DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelord 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

See new thread HERE

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Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Just a heads up, I'm going to be at a reunion from Friday until Sunday afternoon, so my posting might be sparse.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

1. I found a new avatar!

2. I think it's hilarious that we're all ignoring the angry old man and having our own side conversations instead :P

Male Game Master

Totally! Also, Cordwin is doing a great job of pleasantly messing with him.

I ran this adventure as an in-person game for friends a few years I recall, that group was about to straight up murder him after he put hands on Ameiko :D

Male Game Master

It surprised me that the party practically did nothing.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René is used to people thinking ill of him, so he doesn't really care what some rando says. It may not have helped that I posted first and René was clearly going to silently judge anybody who provoked a fight by engaging with the guy, haha. Or maybe everybody else just had their own reasons for not engaging.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Tylur didn't want to get involved in it. If he is forced into action he will act but otherwise he is indifferent to people who he considers strangers. He is from the big city threats being thrown around are quite normal for him.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

I think the factor here is that our party now consists entirely of "disreputable" types - people on the run, whose status in the town is insecure. And, of course, a jovial dwarf.

The party I was running for included people with much more in the way of local reputations, and even then they largely ignored Lonjiku (spelling?) until he moved to strike Ameiko.

In our case, by the time he did that, Ameiko had already run him off (which, again, is for the best - the group I ran for would have killed him, had I not done a similar with with Ameiko, having her run him off).

In the interest on not spoiling the plot for anyone who hasn't played RotRL before, I'll cut my comments short here, but I suspect this scene is in the adventure for the party to witness, rather than participate in :)

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin is genuinely surprised someone does not like him and finds it hard to believe he can't learn something from the guy.

Just an FYI...He is also very curious. When I played him in a tabletop Shattered Star campaign, he was always opening things he shouldn't much to the great chagrin of my fellow players.

Shattered Star plotline:
It was actually quite funny when he peeked inside a coffin and was transformed into the runelord (lady?) Shorshen!

Male Game Master

Oh my goodness! I just realized that I completely forgot to post this entire week. I am so sorry all. I'll be back to it for sure on Monday.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Lol no worries

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

I'm going to be out of town from tomorrow until Tuesday or Wednesday. Bot me as necessary.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Ok, I'm back.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Think GM is still busy

Male Game Master

Hey, all,

Really unfortunately, at the moment, I've started to have too much going on in my life to be able to continue GMing this game. Right now, I'm working two jobs. In the fall, I'll be back in school full-time.

I apologize to all of you guys for leaving and for slowly teetering off near the end. Thanks a lot for sticking in there. It has been a lot of fun!

Best of luck in all your endeavors!


Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Alright Nightingale. Thank you for letting us know. Hope to see you all in another game in the future really liked where this was going and playing with everyone.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Thanks GM Nightingale! I had a great time and I hope to see everyone on the boards at another time.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Anybody open to the idea of seeing if we can recruit another GM?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

I'm up for it if we can find one.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

I'm fine with that.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

I'll create a post in the recruitment thread.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Recruitment post up.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Thanks Cordwin!

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

looks like we might have a taker

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

great job Cordwin. Looking forward to hearing back from Bluedove.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I have borrowed a copy of the first book, Burnt Offerings. (And only the first book since my own RotRL group is currently somewhere in the middle of book two.) Hopefully I can avoid spoiling my own run too much if we manage to stay a book behind!

I am reading through and catching up on your progress now, and I just thought I might get your general thoughts on the game so far. Your group is currently four with the basic roles covered. How do you all feel about that? I can recruit for more players if you feel the teams need a bit more filling out. We had a very similar issue (bard serving as a trap monkey, fighter nursing along the survival skill) with my game and went for a 5th and were surprised by the massive player response. But if you are happy at four, I am fine with that as well.

Like your original GM, I am role-playing focused and good with playing out personal story arcs, so if you have a character goal that you'd like to see highlighted, please let me know.

Finally, if you have some second guesses about your character build, now is the time to make some changes. Once I am all caught up, we will be off and running. And I'm a swift reader. ^_~

Cheers all! Looking forward to it.

Reaping Stone Campaign: Under Cassomir

Thanks for taking up the mantle bluedove!

I do like our current party not so much because of the size but more so how we interact with one another. Adding another I have no problem with I just want to make sure they will be adding to the story as opposed to tagging along. Obviously this cannot be foreseen until we actually start to play with the new player but I wanted to add my thoughts instead of play the fence game.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Welcome Aboard bluedove!

I also don't have a problem with adding someone else. I like how this party is made up with such diverse characters who all seem to have mysterious pasts.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Woo! Welcome!

I do not have an opinion either way about recruiting a fifth. Although I will say that I'm not sure we've heard from Sabina for a while, so I'm not sure if she's still around or not.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Ok, I am over halfway through the gameplay posts and I've sent Sabina a PM. We'll allow some time to see if Sabina's player can make it back.

So it seems you all are fairly indifferent to adding another player, though we will definitely need one or two more if Sabina does not return. I see that no one has progressed to second level yet, so I'm guessing that's a no on any rebuilds as well.

No thoughts toward your personal story arcs?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

In terms of story arcs when I created Tylur it was in the idea that he may or may not eventually become a paladin. This would dependent on the decisions he makes within the group throughout the module.

As for discovering a way to pay back his mentor I would assume that by the time Tylur completed the whole RotR series he would have the means to restore his mentor so I do not think that needs to be addressed by more than Tylur's own musings.

His father now. Well Tylur is too insignificant to matter right now as his reputation grows maybe his father does hear, but his father would doubtfully have little cares for what happens in the small town of some uncivilized lands. Still I had originally crafted his father to be a grand schemer of sorts. His bastard children were to be made into a thieves guild.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Hello everyone. I'm still around, and I'll try to have a post up sometime tonight.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Very glad to have you with us, Sabina. ^_^

I've contacted the powers that be and let them know I will be taking over the campaign, but they do get busy so it may be a bit before I will be able to edit everything to my liking. I do my maps a bit differently than your previous GM and I like to use a lot of images for flavor. Since I can't link it to the campaign yet, I've placed it in my profile section so you will see it on all my posts. When we get into combat, you will be able to move your own tokens. I find this makes things easier on everyone.

Well, sounds like we're ready to get on our way. If you have anything else you'd like to discuss, please don't hesitate to bring it up. Away we go!

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

I think mostly my plan for any René-arcs is to eventually make him more heroic. Right now he greatly enjoys appearing to do nothing to help and making people think he's an idiot. As things start to get more serious/dangerous, I see him starting to drop the act bit by bit to be like, "No guys, I actually know what I'm talking about and you need to listen to me." Maybe give him a higher sense of purpose past "I just want to have fun and create interesting stories to tell Ma when I next see her."

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin's arc is that he wants to learn everything he can about anything. He will ask anyone he meets for tales and information to the point of being annoying. Fortunately for the DM and unfortunately for the players he would not like to leave any door unopened! ;)

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina's arc will likely center on her (vain, of course) quest to find a "cure" for her problem, transitioning into her working to prove to herself (and others) that she isn't tainted by Asmodeus simply because she has all of these fire-related powers and can only speak Infernal when she's under duress.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map
Sabina Fueges wrote:
Sabina's arc will likely center on her (vain, of course) quest to find a "cure" for her problem, transitioning into her working to prove to herself (and others) that she isn't tainted by Asmodeus simply because she has all of these fire-related powers and can only speak Infernal when she's under duress.

I'm still pretty new to Oracles in general. I've never played one and only had a few pass through my PFS tables. I'm assuming as it's a class feature, the search for a "cure" is ultimately doomed to failure and primarily useful as a story device?

As RotRL predates the Oracle class, I'm guessing there aren't even any Oracle NPC's to confer with. But there is a Varisian seer that Sabina might consult. I guess it just depends on how long you'd like to draw the mystery out. Happy to help resolve the question sooner or delay the reveal for later as you prefer.

The rest of your arcs seem as if they will be accomplished by the player and not me, but I will lob questions of conscience your way to help facilitate these. Hope everything is well received so far and please feel free to give me notes if you'd like to see something different.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Yes, it is impossible to "cure" an Oracle curse. Based on what I recall of RotRL, I imagine she would see standing against our opposition in this AP as an opportunity to redeem herself. I'm certainly in no hurry, and I'll likely cut back on the awkwardness the curse causes her as time goes on and she adjusts.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |
bluedove wrote:
Hope everything is well received so far

I think everything is going great!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Alright! You all officially belong to me now. Muahaha!

I have made some adjustments and will be making more soon as well. I'm going to take the opportunity to flesh out Sandpoint a bit more while you travel to the Garrison since it looks like you've seen very little of the town thus far.

I'll provide a more complete key for the map soon as well. Weekends tend to be lulls for PbP and since this is a holiday weekend in the States, it's liable to be more dead than usual. I'm visiting with my mom today and should be able to get a post up by Monday at the latest.

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe!

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Wow Bluedove bringing it to next level. Thank you for really stepping up.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Just a brief update: Still have some Sandpoint background to read up on and a headache is slowing me down today. Might be more like early Tuesday before this post and info is done. Apologies for the delay!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

I just realized that I still have damage left over from the Sandpoint raid. Does anyone else need healing? I'll probably drop a CLW on myself between scenes, if that's alright with bluedove

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

I had actually guessed that you just hadn't updated your stat line. I don't expect you'd have gone Boar hunting with such a significant wound, so we'll assume you cast that spell yesterday.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

I did some research into a few sourcebooks but came up empty. Are these "Empyreal Waters" a player invention? I might have an angle on how to work something like this in, but wanted to double check that this isn't coming from source I'm unaware of. Is this meant to be a dead end, or would you like to see it actually lead to something later on?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Yes sorry they are my invention Tylur is looking for these waters whether they are real or not is up to you. I find it better not knowing as a player what the GM is up to. If Tylur hears of a lead he will try to follow up on it though.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Everyone - I know I've kind of dropped off recently; things got very busy, then I couldn't quite figure out a good way to reintroduce Sabina to the current situation. Truthfully, this has been kind of a stressful time for me outside of the game, and I'm going to have to drop out. I'm very sorry to leave like this, as I was having a lot of fun and this is a great group, but I can't continue.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Ok Sabina. It was great playing with you. Hopefully balance will come soon to your life until then greet every obstacle with equal determination and the knowledge that you will get past it.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

I hope my manner of GMing didn't encourage you to leave. I know I quashed your idea, but the AP directs to keep the party in town at this time and there is something more interesting than chatting with NPC's just around the corner...

Anyway, sorry if I mishandled things and diminished your enjoyment of the game, Sabina.

I guess it's time to talk about how to proceed from here. As the only healer plus her role in the story, Sabina is a pretty key PC. What do you guys want to do?

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5
bluedove wrote:

I hope my manner of GMing didn't encourage you to leave. I know I quashed your idea, but the AP directs to keep the party in town at this time and there is something more interesting than chatting with NPC's just around the corner...

Anyway, sorry if I mishandled things and diminished your enjoyment of the game, Sabina.

I guess it's time to talk about how to proceed from here. As the only healer plus her role in the story, Sabina is a pretty key PC. What do you guys want to do?

It has nothing to do with your style of GMing; I was concurrently running an AP in addition to playing this one, and I've withdrawn from doing that as well.

I just don't have the time/energy for online roleplay right now. My mother (and only living relative, really) passed away two months ago and after dealing with all of that stuff, and work, I just don't have a lot of energy left.

I'm very sorry to leave like this, but I haven't been pulling my weight in-game and I don't think I'd be able to for quite a while.

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