DM Yodler |
Welcome to DM Yodler's Recruitment Thread
This is a recruitment thread for a total of five players, will be including all of the materials from the Player's Guide, will be expecting the players to review this and choose if they would like to use any of the features contained within. It is a 3.5 era source of material so some minor changes may have to be made.
While once news reached the Free Citystate of Gate Pass by weekly teleporting courier, that channel has gone silent, and now news travels by the old routes of rumor — travelers from the outside world. You might be one of those travelers, or a concerned native of the city, but you have heard the rumors.
Emperor Drakus Coaltongue, ruler of the mighty Ragesian Empire which lies to the west of Gate Pass, has been slain in a distant nation, or so the rumors say. Of course, the rumors once said that Coaltongue was immortal. However, no one doubts the tales of armies mustering in Ragesia, with orders to secure the borders of the empire at this time of weakness and uncertainty. And from Shahalesti, the elvish nation east of Gate Pass, the rumors say its ruler seeks to claim the vulnerable Ragesia for his people.
Gate Pass sits alone in its mountain pass, one of the few safe routes between these two nations — Ragesia and Shahalesti. For weeks people have been saying war would come to Gate Pass, and now the rumors are true.
In War of the Burning Sky, you will have the chance to fight in a war of mythic proportions, and determine the fate of many nations in its aftermath. Ever-escalating conflicts, powered by mighty magic and fervent faith, threaten your freedom and lives, and even the world itself.
Driven by the dogs of war, you will head for a distant safe haven, a mages’ school named Lyceum, which has sent up a rallying cry for those who wish to resist the warmongers. You will have a chance to form alliances, to build an army, and to uncover the strange secrets that underlie the conflict. As the war reaches a climax, powerful magic will threaten to scorch nations, or sunder them into nothing but nightmares. It will be up to you to bring the war to an end before only embers and ruins remain.
I plan to post at least twice a day, even on bust days I can have two good quality posts on the board. I expect players to have around the same amount of activity, pending interactions and the like. If you haven't posted within a 24 hour period I will DMPC you, have you delay or otherwise fall behind. Likewise, people who interact and post more often will be included within the story line that unfolds in a more frequent manner.
Not looking for a super speedy story, but something that is consistent and has a decent pace.
One big thing into the consideration for character selection is the fact that I ask people pay more attention to your background and description than your "crunch". I am far more interested in the who than the what. Build a character that is interesting and capable of solving problems. I enjoy multifaceted characters more than a one-dimensional one.
If you wish you may role play a bit in the recruitment thread to stretch your legs, feel free. Any role play here could carry over to the game.
Recruitment will remain open until April 6th, or until I have recruited for all positions.
Harkevich |
I have a Half-Orc Inquistor or a Tengu Crossbow Bolt Ace that I'd be wiling to play (Technically the Tengu is gunslinger class, even if he doesn't have access to firearms).
DM Yodler |
I have zero experience with this campaign...which to my mind is only a plus, since it means everything will be a surprise! Dotting for interest.
No worries there, always good to have a plethora of people that are new to the series. Keeps things fresh and exciting. Nothing better than authentic shock or awe.
Irlana Songmaiden |
Irlana Songmaiden wrote:I would like to submit Caelrahd for consideration.Just a note on your character sheet. I think you have 1 point overspent. I may be incorrect but that was what I saw as the only error.
You are correct, forgot to drop one stat! And adjusted.
DM Yodler |
Dropping dot for my Bladebound magus, i'll have something written up more later today. The concept is she is a magic Assassin, the stats should set i am working on the backstory and mechanics. ps posting under said profile
Always liked the prospect of a sentient weapon. Thinking pbp is a good medium to have a sentient weapon around. Trouble or good could come from that.
DM Yodler |
As this is a 3.5 source will you be using the 3.5 deities or swapping them for their closest Pathfinder equivalent?
was just thinking of this and decided on a certain stand on it.
The Divine Presence
In the land of the Burning Sky, the gods are distant but the spirits are close.
The gods are distant in that, although the people of the many kingdoms are devout and worship the gods and there many people who employ divine power to worldly ends, the gods themselves do not make their will or their nature well known to mortals. Mortal priests must search their faith (possibly through enigmatic divination) and themselves to determine what their gods command. It is commonly said that the gods favor certain people (Emperor Coaltongue, for example), but you don't hear of avatars and exarchs running around telling people what to do.
The spirits are close in that, the world has many spirits -- some good and some evil -- and that people fear and revere them in their daily life. In fact, the most common prayer to gods is protect them from evil spirits. When someone dies, the survivors care a great deal about making sure that the deceased's spirit makes it to the land of the dead unmolested. Similarly, a woodsman might pray quite devotedly to the Lord of Forestry to protect him from angry spirits of the wood.
The Hundred
The dominant religion in the Lands of the Burning Sky is known as "The Hundred". The Hundred is made up of many deities (with no exact or fixed number). each of which have a mortal activity as their portfolio. For example, there is a God of Judges, a Goddess of Farmers and a Lord of Smiths. These deities are generally referred to as the "Lord", "Lady", "God", "Goddess", "Master" etc... of their particular area, although names can be used too. (The names are generally just "Goddess of X" in some other language.) Sometimes these activities can be abstracted into concepts (e.g. the God of Judges is also the Lord of Justice and the Lord of Warriors is the God of Battle), but these concepts are still mortal concepts. There is not, for example, a God of the Sea, although there is a Goddess of Sailors.
In contrast, the spirits tend to be beings of nature that don't have a direct care over mortal concerns, at least until mortals impinge on their domain. There are important legends of the major primordial spirits who helped in the creation of the universe, but these aren't worshiped on a daily basis. Even in spirit-focused communities, it isn't considered useful to pray to Oceanus because such a mighty spirit will not deign to respond to mortal matters. Nonetheless, it is fashionable to look towards these great primordial spirits as proxies for noble ideas, in much the same way that the British made use of Greek mythological figures.
Temples are almost always focused on a particular god, and all priests are ordained by an individual temple in the rites of a particular deity. Nonetheless, nearly all priests also learn devotions from other temples. So, for example, a priest of battle will commonly learn the devotions to the God of Farming if he is to serve in a rural community. In particular, all priests learn the devotions of the Lord of Undertakers (almost always from their own temple), since those devotions include the final rites to be performed on the dead. Those rites involve putting on a mask made from an animal skull, which signals the deceased's spirits connect and return to the natural world and seeks to frighten evil spirits away.
The Undertakers
Under Emperor Coaltongue, Laska (his mistress of spies) recruited a number of clerics (and other divine casters) to hunt down evil spirits, in addition to simply scaring them away from the undead. In practical terms, this involved a lot of hunting down wizards (and other arcane and primal casters) who were commonly accused on summoning or having dealings with evil spirits. Over a few decades, this spirit hunting involved into a full inquisition.
The height of the inquisition became apparent when the Undertakers (who wear bear skulls whenever they are performing their duties -- whether they involve the living or the dead) started developing a new philosophy. Under Laska, it became possible to devote yourself to the Lord of Undertakers simply by "undertaking" service to the emperor. This heresy did not cause any great change to the Inquisition under Coaltongue, but since his death, the Undertakers have taken over much of Ragesia's government and bureaucracy.
PCs and Gods
First, if you're not playing a divine character, you don't need to pick a religion. Plenty of people are "generically devout" (or to be more accurate, "generically superstitious").
Second, anyone can make up a god that you want to worship. If it's an important part of your character, shoot it to the list so other folks can consider creating a bond of common religion. Otherwise, make up as much as you think will be helpful and let me know what you have in mind so I can try working it into the world. If you're playing a divine character, you should definitely do this.
Harkevich |
Inquisitor as written might not be a good fit. His character is focused pretty specifically on Death rites and that pushes pretty much against the Rageisn inquisitors. Don't think the party needs that level of intrigue. The bolt ace is still available and I might roll up another based on the player's guide - I'll let you know and post a sheet if I do.
DM Yodler |
Inquisitor as written might not be a good fit. His character is focused pretty specifically on Death rites and that pushes pretty much against the Rageisn inquisitors. Don't think the party needs that level of intrigue. The bolt ace is still available and I might roll up another based on the player's guide - I'll let you know and post a sheet if I do.
Sounds good, intrigue is fun if it's channeled well. Not taking away from anyone persons experience. With whatever you decide let me know which you think would be a good fit.
Bobo D |
I'm going to be building a half Orc barbarian, hope to get s build up tommorow sometime. Backstory is going to be that he is believed to be the reincarnation of a great Orc King and the character is going to be played like he has Borderline Personality Disorder. So he's questionably sane Orc Jesus that murders people. I'm not sure how high-functioning to make him though, because bpd can be disconnect from reality bad or somewhat manageable depending on a bunch of different factors.
Barrack Saltstone |
Thinking Dwarven Storm Druid of the Resistance. The winds of change are blowing over the mountains. A storm is coming and there is nothing that Barrack likes more than a good storm.
Kind of like the religion idea you threw out where people view the Gods as far away but Spirits are close. He'll constantly be in touch with the spirits and asking their guidance.
Derz |
Percival Bauman
Percival is a man of average height and build, with grey eyes and salt-and-pepper hair. He seems to permanently have a relaxed attitude about things and a self-deprecating sense of humor.
Percival was always going to be a soldier. His grandfather was a career soldier and his father was an officer. Percival joined the Ragesian army at age 17, hoping to come back after his first tour of duty and get married. Not wanting to remain in the military his entire life like his father and grandfather he studied various potential trades while serving, and even learned some foreign languages, preparing for post-service life. However when he returned to his hometown he found that the girl he had planned to marry was now married to a man from a more prestigious family and had a daughter. Devoid of his previous purpose in life Percival took his general-issue gear and ran south, doing various odd jobs along the way. He was a mercenary, a caravan guard, he even fell in with organized crime for a while, though he hasn't worked with any of them in a long time. Now he finds himself in Gate Pass, with his previous employer disbanded and settling down. He wonders what to do next.
CLASS: Fighter (Weapon Master, Spear)
AttributesSTR: 16 DEX: 14 CON: 14 INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 10
Trained SkillsHandle Animal +5
Intimidate +9
Linguistics +3
Ride +0
Survival +4
TraitsArmor Expert: Percival has been in a lot of fights ever since he was a young man, both with thugs and foolish merchant guards within the city and with wolves and animals without it. His armor is dull and dented from use, and the varied apparent ages of the leather straps show that each has been replaced and restitched many times. [-1 AC penalty]
Clever Wordplay (Intimidate): Percival drops his joviality when he threatens someone. A skill he inherited from his time on the streets, his voice goes flat, his eyes lose their glimmer, he runs his hand through his hair; he matter-of-factly explains what he wants, and how he’s going to convince the other person to give it to him. [Use Intelligence Modifier for Intimidate]
Power Attack
Combat Reflexes
Intimidating Prowess
Arelius Gruulstien |
Crunch is done now (this is the alias for Bobo). Important notes are that I'm using netural evil as an expression of the good evil axis as Altruism vs Selfishness. Mentally speaking, his identity is almost entirely based on the expectations of the Orcs and half Orcs because he doesn't have stable emotional responses to build his own identity. For campaign specific backstory, he is living in a walled off ghetto in Gatepass as an enforcer for the thieves guild because all the Orcs are terrified of him/respect him enough to not kill him. He is known for his unpredictable temper and his barrel of ale that he lugs around with him to pay his network of couriers. Headstrong, cruel and selfish, he is determined to improve his lot in life. To the Orcs he is a brutal glimmer of hope in a destitute world, to the guild he is an unexpected asset, and to the desperate he is a source of liquor. Arelius is here and this is gonna be fun.