Divine Rise of the Runelords

Game Master nate lange

The joy of new life brought on by spring has been broken by a series of shocking murders. Can the heroes of Sandpoint stop the culprit before he strikes again...

language guide

Timeline of the New Cathedral:

  • 5 years ago the old cathedral burned down. A fire started in Father Tobyn's study (most likely because he sometimes fell asleep reading with candles burning). It engulfed that room as well as the ones on either side: his bedroom, and his adopted daughter Nualia's bedroom. They were both killed in the blaze- the priest's remains were recovered from the fairly austere study but, surrounded by the wood, straw, and fabrics of her bed there was nothing left of the girl after the fire had burned out. It was a terrifying night for those who lived through it and had to battle the spreading flames, and a devastating morning as the casualties were discovered.
  • In the weeks following the fire Sheriff Hemlock emptied the watch barracks (by letting people sleep at home and assigning everyone on duty to active patrols) in order to let the cathedral residents stay there while several temporary structures were quickly assembled on the church grounds.
  • Everyone lived in those structures (basically a little shantytown) for about a year while plans were being made and fundraising began for the new cathedral.
  • The first part of the new building to go up was the living area and kitchens, and everyone has been living in the midst of the construction for the last 4 years.
  • The worship space (which consists of a large, central, open gathering place that faiths take turns in, surrounded by 6 shrines, each dedicated to one specific god, that open into the central chamber) was the last area to be built. For the past 5 years religious ceremonies have been conducted under a tent in the courtyard with portable altars.
  • Over the month preceding the Swallowtail Festival each of the shrines inside was hallowed (by the hallow spell); the ceremony at the festival consecrates the gathering place but is largely symbolic.
  • During an attack on the city (at the Festival) Tsuto Kaijitsu broke into the priests' mausoleum and stole the remains of Father Tobyn (which only the marked, the priests, and sheriff Hemlock know was for a then-still-living Nualia to use in a demonic ritual)

  • The Priests:
    The Temple is home to 7 actual priests, besides the 6 'marked' (as the PCs are called) and 30 or so acolytes, neophytes, and attendants. There is one priest for each god, plus the High Priest. Technically, only the High Priest should be called "Father" and the other priests are called "Brother" or "Sister". It is not uncommon, though, for members of a specific faith to call their priest Father or Mother. Sister Hera is almost exclusively called "Mother" by everyone (not even "Mother Hera", just "Mother"). Brother Faustwick alone corrects people for it, or when they call him Father. Once they've taken their vows, acolytes can also use the honorifics Brother or Sister.

    Father Zantus- The High Priest, formerly the priest of Desna's shrine. At 38, he is fairly young for a high priest (due to his predecessor's untimely death), but he has settled into the position well over the past 5 years. His short brown hair and patchy beard are growing increasingly gray and his golden eyes remind the people of Sandpoint of his Varisian heritage. Before the fire he was the apprentice priest to Father Tobyn, as Sister Callinova now is to him.

    Sister Callinova- The priestess of Desna and Father Zantus' apprentice. She is a purebred Varisian with rudy skin and intensely blue eyes. Although it's very likely that she will one day take over as High Priest, and need to learn some discipline then, she is currently a very free spirit and given to more emotional extremes than any of the other priests. At 22 she is the closest in age to the marked (and the other students), and once in a while she still gets caught up in mischief with them. Those of you who were there before the fire remember her being one of the other students.

    Brother Edrus- The priest of Gozreh. His flowing blonde hair hints at having northern ancestors, and gives him an intentionally androgynous appearance. He cultivates this further by keeping his face clean shaven and his eyebrows plucked to a narrow curve. Although most Varisians are unfazed by 'non-traditional' romances, some of the stuffier residents of Sandpoint (mostly of Chelaxian decent) are uncomfortable with his open bisexuality. Despite being nearly as old as Father Zantus, he has a baby face and is sometimes mistaken for a student by visitors.

    Brother Faustwick- The priest of Abadar. From his pale skin and black hair it is clear that he is a Chelaxian, though his family has been in Magnimar for generations. His appearance is reminiscent of a military officer: his hair is cropped tight on the sides with enough length on the top to be parted, and his mustache is kept short enough to avoid the need of wax. He is by far the most meticulous person in the church: all day everyday is scheduled out, he tracks all of the money in and out of the Cathedral down to the copper, and he is never seen with a single hair or thread out of place. His 50 years are beginning show on his face where deep crows feet have settled around his eyes and wrinkles are forming on his forehead.

    Brother Augustino- Unlike most of his colleagues, the priest of Shelyn elects to be called by his given name rather than his family name. With curly brown hair and a perpetual tan, he must be at least partly Varisian. He is also exceedingly handsome and something of a flirt. He wears a sleeveless teal robe that hangs open in the front, revealing a matching loincloth and a chest and abs that the greatest statues would envy. He is the only priest in the Cathedral who is currently married; his wife, Sister Wren, is a blind prophetess (and acolyte of Shelyn) who lives with him at the church. He is also a graceful and skilled combatant whose use of a glaive has the same beautiful, dance-like quality as Kaede's. Any of you with any melee ability has probably had some lessons with him.

    Sister Amet'Ra- The priestess of Sarenrae was born and raised in Osirion. Like many of her people she has no family name so, like Brother Augustino she is called by her given name. As a young acolyte she was charged several times with transporting messages and relics from one church to another. The last such charge lead her to Sandpoint where she found her predecessor in failing health. She cared for the old priest for nearly a year before his passing and for the last 20 years she has served as his replacement. She is a kind, compassionate, and patient woman. She possesses an exotic beauty and, despite being in her late 40s, still receives occasional invitations from hopeful suitors. Anyone with ranks in heal likely learned them from her.

    Sister Hera- The priestess of Erastil might be the most matronly woman in all of Sandpoint. Now in her mid-sixties, she is still quite able-bodied and treats everyone at the Cathedral as if she were their mother (including Father Zantus, which some of the students find rather amusing). She wears her gray hair in a thick braid that nearly drags on the ground as she walks and she has a masterful way of balancing encouragement and discipline. She is also in charge of all the cooking at the church and does a marvelous job at that as well.

    Arshea- Kaede, Kaelaah, Marcus, Salomae*, Tera, Zache
    Thisamet-Kaede, Kaelaah, Salomae, Tera, Zache
    Lorris- Kaede, Marcus, Salomae, Tera, Zache
    Chadali- Kaelaah, Marcus, Salomae, Tera, Zache
    Neshen- Kaede**, Kaelaah*, Marcus*, Salomae*, Tera***, Zache*