancements: Religion +1 and +2.
Wow, I am so silly: I screwed up my turn again.
This time I need only add something! (Jeez, this doesn't speak well to my talents!)
Here's the FINAL altered turn. It is a small change to the above.
10 power. 0 science.
CREATE SETTLER at L12 (cost 1). Pop: 2
Move settler to K12 to create a settlement!
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12. Cost (1 pop) 1. Pop: 2
CREATE SETTLER at K12 (cost 2). Pop: 1.
6 power left.
Move that settler from K12 to K11 and create a settlement! No need to roll due to survival.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11. Cost (1 pop) 1. Pop 2.
5 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at K11. (Cost 3). Pop: 1.
2 power left.
Move settler from K11 to K10 and settle.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K10. Cost (1 pop): 1. Pop: 2.
1 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at Ll2. Cost (2 pop -4 agriculture from bonus): 1. Pop 3.
0 power left.
Advance K10 for 2 science.
Spend that 2 science on Religion +1 and +2.
Settlements: 4.
Population: 7. (L12: 3. K12: 1. K11: 1. K10: 2.)
Power: 0. Science: 0.
Advancements: Religion +1 and +2.

Itzpapalotl |

Gathering Power
Initial Power: 0
Power from Population: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 (raised to minimum 10)
Power from Religion: 1
Total Power: 11
Cycle 1 Actions
Settlement at L4: CREATE SETTLER. Cost 1 (1 settlement, 0 settlers, 0 difficulty); population of L4 reduced from 3 to 2. Remaining Power: 10
Settlement at L4: GROW. Cost 1 (population 2, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of M3 raised from 2 to 3. Remaining Power: 9
Settler at L4: MOVE TO M3, SETTLE. Settler consumed. Settlement with population 1 created.
Settlement at M3: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of M3 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 8
Settlement at M3: CREATE SETTLER. Cost 2 (2 settlements, 0 settlers, 0 difficulty); population of M3 reduced from 2 to 1. Remaining Power: 6
Settler at M3: MOVE TO L3 (1d6 ⇒ 3, 2+ needed), SETTLE. Settler consumed. Settlement with population 1 created.
Settlement at L3: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, -3 forest, 1 difficulty, minimum 1); population of L3 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 5
Settlement at L3: CREATE SETTLER. Cost 4 (3 settlements, 0 settlers, 1 difficulty); population of L3 reduced from 2 to 1. Remaining Power: 1
Settler at L3: MOVE TO L2 (1d6 ⇒ 3, 2+ needed), SETTLE. Settler consumed. Settlement with population 1 created.
Settlement at L2: ADVANCE. Cost 1 (1 difficulty); 1 Science Generated. Remaining Power: 0
Spend Science: 1 Science spent to gain Survival 1 (1 advancement). Remaining Science: 0
Cycle 1 Statistics
4 Settlements: L2 (1), L3 (1), L4 (3), M3 (1)
Total Population: 6
Remaining Power: 0
Advancements: Religion 1, Survival 1
Total Advancements: 2
Remaining Science: 0
The Orizaba awaken on this new world, ready to spread far and wide for the glory of their bloodthirsty patron. Their initial forays into the nearby forests and lowlands prove fruitful; the seeds of new life are planted there, watered with their blood, ready to give forth the bounty of a new generation. This burgeoning nation is called Tamoanchan, The Place of Misty Sky.
When the envoys of the Grasvolk arrive, they are met with hesitant curiosity. The Orizaba are less inclined to see the similarity, considering themselves more kin to things of blood, death and sacrifice. Nonetheless, the High Priestess of Itzpapalotl meets the Grasvolk cordially.
"We will honour this friendship so long as you claim no lands in the Northeast quarter in this time, nor advance any forces there save when requested by us. Go in peace, Grasvolk. May your roots drink deep of the blood of your enemies."

Fraemaour |

The Grasvolk seem perplexed by the notion of "drinking deep in blood"; they much prefer clean, cool rain, or else the dew that gathers upon their grass-doll like forms when they awaken at dawn. Still, the ambassador, in part through divine inspiration, seems to grasp the meaning of good will behind such a notion.
"The border between our lands shall be the narrow sea and it shall not be crossed lest we bid the other come hither to aid and assist.
"When the time comes, we shall speak of trade as well. But that is not till this world is settled and the ages change."
A strong wind gathers the Grasvolk embassy to return to their own lands, proverbial treaty in hand.

Alosvalophos |

Turn 1 Concludes
When calculating rolls, do it like this: Determine the difficulty you need to succeed and then just roll a regular 1d6.
You also have +1 power because you only needed 2 power to create the settler due to survival.
The Warlord:
This was a mistake (as I explained) on my end in originally posting two settlers from the same square, so no biggie, but you can't do that for next turn.
You will start the next turn with the minor disadvantage of -2 power. Factor that into your turn for next time.
You also only have religion +1, not religion +2. You started off with Survival and gained 2 science from advancements. Buying religion +1 would cost 1 science, buying religion +2 would cost 3 science, for 3 science all together. You have 1 science in reserve.
EDIT: You would be back to 0 power because you expended 2 power unnecessarily for advancement, but you advanced on a square you already moved so I am going to keep it at -2 power for the next turn.
You can't create a settler and advance. The only actions you can do per turn are:
GROW + Any of the other settlement actions.
You have +4 power. With 0 difficulty, advancement is free.
You have +3. You didn't need to spend power on advancement.
Turn 2 Begins
The fledgling efforts of the warring divines has already begun to make its mark on the world. Settlements sprout like dandelions in grass...or mushrooms on a corpse.
"Let's see how some Centaur scouts fare against these new gods."
EVENT: Centaur appear on the map! Each Centaur has base weapons and defense, but has war (they will attack twice). Killing them will net 5 points. The Centaur will not attack your settlements, but a settlement cannot be made in that square until it is killed.
Map is updated, reference is updated.
Tell me if I made any errors. I'll gladly fix.
EVENT: Minimum 10 is no longer in effect. We'll have minimum 5 for turn 2. That will be the last turn with a minimum power total from rolls!

Itzpapalotl |

Gathering Power
Initial Power: 0
Power from Population: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 4) = 13
Power from Religion: 4
Total Power: 17
Cycle 2 Actions
(I have separated out the actions by coordinates to make it easier to read.)
Settlement at L2: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, -1 flat, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of L2 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 16
Settlement at L2: CREATE SETTLER. Cost 4 (4 settlements, 0 settlers, 0 difficulty); population of L2 reduced from 2 to 1. Remaining Power: 12
Settler at L2: MOVE TO K2, SETTLE. Settler consumed. Settlement with population 1 created.
Settlement at K2: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of K2 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 11
Settlement at K2: ADVANCE. Cost 0 (0 difficulty); 2 Science generated. Remaining Power: 11
Spend Science: 2 Science spent to gain Survival 2 (2 advancements). Remaining Science: 0
Settlement at L3: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, -1 flat, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of L3 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 10
Settlement at L3: ADVANCE. Cost 0 (0 difficulty); 2 Science generated. Remaining Power: 10
Settlement at L4: GROW. Cost 1 (population 3, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of L4 raised from 3 to 4. Remaining Power: 9
Settlement at L4: ADVANCE. Cost 0 (0 difficulty); 4 Science generated. Remaining Power: 9
Spend Science: 3 Science spent to gain Seafaring 1 (3 advancements). Remaining Science: 3
Settlement at M3: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of M3 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 8
Settlement at M3: CREATE SETTLER. Cost 5 (5 settlements, 0 settlers, 0 difficulty); population of M3 reduced from 2 to 1. Remaining Power: 3
Settler at M3: MOVE TO M4, SETTLE. Settler consumed. Settlement with population 1 created.
Settlement at M4: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of M4 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 2
Settlement at M4: ADVANCE. Cost 0 (0 difficulty); 2 Science generated. Remaining Power: 2
Spend Science: 4 Science spent to gain Religion 2 (4 advancements). Remaining Science: 1
Cycle 2 Statistics
6 Settlements: K2 (2), L2 (1), L3 (2), L4 (4), M3 (1), M4 (2)
Total Population: 12
Remaining Power: 2
Advancements: Religion 2, Seafaring 1, Survival 2
Total Advancements: 5
Remaining Science: 1
The Orizaba continue to spread, reaching into the more humid terrain near their forest home. As they near the waters edge, they must learn new ways to live to cope with the sodden earth. They begin constructing canoes carved from single logs to explore the waterways, initially to help catch fish for blood rituals. Fish blood is weird, but it seems to work well enough to help their seedlings flourish.
The centaurs at the border are regarded carefully. The challenge will be met in time, but for now the nation must attend to its own development before risking soldiers in battle.

Fraemaour |

3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) = 13 + 4 power from religion = 17 power all together.
The nitty grits:
GROW SETTLEMENT L12. Cost: (3 pop -4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 4.
16 power left.
ADVANCE L12. Gain 4 science.
Purchase Survival 2 (2) and Survival +3 (2).
GROW SETTLEMENT K10. Cost (2 pop -4 bonus ag) 1. Pop: 3.
15 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at K10. Cost: 4. New pop: 2. Then settle K9 with that guy. No roll needed due to survival.
11 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K9. Cost (1 pop +3 difficulty - 3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
CREATE SETTLER at K9. Cost: 5. New pop: 1. Settle J8. No roll due to survival.
6 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J8. Cost: (1 pop + 3 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
5 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at J8. Cost: 6/2 = 3 (bonus). Settle I8. No roll due to survival. New Pop: 1.
2 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT: I8. Cost (1 pop + 3 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2
1 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12. Cost: (2 pop - 4 bonus ag) 1. Pop: 2.
0 power left.
Hold a FESTIVAL at K12. Gain 1 power.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11. Cost: (2 pop - 3 bonus ag, 1 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
0 Power left.
ADVANCE K8 (2), K11 (2).
Buy agriculture +1 (3 science). 1 science held in reserve.
Settlements: L12 (4), K12 (2), K11 (2), K10 (2), K9 (1), J8 (1), K8 (2) 7 all together.
Population: 14.
Power: 0.
Science: 0.
New advancements: Survival +2, Survival 3, Agriculture +1.
While risky to thwart the plans of the Overgod, the Grasvolk do not hunt the Centaur scout that stalks the jungles East of their home. Instead, they expand at a rapid pace to the North, settling new and distinct biomes. To accomodate these alien lands, their bodies shift to reflect local plant types: stalky reeds for the wetlands, and hardy sagebrush for the arid crater. Still, they retain their diminutive size and doll-like appearance. As of yet, they have no need to grow mighty in form.

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
Power 11 + 7 (Last Turn) + 2 (Religion) = 21
H2: Pop:3
Create Army Power used: 2 (Hilly, 1 per) - Armies Created: 2 (Scrubland). Move 1 Army to I1 DC: 2 1d6 ⇒ 3
Grow City Power used: 1
Inspire City! Power used: 10!
Create Settler: Settler moves to I1 DC: 2 1d6 ⇒ 4
Ending H2: Army 1, Pop 2
Power Remaining: 8
I3 Pop 2
Grow City: Power used: 1 (2 Pop - Agri +1)
Advance! 3 Science Generated
Ending I3: Pop 3
Power Remaining: 7
I1 Army: 1 Settler: 1
Create City: Pop 1
Grow City: Power used: 1
Advance! 2 Science Generated
Ending I1: Army 1, Pop, 2
Power Remaining: 6
Science Remaining: 5
Spend Science on Religion +2 and Survival +2
Science Remaining: 0
Current Advancements: Agriculture +1, Religion +2, Survival +2
The Prides are surprised and wary of the newcomers on the Barrens. They cautiously move forth, spreading further under prayers to their god. The new lands they claim aid them in learning to adapt.
I get the feeling I did something wrong up there, but for the life of me, can't figure out what...

Fraemaour |

3d6 + 4 power from religion = 17 power all together.
The nitty grits:
GROW SETTLEMENT L12. Cost: (3 pop -4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 4.
16 power left.
ADVANCE L12. Gain 4 science.
Purchase Survival 2 (2) and Survival +3 (2).
GROW SETTLEMENT K10. Cost (2 pop -4 bonus ag) 1. Pop: 3.
15 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at K10. Cost: 4. New pop: 2. Then settle K9 with that guy. No roll needed due to survival.
11 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K9. Cost (1 pop +3 difficulty - 3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
CREATE SETTLER at K9. Cost: 5. New pop: 1. Settle J8. No roll due to survival.
6 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J8. Cost: (1 pop + 3 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
5 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at J8. Cost: 6/2 = 3 (bonus). Settle I8. No roll due to survival. New Pop: 1.
2 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT: I8. Cost (1 pop + 3 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2
1 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12. Cost: (2 pop - 4 bonus ag) 1. Pop: 2.
0 power left.
Hold a FESTIVAL at K12. Gain 1 power.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11. Cost: (2 pop - 3 bonus ag, 1 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
0 Power left.
ADVANCE K8 (2), K11 (2).
Buy agriculture +1 (3 science). 1 science held in reserve.
Settlements: L12 (4), K12 (2), K11 (2), K10 (2), K9 (1), J8 (1), K8 (2) 7 all together.
Population: 14.
Power: 0.
Science: 0.
New advancements: Survival +2, Survival 3, Agriculture +1.RP:
While risky to thwart the plans of the Overgod, the Grasvolk do not hunt the Centaur scout that stalks the jungles East of their home. Instead, they expand at a rapid pace to the North, settling new and distinct biomes. To accomodate these alien lands, their bodies shift to reflect local plant types: stalky reeds for the wetlands, and hardy sagebrush for the arid crater. Still, they retain their diminutive size and doll-like appearance. As of yet, they have no need to grow mighty in form.
Oops. That should be -6- power from religion. 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6. So I actually have 2 more power than I thought.
Redoin' the turn to accomodate that (doh):
3d6 + 6 power from religion = 19 power all together.
The nitty grits:
GROW SETTLEMENT L12. Cost: (3 pop -4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 4.
18 power left.
ADVANCE L12. Gain 4 science.
Purchase Survival 2 (2) and Survival +3 (2).
GROW SETTLEMENT K10. Cost (2 pop -4 bonus ag) 1. Pop: 3.
17 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at K10. Cost: 4. New pop: 2. Then settle K9 with that guy. No roll needed due to survival.
13 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K9. Cost (1 pop +3 difficulty - 3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
CREATE SETTLER at K9. Cost: 5. New pop: 1. Settle J8. No roll due to survival.
8 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J8. Cost: (1 pop + 3 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
7 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at J8. Cost: 6/2 = 3 (bonus). Settle I8. No roll due to survival. New Pop: 1.
4 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT: I8. Cost (1 pop + 3 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2
3 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K12. Cost: (2 pop - 4 bonus ag) 1. Pop: 2.
2 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K11. Cost: (2 pop - 3 bonus ag, 1 difficulty -3 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
1 Power left.
ADVANCE K8 (2), K11 (2), K12 (2). 6 science.
Buy agriculture +1 (3 science), Survival +4 (3 science). 0 science left in reserve.
Settlements: L12 (4), K12 (2), K11 (2), K10 (2), K9 (1), J8 (1), K8 (2) 7 all together.
Population: 14.
Power: 1.
Science: 0.
New advancements: Survival +2, Survival 3, Agriculture +1, Survival 4.
While risky to thwart the plans of the Overgod, the Grasvolk do not hunt the Centaur scout that stalks the jungles East of their home. Instead, they expand at a rapid pace to the North, settling new and distinct biomes. To accomodate these alien lands, their bodies shift to reflect local plant types: stalky reeds for the wetlands, and hardy sagebrush for the arid crater. Still, they retain their diminutive size and doll-like appearance. As of yet, they have no need to grow mighty in form.

Mogar goblin mother |

3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6) + 6 = 17 +3 power from last turn +3 from religion
1 science from last turn
1 Survival
1 Religion
Grow settlement C13 1 power, 3 pop
Create settler C13 3 power 2 pop
move settler C13 to B13 create settlement
Grow settlement B13 1 power, 2 pop
Create army B13 2 power
move army B13 to A13, dc 1 1d6 ⇒ 4
how ever combat starts i do that with Centaurus
D12 create settler 4 power 3 pop
move settler D12 to E12
Create settlement E12
Grow settlement E12 1 power. 2 pop
Create settler E12 5 power 1 pop
move settler E12 to E11
Create settlement E11
Advance settlement E11 0 power 1 science.
Advancement spending 2 science to get weapons 1
settlement population
C13 2
B13 2
D12 3
E12 1
E11 1
D13 1
Religion 1
Survival 1
Weapons 1
0 power 0 science

The Warlord |

Initial Power -2
Religion Bonus +3
Power Roll 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
Total power 7
Yeah, I guess I'll be the first to die with this rolls lol
FESTIVAL! B2, C2 (Gain +2 Power)
Power Remaining 9
Power Remaining 7
CREATE SETTLER B1 (Cost 3) Pop 1
Move Settler to A1
Power Remaining 4
Power Remaining 3
Power Remaining 2
ADVANCEMENT Agriculture +1 (Science I had in reserve)
Power Remaining 2
A1 1
B1 2
B2 2
C2 2
Religion 1
Survival 1
Agriculture 1
2 Power 0 Science

Iazamaz, he who walks among us |

total power: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) + 4 = 10(4 from last turn)
Total science points this turn: 6
Growing population at H12 increasing the population from 2 to 3 (2 power)
Growing population at G12 increasing the population from 3 to 4 (3 power)
advancing population at H12 generating 4 science points (0 power. survival negates title difficulty right?)
create settler at G12 reducing the population from 3 to 2 (2 power)
moving settler to H13
movement: 1d6 ⇒ 3
creating settlement at H13
Growing population at H13 increasing the population from 1 to 2 (1 power)
advancing population at H13 generating 2 science points (0 power. survival negates title difficulty right?)
total science points:12
Spending 2 science points on seafaring 1
Spending 3 science points on defense 2
Spending 3 science points on religion 1
Spending 4 science points on religion 2
(i don't quite understand what religion does)
total science points:0
total power points: 0
Rp: As the ethereals find their place among the mountains,Iazamaz visits his people yet again, this time possessing one of the prominent leaders of the Ethereals. He announces to them "Given you strength have i then, teach you now, i will. From the darkness, wear I no face, yet have I an identity. Teach you now, though form is clay, that identity is rock. and yet as sculptor chips away at rock, so shall you craft your identity" as the god delivers his sermon,the ethereals slowly pulse slowly, as if some part of their being understands a need to have a character, to be more than their brothers
Iazamaz sends an emissary to Fraemaour in the form of a burning Grasvolk made of volcanic weeds.It rustles in the dryness of summer heat, but the message is clear. " Green father,Grow you too fast.Unease you bring to me and my people. Take not the scrubland too near mine, though the forests and the scrublands north-west are yours to dwell in. I mean not harm, i hope your heart does beat so too." The grasvolk burns up in a cloud of black smoke, though it leaves to odor or heat. the smoke seems to be more like a shadow in fact.
If it wasn't clear enough, Iazamaz wants Fraemaour to stay away from I12, as he plans to claim it for his own.

The Warlord |

Redoing my turn since I had to roll 3d6
Initial Power -2
Religion Bonus +3
Power Roll (Missing dice) 1d6 ⇒ 5
Total power 11
FESTIVAL! B2, C2 (Gain +2 Power)
Power Remaining 13
Power Remaining 11
CREATE SETTLER B1 (Cost 3) Pop 1
Move Settler to A1
Power Remaining 8
Power Remaining 6
Power Remaining 5
CREATE SETTLER A1 (Cost 4) Pop 1
Move Settler to A2
Power Remaining 1
ADVANCEMENT Agriculture +1 (Science I had in reserve)
Power Remaining 1
A1 1
A2 1
B1 2
B2 2
C2 2
Religion 1
Survival 1
Agriculture 1
1 Power 0 Science

Fraemaour |

"It is in our nature to grow," says an earl amongst the Grasvolk to the strange, magmic mimickery of its kind before its vanishing. "But we shall be sure to avoid the scrublands of the south. The crater near besides suits our kind for growth, as do the forests, but besides that, you have little to worry from our incursions. The Centaur near your people is yours to hunt, as are the other craters. We are peaceful unless provoked, and have no qualms with you.
"The Father of the Fields tells me to further offer a true declaration of peace amongst our people. For three aeons, let us be at peace, and conduct trade when it so suits us and if we can find common ground upon which to barter."
(Clarification: J12 crater and the forests + 3 turns of peace and a chance for peace. All the other craters [besides the one already settled] would be yours, and the barrens and such.)

Darjuu |

Current Power: 4
Religion Bonus: 4
Barren Bonus: 2
Gather Power: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) = 15
Total Power: 25
Create Settler (B6): Cost-3 (2 Settlements + 2 Steps below Home Terrain - 1 Survival) Pop: 2
Power: 22
Move Settler (B6 > B7)
Create Settlement (B7)
Grow Settlement (A6): Cost-3 (Current Pop + Difficulty - 1 Survival) Pop: 3
Power: 19
Grow Settlement (B6): Cost-3 (Current Pop + Difficulty - 1 Survival) Pop: 3
Power: 16
Grow Settlement (B7): Cost-1 (Current Pop + Home Terrain) Pop: 2
Power: 12
Create Army (A6): Cost-3 (2 + Difficulty - 1 Survival)
Power: 9
Create Army (B6): Cost-3 (2 + Difficulty - 1 Survival)
Power: 6
Create Army (B7): Cost-2 (2 + Home Terrain)
Power: 4
Advance Settlement (A6): Cost-1 (Difficulty - 1 Survival)
Power: 3
Total Science Gained: 3
Advance Settlement (B6): Cost-1 (Difficulty - 1 Survival)
Power: 2
Total Science Gained: 6
Gain 1 Religion: 2 Science
Gain 1 Survival: 1 Science
Gain 3 Armour: 3 Science
Power Remaining: 2
Science Remaining: 0
The arrival of the Centaurs worried Darjuu. Appearing to his elder priests, the Formless One spoke, "The time has come, my children, to prepare yourselves to defend the Enlightenment. While I do not condone the taking of life, that does not mean that my children should not defend themselves." Immediately, the Priesthood spread the word of Darjuu, and the Velmoru developed the arts to defend oneself from aggression.

The Warlord |

A contingent of Minoan bearing a white flag arrive at the lands of Darjuu after the appearance of the centaurs.
"Darjuu I bring you offerings of peace and mutual protection against common foes, I intend to expand my lands southwards towards the volcano and you may have the lush forests under it and the barrens you so much like, I want to trade military might for your knowledge of protection to benefit both our causes let us share in our power and increase our sphere of influence in this world."

rcrantz |

Celios, Lord of Secrets (CEL-WF)
Power roll: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6) = 10, + 5 (religion) = 15. New total: 19.
Science gained: 9 (3 volcano settlements)
Settlement at B10: GROW (cost: 3); increase population from 3 to 4. ADVANCE (gain 4 Science). Remaining: 16 Power, 13 Science.
Settlement at A10: GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. CREATE SETTLER (cost: 3); reduce population from 2 to 1. Move Settler to A11. Remaining: 14 Power, 13 Science.
Settlement at A11. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. ADVANCE (gain 2 Science). Remaining: 13 Power, 14 Science.
Settlement at A9: GROW (cost: 2); increase population from 2 to 3. CREATE SETTLER (cost: 4); reduce population from 3 to 2. Move Settler to A8. Remaining: 7 Power, 14 Science.
Settlement at A8. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. CREATE ARMY (cost: 1). Remaining: 6 Power, 14 Science.
Miracles: Alter Terrain at A11, Crater to Volcano. Remaining: 0 Power, 14 Science.
Science Spends: Religion to 3 (2 points; 12 Science remain). Survival to 3 (3 points; 9 Science remain). Agriculture to 1 (3 points; 6 Science remain). Agriculture to 2 (4 points; 2 Science remain).
Final Stats:
B10: Population 4.
A10: Population 1.
A11: Population 2.
A9: Population 2.
A8: Population 2.
Total Population: 11
Religion: 3
Survival: 3
Agriculture: 2
Total Advancements: 8
A8: 1 army.
Power: 0
Science: 2
RP: The Wayfarers continue to spread and learn about their surroundings, even beginning to develop agriculture on the hostile terrain that they call home. Celios awakens a long-dormant volcano under a new settlement, and his people interpret it as a sign of his favor.

Alosvalophos |

Turn 2 Concludes
The Warlord
You forgot difficulty rolls on your volcano. You have inadequate survival to bypass the need for rolls.
Let's see if you can still do most of your turn as a consequence.
The difficulty is 3 from Hillyscrubland to Hilly Volcano. You have 1 survival, so that is reduced to 2.
You need to roll over a 2 in order to move to the volcano. 1d6 ⇒ 2
You failed the roll.
Sadly, this invalidates a lot of your turn as a consequence.
The settler remains at B1. You never grow A1 (regain +2 power - even if that was a wrong calculation). You never make a settler at A1 (+4 power).
So you gain 6 power back. You still have agriculture, though.
You do not gain power from religion in excess of the pop on the square. You only get 1 more power from religion, not 4. This means you have 1 less power than you think at the end of the turn - invalidating one action due to lack of power.
Good thing: It was just an advancement that gave you 1 science. The bad news: You needed that 1 science to get Armour 3. You can't get Armour 3, but you do have 2 extra science.
You also cannot get armour 3. You have no armour. You could only get armour +1.
The Progress of War
A-huntin' Mogar goes!
She only has to roll a 1 (down from 2) due to weapons +1. However, Centaurs have two attacks.
Mogar 1d6 ⇒ 5
Centaur: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
Both kill eachother. Mogar gains 5 points.
The Third Cycle
How swift the world is changing! How quickly the gods set up their bases, expanding to the limits of eachother's domains. The smell of impending conflict reaches the heavenly nostrils of Alosvalophos, and he breathes deep of it!
"Soon the gods shall war and my cosmic entertainment shall finally commence! Time to stir up more trouble before I reveal that."
Event: All Centaur left on board increase by 1 army. The reward for killing them remains at 5.
Event: Thunderbirds appear near the gods. They are immune to miracles and will attack the nearest settlement if not attacked this turn (they will not move if they are attacked). They have 1 army and base attack/defense. The reward for killing them is 5 points.
To note: An undefended square will get conquered by the Thunderbird! Do not let those bird brains in!
There will be no minimum roll bonus this turn or henceforward!

Fraemaour |

4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 1, 4) = 13 + 12 power from religion = 25 power. Woo!
The nitty grits:
GROW SETTLEMENT: L12. Cost (4 pop-4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 5.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K12. Cost (2 pop -4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K11. (2 pop -4 ag bonus 1 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K10. Cost (2 pop -4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K9. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 1 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 2
GROW SETTLEMENT: J8. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 2.
GROW SETTLEMENT: I8. Cost (2 pop-1 ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 3.
Cost together: 7.
18 power left.
Advance I8 (2), J8 (2), K9 (2), K10 (3), L12 (5) = 14 science.
Buy: Religion +3 (4), Agriculture +2 (4), Armour +1 (5). 1 science held in reserve.
CREATE ARMY: K11 x2. Cost: 4.
14 power left.
Move the 2 armies from K11 to L12.
CREATE SETTLER at K12. Cost: 7. New pop: 2. Move that settler and settle J12 (no roll needed due to survival).
7 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J12: Cost (1 pop -2 ag + 4 difficulty - 4 survival) 1. Pop: 2.
6 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at J12. Cost 8/2 = 4. New pop: 1. Move that settler over to J13.
2 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J13. Cost (1 pop -3 ag bonus + 1 dif -4 surv) 1. Pop: 2.
1 power left.
ADVANCE J3 for an extra 2 science.
Settlements: L12 (5 + 2 armies), K12 (2), K11 (3), K10 (3), K9 (2), J8 (2), I8 (2), J12 (1), J13 (2). 9 total.
Worshippers: 22.
Power: 1. Science: 3.
New advancements: Religion +3, Agriculture +2, Armour +1.
Relations having been established with two other divines, Fraemaour's people thrive in the abundant peace. Their piety and agriculture continue apace in development, while they finally see the need to take up arms to combat the threat of the thunderbird. The grassy-forms of the mustered militia harden to bamboo durability as they stand sentinel on the walls of their home city, awaiting the Thunderbird with hornet-stinger swords.
As the population grows, the Grasvolk begin to grow themselves. Just slightly now, but this generation is notably larger than the last. Soon, perhaps, the insects will prove ill suited for steeds, and their small settlements will have to grow, lest their minature surroundings be crushed under green-shoed feet. But that is far off for now. Right now, they remain small...just slightly bigger.

The Warlord |

Got it, I thought the difference was 1, won't do it again"
Initial Power +6
Religion +3
Power Roll 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 1) = 9
Total Power 18
Move Settler to A1
For the Move1d6 ⇒ 3
Power Remaining 17
Power Remaining 16
CREATE SETTLER B2 (Cost 4) Pop 1
Move Settler to B3
Power Remaining 12
1d6 ⇒ 6
Power Remaining 11
Power Remaining 10
CREATE SETTLER B3 (Cost 5) Pop 1
Move Settler to B4
Power Remaining 5
1d6 ⇒ 5
Power Remaining 0
ADVANCEMENT Religion +2 (Cost 4)
Settlements A1 (2), B1 (2), B2 (2), B3 (2), B4 (2), C2 (2)
Agriculture +1
Religion +2
Survival +1
Worshipers 12
Armies 0
Power 0
Science 0
After amassing some more power the Warlord expands his influence even more, as his enemies begin to appear and make themselves evident, but he fears them not, for he is about to show them the power of war.

Mogar goblin mother |

Power roll 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (4, 4, 1) + 11 = 20 6 from religion, 5 from kill
Create settler B13 6 power pop 1 Power remaining 14
Grow settlement B13 1 power (-1 from agricultural) pop 2 Power remaining 13
Move settler B13 to A 13 dc 01d6 ⇒ 3
Create settlement A13 Pop 1
Grow settlement A13 1 power pop 2 power remaining 12
Grow settlement D13 1 power pop 2 power remaining 11
Create army D13 2 power power remaining 9
Move army D13 to E13 Dc 2 1d6 ⇒ 4
Grow settlement C13 1 power Pop 3 (-1 from agricultural) Power remaining 8
Grow settlement D12 3 power pop 4 (-1 from agricultural) Power remaining 5
Grow settlement E12 1 power pop 2 (-1 from agricultural) Power remaining 4
Grow settlement E11 1 power pop 3 (-1 from agricultural) Power remaining 3
Create army E12 army 2 power 1 power remaining
move army from E12 to F12 DC 0 1d6 ⇒ 5
A13 advances 0 power 2 science
C13 advances 0 power 3 science
D12 advances 0 power 4 science
E11 advances 0 power 3 science
Advance religion 3 science Religion +2
Advance Survival 4 science Survival +2
Advance Survival 5 science Survival +3
End result
A13 2 Bloodwin
B13 2 Vineland
C13 3 Hotplace
D12 4 Mothers cradle
D13 2 Dryland
E11 3 Mothers garden
E12 2 Mothers hand
Total pop 18
Religion +2
Weapons +1
Survival +3
Science 0
power 1
RP From last turn
Mogar watches her children go forth into the world conquering the land taking what they can and killing what they cant take. Her babes encounter strange half horse things. they do not die easy and there are many of them, she tells her spawn to make better weapons so to fight the four legged things. with new weapons she sends her army out to kill the tough looking creatures.
Rp from this turn
With the successful destruction of the four legged things. mogar tells her children to make a City where the battle was to commemorate the powerful victory her people had grasped despite losing a goblin for each wound that was inflicted on the large creatures. The city was named bloodwin and a temple was erected there to worship the mother.
Having secured the easy land, her goblins try to find out how to best go about in other stranger lands far away from the wetlands they are used to. Sending an army to explore and see what else lies out there.
This new bird that is near interests the mother she tells her children to see how they taste and sends out an army to try and kill them.

Darjuu |

Gathering Power: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3) = 13
Total Starting Power: 13 Gathered + 8 Religion = 21
Grow Settlement (A6): Cost 3 (3 Pop + 2 Terrain Difficulty - 2 Survival) Pop: 4
Power: 18
Grow Settlement (B6): Cost 3 (3 Pop + 2 Terrain Difficulty - 2 Survival) Pop: 4
Power: 15
Grow Settlement (B7): Cost 3 (3 Pop + 2 Terrain Difficulty - 2 Survival) Pop: 3
Power: 12
Create Army (A6): Cost 2 (2 + Terrain Difficulty - 2 Survival) Army: 2
Power: 10
Advance (B6): Cost 2 Science: 4
Power: 8
Science: 6
Advanement Armour +1 (Cost 5)
Power: 8
Science: 1
Move 1 Army (A6 > A5) Move vs Difficulty 2: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Final Results:
Settlements - 3
Population - 11
Armies - 4
Power - 8
Science - 1
Religion +3
Survival +2
Armour +1
Thunder began rolling as a Thunderbird approached one of his settlements, Darjuu called upon his holy warriors to go forth and defend his children from the impending threat.

The Warlord |

redoing my turn
Initial Power +6
Religion +3
Power Roll 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 1) = 9
Total Power 18
Move Settler to A1
For the Move1d6 ⇒ 3
Power Remaining 17
Power Remaining 16
CREATE SETTLER B2 (Cost 4) Pop 1
Move Settler to B3
Power Remaining 12
1d6 ⇒ 6
Power Remaining 11
Power Remaining 10
CREATE SETTLER B3 (Cost 5) Pop 1
Move Settler to B4
Power Remaining 5
1d6 ⇒ 5
Power Remaining 4
Power Remaining 2
CREATE ARMY B1 (Cost 2) Pop 1
Army 2
Move Army B1 to C3
1d6 ⇒ 3
Settlements A1 (2), B1 (2), B2 (2), B3 (2), B4 (2), C2 (2)
Agriculture +1
Religion +1
Survival +1
Worshipers 12
Armies 0
Power 0
Science 0

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6) = 10
Power 10 + 6 (Last Turn) + 5 (Religion +2) = 21
I2 Army 1, Pop 2
Grow City Power used 1
Create Settler Move Settler to J2: DC 2 1d6 ⇒ 4
Move Army to J2 DC 2 1d6 ⇒ 5
End I2: Pop 2
J2 Army 1, Settler 1
Create City Pop 1
Grow City Power used 1
Advance! Power used 1: Science Gain: 2
End J2 Army 1, Pop 2
H2 Army 1, Pop 2
Grow City Power used 1
Advance! Power Used: 0 Science Gain: 3
Move Army to I3 DC 2 1d6 ⇒ 3
End H2 Pop 3
Spend Science on Armour +1 and Weapon +1
Current Advancements: Agri+1, Religion+2, Survival+2, Armor+1, Weapon+1
I3 Pop 3
Create Army Power Used 2 (Hilly, -1 Power Per), Armies Created 2 (Scrubland 1 Extra due to Pop)
Grow City Power Used: 1
Move Armies to I4 DC 2 1d6 ⇒ 6
End I3 Army 1(From H2), Pop 3
Settlement Population: I2:2, J2:2, H2:3, I3:3.
Armies: J2 1, I3 1, I4 2
The Prides are startled at the new creatures they encounter! Hunting groups that were set to attack the horse-creatures split and turn to defense, new groups forming to drive off the birds of sky's fury.
Guarded emissaries turn to the Orizaba. "We seek not war, but will defend our ranges. Travel no further west, and we shall range no further east"

Mogar goblin mother |

Change to turn from confusing 5 points as 5 power
Settlement D12 stays at 3 pop
Settlement D12 does festival gaining 2 power
Survival is at +2
End result
A13 2 Bloodwin
B13 2 Vineland
C13 3 Hotplace
D12 3 Mothers cradle
D13 2 Dryland
E11 3 Mothers garden
E12 2 Mothers hand
Total pop 17
Religion +2
Weapons +1
Survival +2
Science 1
power 1

Itzpapalotl |

Gathering Power
Initial Power: 2
Power from Population: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4) = 13
Power from Religion: 10
Total Power: 25
Cycle 3 Actions
Settlement at K2: GROW. Cost 2 (population 2, 0 difficulty); population of K2 raised from 2 to 3. Remaining Power: 23
Settlement at K2: CREATE 2 ARMIES. Cost 2 (hills -1 each, 0 difficulty). Remaining Power: 21
Settlement at L2: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, 0 difficulty -1 flat, -3 forest, minimum 1); population of L2 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 20
Settlement at L2: CREATE SETTLER. Cost 6 (6 settlements, 0 settlers, 0 difficulty); population of L2 reduced from 2 to 1. Remaining Power: 14
Settler at L2: MOVE TO L1 (1d6 ⇒ 5, 2+ needed), SETTLE. Settler consumed. Settlement with population 1 created.
Settlement at L1: GROW. Cost 2 (population 1, 1 difficulty); population of L1 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 12
Settlement at L1: CREATE SETTLER. Cost 4 (7 settlements, 0 settlers, 1 difficulty, craters half); population of L1 reduced from 2 to 1. Remaining Power: 8
Settler at L1: MOVE TO M1 (1d6 ⇒ 1, 4+ needed), MOVE FAILED.
Settlement at L3: GROW. Cost 1 (population 2, -1 flat, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of L3 raised from 2 to 3. Remaining Power: 7
Settlement at L3: ADVANCE. Cost 0 (0 difficulty); 3 science generated. Remaining Power: 7
Spend Science: 5 science spent to gain Armour 1 (5 advancements). Remaining Science: 0
Settlement at L4: GROW. Cost 1 (population 4, -3 forest, 0 difficulty); population of L4 raised from 4 to 5. Remaining Power: 6
Settlement at L4: CREATE 1 ARMY. Cost 1 (hills -1 each, 0 difficulty). Remaining Power: 6
1 Army at L4: MOVE TO L5
Settlement at M3: GROW. Cost 1 (population 1, -3 forest, 0 difficulty, minimum 1); population of M3 raised from 1 to 2. Remaining Power: 5
Settlement at M3: ADVANCE. Cost 0 (0 difficulty); 2 science generated. Remaining Power: 5
Settlement at M4: GROW. Cost 2 (population 2, 0 difficulty); population of M4 raised from 2 to 3. Remaining Power: 3
Settlement at M4: ADVANCE. Cost 0 (0 difficulty); 3 science generated. Remaining Power: 3
Nature Miracle: ALTER TERRAIN AT L1. Cost 3 (6 miracle, 0 distance, nature half); Biome at L1 becomes Volcanic, elevation at L1 becomes mountain. Remaining Power: 0
Cycle 3 Statistics
7 Settlements: K2 (3), L1 (1), L2 (2), L3 (3), L4 (5), M3 (2), M4 (3)
Total Population: 19
Remaining Power: 0
Total Armies: 3
Total Settlers: 1
Advancements: Armour 1, Religion 2, Seafaring 1, Survival 2
Total Advancements: 6
Remaining Science: 5
The high priestess of the Orizaba town near the Syphinx borders meets the emissary. "We shall not spread our seeds in your barren lands, but nor shall we be confined to this corner of the world. Our reach will extend to the peninsula to your south, where the wet land meets the river." Behind her, Orizaba warriors stand ready, wearing newly fashioned armour of animal hides.
Elsewhere, intrepid Orizaba settlers attempt to extend the borders of Tamoanchan to the firey peak to their North. Initial forays into the lower slopes are successful, and some of them choose to stay there amongst the shattered rocks. Others press on, attempting the peak itself. The first few ventures fail miserably; the heat and harsh slopes prove too difficult. Their prayers to the goddess are met with a curious result. Rather than helping them reach the volcano, the volcano is brought to them: The earth around them erupts, rising and buckling as molten rock pours out. By the time it has hardened and cooled, the Orizaba are already at work exploring the font of minerals that has boiled up from beneath.
At the heart of Itzpapalotl's power, the priestesses select warriors to do battle with the mythic creature threatening the growing city. They don ceremonial attire - including the newly improved armour - and set forth to challenge the beast.

rcrantz |

Celios, The Observer (CEL-WF)
Gathering Power:
Roll: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6) = 9 + 11 (religion) = 20.
Science gained: 12 (4 volcanic settlements). New total: 15.
Settlement at A10: GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. ADVANCE. Gain 2 Science. (New Science total: 17; new Power total: 19.)
Spend Science: Agriculture to 3 (4 points; 13 points remain). Armor to 1 (5 points; 8 points remain). Armor to 2 (5 points; 3 points remain).
Settlement at B10: GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3). (New power total: 15.)
Settlement at A11: GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 2 to 3. ADVANCE. (New science total: 7; new power total: 14.)
Settlement at A9: GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 2 to 3. ADVANCE. (New science total: 10; new power total: 13.)
Spend Science: Survival to 4. (6 points; 4 points remain.)
Settlement at A8: GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 2 to 3. ADVANCE. (New science total: 7.) INSPIRE CITY (cost: 10); Create 2 Armies (cost: 2). (New Power total: 0.)
Spend Science: Survival to 5. (6 points; 1 point remains.)
Army at B10. Move to B9 to engage Thunderbirds.
Final Totals
B10: 5.
A10: 2.
A11: 3.
A8: 3.
A9: 3.
Total: 16
Survival: 5
Religion: 3
Agriculture: 3
Armor: 2
Total: 13
A8: 3
B9: 3
More Wayfarers flock to their settlements as they learn about the world around them, but suddenly they find themselves faced with a new threat: the Thunderbirds. So they gear themselves for war--an exciting new opportunity to experience something entirely novel, and perhaps to learn about these strange creatures that threaten their livelihoods.

Alosvalophos |

The Progress of War
Fraemaour's 2 Grasvolk armies with armour +1 fight 1 Thunderbird at L12.
Fraemaour: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6
Thunderbird: 1d6 ⇒ 5
1 Grasvolk army falls. +5 points.
Celio's 1 Wayfarer army with armour +2 faces the Thunderbird.
Celios: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Thunderbird: 1d6 ⇒ 1
The Thunderbird is slain without loss. +5 points.
Itzpapalotl's 1 Orizaba army with +1 armour fight the Thunderbird.
Itz: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Thunderbird: 1d6 ⇒ 4
And are defeated!
Mogar's 1 Goblin army with weapons +1 fights the Thunder.
Mogar's: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Thunderbird: 1d6 ⇒ 4
The armies vanquish one another.
Utatnaphor's Syphinxes with Armour 1 and 2 fight the Thunderbird.
Utatnaphor: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
Thunderbird: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Utatnaphor conquers without loss.
The Warlord's 2 Minoan armies with war fight the Thunderbird.
The Warlord: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 4) = 15
Thunderbird: 1d6 ⇒ 4
1 Minoan army dies.
Darjuu's 1 Velmoru army with armour +1 attacks the Thunderbird
Darjuu's: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Thunderbird: 1d6 ⇒ 2
And defeats the Thunderbird.
The rest of the turn is being calculated!

Alosvalophos |

Turn 3 Concludes
You have +1 power as you accidentally double grew a settlement.
You only have 3 armies from my reckoning.
I am not going to have the Thunderbird kill your settlement due to you being idle and this being early in the game. However, you will sacrifice your turn entirely for this cycle, gaining no power, and having to contend with a 2 Thunderbirds in the coming cycle.
The Thunderbirds prove worthy, but ultimately defeatable, foes to the majority of the gods. It was thought as much: These were not intended to be harbingers of the apocalypse, nor heralds of the end of time. Nay, that is far off from now...many ages hence, and those creatures will be FAR in excess of the power of these paltry pigeons.
But those macchinations are not revealed unto the gods. They are kept in the many secrets Alosvalophos holds in his divine mind, whose access he rarely gives even to sons and wives. But somethings shall not remain secret, nor forbidden any further. No, it has come time to reveal!
The God takes aim from his Sling of Stars...
A comet lances the sky, striking high above the Forbidden Zone in a flash of bleaching light and cosmic fury. The air-burst preserves the ground near beside the zone, and prevents all but the mildest of tsunami from striking nearby shores, but its brilliance is such that it lights the night sky like unto day, and an aura of unmatched splendour blocks the light of the stars for the hours until dawn.
When the sky brightens into day, the singular sight of a lonely stalk, clothed in obscuring fog that reveals nothing but a heaven-reaching structure, can be seen for thousands of miles aroud.
"Behold, ye gods, the AXIS MUNDI! Let your divine whim craft it unto your liking when you have conquered its inhospitable grounds. But be warned: The price is dear to win victory after this manner!"
But this is not enough. Alosvalophos calls forth the inaugeration of the BLOOD CHALLENGE.
"To the conqueror belongs POWER! The first god to wound another via armed might will gain 15 draughts of ambrosia to celebrate your CONQUEST!"
The Axis Mundi: The Axis Mundi is settled on a terrain type called Void Field. Void Fields have no terrain bonuses and a set difficulty of 7 for all home biomes which can be reduced to 0 by sufficient survival. The Axis Mundi can and must be settled/conquered like a normal tile, but offers a very specific bonus based on its population. Specifically, the bonus runs as following:
And so forth by 4s.
These point values are calculated at the beginning of the turn (like religion) and are calculated every turn. That is, if you hold the Axis Mundi at 3 population at the beginning of the turn you shall gain 12 points, and if you retain it to the next turn, you shall get 12 MORE points.
To offset this massive point total, it costs an irreducible base 15 power expenditure + an irreducible growth cost based on popopulation. So at 3 population, it would cost 15 + 3, whereas at 6 it would be 15 + 12, and at 8 it would be 15 + 24.
Holding the Axis Mundi for even a few turns could quite well win you the game! Expect to be a massive target!
EVENT: All remaining Centaurs grow by 1.
Event: The Blood Challenge. The first god to wound another via an army will be given 15 power to use next turn. Miracles will not count towards this. Attacking an undefended settlement will. The attack must be succesful.
RULE CHANGE: Altering terrain to volcano no longer adds +1 to height if the terrain is hilly beforehand.
Turn 4 Begins

The Warlord |

The Warlord victory emboldens him and seeks to destroy those that oppose his Minoans from spreading his influence and looks down to his neighbor "You should had taken the offer when it was given"
Initial Power +1
Religion +8
Power Roll 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 4) = 15
Total Power 24
ADVANCEMENT Agriculture +2 (Cost 3 Science)
ADVANCEMENT Agriculture +3 ( Cost 4 Science)
ADVANCEMENT Religion +2 ( Cost 5 Science)
ADVANCEMENT Religion +3 ( Cost 6 Science)
Power Remaining 20
Power Remaining 20
Power Remaining 19
CREATE SETTLER B3 (Cost 3) Pop 1
Move Settler to C3
Power Remaining 16
1d6 ⇒ 4
Power Remaining 15
Power Remaining 14
Power Remaining 13
Power Remaining 12
Power Remaining 11
Power Remaining 10
CREATE ARMY C2 (Cost 2) Pop 2
Army 2
Move Army C2 to D2
Power Remaining 8
Power Remaining 6
CREATE ARMY B4 (Cost 2) Pop 2
Army 2
Power Remaining 4
Power Remaining 3
Power Remaining 2
Power Remaining 1
Power Remaining 0
Move Army C3 to D2
Settlements: A1, B2, C3
Power Remaining 6
CREATE SETTLER B1 (Cost 4) Pop 2
Move Settler to C1
Power Remaining 2
1d6 ⇒ 4
Power Remaining 1
Power Remaining 0
Move Army B4 to A5
Settlements A1 (4), A5 (3 Armies), B1 (3), B2 (3), B3 (3), B4 (3 Pop), C1 (2), C2 (3), C3 (3), D2 (3 Armies)
Agriculture +3
Religion +3
Survival +1
Worshipers 24
Armies 5
Power 0
Science 0

Iazamaz, he who walks among us |

Iazamaz remain silent as the other gods make their move. As he stirs to action, he comes to realise the world has changed without him. "so the mountains see, so they shall not fear"
power: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5) + 6 = 17 6 from religion
Growing settlement at H12 (4 power) population goes to 5
Growing settlement at G12 (3 power) population goes to 4
growing settlement at H13 (2 power) population goes to 3
altering terrain at H11 from barren to crater
advancing settlements at H12, G12 and H11, generating 5,4 and 3 science points respectively.
Total science points= 12+9 (from volcanoes)
Religion +3 4 science
Religion +4 5 science
weapons +1 5 science
weapons +2 6 science
Rp: iazamaz appears before his people,rather discontent they have made little progress, while the rest of the god progressed." grant you have I a form, now grant you shall an art." as the god dissipates into the shadows, the ethereals find tomes containing information on type of martial art, one that requires the user to be flexible in thought and form, perfect for shapeshifters such as the ethereals. As they receive the tomes, the ethereals rejoice and start construction of a monastery on the volcano

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2) = 7
Power 7 + 17 (Last turn) + 8 (Religion +2) = 32
I1 Army 1 Pop 2
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri+1 and Flat)
Advance! Power Used: 0 Science Gain: 3
Move Army to I2
End I1 Pop 3
J2 Army 1 Pop 2
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri+1 and Flat)
Advance! Power Used: 0 Science Gain: 3
End J2 Army 1 Pop 3
Miracle! Alter Terrain at H1 to Forest. Power Used: 7
H2 Pop 3
Create Settler Power Used: 4
Move Settler to H1 1d6 ⇒ 1
Grow City Power Used: 2
End H2 Pop 3 Settler 1
Move Army at I4 to I3
I3 Army 1 Pop 3
Create Settler Power Used: 4
Move Settler to J3 1d6 ⇒ 6
Move Army to I2
Grow City Power Used: 2
End I3 Army 2 Pop 3
J3 Settler 1
Create City!
Grow City Power Used: 1
End J3 Pop 2
Power Remaining: 10
Science Remaining: 3
Current Advancements: Agri+1, Religion+2, Survival+2, Armor+1, Weapon+1
Settlement Population: I1:3, J2:3, H2:3, I3:3, J3:2
Armies: J2: 1, I3: 2, I2:2.
Utatnaphor answers prayers unexpectedly, changing dense jungle to softer forest. Unfortunately, the Prides were not able to capitalize on the change quickly enough. The planned movements to be rid of the hoove'd strangers unfolds on schedule, and a new settlement is born in the barrens.
The Lords send to the Orizaba, "Take the sodden wetlands as you please, our paws cannot run in the swamps."

The Warlord |

Redoing the turn
Total Power 24
ADVANCEMENT Agriculture +2 (Cost 3 Science)
A1 Volcanoes 3 Science
Power Remaining 23
Power Remaining 22
CREATE SETTLER B3 (Cost 3) Pop 1
Move Settler to C3
Power Remaining 19
1d6 ⇒ 4
Power Remaining 18
Power Remaining 17
Power Remaining 16
Power Remaining 15
Power Remaining 14
Power Remaining 13
CREATE ARMY C2 (Cost 2) Pop 2
Army 2
Move Army C2 to D2
Power Remaining 11
Power Remaining 9
CREATE ARMY B4 (Cost 2) Pop 2
Army 2
Power Remaining 7
Power Remaining 6
Power Remaining 5
Power Remaining 4
Move Army C3 to D2
Settlements: A1, B2, C3
Power Remaining 10
CREATE SETTLER B1 (Cost 4) Pop 2
Move Settler to C1
Power Remaining 6
1d6 ⇒ 4
Power Remaining 5
Power Remaining 4
Move Army B4 to A5
Settlements A1 (3), B1 (3), B2 (3), B3 (3), B4 (3 Pop), C1 (2), C2 (3), C3 (3)
Armies A5 (3), D2 (2)
Agriculture +2
Religion +1
Survival +1
Worshipers 24
Armies 5
Power 4
Science 3

Fraemaour |

3 points of science from the last round
1 point of power from the last round + 22 from religion + 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 2) = 11 = 34
GROW SETTLEMENT: L12. Cost (4 pop-4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 6.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K12. Cost (3 pop -4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K11. (3 pop -4 ag bonus 1 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K10. Cost (2 pop -4 ag bonus) 1. Pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K9. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 3
GROW SETTLEMENT: J8. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT: I8. Cost (3 pop-1 ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT: J12. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 4 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 2.
GROW SETTLEMENT: J13. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 1 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 3.
9 power together. 25 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at J8. 9/2 = 5 New pop: 2. Move settler to K8 and settle.
20 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT: K9. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 2
19 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at J12. Cost: 10/2 = 5. New pop: 1. Move the settler to I12 and settle.
GROW SETTLEMENT: I12. Cost (1 pop-1 ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. Pop: 2.
CREATE 2x army at K9, K10, and J13. Cost together: 12.
7 power left.
Create 1x army at I13. Cost: 2.
5 power left.
ADVANCE: L12 (6), K12 (3), K11 (4), I8 (4), K8 (2) = 19 + 3 = 22.
Buy: Religion +4 (5), Armour 2 (6), Weapons 1 (7) = 18. 4 science remains.
ATTACK the 3x Centaur with the 2x armies each at K9 and K10.
Move the 2x armies at J13 and I13 to I12.
Move the 1x army from L12 to K12.
5 power kept in reserve.
Settlements 11: L12 (6), K12 (3), K11 (4), K10 (4), K9 (3), J8 (2), I8 (4), J12 (1), J13 (3), I13 (2), K8 (2).
Worshippers: 34
Power: 5.
Science: 4 science.
Armies: 4x at L10 attacking Centaur. 3x at I12 doing nothing. 1x army at K12.
New advancements: Buy: Religion +4 (5), Armour 2 (6), Weapons 1 (7)
The Stone from the Sling of Alosvalophos, as the Grasvolk so know the comet, exposes them to such doses of strange and powerful light that they grow mighty in the span of that auric evening. Outgrowing their former livestock--the bees and butterflies that were their transport, the earthworms which tilled their field--they now harness the power of the rodents of the field, as they no longer are mere cellulose-pixies, capable of flittering around on wings of gossamer, or blown upon the wind. Indeed, now they stand a foot-tall--though they remain, as before, like grassdolls--and are in need of far hardier beasts of burden to lend strength to their civilization, which as a consequence new stature, requires rebuilding from foundations. That they are able to do so with remarkable ease is a testament to their plant-like tenacity that allows them to flourish even in the face of hardship, a feature shared in their living architecture which shoots up from freshly fertilized ground.
Far sooner than one might think, the faithful congregations of Fraemaour sing rustle-song hosannahs in rebuilt stave-churches, which now tower far above the endless fields of giant grass, and are decorated with astoundingly complex patterns of corded knots.
And forget not their war-like endeavours: They discard their former weapons--wasp stingers for swords, ant-heads for shields--in favour sabres carved from the curved canines of predators, with scabbards and handles made from the hair of the same. As for armour, their bodies provide all their need, developing a hardened bark that serves as woody scale mail. Now so outfitted for war, they challenge the Centaur scouts, whereas another war-band marches North from the far South, as if (perhaps) to intercept ANOTHER contingent of Centaur. Do they intend to hog the glory from their neighbours?
Their God speaks to them, "Ah, my Grasvolk! You grow strong and skilled in savagery! But forget not peace, my people! The peace that has spread you far and wide and has provided the prosperity that preserves you! Forget not life, even as you deal death in the face of the challenge of The God!"

Mogar goblin mother |

you forgot to add my 1 army at F12
Start with 1 power 1 science
4d6 + 1 + 14 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 5) + 1 + 14 = 29(1 from last turn, 14 from religion 2 and 7 settlements all with at least 2 pop)
Settlement A13 Grow 2 power 3 pop
Settlement B13 Grow 1 power 3 pop (1 agriculture)
Settlement C13 Grow 1 power 3 pop (1 agriculture)
Settlement D13 grow 1 power 3 pop (5 agriculture)
Settlement E12 Grow 1 power 3 pop (1 agriculture)
Settlement D12 Grow 2 power 4 pop (1 agriculture) (8 power used)
Settlement D12 advances +4 Science 0 power festival +2 power (6 power used)
Settlement B13 advances +3 science 0 power
Settlement C13 advances +3 science 0 power
Settlement D13 advances +3 Science 0 power
+1 from last turn 14 Science
Advance Survival +3 -5 science 5 remaining
Settlement A13 advances +3 science 5 Science total 0 power
Advance Survival +4 -6 science 2 science remaining
Move army at F12 to G12 DC5(9-4 survival)1d6 ⇒ 6
attacking G12,
(yep going for you on the peaks)
Settlement E11 create settler 7 power pop 2
Settlement E11 Grow 1 power 3 pop (1 agriculture) (14 power used)
Settler at E11 moves to F11 Free move
Create settlement at F11
Settlement F11 grows 1 power 2 pop
Settlement F11 Creates army 2 power (16 power used)
Settlement E12 Creates settler 8 power pop 2
Grow settlement E12 1 power 3 pop (25 power used)
Settler E12 moves to F 12 Free move
Create settlement F12
Settlement F12 grows 1 power 2 pop
Settlement F12 creates 1 army 2 power (28 power used)
3 army's Each one has only one army a piece
Weapons +1
Survival +4
Religion +2
A13 3 Bloodwin
B13 3 Vineland
C13 4 Hotplace
D12 4 Mothers cradle
D13 3 Dryland
E11 3 Mothers garden
E12 2 Mothers hand
F11 2 Mountainsight
F12 2 Deerland
26 worshipers
1 power
2 Science
having secured the cost the goblins move to the tune of there mother killing the big birds and eating them to gain power. she calls out to them to send a force to the peaks and kill anything they can not enslave. they make the grueling march up the volcano with much luck and the guidance of the mother. it is up to the goblins if they can manage to take the peaks.