DM Under a Dark Sun |

FEATS (leaving out some things like Power Attack and Improved Initiative that you already have):
Temple guardian: Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes
Silt Elemental: Dodge, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull Rush
Silt cleric: Armor Optimization, Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes, Spell Focus (conjuration), Toughness
Mercenaries: Armor Optimization, Dodge, Iron Will, Power Attack (-2/+4), Weapon Focus (carrikal), Weapon Focus (chatka), Weapon Specialization (carrikal)
Apprentice Necromancer: Combat Casting, Command Undead, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (necromancy), Toughness, Undead Master
The Destroyer: Armor Optimization, Improved Shield Bash, Iron Will, Shield Master, Shield Slam, Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (scimitar), Weapon Specialization (scimitar)
The Viper: Armor Optimization, Crane Style, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (heavy), Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Mobility, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Skill Focus (Stealth), Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (rhoka)
The "Master": Combat Casting, Dodge, Expanded Knowledge (mind control), Fast Step, Iron Will, Psionic Body, Psionic Meditation, Run, Speed of Thought, Toughness

Grit |

Grit levels to level 10.
Hit Points: 1d8 ⇒ 3 [oh, well]
+1 BAB
+1 to Fort and Will
I gain another 4th and 5th level spell.
I gain another wild shape per day
5 skill points
+1 Perception
+2 survival
+2 Sense Motive

Raun |

mmmm, it's that or Improved Bull Rush i think...

Grit |

Bull Rushing is a standard action (right?) so you do that instead of attack. Combat reflexes gets you more attacks.

Raun |

well yeah, but we're going to need to get to Dote to stop his ritual and I'm sure he's going to have plenty of minions in the way...

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Indeed. Just extremely busy this week because of workloads (it's test week). Please DMPC as necessary.
I can't really DMPC you leveling up ;) But thanks for letting me know. We are fast approaching the final showdown, but I can drag things out a bit so we don't end up in combat until next week.

Däina |

I can probably do that real quick.
Are we going to have any access to some spells in civilization? A lot of 5th level spells are very tempting...
Edit: How do you handle teleport? Some DMs allow you to gain a lot of utility from it, but others just let you teleport yourselves instead of having an NPC do it for you, basically just costing you resources.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

You probably won't be heading back into "civilization," but you do have access to the Wanderer, who might let you peak into his spellbooks to add a few choice selections - I'll say you've got time and permission to add a total of six spells (including the normal two at level up). Just run anything that isn't core by me to be sure.
I don't understand your question RE teleport. You've got exactly as much utility as in the spell description. If you want to use it for short jumps, to retreat, etc., that's all fine. The only limitation is that you need some knowledge of where you are going, as in the spell description.
That being said, the Warden/Champion/Seeker can tell you that much of the interior of their order's citadel on the Black Isle was warded against teleportation. Whether those wards are still active remains to be seen ...

Däina |

It's the "Ranger's Trap".
Rangers can track at double speed. Now that sounds pretty handy, doesn't it? Except oftentimes a DM will just have you arrive exactly when he wanted you to, regardless of the fact you track faster than other characters.
I realize I can still use it in combat, but my question is this: Will long-term transportation actually effect the outcome of the game at all?

Grit |

I was just about to suggest last minute shopping trips. Why would that not work. If Daina is familiar with Tyr and wants to teleport there and back she has to make the % die rolls but IF she rolls well is there a problem?

Gorkhan Trask |

Just contemplating my level up. So many classes means so many choices.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

On teleport: By the time Daina has a chance to scribe the spell, rest and memorize it, the group will likely be moving ... by one form of transportation or another. You can't teleport to a moving location without scrying first (Daina doesn't have that spell at present), and the time involved in shopping likely is prohibitive to stop and wait for her to teleport back.
So, you could either waste a (potentially disastrous) amount of time or Daina could use two of her six new spells known (for teleport and scrying) and show up to the big showdown minus two 5th-level spell slots (for the teleport there and back) and a 4th-level slot (for scrying on the return trip).

Gorkhan Trask |

I'm for going to the opposite side of the world for a beer to toast the end of all things.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

taking some time leveling up, flu hit me like a truck and the wife is having health (non-flu but serious) issues as well.
still reading everything, just spending a lot of my free time napping when i would otherwise be crunching numbers.
10th level, we get a feat, skill pts, no ability point, and we are doing half HP or roll? I forget every time.

Woki |

-Level Up-
10th level witch doctor shaman
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 1, so 5 instead. (average, round up)
+1 BAB
+5 skill ranks: +2 Fly, +1 Perception, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Survival
+1 Will save
+1 hp - favored class bonus
Spells Per Day: +1 4th level, +1 5th level
New Ability - Countering Hex (Su): At 10th level, the witch doctor can use this hex to counterspell as a readied action as if using dispel magic. She must succeed at a dispel check (1d20 + her shaman level) with a DC equal to 11 + the spell's caster level. If she succeeds, the spell fizzles away and is lost. Failure means the spell is not countered. In either case, the witch doctor cannot attempt to use this hex against any of that caster's spells again for 24 hours. The witch doctor cannot use countering hex on an ongoing effect, a magic item, or a hex. This ability replaces the hex gained at 10th level.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

hp: 1d6 ⇒ 5 +4 CON
+1 BAB
+16 PP from class
+3 PP from ability score
+1 PP from favored class
+0 Powers known :(
At 10th level, the life leech can transfer the stunned or unconscious condition
+0 feats
+0 ability scores
+3 skill pts (heal, perception, spellcraft)
DCs involving level go up +1, +2 dmg to drain health

Peanuts |

Heres my suggestions (ignoring the price of the base item for the weapons and armor so i don't have to look em up :p).
+1 breastplate - 1000cp (trade)
+2 bashing spiked heavy shield - 9000cp (trade)
bracers of natural armor +3 - 18,000cp (trade)
helm of resistance +3 - 9000cp (Raun, trade old helm of contemplation (not sure how much that would be worth) for bracers of natural armor +2?)
potions of cure moderate wounds (3) - 300cp each
belt of Constitution +2 - 4000cp (Grit)
scrolls of gentle repose (1) - 25cp
wand of fly (10 cc left) - 2250cp (Daina)
lesser metamagic rod of reach - 3000cp (trade unless Daina wants)
onyx gems worth 500 cp (trade)
potion of barkskin +4 (CL 9) (2) - 900gp (Raun, Gorkhan)
+1 heavy hide - 1000cp (trade)
+1 returning totem spear - 8000cp (trade)
circlet of Wisdom +2 - 4000cp (Grit)
ring of protection +2 - 8000cp (Grit)
torc of power preservation - 36,000cp (Nnn unless Gorkhan wants)
Total Value: ~104k cp /6=~18k each realistically though it's a bit lower...
So if we go with the above we would each get...
Raun - helm of resistance +3, bracers of natural armor +2, potion of barkskin
Grit - Headband of wis, belt of con, ring of prot +2
Gorkhan - potion of barkskin
Daina - wand of fly (not considering this part of her share though)
Nnn - torc of power preservation
?? - 3x potion of cure mod
and Gorkhan, Daina, Woki get to share in roughly 44-35k cp (less any extra cost from swapping the helm of contemplation for bracer of nat armor +2, or if Daina wanted the rod.)
Oh, and do we want to leave Orryn here? Or do we think she'll be useful at the big battle?

Nnn'tkklik'l |

I'll gladly take the torc, and is there any left to my "share" after that? If so i might poke around at a trinket or two from the raider's storage. Otherwise i am good.

Grit |

I am good with the recommendations but I am not sure we will ever have another chance trade before the final scene of this game. So if someone can use an item on the trade list take it now. Edit, just read the game post so never mind. :)
Oh, Grit has a +1 ring to give back to the party for use or trade.
I cannot think of anything he might need in the way of new items but will recommend we try to trade for a few consumables like scrolls and potions of some good buffs.

Grit |

I am a fan of Feeblemind to use against arcane casters. This is a little unusual for me as I usually do not care for "save or suck" spells.
Effectiveness of Telekinesis seems too DM dependent based on my experience.
I do like Wall of Stone too and were we planning on a lot more play I might encourage that way because its fun to build with. :)

Grit |

Grit is pretty happy with his huge kitty form, but he also has this item:
Orb of Jah-hoz:
This fist-sized chunk of red marble can be used by a druid to augment wildshape. By calling on the orb and taking on an aspect of the spirit within, the druid can wildshape into an earth elemental as if his or her druid level was two levels higher than normal. The druid also gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution while in earth elemental form. For 24 hours after using the orb, the druid is treated as two levels lower when using wildshape to take any form other than an earth elemental.
This would let me take the form of a Huge Earth Elemental. I'd gain DR5, and become immune to bleed, crits, and sneak attack. I'd gain +8 Strength, -2 Dex, +4 Con, and +6 NA. In cat form I get +6 Strength, -4 Dex, no Con bonus and +6 NA. So, better strength an con bonuses and less Dex loss.
Attacks would be two slams for +16 to hit for 2d8+10 with a 15 foot reach. I'd gain Earth Glide movement too. But I'd loose grab and the third attack. Plus I'd loose pounce and rake.
Overall the form will be more defensive, but slower. It will have better reach but not grab. I am unsure how Elemental Wild Shape might effect it.

Gorkhan Trask |

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Powers Known +1
Flanker (Ex)
Acrobatics +1
Disable Device +1
Escape Artist +3
Fly +1
Perception +1
Stealth +1
Survival +1

Gorkhan Trask |

I could go for that Bracers of Natural Armor +3 over the +4 potion.
Also, if noone else has claim on it, I could take Grit's old Protection +1 ring. Being behind in the AC department is less of an issue for me with the guerilla tactics, but there's always that time where a few extra points couldn't hurt.

Grit |

I can just imagine the last fight being instantly ended by a feeblemind spell. It's so tempting.
Yep. Int based casters may have Will as a good save, but they do not typically have the Wisdom to also back it up. So the -4 from the spell for arcane casters is usually a big enough hit to make the spell a threat. I know when I play a wizard I try to have a ring of Counterspell loaded with Feeblemind by 9th level. :)

Peanuts |

I could go for that Bracers of Natural Armor +3 over the +4 potion.
Also, if noone else has claim on it, I could take Grit's old Protection +1 ring. Being behind in the AC department is less of an issue for me with the guerilla tactics, but there's always that time where a few extra points couldn't hurt.
it'd actually be more cost effective to swap the +3 bracers and the +1 ring for a set of +2 bracers and +2 ring (16k total as opposed to 20k), still the same total of +4 AC
As far as Daina's other spell, i'd go feeblemind too :)
helm of resistance +3 - 9000cp (Raun, trade old helm of contemplation (not sure how much that would be worth) for bracers of natural armor +2?)
Would this work? Or would it cost some extra cash too?

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Quote:helm of resistance +3 - 9000cp (Raun, trade old helm of contemplation (not sure how much that would be worth) for bracers of natural armor +2?)Would this work? Or would it cost some extra cash too?
The helm of contemplation is only worth about 4k, but a +2 natural armor item would be 8k.

Grit |

No thoughts on the huge cat vs the huge elemental? I guess it depends somewhat on terrain. And DM Under a Dark Sun, what are your thoughts on the Elemental Wild Shape and the Elemental form? Do they simply overlap or might there be some synergies?

Gorkhan Trask |

Gorkhan Trask wrote:it'd actually be more cost effective to swap the +3 bracers and the +1 ring for a set of +2 bracers and +2 ring (16k total as opposed to 20k), still the same total of +4 ACI could go for that Bracers of Natural Armor +3 over the +4 potion.
Also, if noone else has claim on it, I could take Grit's old Protection +1 ring. Being behind in the AC department is less of an issue for me with the guerilla tactics, but there's always that time where a few extra points couldn't hurt.
If that's actually an option here, then Gorkhan can just buy those two items with his spare cash, although in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter much.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

No thoughts on the huge cat vs the huge elemental? I guess it depends somewhat on terrain. And DM Under a Dark Sun, what are your thoughts on the Elemental Wild Shape and the Elemental form? Do they simply overlap or might there be some synergies?
Nothing would stack. But since the immunities (or partial immunity, w/ the feat) would be redundant, I'd say that, if you spend the wildshape use to activate both, the energy damage from the feat would be always on, rather than just 1 round/level.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Okay, I don't want to get too bogged down with gear at this late juncture. So, let's go with this split:
Raun: Loses helm of contemplation. Gains helm of resistance +3, a ring of deflection+2 and one of the potions of barkskin +4
Grit: Loses ring of deflection +1 (although I'm not sure where that came from. I have you getting a +1 deflection from your cloak). Gains belt of constitution +2, amulet of wisdom +2 and ring of deflection +2
Gorkhan: Gains bracers of natural armor +3, ring of protection +1
Nnn: Gains torc of power preservation and can pick one new item from trading (nothing too unusual) with a value up to 4,000 gp.
Daina: wand of fly, lesser metamagic rod of reach and can pick one new item from trading (nothing too unusual) with a value up to 6,000 gp.
Woki: potion of barkskin +4 and can pick one new item from trading (nothing too unusual) with a value up to 10,000 gp.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

6k to play with? Taking suggestions again.
I could pick up a 9th level scroll just to nuke at them the final fight.
Note the "(nothing too unusual)" bit. I can get more specific and set a max CL, etc., but the idea is for a Big Six item along the lines of what everyone else got (ie. an AC, save or state booster). Not an "I win" single-use item.

Grit |

Grit: Loses ring of deflection +1 (although I'm not sure where that came from. I have you getting a +1 deflection from your cloak). Gains belt of constitution +2, amulet of wisdom +2 and ring of deflection +2
Ah, that explains it. I had added a +1 ring to my equipment in Herolab to simulate that bonus. Grit did NOT have a +1 ring. I had simply forgotten where the bonus came from. Sorry for that error.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

Well, Nnn already has the big six items he needs, i think. HE has a CON boost and a WIS boost, resistance boost that 4k gp can't improve upon. AC for him is already in the dumps because racially he can't wear armor.
So, with that said, I think the following two items interest Nnn, with the ring obviously more of an asset if Daina can charge it for him with an appropriately useful spell.
Ring of Counterspells 4000gp
considerably less useful and valuable is the Quick-runner's shirt

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Grit: No problem. Gorkhan can have one you trade for from the slave tribe.
Daina: Well, that too. The idea was to just give you guys a little survivability boost before the big showdown, not introduce any significant new power (especially of the nova variety).
Nnn: Ring of counterspells is fine, but no quick-runner's cheese-cloth. ;)