DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelord 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

See new thread HERE

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Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

So long as people are enjoying her I am good. My characters so rarely say how I envision them which is the part I love. I get to see them change and grow.

And I took to offence to having her compaired to a cat. It kind of fits. Though I did not know that in Brazil is a way to call someone beautiful. Way better than the American version of it being another word for genitals, being a coward, or an insane old woman. I like pretty better.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

It's probably because cats are beautiful, wonderful creatures. Although I may be biased in that I got home from visiting family yesterday, and I'm quite excited to be reunited with my two girl cats, who are currently adorably sleeping on my bed. :-3

Also, I think Hadley is mildly offended that you lumped a dunce like René in with his species. ;-)

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

I was and still am sleep deprived so she will just have to forgive me since I cannot fix it. Also my two cats are bed hogs.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Finished moving and the wifi is so iffy. If I am slowing things down please bot me. Though combat wise Aurora is not awe inspiring currently.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Hi All,

I have just received word that Olaff will not be able to continue for quite some time.

I wanted to see what your thoughts were about a replacement. Yea, nay or meh?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

ugh that's too bad. I think we might be able to get by without him but his dialogue will sorely be missed.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Aww that is unfortunate. I so enjoyed our bickering. Will he becoming back later?

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

He said he hopes to, but would understand if we found a replacement.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

I'd be willing to hold off until he gets back was a great fit for this group.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

So we have one vote to not replace. Aurora and René, what do you think?

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Sorry. I am fine with waiting or have a new person. But if we do recruit someone new I would like to still let him back either way.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

I agree with Aurora. I'm fine with a new person or not, but it'd be cool if there was still room for Olaff when he gets a chance to get back. He hasn't had a chance to act all suspicious of René's magic that he will totally show at some point.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Ok, it sounds like the vote is to hold off finding a replacement. If you all feel that you would like a replacement let me know, or if you know anyone in your other games who wouldn't mind stepping in on a temporary basis until Olaff returns, that's fine too.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

My vote is we go along with it.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

If it means finding out where Ameiko is ok but someone needs to speak up in game Tylur wouldn't and he is about to attack.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

That's fine with me; giving up his weapon isn't really a big deal for René. Now I wonder if it'd be to game-y if he laughed all the way to wherever we'd go (and hex everything he can about Tsuto)....

My vote would be fore Aurora speaking up IC since I was planning on having René freak out mentally/start laughing hysterically as he realizes they're facing someone who a) serves a dead girl and b) wants to sacrifice them to a dark god. Life just gave him a sucker punch to the gut.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Sorry if you all were waiting on me. I had a rather crazy weekend.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Congratulations! You are all 2nd level! Please post a summary of your leveling in this thread.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Woo! We survived! Also, I discovered that I never actually picked a witch's patron. And that "luck" is not one of my options, sadly. Instead I'm going for the "Ancestors" patron since the spells granted seem most fitting for my general buff/debuff plan.

Summary of level 2:
1) Summon Monster 1
2) Hermean Potential
3) Bless (patron)

Spells/Day: +1 cantrip and 1st level
Hex: Fortune

Adventuring (6): Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Religion, Perception, Spellcraft
Background (2): Engineering, Linguistics (Goblin)

HP: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

I rolled for HP, but I don't remember if we were doing that our 1/2 +1 or what.

Will post IC tonight.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

nice I'll make a post later and provide summary

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

I always do Max HP. That way I don't have to feel guilty. :P

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Awesomesause! I have deprived of sleep so I will level her after I go to the bank and then I will get a post in. Do I assume currently that Aurora has that journal?

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

HP go up to 18. Will save is up to +3. BaB is +1 now. CMB goes up to +2 while CMD is a whooping 12.

I have 5 first level spells per day but I do not learn any first level spells. I get the a mystery spell which is detect undead . I get one more zero level spell which will be Guidance.

Concentration goes up to a +5

+1 rank into Diplomacy, Heal, History, Planes, Nature, Perception, Sense Motive, and Spell craft.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |


+1 Linguistics (Goblin)
+1 Perception
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Disable Device
+1 Knowledge (Arcana)
+1 Knowledge (Local)
+1 Knowledge (Religion)
+1 Knowledge (Nobility)

0 Level: Open/Close
1st: Cure Light Wounds

Favored Class:Bonus Skill Point: Use Magic Device

Clever Explorer:At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Disable Device and Perception checks. He can disable intricate and complex devices in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action. At 6th level, an archaeologist can take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if distracted or endangered, and can disarm magical traps. This ability replaces the versatile performance ability.

Uncanny Dodge: Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature of the same name. This ability replaces well-versed. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A rogue with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Oops, forgot about favored class bonus and the bonus skill for being human, so I'm also adding a point to UMD and Kn(Planes).

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Don't forget to update your taglines!

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

So, bull's strength potion to Tylur, CLW wand to anyone but Tylur, and I guess magic missile wand to Cordwin? As far as I can tell, none of us have magic missile on our spell list, and I think me and Cordwin are the only ones who can use UMD (and I'm guessing his bonus is better than my +4).

Also wanted to go ahead and talk some strategy about this, partially because René not going to talk about casting spells IC (though I can find ways to ask for most of the info I want IC if people really want). Specifically, I know I'm going to prepare Bless, but the other two spell slots are less clear. I'd prefer some of the less obvious spells (Hermean Potential, Ill Omen, Mage Armor, Ear-Piercing Scream), but I'd be willing to prepare at least one more obvious one if people think that might be better (Summon Monster, Enlarge Person).

I'm also not completely certain what order to do my various buff/debuffs in. As such, it would be helpful to know what Aurora and Cordwin are likely to spend their first several rounds on since, for example, if they're both going to do saving throw spells, it might make sense for me to prioritize lowering Tsuto's saves over lowering his AC (regardless, lowering his to hit will likely be my first move). Similarly, if both plan to avoid attacking with a weapon unless it becomes absolutely necessary, using my fortune hex on them is pretty low priority.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Unfortunately, Cordwin is horrendous in combat. His +0 to hit is a huge drawback and once melee is engaged, his crossbow also becomes useless. Another thing is Bard's spells are usually not offensive in nature, so I might be better at buffing and Aurora can focus more on the combat-orientated cleric spells.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

I think enlarge while great would give up your cover of not casting spells. hard to turn the other way when someone grows twice their size

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Yeah, that is a disadvantage of enlarge. I mean, I'd be willing to do it, but I'd prefer for it to be more of a last-ditch "oh crap" moment when it's really better to have going from the get go. And then on the more practical side of things, if we're fighting in a little tiny hallway like last time, I'm not sure a large Tylur would really fit in that space.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Enlarge is a situational spell. Sometimes very useful and others not at all.Summons are a good choice. Poor Tylur is going to be holding the front on his own. Summons are going to be Aurora's main contribution to combat as she levels. I made a very dedicated healer and in no way a combatant. With my -2 to attacks I am hoping for a luck dice to hit anything.

I am fine taking the cure wand.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Apologies for the delay

HP (Max): 22

+1 Intimidate
+1 Climb
+1 Survival


Bravery +1 vs Fear

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

I am having some family drama / emergencies so please bot me if need be.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

The family emergency turned into a death so please bot me if I am not posting. I will most likely go though bouts of frequent posting and then none at all for a while.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Sorry to hear this Aurora. Strength and well wishes to your family.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

@Aurora: So sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Sorry to hear that! :-(

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Some housekeeping:

1. I will be away visiting family for two weeks starting this weekend so my posting will be sporadic until May 1st.

2. I don't think bluedove is coming back. Did you all want me to take over the game permanently?

3. Olaff is still absent, did we want to recruit for another martial type?

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

1) On that same note, I'm going to be traveling from Saturday through Tuesday, so I may not get much of a chance to post.

2) I'm fine with either that or trying to recruit another DM.

3) Because it seems like we're going to be heading in to some battles, it seems kind of like we should. Though I'm inclined to go with whatever Tylur thinks on this one as he's the one that's kind of soloing the front line.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Traveling as of tomorrow will have limited access to post until Thursday.

A front liner sounds good and if you have no problem GMing Rich then Id be very grateful.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

I should be back to posting but for the rest of this month it will be sporadic so when needed bot me.

As to you taking over the game I have no issue and thank you.

I did not make a melee person and witches are best at a distance so someone one to help Tylur out would be good.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

I should be able to get back to posting at least a few times a week. My apologizes for the delay. I am having to move in with my brother, his fiance, and my two nieces. This is pure madness.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7
Aurora Warin wrote:
I should be able to get back to posting at least a few times a week. My apologizes for the delay. I am having to move in with my brother, his fiance, and my two nieces. This is pure madness.

No worries. I think most of the group has been busy (me until yesterday, Tylur until Thursday, Cordwin until May 1st).

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

No issue more time on my part is good.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Ok...Vacation is running down. In the meantime, I was contacted by a long time lurker for this game who graciously offered to DM our game. He has been a long-time DM here on the boards and in RL. In fact he was my tabletop DM for many years (least you think he will go easy on me, I have a long list of PC obituaries that prove otherwise!) I am currently playing in two of his campaigns and I believe he is DMing ROTRL for another group so he should have minimal prep time.

Here is is a link to the two games I am playing in of his:

Legendary Planet

Wrath Of The Righteous

If you all prefer I remain as DM, that is fine too as if he is not DMing, he would like to bring in a melee-type character into the game to help Tylur. Here is a link to a game that he is currently playing in:

Ire Of The Storm

I am fine with staying on as DM and taking in his melee fighter and still play Cordwin as a DM NPC. I am also fine with relinquishing DM duties and playing Cordwin as a PC. He is also fine with both options as well, so there will be no hurt feelings.

It is up to you all.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Well I think adding a melee character to help out poor Tylur would be the best solution so I vote for:

Cordwin staying as DM playing Cordwin as an DM NPC and having GM Papa.DRB join as a melee type.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

I am ok with any of the options.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Just to clarify, GM Papa.DRB would recruit a melee fighter so with either option, Tylur would have some help.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

It's not a strong preference, but I think I would slightly prefer Papa.DRB to take over since I think DM NPC party members are a little awkward. That might just be a hold over from one bad experience though as I think Cordwin has been fine, hence why it's not a strong preference.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

if that's the case I'd say have GM Papa.DRB take over and then recruit a melee type. Cordwin then resumes his player role.

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