Abandoned first by her ifrit father and later by her human mother for her heritage, Jamira spent the early years of her childhood as part of a gang of street urchins in the streets of Katapesh. Not particularly talented in pickpocketing or stealth she honed her athleticism to make up for the inevitability of being spotted stealing food from the market stands and run away under tables and over roofs. With her strength and speed she was also relied upon by her fellow gang members to fight if cornered.
At the age of about 14 the gang set their sights on a trader from the north, clearly new to the city, they reasoned that he wouldn't be prepared for the thieves of the city. The heist however went wrong, while most of the children managed to flee, but Jamira was cornered by the trader's guards.
Underestimating the young girl's strength one of the guards allowed her to wrestle a bastard sword from his hands and fire flowing from within her into the blade bringing it to a bright orange glow she proceeded to use her speed to strike down him and two more guards before she herself was cut down.
The blow wasn't fatal and she found herself waking up in the care of the local temple of Sarenrae. Apparently the merchant had taken pity on her being only a child and left her on the temple's doorstep.
The preists adopted Jamira into the temple and offered her redemption from her life of thievery and the killing of the merchant's bodyguards. She never found out how many of them actually succumbed to their wounds and how many survived.
Jamira pledged her life to Sarenrae and the temple's service. The priests saw the girl's fiery heritage as a sign from their goddess that she is worth nurturing into a servant of the faith. Hoewever Jamira's mind lacked the concentration or the force of personality to take receive the divine aid a cleric could access or the power a paladin wields. Instead with her physical prowess she was trained to become a temple guard, while allowing her to study the temple's library to learn more about her new faith and the world at large. Between combat training Jamira curiously absorbed as much knowledge as she could about anything she could find.
As she grew up she served the temple well though her weapon of choice was unusual, with her previous experience with a for her then size oversized straight sword, she preferred swords of similar shape and proportion. But as the girl grew older she became more and more restless. The priests understood that it was her elmental blood calling for her to move on and if she wouldn't heed the call she might flicker out and die. So they gave her a final task to go her own way and carry the faith's flame wherever she would go.
After spending her next few years wandering the Inner Sea as an adventurer, Jamira received a message from the Temple in Katapesh, that something was about to awake the rough beast. For Jamira the course was clear, she would walk in the footsteps of the Dawnflower herself and banish the beast and its followers back to oblivion...