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Ted tries to bolster the shields' resolve.
Divert energy: 1d20 + 20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 20 + 10 = 33
Using one of the +10s; DC is 10 + 1.5 * 20 = 40; Would've restored 950*.05=47 shield points
You can divert auxiliary power into one of your starship’s systems, giving it a boost. This requires a successful Engineering check (DC = 10 + 1–1/2 × your starship’s tier), and the results depend on where you decide to send this extra power. If you send it to the engines, your starship’s speed increases by 2 this round. If you send it to the science equipment, all science officers receive a +2 bonus to their crew actions this round. If you send it to the starship’s weapons, treat each damage die that rolls a 1 this round as having rolled a 2 instead. If you send it to the shields, restore an amount of Shield Points equal to 5% of the PCU rating of the Starship’s power core, up to the shields’ maximum value. Evenly distribute the restored Shield Points to all four quadrants (putting any excess Shield Points in the forward quadrant).

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With his allies taking out one of the ships and Ted boosting the shields, Spectre presses a few buttons to expertly balance the four quadrants.
"They will likely be unable to breach our shields before we destroy them both," he says analytically.
computers: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (20) + 27 = 47

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TWO of the ships, Spectre, there's only one left! ;)
Arcalinte turns the turret towards the remaining destroyer and opens fire!
Fire At Will (Gravity Cannon): 1d20 + 17 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 17 - 4 = 192d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8
Fire At Will (Negative-Energy Cannon): 1d20 + 17 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 17 - 4 = 245d8 ⇒ (1, 1, 7, 7, 8) = 24

GM Cellion |

Isu's got a chance here to end this, so I'll keep us in suspense :)

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"She's in our front quadrant, Sir Kent! Good steering! Here's the kill shot!"
with a computer point: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 399d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 1, 5) = 43
430 damage

GM Cellion |

Your ponderous turning radius is just tight enough under Jelico's expert guidance. The ship's main cannon points at the final remaining destroyer. Ted works with the unfamiliar systems, trying to get power where its most needed - the whole thing fights him when he tries to do anything other than supplement the weapons. Meanwhile Spec balances the shields out to provide a better layer of protection.
Arc fires. Ripples of gravitic and negative energy fly across the void, but both skim past the enemy destroyer without impact. The same isn't true for Isu. The Empire of Bones main plasma cannon charges up and upon Isu's command, blasts out in a devastating beam. Where it impacts the final destroyer, the ship bursts into light. By the time the beam ebbs, there's nothing but debris left!
Starship Combat Over!
With the main flagships of the Corpse Fleet shattered or stolen, the remaining ships start to scatter, charging up their Drift Engines to flee. Those smaller ships engaged with the Stellar Degenerator on the other hand are committed. They continue their fight, either not noticing that their leaders have been destroyed, or simply not having the free will to change their course of action.
On the Empire of Bones, you see from dozens of alerts on the main viewscreen that the ship's highest ranking remaining officers are massing to retake the bridge. Hundreds of soldiers and crew members are making their way up, though you have several minutes at least before they're organized enough to strike.
So you have a few big problems remaining: What to do with the Stellar Degenerator. What to do with the Empire of Bones. And what's your plan to get out of here.

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"Time to ram the degenerator?" Ted asks. He reviews the systems to see if there is a way to turn on and lock the self-destruct mechanism of the ship.
engineering: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21
computers: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (14) + 26 = 40

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Piloting: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (15) + 25 = 40
To see about setting the auto-pilot
"I'm pretty sure I can lock the auto pilot into a collision course. But would we have time to make it back to the Maiden?"

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Arcalinte nods, a grim expression on his face.
"We don't have any choice. Whether we survive or not, we HAVE to make sure the Stellar Degenerator is destroyed. We'll just have to do our best to escape and make peace with the fact that the Cycle may be about to turn for us."
Out of curiousity, are there windows on the bridge?

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Spectre runs some calculations, trying to determine odds of success.
"I will also attempt to disable the mechanism for entry to the bridge, should we decide that is necessary."
computers: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (6) + 22 = 28 engineering to determine if colliding with the stellar degenerator would destroy both it and the empire of bones
computers: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (15) + 27 = 42 to see if I could disable entry to the bridge

GM Cellion |

No windows, but there are screens showing any view you might like, including the immediate outside of the ship.
With full access to the ship's systems, Ted has little difficulty finding and readying the self-destruct system. However, he doesn't see any way to properly lock it in so that it can't be disabled. In fact, the system has been purpose built to make it easy to disable the self-destruct in case of inadvertent activation. The best he can do is set it and make it difficult to access main bridge terminal - the only location on the ship where the self-destruct function is accessible.
Meanwhile, Jelico quickly plots a direct course for the Stellar Degenerator and pushes the thrusters to maximum to build as much momentum as possible. Its a straight line to the target and it'll take several minutes at least to get there. Although the ship doesn't have an auto-pilot, the piloting crew will continue executing that order until told otherwise.
Spec, substituting your +20 to Physical Science on that first roll: Spec knows that the Stellar Degenerator is made with advanced ancient kishalee technology, and that means its defenses are quite powerful. At the same time, its incredibly slow and definitely unable to dodge a capital ship accelerating toward it. The impact will certainly destroy the Empire of Bones, and should provide tremendous kinetic damage to the Stellar Degenerator, especially if the Empire of Bones self-destructs upon impact. Given that such an attack would easily destroy Absalom Station, it should do the same against the Degenerator, but nothing is entirely certain with ancient technology.
Spec also re-enables the locks to the doors to the bridge. It'll take an extraordinarily competent hacker or some special override to get in. However, with the doors locked, you notice that the only ways out of the bridge are to the fore of the ship. A quick inspection of this area reveals an enclosed space not connected to the rest of the ship that appears to be something of a panic room - with additional armaments, supplies, and several narrow corridors leading to a dozen tiny escape pods.
The escape pods appear to be functional, but taking them would mean abandoning the bridge, and there's a slight chance the Corpse Fleet crew will have some means to regain control of the ship in time. Additionally, taking the pods here would mean abandoning the Maiden, which you'd need to return through the ship to reach.

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Isu goes to the elevators where they first arrived on the bridge level and looks for ways to disable them; or, more in his abilities, a way to barricade them with large objects.

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"Can we cybernetically command the crew to harakiri?"
Ted thinks some more as his top swirls nervously above his head.
"What happened to our operative friend?"

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"She bailed after she gave us that opening on the trams, much like how she left us on the Drift Rock."
Arcalinte's eyes light up when they find the escape pods.
"It seems our course is clear: do everything we can to stymie the enemy getting to the bridge so we at least guarantee a crash, take the escape pods and signal the Sunrise Maiden for pickup."

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Spectre conducts his analysis of various options and their chance of success.
"I calculate Arcalinte's proposal to have the highest chance of success. Which is still low."

GM Cellion |

Sounds like a plan! Isu, you came up to this floor via the grav train network, which now lies on the other side of the doors Spec locked. It's also several minutes away.
Ted investigates after making his suggestion, and finds that a 'kill switch' does exist within the main control console. Upon hitting it, the cybernetic zombie units throughout the ship will abruptly disconnect from the network, likely frying many of them in the process. Once that's done, there'll be no easy way to control the ship's various systems. The more free-willed undead will not however be affected by such an action.
You look at the various viewscreens and see dozens of soldiers as well as half a dozen baykoks and elebrian officers leaving the station on the Command deck. You have five, maybe six minutes until they arrive. And maybe fifteen before impact. How close do you want to cut it?

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"Jellico, get this thing going full-speed-ahead, then call the Maiden. Ted, once we're moving, pull the plug on the zombies. Spectre, make for the escape pods and prime them for launch. Isu and I will cover the retreat. Go!" Arcalinte says.

GM Cellion |
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I'll take that as leaving right away.
Trusting that your various acts of sabotage will be enough to keep the ship aimed at the Stellar Degenerator, you finish pulling the plug on the cybernetic zombies and rush for the escape pods. The zombies lining the perimeter of the room immediately fall slack in their seat. From the black scorches growing from their implants, they probably won't be getting up any time soon.
The escape pods turn out to be quite luxurious, elegantly decorated, safe, and quite roomy. Spec engages them and you find yourselves fired free from the Empire of Bones at half a dozen g's. The extreme force of your acceleration from the craft sends black swimming across your vision for several seconds before you escape the launch shaft and emerge into open space. Your capsules tumble slowly, affording you a view of the open Gate of Twelve Suns and the enormous weapon half-emerged from its confines.
While you speed away from the scene, you see that the flagship remains perfectly on course as the minutes pass. Several smaller Corpse Fleet ships make a desperate effort to cause enough damage to the side of the Empire of Bones to knock it off coruse. Yet, despite their efforts, the flagship enters the portal and collides with the much larger Stellar Degenerator. For a split second, it appears nothing will happen. Then the ultranought deforms in shape, with rays of black and red energy shooting out of it. The Stellar Degenerator cracks at the point of impact, and then explodes in a prismatic fireball of incandescent plasma. The shock wave of the explosion warps the space around the portal, and then the demiplane tears itself apart, destroying its contents. Those Corpse Fleet ships close to the portal are ripped to pieces as ripples in reality emanate from the catastrophe. Those ships from the armada that survive flee into the Drift over the next few minutes.
The ripples emanate outward, but they're weak enough by the time they reach you that you're only struck by intense nausea as your molecules wiggle uncomfortably far apart from one another before settling again. A few minutes later, the Sunrise Maiden arrives via auto pilot, shining in the light of the ongoing explosion.

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"This one... is going to be sick...this one's molecules are ripping apart..." Isu proves he is very much in tune with his internal physiology.
"Let's go." He retches a few times as he changes the battery on his jet pack, and opens the pod door to fly to the Maiden, pulling along any who want a ride.

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"Wake up, Sir Kent, it is HERE already. We are sitting IN the escape pods. C'mon, lets go!"

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"Easy, Isu...I think we're all a little hazy from the combination of adrenaline, reality-sickness and sheer awe at both the destruction we just witnessed and the disbelief that we're somehow still alive in spite of it!" Arcalinte replies, his tone joyful and yet so very, very tired.

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Spectre turns to Ted and responds.
"I think that being heroes will result in tremendous riches once we get home," Spectre says.
"Let us hail the Pact Fleet and report our success, that they might collaborate our story."

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Once the Sunrise Maiden is close enough, Arcalinte exits the escape pod and activates his jetpack to get to the airlock. He follows Isu and the others aboard and makes his way to the cockpit, slumping down into the captain's chair and waiting for the others to join him before opening a comm channel.
"Sunrise Maiden to Pact Fleet...come in Pact Fleet...we made it."

GM Cellion |
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Back on the Sunrise Maiden, there's a long delay after Arc sends his message out. For a moment it looks like there might not be anyone left in the remains of the Pact Fleet to respond, but then your main screen on the bridge flickers to an image of hazy static. The picture coheres and amid the noise you see a familiar face - Chiskisk! The shirren looks badly beaten up, and the corridor behind them looks in even worse shape, with open wiring sparking, smoke filling the air, and lights flickering. The Starfinder captain wiggles their antennae at you. "You... you did it! The Empire of Bones and the Stellar Degenerator, both destroyed! And I can't imagine how it could have happened in more spectacular fashion." They wince as their wounds throb "Though I would not have minded it happening a little earlier."
"We have you to thank for our lives, no, the lives of everyone in the Pact Worlds! An ancient weapon destroyed. The Corpse Fleet beaten back soundly. I'd say you've earned yourselves some R&R." They wave smoke out of their face "We'll get this all fixed in no time, so come join us. Everyone is going to want to meet their heroes."
"And I think..." They gaze off in the distance, tension finally ebbing for themselves as well "It's time to go home."
And with that, after 4 years, 3 months, and 18 days of PbP, Book 6 of Dead Suns is Complete! Congrats all on this incredible run!
I have a bit of an epilogue in mind, but in the mean time feel free to RP/discuss what comes next for the saviors of the Pact Worlds!
Absolutely don't mind this roll, I'm sure this isn't important: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Nor this one: 1d6 ⇒ 4

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Isu flops down onto his bunk in the Sunrise Maiden. What a long strange trip it has been, but he was grateful to have been able to serve as a protector and see all of his friends survive. This time. What lies ahead could be so much worse. At least for now, everything is okay.
After a long nap, Isu wakes to find the Sunrise Maiden in the Drift, headed back to Absalom Station. He staggers out to the bridge to find his friends.
"So... back to Absalom Station." He smiles. "Who wants some pizza?"

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Jellico spends a few hours back on the Maiden, essentially lost in thought. He can pilot the Maiden back to Absalom Station more or less on instinct which leaves his mind time to wander.
It's over. Null-9 is finished. My vow is complete. Thank you Desna for allowing me to see it through and avenge my friends.
He's drawn out of is thoughts by Isu's question. "You know, I think pizza sounds amazing."

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Isu smiles. "Great. Spectre was telling me of this place run by halflings. This one thinks you will like it there, Sir Kent. Charge your weapon batteries. Just in case."

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Spectre seems content that they have survived the nearly-impossible operation.
"When we are back home, there will be continued need to acquire more resources and credits. If any of you would like to assist me in future endeavors, I have a number of contacts that will help us. Any of you are welcome to assist me. You have proven yourselves capable companions. I have had to adjust my odds of success based on your improbable capabilities."

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Arcalinte smiles warmly at Chiskisk's words. Home...that word felt more important to him than ever now...and yet it meant so many different things: Akiton, Absalom Station, the Cosmonastery, the Lorespire, and the Sunrise Maiden itself...all of these things were home to him in one way or another. And all of them would live to see a new dawn now.
When Isu asks about pizza, Arcalinte gives him a long, stern look...before his expression cracks into a smile and he chuckles.
"Never gonna let that one go, are you Isu?" he says. Then he nods at Spectre's words.
"I'll see what I can do, Spectre. I don't know, though...there's gonna be a lot to do even once we get there; everyone's going to want reports on what we saw, what we learned, planning expeditions back to Ukulam and Istamak. The Society, the Empty Orbit, Qabarat U...Sun and Fury, it's only now I'm realizing how thin I'm spreading myself...Sola, Starfinder, Sarenite and Student."

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96 hours after returning to Absalom Station, Isu stares at the bars of a police cell, arrested after smashing up an innocent mom and pop halfling pizza joint.
"Huh. Spectre was wrong." he says in no one in particular.
"Hey. Hey Kasatha." A cop walks up to the cell. "Bond was posted by a droid obsessed with money. He says you owe him 100,000 credits now."
And that is how Isu finds himself as a indentured servant to Spectre, who soon grows into one of the biggest crime lords on Absalom.

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The first thing Spectre did after arriving on Absalom Station was retrieve the secret smuggling accounts of his former deceased master.
After springing Isu from jail, Spectre obtains state-of-the art code-breaking and computer-slicing equipment, and also springs for some upgraded equipment and armor for Isu.
Spectre specializes in obtaining launch codes and black-market weapons schematics--Isu helps Spectre turn a profit in ways that don't imperil the galaxy.
With Spectre as the brains and Isu the brawn, the two make a fortune. Eventually becoming bored, Isu teaches Spectre various card games, and the two earn additional fortunes neither could ever spend scamming would-be card sharks.
"I think you will find the odds are somewhat in our favor. Now, will you be raising, or not?"

GM Cellion |
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Lol! I'll roll with it.
The arrival of the Pact Worlds fleet back at Absalom Station is both triumphant and somber. Many ships, and lives, had been lost in the battle with the Corpse Fleet. At the same time, the people that remain would be able to return back to their families - the threat of system-wide annihilation averted, at least for the time being.
Before disembarking, Chiskisk asks you how you would like to be treated going forward. Although most of the fleet knew that a special group of operatives had taken over the Empire of Bones and ensured the destruction of the Stellar Degenerator, only a few of the survivors know your individual identities. Chiskisk confides "You may not appreciate it right now, but being a big hero can mean a lot of trouble. Media attention, expectations on your shoulders, enemies... You won't be able to go back to just being unknown Starfinders. I leave that decision to each of you individually. The few who know can keep your secret, or we can celebrate you for your accomplishments out in the open." Chiskisk nods, their antennae quivering. "Either way, that doesn't change the facts. You saved all of us back there, and you're true heroes for doing so, even if you may not feel that you aspired to be one."
Whatever your decision, in the coming days, Chiskisk ensures that a generous reward of credits, gathered from the governments of the Pact Worlds, finds its way to you. Large enough that you can live comfortably for the rest of your lives... but also large enough to spring someone from jail if need be. With a fortune in credits, the potential of fame, and the wealth of skills you've gained over the last months, the doors are now open - and it's up to you how to take the next step. Be that building the criminal empire of your dreams, or simply following the trail back to see the people and places you positively impacted along your adventure.
With your heads full of the possibilities of the future, no one in particular notices when a certain command key quietly goes missing. After all, a key for controlling an utterly destroyed starship was nothing more than a memento. Perhaps several days later when you are looking over your things, you simply see it is no longer there. Had it been pick-pocketed? Left aboard the Empire of Bones in your rush to escape? Or something else...

GM Cellion |
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In a dark, damp alleyway deep within Absalom Station's Pipetown, an undead elebrian in a long coat heads back to his safe house. He has just booked secret passage back to Eox, to be shipped along with a variety of other goods on an ordinary freight liner. An ignoble method of transport for one as elevated as himself, but it was an unpleasant necessity to bypass the Station's immigration checks.
The fires in his eyes spark and writhe. All his plans. The ambitions of his people. His Fleet! All brought to nothing through the actions of a few breathers. They would all pay. And their descendents. And all those who gave them aid. The Fleet would rise again, to greater heights. And finally bring ruin upon those who dared to oppose the natural order.
His burning anger leaves him blind to the well-dressed figure that emerges from the corner up ahead. Another undead elebrian, this one far calmer. The newcomer speaks up.
"Serovox old friend. You have fallen far to be found scurrying about with the other rats."
"Nor." Serovox halts, glancing up and down the alleyway.
"I'm afraid you picked the losing side this time. Even we have our honor, and you make a mockery of us by not submitting to the true death you've earned." Nor is calm, conversational as he gestures sharply with his fingers. A dozen other undead emerge from the shadows ahead and behind Serovox, all of them carrying powerful liquidator rifles.
"And you make a mockery of us by allying with the breathers!" Serovox's voice is tense, furious.
"You cling to the past too strongly, my friend. There is no need for ourselves and the breathers to be at odds. In fact, it is better this way. Now, they even volunteer, offer their flesh to us, in exchange for a minor glimpse of true unlife." Nor draws a pistol from his jacket. "Your unsubtle methods belong in the past. To be lost along with old Golarion."
Nor takes aim. Serovox's eyes flare, but he has nowhere to run.
The flash of weapons fire that follows is short, but complete. Serovox's bones are reduced to molecular sludge and his few meager belongings fall to the ground.
Nor slowly stows the pistol before speaking up "Grix, if you would, please search his belongings. There should be an electroencephalon in the shape of a key among them. Take care to destroy it. It would not do to have to repeat this ugly task."
As the shirren steps forward to conduct the search, Nor turns, dismisses his squad of hitmen, and returns to the main street. He ponders the destruction of another of his kind, and the future ahead. A future of existence side-by-side with breathers. Distasteful, perhaps. But a future filled with promise nevertheless.

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Jellico wakes up on the morning of their fourth day back at Absalom Station. He meditates, as he does every morning, but finds his thoughts distracted.
It all seems so empty now that his crew is avenged and his vow fulfilled. The church had given him high honors and a promotion upon making his report, but those seemed just as empty as everything else.
Isu seemed to offer a nice diversion, however. He'd been out with the Kasatha for pizza every night since they got back. He'd left early last night though, finding himself on the edge of drinking too much. Isu was still eating breadsticks when he left.
Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. His datapad goes off with an alert. Picking it up, he sees a report of a drunken Kasatha being taken into custody for an incident at a halfling-owned pizza place.
Jellico tries not to smile, but can't help it. He puts on his cloak of office and takes off for the church.
Might be my last night of pizza for a while, he thinks to himself.

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Isu keeps his identity secret, happy to serve as a quiet bodyguard for Spectre and his odd and often illegal dealings. But Isu continues to write down his adventures in The Birth of Light and Truth that Arcalinte gave him, never quite getting what it really meant to be a follower of Sarenrae... but, he does have fun and adventurous life, not settling down, even when he turns old and grey.
By the end of it all, his book is full of amazing adventures, and there is even a sequel. And maybe that is what Sarenrae would have wanted.
--isu signs off!--

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Before disembarking, Chiskisk asks you how you would like to be treated going forward. Although most of the fleet knew that a special group of operatives had taken over the Empire of Bones and ensured the destruction of the Stellar Degenerator, only a few of the survivors know your individual identities. Chiskisk confides "You may not appreciate it right now, but being a big hero can mean a lot of trouble. Media attention, expectations on your shoulders, enemies... You won't be able to go back to just being unknown Starfinders. I leave that decision to each of you individually. The few who know can keep your secret, or we can celebrate you for your accomplishments out in the open." Chiskisk nods, their antennae quivering. "Either way, that doesn't change the facts. You saved all of us back there, and you're true heroes for doing so, even if you may not feel that you aspired to be one."
Arcalinte thinks long and hard before answering. "If there's a way for me to accept the acknowledgement while still allowing anyone who wishes to maintain their anonymity to do so, I'd like that. My goal, even during all this, has been to illuminate the darkness of this galaxy through knowledge and leadership, and in all honesty, given all the groups I'm a part of, it's going to be hard to keep my involvement in this secret. I mean, I don't think I'll make Venture-Captain for this alone, but I imagine the Starfinders would benefit from having me pose for a few recruitment posters at the very least!"

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Ted hides from his new found fame. He eats out with the group for the first few months before disappearing on his own path. He spends his money researching his top and unlocking its power, but the top's trail of knowledge grows cold.
He takes oddball Starfinder jobs, seeking the thrill of adventure that he misses from assaulting The Empire of Bones and super novaing the Stellar Degenerator. But the jobs never match to his expectations and boredom creeps in.
During his travels, he accidentally thwarts one of Spectre's minor crime jobs. This begins a slow unraveling of clues that lead deep in to the robot's criminal empire.
Ted spends the rest of his days chasing down and trying to destroy Spectre's crime syndicate, always hoping to correct the droid's faulty programming.
"Spec, what are the odds you are in the wrong."

GM Cellion |
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And as a final bit to wrap things up:
Arcalinte thinks long and hard before answering. "If there's a way for me to accept the acknowledgement while still allowing anyone who wishes to maintain their anonymity to do so, I'd like that. My goal, even during all this, has been to illuminate the darkness of this galaxy through knowledge and leadership, and in all honesty, given all the groups I'm a part of, it's going to be hard to keep my involvement in this secret. I mean, I don't think I'll make Venture-Captain for this alone, but I imagine the Starfinders would benefit from having me pose for a few recruitment posters at the very least!"
Chiskisk nods "It seems the rest of your crew will be staying anonymous, so you're going to be our figurehead for this. It'll be a good story to share, that's for sure! We'll be relying on you then." Chiskisk reaches out and shakes Arc's hand.
Several hours later on the first day, as the stories are coming out, the tale of Arcalinte and his mysterious teammates begins to be told in bars, across the infosphere, and on the Lorespire Complex. A Starfinder crew that averted the annihilation of the star.

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Arcalinte hits the metaphorical ground running the moment he steps off the Sunrise Maiden's boarding ramp. In the immediate aftermath of the arrival there's reuniting with friends and family; Sydney, Solaria, Grix, Eekz, Longtail and Ralkawi and all the other Starfinders, his teachers in the Order of the Empty Orbit, now his peers, his new friends and instructors at the Qabarat University, and of course his father the Dean, and even his impoverished cousin still on Akiton.
The following weeks are filled with interviews and meetings as Arcalinte begins making plans for the future (and spending a good hour or two admonishing Isu after his bail is posted for the pizza place incident). He divides his time between Starfinder duties at the Lorespire Complex, recording and organizing the huge amounts of data they'd collected throughout their journey, and newfound responsibilities as a Sola of the Empty Orbit, finding himself transitioning quite smoothly into the role of teacher despite still considering himself a student. Alongside this he manages to finish his degree in Xenoarchaeology and Xenoanthropology from Qabarat U, only able to visit the actual campus on Castrovel rarely, but always treasuring the trips, eventually completing his dissertation on the ancient kishalee society following a return expedition to Istamak and a reunion with Tzayl and the kish. That doctorate is soon followed by promotion in the Starfinders to the rank of venture-captain.
Despite being easily the busiest member of the Sunrise Maiden's crew, even beyond just being their public-facing hero, he makes sure to stay in touch with the rest of them regularly, even as they go their separate ways, trying to act as a beacon to guide and guard them, no mater how distant they Drift, just as Sarenrae had been to him throughout his darkest moments.
"The Dawn Brings New Light," he would often say, "and illuminates a new adventure."