Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre |

Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre wrote:pippinTook wrote:More like she greased the wheels since I don't actually own the place, but yeah pretty much.Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre wrote:I'm thinking I'll use Profession Innkeep/Bartender as my cover job. Hey Mao, How do you feel about working as a bar wench?That makes really good sense character-wise and as a tie-in. Kuzu hooked her up with the job, I assume?Approve! I'm thinking I'll write their interaction (and her kindness to the crazy man ranting about the apocalypse) when I have a bit of time to dedicate to it (hopefully later this evening).
Feel free to write your own take on it and I can just add the other perspective for my profile or vice versa.
Isn't it a little bit early to be writing that stuff. I was under the impression that the campaign details weren't even fleshed out yet.

pippinTook |
pippinTook wrote:Isn't it a little bit early to be writing that stuff. I was under the impression that the campaign details weren't even fleshed out yet.Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre wrote:pippinTook wrote:More like she greased the wheels since I don't actually own the place, but yeah pretty much.Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre wrote:I'm thinking I'll use Profession Innkeep/Bartender as my cover job. Hey Mao, How do you feel about working as a bar wench?That makes really good sense character-wise and as a tie-in. Kuzu hooked her up with the job, I assume?Approve! I'm thinking I'll write their interaction (and her kindness to the crazy man ranting about the apocalypse) when I have a bit of time to dedicate to it (hopefully later this evening).
Feel free to write your own take on it and I can just add the other perspective for my profile or vice versa.
Well, it's early, but I've also got the time to put some though into it now. I also just enjoy the writing and character creation aspect, so there's that.
EDIT: And I'm also still pretty new to PbP, but I am actively involved in a few games, so I've got some experience. I'll help you out all I can if we both get chosen.


I'd like to play a supporting role. An old warrior whose strength has long since failed him in years past, who now is troubled by visions of the apocalypse. His PTSD-riddled visions of battles past have given way to horrific visions of battles in the future - battles for the fate of the world itself.
So, Oracle class, Mystery is Apocalypse. May I use a third party source for my Curse if it can be found on the pathfinder SRD?
Waking Dreamer [3PP]
Source: Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.
You are drowsy and afflicted by fleeting hallucinations.
You take a -5 to Perception checks and take a -2 penalty to save versus illusions. However, you are immune to sleep effects.
At 5th level, add sleep and hypnotism to your spells known.
At 10th level, add dream to your spells known.
At 15th level, add project image to your spells known.
Yes you may,as long as its role played out.
@Daniel Stewart Unfortunatley you may not take the Drow Noble race,but the feat/trait would be ok

Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre |

So I'm hearing a lot of Underdark,but I have a deal for the rest of you. If I can get two groups,one for each campaign,it would be pretty awesome. Sound good for everyone?
Iraedra Myval wrote:sounds interesting.
DM TPK wrote:Any from the core or advanced race guide. No third party stuff.include Drider?You'd have to give me a pretty good reason,but I can be convinced. Send me a PM and we'll talk.
Is everyone ok with using Mythic rules,as I know I will for one of the campaigns,and maybe both?
Go ahead and enter in some submissions for your preferred campaign if you all would please.
Just so everyone's on the same page; Did you ever decide to go with the whole split campaign thing?

Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre |

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:I'd like to play a supporting role. An old warrior whose strength has long since failed him in years past, who now is troubled by visions of the apocalypse. His PTSD-riddled visions of battles past have given way to horrific visions of battles in the future - battles for the fate of the world itself.
So, Oracle class, Mystery is Apocalypse. May I use a third party source for my Curse if it can be found on the pathfinder SRD?
Waking Dreamer [3PP]
Source: Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.
You are drowsy and afflicted by fleeting hallucinations.
You take a -5 to Perception checks and take a -2 penalty to save versus illusions. However, you are immune to sleep effects.
At 5th level, add sleep and hypnotism to your spells known.
At 10th level, add dream to your spells known.
At 15th level, add project image to your spells known.
Yes you may,as long as its role played out.
@Daniel Stewart Unfortunatley you may not take the Drow Noble race,but the feat/trait would be ok
Thanks I appreciate it.

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Ok..here is my submission as a "normal" drow. He will probably take the "noble" feat once he gains his sword (tying the two together in story).
Xundus Yril'Lysaen
Male drow magus (bladebound) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 114, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9, 47)
N Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +3
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep; SR 7
Weaknesses light blindness
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+3/19-20)
Ranged hand crossbow +2 (1d4/19-20)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 6 points), spell combat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1)
. . 1/day—dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Magus (Bladebound) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—magic missile, shield
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, disrupt undead, prestidigitation
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Extra Arcane Pool[UM]
Traits bladed magic, warrior of old
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +3, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +2; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, Sakvroth, Undercommon
SQ poison use
Other Gear studded leather, hand crossbow, longsword, 10 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +1 (6/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Bladed Magic You have an innate talent for using magical weaponry and those weapons capable of becoming magical. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft checks made to craft magic or masterwork weapons. In addition, when you use your arcane pool class ability to grant
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Drow Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Light Blindness (Ex) Bright light blinds for 1 rd, then dazzled as long as remain in it.
Poison Use (Ex) This race is skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spell Resistance (7) You have Spell Resistance.

HotLanta |

Alright folks; it would seem we really could use some clarification, as it looks like people started coordinating backgrounds for characters that applied for different campaigns. Here's a breakdown, in no particular order:
Underdark Campaign:
Archae - Archae-Nym - Elf Shadow Wizard Arcane Caster.
Sir Long Ears - Narekk Wyrmtongue - Tiefling (Hungerseed) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) Melee/Divine Caster.
pippinTook - Mao Phan - Vishkanya Brawler Melee.
Daniel Stewart - Xundus Yril'Lysaen - Drow Magus (Bladebound) Melee/Arcane Caster.
DM Mooshybooshy - Felstad - Human(?) Oracle of Apocalypse Divine Caster/Support.
mourge40k - Myzaraphiston Synderfell - Half-Drow Witch Divine Caster?
HotLanta - Sinde'sithuan - Vishkanya Bard (Archaelogist) Archer/Rogue/Support.
Death of a God Campaign:
Reggie Two-Fist - Human Brawler Melee.
Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre - Kuzu Koryo - Kitsune Rogue (Kitsune Trickster) Rogue.
Threeshades - Jamira Sunblade - Ifrit Fighter (Lore Warden) (Martial Master) Melee/Library.
Thecooldudenextdoor - Unnamed Dwarf Wizard (Divination) Support/Library/Face.
I only included those submissions that are noticeably complete. I tried my best with role descriptions, I apologize if I missed anyone or failed to do your intended role justice.

HotLanta |

Thanks, HotLanta that helps a lot.
I thought there were more people applying for Death of a God.
Sure thing. I'm hoping it will help the GM enough to maybe expedite what seems like an otherwise slow recruitment.
There definitely was more interest in Death of a God, but most of the (semi)complete submissions are for the Underdark campaign.
Here's the completed crunch & backstory for Sindie. As indicated, this story has her starting in the Underdark. I have another backstory with her starting in Qadira, if the campaign begins on the surface. I must say Pathfinder's "Darklands" pales in comparison to D&D's culturally expansive Underdark, particularly where the Drow are concerned. Le Sigh.
I tried to tie her into your story, Daniel Stewart; as you can see I have her starting in the same city. There's obvious difficulties there, but I did include a hook in Sindie's backstory for anyone looking to start in the underdark that would like to have a connected backstory (Drow or otherwise). If you're looking to make an escape from the city, or something similar, she's the perfect ally (unlike a Drow Escape Artist, the only thing Sinde'Sithuan would get from turning in a potential accomplice is the axe or the lash). Otherwise, feel free to create whatever tie-ins you like.
Female Vishkanya Bard (Archaeologist) 1
NE Medium Humanoid (Vishkanya)
Initiative: +4; Senses: Low-Light Vision; Perception +6
AC 17; Touch 14; Flat-Footed 13; (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
CMD 14
HP 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2 (+1 vs Poison)
Speed 30ft
Melee Kukri +2 (1d4+2; 18-20)
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6; x3)
Special Attacks Toxic (Swift action, 2/day; apply Vishkanya Venom; DC 13 Fort)
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st (2/day)-Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat
0 (at will)-Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Mending
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 16
Base Attack Bonus +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Sleep Venom
Traits Fate's Favored, Vagabond Child
Skills Diplomacy +7; Disable Device +8; Escape Artist +9; Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6; Knowledge (History) +6; Perception +6; Perform (Dance) +7; Profession (Courtesan) +4; Stealth +9; AC Penalty -1; Racial Modifiers +2 Escape Artist; +2 Perception; +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Undercommon, Vishkanya
SQ Poison Use, Toxic
Special Abilities
Toxic A number of times per day equal to Con mod; apply poisonous bodily fluid to weapon as swift action.
Sleep Venom Swift action; change venom effect to: initial effect staggered for 1d4 rounds; secondary effect unconsciousness for 1 minute.
Archaeologist’s Luck 8 rounds/day; swift action; call on fortune’s favor, giving +1 luck bonus to attacks, saves, skill checks & damage; free action to maintain.
Hide Shirt
Shortbow (20 arrows)
Born in these slums, the serpentine woman has made a life using her natural talents for stealth, charm, and subtlety to evade the wrath of those stronger than her, while taking what she can from those weaker and less observant. The mundane arms and armor she’s acquired are a vast treasure to the unfortunate souls of the slum district, and her continued “freedom” among society's lowest caste make her well-sought by those denizens in need of the escape artist’s skills.
Sinde’Sithuan herself has taken an interest in the ancient histories of Golarion’s early civilizations, particularly the once-powerful Serpentfolk, whom she sees as distant kin. She scrounges what knowledge she can about these long-dead societies, and desires to seek out any remaining relics left behind by their cultures, in the hopes of learning more of their ancient wisdom and vast power.
With a life envied by many of her slave-race neighbors, yet valued less by their Drow masters than the subterranean fungi they eat, Sinde’Sithuan balances each day on the edge of a razor. Dealing with the slums' residents is a constant battle for survival, and she grows tired of evading the Drow's regular raids, where more slaves are killed than captured to restock the Noble Houses’ pens. The amateur archaeologist knows it won’t be long before her skillful maneuvers and magical luck are not enough to keep her alive in her dirty little corner of the deadly Underdark.

Moongrave |

I'd like to throw in a Ranger, if i may. He'd fit either campaign, but i like the sounds of the underdark one personally :)
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 4) = 1715
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 1) = 1312
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 3) = 1311
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 4) = 1211
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 1) = 87
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 6) = 1311
and the second
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 1, 5) = 1412
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 2) = 1614
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 6) = 1413
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5, 2) = 1412
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 4) = 1513
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 4) = 1312
wealth: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 4, 5) = 19*10 = 190
I'll go with a 20 point buy, unless i'm allowed a free reroll on the first set (What's the GM ruling on this?). Should have an alias ready to go in 24 hours. Thanks for the opportunity to apply GM TPK!

Reggie Two-Fist |

I could technically fit either. Svifnerblin led to the fall of the noble household Mao served, but her faith in Calistria is all she has left and she'd fight to the death to maintain that.
personally, I think Mao would do best in the underdark game to avoid the possible double up of brawlers in the death of a god game. increase the chances of selection for each.
of course Reggie will be multi classing into barbarian later on

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Mao Phan wrote:I could technically fit either. Svifnerblin led to the fall of the noble household Mao served, but her faith in Calistria is all she has left and she'd fight to the death to maintain that.personally, I think Mao would do best in the underdark game to avoid the possible double up of brawlers in the death of a god game. increase the chances of selection for each.
of course Reggie will be multi classing into barbarian later on
Well, they're both brawlers, but reggie's got that whole cool pirate bad girl thing going whereas Ma is more sexy geisha assassin, so really not the same. I think they could end up complimenting each other and being a nice one-two punch, if you'll pardon the pun :=)

Reggie Two-Fist |

Reggie Two-Fist wrote:Well, they're both brawlers, but reggie's got that whole cool pirate bad girl thing going whereas Ma is more sexy geisha assassin, so really not the same. I think they could end up complimenting each other and being a nice one-two punch, if you'll pardon the pun :=)Mao Phan wrote:I could technically fit either. Svifnerblin led to the fall of the noble household Mao served, but her faith in Calistria is all she has left and she'd fight to the death to maintain that.personally, I think Mao would do best in the underdark game to avoid the possible double up of brawlers in the death of a god game. increase the chances of selection for each.
of course Reggie will be multi classing into barbarian later on
that sounds cool as well, I just want maximize both our chances of getting selected.
for Reggie I modeled her as a mix of:
Anne Bonny from the show Black Sails
Revy from Black Lagoon - replace the guns with fists

Kuzu Koryo aka Autumn Spectre |

Mao Phan wrote:Reggie Two-Fist wrote:Well, they're both brawlers, but reggie's got that whole cool pirate bad girl thing going whereas Ma is more sexy geisha assassin, so really not the same. I think they could end up complimenting each other and being a nice one-two punch, if you'll pardon the pun :=)Mao Phan wrote:I could technically fit either. Svifnerblin led to the fall of the noble household Mao served, but her faith in Calistria is all she has left and she'd fight to the death to maintain that.personally, I think Mao would do best in the underdark game to avoid the possible double up of brawlers in the death of a god game. increase the chances of selection for each.
of course Reggie will be multi classing into barbarian later on
that sounds cool as well, I just want maximize both our chances of getting selected.
for Reggie I modeled her as a mix of:
Anne Bonny from the show Black Sails
Revy from Black Lagoon - replace the guns with fists
I think you and me are gonna get along just fine.

Sinde'Sithuan |

personally, I think Mao would do best in the underdark game to avoid the possible double up of brawlers in the death of a god game. increase the chances of selection for each.
I was going to put my submission under Death of a God, as I would like to play either, and it would even the submissions out more, but it wouldn't be fair to switch last minute after tallying up each campaign's submissions, and I didn't want to conflict with Kuzu.
Kitsune Trickster gives up trapfinding/trapsense for Int mod to certain skills & spell-like abilities. Archaeologist narrows bardic performance to a personal luck bonus and trades it's own increased skill utility for trapfinding/trapsense.
Edit: That's why I went Archaeologist instead of the Vishkanya Rogue racial archetype Deadly Courtesan, which trades trapfinding for some bardic performance. Actually very similar, & still rogue-like, just flavored differently.
With that, and the strange similarities between the equally charismatic, nimble, and similarly animalistic Kitsune & Vishkanya (they're myths from different cultures translated into similar Pathfinder mechanics with different flavors), Suzu & Sinde would probably make a really good pair. Damn.. they've even got that alliteration.
Still, I've got a hankering for an Underdark campaign now, first & foremost. I think most folks said they would go for either campaign, but GM TPK did ask for a vote, or preference, with each submission.
For the record, Myza here is a arcane caster, and could fit into either. However, I am still waiting for actual story bits from TPK before I write up her backstory. However, now is the time to determine gold for her.
My bad. I see you're geared up with plenty Knowledge as well. I feel you on wanting a bit more of a setting to build a believable backstory into. Xundus' & Sinde's backstories put them in the same Drow city, if you wanted to build a story starting there as well.
Generally speaking, as a Half-Drow, Myza would sit fairly low in their gender/race caste system, even if she were born into a noble family. Females are above males in all races, but Drow of any kind are above all else. In that regard, Myza could feasibly have ties to Xundus and/or Sinde, and would actually serve as a good bridge between the two otherwise disparate social realms, if you wanted to go that route.
The more of us chosen in the same starting location the easier it'll be for GM TPK to make his hook. Just sayin' ;)

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Yes,I ask for a preference so I can see who built their character for each campaign specifically. Without it it makes it more complicated to select
Curses! Thwarted by specificity!
Well, since I'm laying out my backstory to overlap two fellow entries which are from the "threat to the gods" idea, I suppose I'm in that group. (Otherwise, Mao can't overlap said characters)
Sinde'Sithuan |

Sinde is much inspired by the Dornish Prince Oberyn's bastard daughters, the Sand Snakes, from GRR Martin's Song of Ice & Fire.
If Sinde'Sithuan had a bite attack, she could swift action apply poison with her saliva, and literally stagger you with a kiss.
I swapped Diplomacy to Intimidate; changed Profession (courtesan) to Craft (traps), & Perform (dance) to Perform (oratory) to better fit Sinde's slum-tastic Underdark origins & archaeological interests.
GM TPK; might it be possible, given Sinde's origins in the Underdark, to swap her Weapon Familiarity racial trait (blowgun, kukri, shuriken) for Darkvision 60ft? They're both 2 RP in Pathfinder's race point system (I had planned on her using the kukri as her backup melee weapon, and likely would've picked up some shurikens).
@Myza, I would advise coming up with something of a backstory without too much delay, as GM TPK said that would be part of the deciding factor, and has given something of a deadline now without the details you're waiting for.

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@ Sinde: I suppose you arrived in the city with the "swell" of new comers after the battle with Ust Natha? Xundus might have met you while enduring his training among the "slave troops". I envision him commanding a troop of orcs who sweep the slums for trouble makers and undesirables. Perhaps he helped you out of a jam, and have cultivated your friendship as a possible ally when he decides to escape his family. What do you think?

Sinde'Sithuan |

@ Sinde: I suppose you arrived in the city with the "swell" of new comers after the battle with Ust Natha? Xundus might have met you while enduring his training among the "slave troops". I envision him commanding a troop of orcs who sweep the slums for trouble makers and undesirables. Perhaps he helped you out of a jam, and have cultivated your friendship as a possible ally when he decides to escape his family. What do you think?
That's what I was thinking. I'm not sure about all the timelines, but since the whole thing started almost a century ago, it's likely Sinde's parents or grandparents were the ones that came in originally with the flood of new residents. Sinde herself is not much over 20 years old, if that. But I like the run-in while Xundus is on patrol. Say she was on the run from some hobgoblins or something & she ran into Xundus & his orcs, who helped her out after seeing that she could make a useful contact for the future.
EDIT: You should put some more indentation in your backstory, Daniel. It'd make it a lot easier to read :)

Arrack Stormbreaker |

Here is my barbarian, I made his background fairly ok to work with either campaign,
on a side note, I would like to ask if instead of "buying" new weapons, if my barbarian could just have his sword slowly regain its old power. (spending money according to what I gain ofc. in otherwords, mechanically functions just like purchasing magic weapons, but fluff wise its the same sword.)