Diremerc's Ironfang Invasion campaing (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc

Loot List

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Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik too ambles towards where the others are gathering "I am sorry I was to slow on the draw, I am ready now, let us go"

As Betto rushes forward he feels the air growing much colder as something sucks the warth from him.
non-lethal damage to betto: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14

Anyone got knowledge nature?

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

Betto looks around, seeking an enemy with a face that he can punch.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Male Elf HP: 16/16 Alchemist (Preservationist) 2
Common Stats:
AC:16, T: 13, FF: 13; F: +4 (+4 Poison), R: +6, W: +1 (+4 Enchantments, +2 Emotion); CMD 15, CMB +2; Init: +3 ; Perc:+8, Low-Light Vision, Blightscar Sixth Sense

Know Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Filon stops and considers the phenomena unfolding before him.

HP 15/15 | AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | F +4* R +1* W +7*| CMB -1 CMD 10 | Init +1 Perc +11 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Mask 1/1 | wand Goodberry 39/40

K(nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Izit blinks, confused at what just happened. "Betto, are you alright?"

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik stops next to Filon and ponders deeply. " I know nothing of this perhaps there are things that these people can yet teach me" "What is it Filon, why have you stopped. I may be old but I've no need to stop and catch my breath, I haven't seen this much excitement in years, isn't it exhilarating!?" the old man puffs, clearly catching his breath.

Filon notices that Betto nearly walked right into a patch of brown mold. A strange moss that absorbs heat from it's surroundings. Excessive heat such as fire can cause it to expand very quickly but cold kills it. The mold is spread about the cave in 5 foot patches if you careful and take it slow it should be possible to cross without being affected by their heat sucking aura.

Male Elf HP: 16/16 Alchemist (Preservationist) 2
Common Stats:
AC:16, T: 13, FF: 13; F: +4 (+4 Poison), R: +6, W: +1 (+4 Enchantments, +2 Emotion); CMD 15, CMB +2; Init: +3 ; Perc:+8, Low-Light Vision, Blightscar Sixth Sense

"Betto, get out of there! That's Brown Mold, it will suck all of the heat from your body if you let it."

Filon collects his thoughts, sideways looking at Zelik, unsure of how to best address his comment without offending the old man. "Uh... right." He adds dully, deciding to ignore the issue for the moment and feigns distraction with the mold.

"That stuff loves heat according to an old elves tale where they were trying to go into the First World. It is said they encountered a lot of the stuff, the stories go on to mention their Arcane Magic users utilizing freezing based magics on it to great effect.

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

Betto recoils, and hearing Fillon, draws back.

Jasmine adds ditzily as she runs by Filon and Betto
"Oh my, that stuff can be nasty, but you can just jump over the patches as you run if it is small enough."

HP 15/15 | AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | F +4* R +1* W +7*| CMB -1 CMD 10 | Init +1 Perc +11 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Mask 1/1 | wand Goodberry 39/40

Izit casts light on a stone and tosses it forward as far as he can, hoping it might help reveal the patches of brown mold. Then he moves slowly with the others, careful not to get too close.

Male Human Hunter 1
HP 19/19; AC 18; T14; FF14; F5 R 7 W 2; Ini +4; Perc+7

"I guess no one has a cold spell then?"

I checked and nobody has one prepared it seems. Correct me if I'm wrong.

The light stone reveals several troglodytes waiting at other end of the cave behind cover. (~80 feet away past the patches of brown mold)

One of them raises a hand.

This sacred place of children of stone. We do not wish to spill blood here. What do you want surface dwellers?"

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

Still shaking from the cold, Betto speaks with a booming voice.

"Are you working with the hobgoblins? That needs to end!"

Male Elf HP: 16/16 Alchemist (Preservationist) 2
Common Stats:
AC:16, T: 13, FF: 13; F: +4 (+4 Poison), R: +6, W: +1 (+4 Enchantments, +2 Emotion); CMD 15, CMB +2; Init: +3 ; Perc:+8, Low-Light Vision, Blightscar Sixth Sense

Filon keeps his distance, not being one to speak up on such an occasion. He keeps his crossbow lowered as to avoid any misinterpretation of hostilities, though he doesn't drop the weapon, given they had previously drew first blood to start with.

"The hobgoblins approached us with an offer for an alliance but we refused them! We have no interest in the battles of surface dwellers.

Jasmine adds
"Um, won't you get dragged into the fight sooner or later,
as I think these Hobs are on a path of conquest.
So after they are done with those like fighting back they'll attack those that aren't with them.
So you need to decide if your with them or against them."

Dip: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

"So we should join forces with a few humans survivors and fight against the hordes of the iron legion? You already killed several of our people, there will be no alliance between us. Leave now and we wont pursue you but do not expect mercy if our hunting parties find you!"

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

Betto shrugs, looking at the others with body language that suggests resignation.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"So what you are saying is that you will not aid us, and you intend on attacking us without provocation, but we are supposed to leave you alone. So that what? You can regroup and organize an attack. You are fine builders of tunnels, I can see that, and your defence of them is very well thought out. Did you know that the hobgoblin raid was conducted through tunnels such as this. I'm inclined to think that it was you," he points a boney finger at the troglodite, "Who helped them into our town in the first place"

Know Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Do Trog have a God that they worship, or a code that they follow?

They do but you don't know the details

"We do not dig. We have always lived in these caves for generations, it is were Ighiz’s eye watches over us."

Male Human Hunter 1
HP 19/19; AC 18; T14; FF14; F5 R 7 W 2; Ini +4; Perc+7

"Sounds good. We seek a we do not bother you, you do not bother us agreement!"

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

"That sounds fair to me! The hobbos are going down."

HP 15/15 | AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | F +4* R +1* W +7*| CMB -1 CMD 10 | Init +1 Perc +11 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Mask 1/1 | wand Goodberry 39/40

"Down with the hobgoblin scum!" Izit cries, letting his excitement get the better of him.

Male Elf HP: 16/16 Alchemist (Preservationist) 2
Common Stats:
AC:16, T: 13, FF: 13; F: +4 (+4 Poison), R: +6, W: +1 (+4 Enchantments, +2 Emotion); CMD 15, CMB +2; Init: +3 ; Perc:+8, Low-Light Vision, Blightscar Sixth Sense

Filon looks over at Izit a bit surprised at his excitement. Then he looks at the others to see their expressions. "I'm okay with this arrangement. As long as none of you think to be misleading us. I cannot tell."

You take your leave for now and return to your camp. The trogs are hostile but at least they aren't allies with the legion.

Some scouts reports that the hobs have mostly complete repairs to the bridge and have begun to erect a wall around the town.

Hobgoblin patrols are getting closer.

At camp at Dusk around the fire with the others
"I think time is running short we need to do something to them, but what...."

Male Elf HP: 16/16 Alchemist (Preservationist) 2
Common Stats:
AC:16, T: 13, FF: 13; F: +4 (+4 Poison), R: +6, W: +1 (+4 Enchantments, +2 Emotion); CMD 15, CMB +2; Init: +3 ; Perc:+8, Low-Light Vision, Blightscar Sixth Sense

"We could still look into the local wizard and see what they might know or be willing to offer up?
Filon offers up as he stares into the fire, contemplating life.

"Uhm, couldn't we just blow up the bridge to slow them down or something...."

we still have that bomb

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"Both plans are sound," Zelik says lookking up from his writing. [i]This would be so much simpler with a lap desk[i] he scratches a few more line and looks up again. "I could perhaps summon us a few mounts tomorrow. Three at the most, but it could allow a few of us to make haste to which ever destination we choose. An early morning ride to see the wizard, or perhaps a daring getaway from an exploding bridge. Either way, it might be helpful, but it would mean splitting up.."

Created a scroll of grease with a CL of 1, do we have an alotment of money, or how do I spend the money on creating the scroll cost me 25 gp

As for the mounts I can summon 3 horses for 4 hours. I don't know I can see us using them for something, but that's all my decent spells

Male Human Hunter 1
HP 19/19; AC 18; T14; FF14; F5 R 7 W 2; Ini +4; Perc+7

Morde shakes his head for a moment. "I doubt this trick will work again. They are just to many. We should leave asap."

Aubrin comes up to you. "I agree that attacking the bridge again would be far to risky. However some of our boys spotted what looks like a supply caravan coming towards the town. Couple wagons and maybe a dozen guards or so. If you hit that you could hurt the legion and maybe stock up our supplies at the same time.

HP 15/15 | AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | F +4* R +1* W +7*| CMB -1 CMD 10 | Init +1 Perc +11 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Mask 1/1 | wand Goodberry 39/40

Izit agrees with Aubrin. "Why, that's a fantastic idea! Take from the bullies to help the wounded survivors. Aubrin, how far off is the caravan?"

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

"We do it!", exclaims Betto.

"At the current rate they will reach the town in the morn. Do you want to strike them tonight or rest first and hit them in the morning before they reach the town?"

Male Elf HP: 16/16 Alchemist (Preservationist) 2
Common Stats:
AC:16, T: 13, FF: 13; F: +4 (+4 Poison), R: +6, W: +1 (+4 Enchantments, +2 Emotion); CMD 15, CMB +2; Init: +3 ; Perc:+8, Low-Light Vision, Blightscar Sixth Sense

:I know we have been through a lot already, but I think it would ve safer overall to hit them tonight. We can use the cover of darkness both to advance and to escape, and we would be less likely to be caught by any of the Legion in or near the town. Given an hour, I would be ready to go."

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"I took it relatively easy today," Zelik says looking up from what he is working on. "I've nearly a full compliment of my spells. May as well use them, and a night raid sounds like a fantastic plan. One thing to consider in the darkness though is who can see and who cannot. I for one don't see particularly well in the daytime let alone when it is dark."

I'm in for a night raid!

Male Human Hunter 1
HP 19/19; AC 18; T14; FF14; F5 R 7 W 2; Ini +4; Perc+7

Morde looks at the others and nods.
"Tonight it is!"

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

"Tonight, we fight!"

You head out and intercept the caravan. Auron decides to go with you.
I cant fight very well but I can summon wolves to help you even the numbers and heal you if your injured"

You scout it out and see 3 wagons, with 4 guards in front of the wagons and 4 guards behind as well as a driver on each wagon.

Got a plan?

Male Elf HP: 16/16 Alchemist (Preservationist) 2
Common Stats:
AC:16, T: 13, FF: 13; F: +4 (+4 Poison), R: +6, W: +1 (+4 Enchantments, +2 Emotion); CMD 15, CMB +2; Init: +3 ; Perc:+8, Low-Light Vision, Blightscar Sixth Sense

Filon will prep a dex mutagen before departing and upon stumbling upon the caravan promptly consumes it.

Whispering quickly and quietly. What do you all think of this: we attack from the front and this side? One group fanning out.to get in front of them.

We put ourselves between them and the Legion and we hit them from a second front, splitting their focus. Perhaps we initiate from the side with our stealthier menbers and those who can take a hit. That way those who get might get caught in a crossfire are better suited for it. We put any ranged attackers out front, again blocking their path and keeping firing lanes open to hit the front guards.

Also, we should use Some sort of signal, a whistel so that we attack as one and catch them by surprise? Focus on the front group of guards after we take the front driver out. And then make our way down the line. Ranged attackers will hit drivers if they try to pull away

Perhaps we should hit the back driver initially too? To box them in?


Filons indecisiveness creeps in at the end of his plan.

"I could send several wolves to attack the front or back while you attack the other side. says aubrin.

Male Human Hunter 1
HP 19/19; AC 18; T14; FF14; F5 R 7 W 2; Ini +4; Perc+7

Looking down Morde scratches his beard, already a bit unruly, and replies.[b]"Take the back. That way they can´t bolt forward! We will take care quickly of the Vanguard and then dispatch the backguard.

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

"Yeah, we need to put ourselves between the town and them. Make them pay no matter which way they turn."

"Should we also make sure that they can't uhm be coordinated or something in defending those supplies."

Referring to taking out leaders so troops loose moral and chain of command goes to crap.

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

"Kill the higher-ups first? Yeah, I'm fine with that!"

Male Human Hunter 1
HP 19/19; AC 18; T14; FF14; F5 R 7 W 2; Ini +4; Perc+7

Morde shrugs. "Shouldn´t be more than one sergeant and maybe a low officer with them!"

When your ready Aurin goes to the rear of the caravan and summons as many wolves as she can.

wolves: 3d3 + 3 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) + 3 = 6

and sends them to attack the rear guards.

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition:

Betto readies himself.

Martial flexibility for dedicated adversary (hobgoblin)

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HP 15/15 | AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | F +4* R +1* W +7*| CMB -1 CMD 10 | Init +1 Perc +11 | Spells 1st 3/3 | Mask 1/1 | wand Goodberry 39/40

Izit casts guidance on Filon! "Show em whose land this is!"

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