Full Name |
Mao Phan |
Race |
Init +3, Perception -1, 30 ft mvmt |
Classes/Levels |
Gender |
Vishkanya Rakshasa-Blooded Sorceress 1; HP 9/10; 13 AC, 13 touch, 10 flat; 11 CMD; Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1 |
Strength |
7 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
8 |
Charisma |
20 |
About Mao Phan
Mao Phan
Rakshasa-Blooded Sorceress
Init: +3
Senses: Perception -1
(+4 if using mage armor), +3 dex
AC 13 (17 w/mage armor), touch 13, flat-footed 10 (14 w/mage armor)
hp 7
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Ranged: Blowgun
Str 7 (-2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 20 (+5)
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Spells: Cantrips-acid splash (1d3), disrupt undead (1d6), light, daze (DC 16)
1st Level (4/day) charm person (DC 17), color spray (DC 16)
Feats: Spell focus (enchantment)
Traits: Princess (+1 to intimidate and diplomacy and diplomacy is a class skill), Gifted adept (charm person)
Skills: Bluff +9, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Use Magic Device +9
Languages: Common
SQ: Silver tongue (+5 to bluff 8/day ), disguise added to class skills, Vishkanya Poison (1/day, Fort save DC 12, 1d2 Dex damage, cure 1 save)
Combat Gear: travelers outfit, blowgun, 2 scrolls of mage armor, bandolier, 5 days of trail rations (15gp)
Appearance: Mao is a very dainty and slender young woman. Her Tian heritage shines through in her dark hair and eyes and her tan complexion. She is considered an exotic beauty and knows how to use that to her advantage. At times, she comes across as a strong presence who can take charge, but at other times, she seems like a helpless princess in need of rescue.
Backstory: Mao comes from the nation of Jinin which lies on the continent of Tian Xia. Mao was born into a special role. The Xian-Xu family were lords of the land: a blossoming dynasty. One of the ways they maintained their power was through their special group of assassins. These were "poison ladies" known as vishkanya who armed themselves with fighting fans made more deadly by the application of the poison which ran through their bodies and enchantment-focused magic which they believed came from their goddess. The vishkanya were worshippers of Calistria and truly took to heart her desire to use pleasure for gain.
Mao spent her childhood being trained in the ways of the arcane, of subtle combat, and if need be, how to kill. As she got older, her training came to include the arts of seduction. A man thinking only through his baser desires was a far easier target.
Just as Mao was reaching the age when she'd be put into service, the attack came. The walls of the Xian-Xu estate were well guarded. No one expected an attack from below.
An opposing house, the Fha-Hou, had enlisted the help of svirfneblins. These nasty dwarves of the Underdark had tunneled their way under the Xian-Xu estate and attacked in the dark of night where they were at an advantage being used to the blackness of the Underdark.
The noble family was murdered outright. Those guards who didn't flee were wiped out by the dark dwarves and the attacking guards of the Fha-Hou who joined the fray once the svifnerblin had caused utter chaos within. The vishkanya were cornered within the house and forced to fight for their lives. Mao, as the youngest of their number, was at the back of the group. Therefore, she saw her family fall before her. She and her mother were the last two standing. That is, until her mother pushed her out the window. She took damage from the fall, but it's the only thing that saved her life.
Without a roof over her head or a family to call her own, Mao fled.
Using the wiles she'd learned, she got passage to Golorian on the arm of a wealthy merchant. After arriving, she made her own way.
Work as an informant or courtesan was always available, but what she needed was a steady position. By chance, she encountered a fellow Tian who was the barkeep in a tavern. This woman, Kuzu, was able to help Mao get a position as serving wench. This opened up other profitable scenarios as an information gatherer, and for those who could afford it, an exotic courtesan. It was in her role as courtesan that the softness of her heart was able to shine through.
Outside of the tavern, one can often find a local who loudly prophesies doom and gloom. Most consider him a joke: a deluded, but harmless fellow. Mao's "employer" that night decided to show off his alleged manliness by mocking and abusing the poor old fellow. Mao reached into her arcane skills, dazed the abusive fellow, and was standing holding his own knife to his throat when he came to. "Our business here is finished," she told him. Most nights that she worked were less eventful than that.
Through it all, she maintained her faith in Calistria. With her family and the noble household gone, her faith was all she had left. Of course, that's as long as nothing threatened Calistira...