How to build a balanced party of spellslingers


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Our PFS group recently acquired a number of spellslinger boons, and now we want to make an entire party of them. Does anyone have any ideas how this could be accomplished? I'm looking for any and all PFS legal ideas here.

It's not that difficult to go all Casters if that's the question. Just make sure that each guy has spells for each situation. Need to sneak? Invisibility or similar. Need to talk? Charm, suggestion, etc.. Need to climb, why not just fly?

There's a reason Wizards are really good, and it's not just their high level stuff; it's that the sheer versatility of having a bag of spells that does everything for you.

Imagine how you play a Bethesda game when you're a pure caster and that's basically how you build a party of them.

Apologies if I've misunderstood the question

I'm really not a fan of that archetype, but as with any all wizard party, low level survival will be hard.

You should probably make a traditional party for level 1 and then free respec everyone to spellslingers when leveling up to level 2. That would also give you enough gold to start with decent guns.

One thing you could is take 1 level of spells linger and then go into any other casting class. Taa daa, you have a party that can cover multiple roles much more easily now! Cleric, Arcanist, and Witch are decent choices.

Cattleman wrote:
Imagine how you play a Bethesda game when you're a pure caster and that's basically how you build a party of them.

Running backwards hoping flames kills it before it kills me? :)

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Azten wrote:
Cattleman wrote:
Imagine how you play a Bethesda game when you're a pure caster and that's basically how you build a party of them.
Running backwards hoping flames kills it before it kills me? :)

That's a trick question. Everyone knows that spell casters in Elder Scrolls are all actually Stealth Archers.

There are actually a lot of really cool ways to build Spellslingers. Here are a some very distinct and interesting builds:

Spellslinger 1 / Eldritch Archer Magus X
This build combines Spellslinger with Eldritch Archer to get a bunch of cool spellcasting class features that work with guns. It is very feat-intensive, however, since you need to pick up Amateur Gunslinger for Quick Clear in addition to the usual five staple feats (PBS, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim) so human is strongly recommended as your race to get this off the ground faster. You could also just use Gunslinger instead of Spellslinger if you prefer.

Siege Gunner Gunslinger 1 / Spellslinger 5 / Eldritch Knight X
This build doesn't get ranged spellstrike or spell combat like the magus build above, but does get considerably more powerful spellcasting abilities of the Wizard class. This makes it a little more clunky to play, but if you're willing to take an action economy hit for more powerful and versatile spellcasting it's a great option. Also it's less feat intensive since you do get Quick Clear.

You can also do 5 levels of Siege Gunner Gunslinger if you really want gun training. This will give you more power in combat, but it will take a lot longer for its spellcasting ability to mature. I don't think that's worth it in PFS if you're starting from low levels. You could also just use a regular Wizard instead of Spellslinger to do this without the boon.

Spellslinger 1 / Sorcerer X
The classic blaster Spellslinger. Take one level of spellslinger for the class features, then multiclass out to avoid its draconian downsides while also getting a useful Sorcerer bloodline. Personally I'm not a huge fan of it at low levels, and I honestly don't think the spellslinger dip is worth it until around level 8 or so. However, if you want to be more blasty but still want gun mage flavor it's a solid option.

Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger 1 / Sorcerer 6 / Eldritch Knight X
While not strictly a Spellslinger build, this captures the same flavor but with slightly different mechanics. With Cha-to-damage from Mysterious Stranger, your Sorcerer can hit hard with a gun. The downside is that it has no good way to handle misfires until higher levels, and guzzles grit very quickly so you need to focus on getting those killing shots to replenish it (fortunately you can afford a very high charisma score so that gives you a big pool). Definitely a build that requires you to play dangerous.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, the idea was that each character would take one level of spellslinger before branching out into some other class.

I was looking at Battlehost Occultist personally. I was wondering if there are any particularly good class combinations I hadn't thought of.

Silver Crusade

Wait a minute, is the Spellslinger archetype now legal for PFS? Last I heard, all archetypes that gave firearm proficiency were banned in PFS.

Claxon wrote:
Azten wrote:
Cattleman wrote:
Imagine how you play a Bethesda game when you're a pure caster and that's basically how you build a party of them.
Running backwards hoping flames kills it before it kills me? :)
That's a trick question. Everyone knows that spell casters in Elder Scrolls are all actually Stealth Archers.

A friend of mine honestly believes spellcasting in Skyrim is overpowered as $#*&. He plays a stealth archer. Clearly he's delusional.
Silver Crusade

isdestroyer wrote:
Wait a minute, is the Spellslinger archetype now legal for PFS? Last I heard, all archetypes that gave firearm proficiency were banned in PFS.

There is a way to unlock spellslinger for PFS, but other than that it is still not legal for play.

In addition, there is at least 1 archetype that gives a gun that is not banned: Spellscar Drifter Cavalier. It's a pretty cool thematic archetype too!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
isdestroyer wrote:
Wait a minute, is the Spellslinger archetype now legal for PFS? Last I heard, all archetypes that gave firearm proficiency were banned in PFS.

There is a boon out there that makes it legal. My entire play group happened to get a copy of it at a Con last month.

Spellslinger 1 / Nature Fang Druid X is doable. You're firing the strangest stuff out of your gun. Also you have some extra feats to use the gun as a gun, and an attack/damage bonus from studied target, and you have some healing ability which helps the balanced party goal.

For skills I'm thinking a pure spellslinger so you can focus on Int. Aram Zey's Focus is PFS-legal IIRC. The 4 opposition schools are less of an issue when you've got 2-3 full casters backing you up.

Azten wrote:
Claxon wrote:
Azten wrote:
Cattleman wrote:
Imagine how you play a Bethesda game when you're a pure caster and that's basically how you build a party of them.
Running backwards hoping flames kills it before it kills me? :)
That's a trick question. Everyone knows that spell casters in Elder Scrolls are all actually Stealth Archers.
A friend of mine honestly believes spellcasting in Skyrim is overpowered as $#*&. He plays a stealth archer. Clearly he's delusional.

That's just silly. Spellcasting is the weakest combat method in the game (without mods to overhaul it). The only thing that is strong is the dual-cast stun-locking someone. Which just sucks because it still takes forever to kill them, they just aren't much of a risk to you. Except when there is more than one enemy.

The most fun combat style I found was actually going into shield heavily and using the deidric shield with 50% magic resistance. Shield bashing someone and stunning them and having a shield that could stop basically all elemental damage was awesome fun.

Silver Crusade

Saleem Halabi wrote:
isdestroyer wrote:
Wait a minute, is the Spellslinger archetype now legal for PFS? Last I heard, all archetypes that gave firearm proficiency were banned in PFS.
There is a boon out there that makes it legal. My entire play group happened to get a copy of it at a Con last month.

What scenario gives this boon?

Those kinds of boons are usually from conventions instead of scenarios.

I like how every suggestion is basically to not play the thing you've been given special privilege to play. At least, not by itself, anyway.

Kaouse wrote:
I like how every suggestion is basically to not play the thing you've been given special privilege to play. At least, not by itself, anyway.

The reason is that Spellslinger gives a massive penalty to your spellcasting abilities, but all its class features work for other spellcasting classes. The archetype practically has flashing neon lights saying "multiclass out of this".

Basically every archetype that focuses on a weapon, but has half-BAB is troubled.

Kaouse wrote:
I like how every suggestion is basically to not play the thing you've been given special privilege to play. At least, not by itself, anyway.

A balanced party made entirely of wizards is a problem, right? Also:

me wrote:
For skills I'm thinking a pure spellslinger so you can focus on Int. Aram Zey's Focus is PFS-legal IIRC. The 4 opposition schools are less of an issue when you've got 2-3 full casters backing you up.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If one of the party members can be a tiefling or a vanara (for a Prehensile Tail), then swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1/wizard (spellslinger) 1/arcanist (blade adept) 6/eldritch knight 4 might make an OK switch-hitter. Magical Knack (Arcanist), Fencing Grace at 1st level (Dex to damage with a rapier), panache points from both Int and Cha, Arcane Gun with a pistol for ranged attacks/spells, can switch whatever weapon (pistol or rapier) not being used to be held with the tail (to always have a free hand for spell casting/reloading) as a free action, and the rapier becomes a Sentient Sword (pick up Eldritch Blade and Spellstrike at arcanist 5; one from the Extra Magus Arcana feat).

avr wrote:
Kaouse wrote:
I like how every suggestion is basically to not play the thing you've been given special privilege to play. At least, not by itself, anyway.
A balanced party made entirely of wizards is a problem, right?

Not really, no. Wizards are among the strongest of all classes. Just have somebody focused on summons, and let them be the meatshields. If you're lucky, "School of Gun" could allow you to count as a specialist (since you do still have opposition schools and all) so whoever is focused on summoning can take Acadamae Graduate.

With 2 focused on summoning, another one focuses on buffing, and perhaps the last focused on utility/battlefield control, then the summons should definitely be able to put out damage.

In the early levels, all 4 of them would have at least one casting of the highest level Summon Monster, and they would just alternate by encounter. This makes the issue of longevity a non-factor, since not everyone needs to cast a spell in an encounter, and can instead support via gunfire.

If they know what they're doing, an all-caster party can certainly work. At higher levels, it's almost a terrifying thing to behold. While it's true that the Spellslinger archetype is front loaded as hell, it's also still true that the base class is wizard, the strongest class in the game.

Multiclassing out of wizard may give you more class features, but it will also slow your spellcasting progression, so beware.

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