
Silverstache, Stevesie's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (268 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Since nobody responded to my previous email, I'm assuming that we all agree to the rather concise, and succinctly written guild charter that I emailed y'all earlier. Since we decided that Alex (Churdon) is the one who hires us, he is the first Grand Fawaz. All hail the Grand Fawaz, may his reign be long and prosperous. For everyone else, bob and weave you fools.

Grandpa is a fan of making me drink as much Ratzeputz, the worst 58% alcohol that money can buy, as I can, so I guess I follow his lead
Because living in Falcon's Hollow is not the most entertaining place for a youngster who comes from a family that has lost all of its money, Stevesie heads to the bar to spend more money on drinks, and make fun of the deranged tiger: Bort.

Finished my guy's story
Stevesie is the third and youngest son of Lord Bendtner and Lady Windermere Silverstache. Originally Sandpoint locals, the Silversaches moved to Falcon's Hallow when Stevesie was five years old. The Silverstaches heard of a new logging business and set about buying land to build a new golf course for the locals. This was a terrible business idea and set the Silverstaches on a course for bankruptcy. Stevesie spent his time in and out of jail for many drunken misdemeanors, including one ding-dong-ditching incident. During these formative teenage years, Stevesie became interested in impersonating others, with elaberate disguises, to gain valuable information. Eventually, Stevesie decided that he would restore his family to glory in one of the esteemed social circles in the land. This required a fair bit of money, however, and his family had none. Stevesie took up alchemy in an attempt to turn lead into gold, in order to procure enough money to move his family up the social ladder once again.

Who is the team leader
how did I get here
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11