DM Mittean's Eberron Rise of the Runelord's AE (Inactive)

Game Master mittean

Welcome to my telling of the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, set in Keith Baker's Eberron. This is a highly cinematic, character driven, pulpy post-war story in an Eldritch-powered world with complex motivations and morals. Our Facebook page is HERE, come check us out!

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How many people have you chosen already, that post has peaked my interest Sir Mittean.

I am quite interested in playing in Ebberon, and having a dungeon master such as yourself.

I plan to recycle the Alias as she didn't make it into her game so please ignore the character sheet in the alias as it will change at least a little. The story is fairly long and while I realize that the part in the middle with rampant power might be extreme I have a way to explain why she can never do that again.

Vinexa's parents were clergy who supposedly worshiped one demon lord or another, they spent many years abducting and sacrificing the children of others for sacrifice to gain power and were quite good at not getting caught. It was during one of these rights that Vinexa was conceived, the horrendous acts they had performed tainting the conception and causing Vinexa to be changed into one of the most common outsiders to walk the face of Eberon, a tiefling. During the pregnancy the pair couldn't stop performing their profane rights to their master and in due time were caught shortly before Vinexa's birth by members of The Sovereign Church. Her mother, slow and ponderous was taken alive once they realized she was pregnant most of their attackers had no issue killing her and her unborn child only one objected, a priest of Dol Dorn whom they all respected named Nathaniel, refused to allow them to kill the mother as the child was an innocent in all of this and didn't deserve death. Relenting the priest and his companions escorted the mother back to their temple and quickly removed the child from her as painfully for the mother as possible.

Vinexa came into the world screaming and alone, her parents were dead, no place to live, her prospects were not good. Fortunately for Vinexa Nethaniel and his wife Mira had been wanting a child for some time but had been unable to have one, and when Nethaniel brought her home for the night the sight of poor Vinexa, even with horns and slender pointy tail, moved Mira and she quickly told Nethaniel the child would stay with them. And so Vinexa grew up int he loving household of her adopted parents who didn't care who her birth parents were, they were just happy to have her. As Vinexa grew she had few friends, the other children her age were scared of her and, as all children will bullied her quite a bit. She always felt her temper flare when this happened and when it did any nearby fires would begin to flare up and quickly burn through their fuel, one time a child swore that Vinexa made the fire attack him, granted he didn't admit this was after he had grabbed her tail and pulled on it hard. These recurring themes caused her parents concern and they began to investigate.

It took a few years and Vinexa was now reaching the age of thirteen and as her body began the steady march into adolescence her connection to fire became such that others of her age were to frightened of her to mess with her any longer because there could be no doubt as to her connection to fire. Fire inherently reacted to her presence and mood, a good mood made it pop and snap happily, anger would make it roar up in rage, and sadness would cause it to die down nearly to nothing. Around this time they finally got their answer to Vinexa's "problem" she was what was called a pyrokinetic. Her mind could produce and control fire and it would do her bidding. Once they understood this they were able to help Vinexa get a better handle on her gifts. The new control she learned, something she found very difficult at times due to her temper, helped her adjust and be able to make friends again, something she hadn't had in a long time.

Over the next few years Vinexa gained greater control and the power of fire within her caused her to be considered very attractive by those she met, her beauty grew almost hypnotic like the flames of a great bonfire flickering and dancing in the night. It also lead to her interest in boys and girls both, Vinexa wasn't picky. As she reached the age of seventeen tragedy struck her family, Vinexa's father, the one she was closest too, was captured and sacrificed by members of The Shadow's cult. The blow to her psyche was great and in her ensuing rage and despair at their death her powers ran out of control, the first to die was her mother, the next to die was everyone else. Her anger and rage created such a conflagration that her entire village and everyone in it was burned to a crisp only a charred area of blackened ash remained.

Naked and alone Vinexa made her way to the nearest city intent on turning herself in but unfortunately she never got that far. By the time she got a few miles from home a group of looters found the lovely young woman wandering alone and unclothed and the usual happened, too weak to fight them, and with no will to command the flames, Vinexa became their property. She was used regularly on their way back to civilization and eventually would have been sold except for the fact that she was "rescued" by a group of "freedom fighters" who were going to "liberate the stolen goods of the looters". Of course they found only her but where not as vile as those now deceased looters. Vinexa was given a place with them. Their leader was a kalashtar man by the name of Theronkhad, and he came to her bed the first night when he sensed her nightmares over take her. He laid with her and pulled the covers over them both, his presence protecting her from the terror of her dreams and quieting her sleep. From then on most days she helped his group in their efforts to police the more violent troubles from the gangs in the lower wards.

Vinexa has been with Theronkhad's Militia for a couple of years now and their relationship has moved from being one of comfort only to romantic as well. She still has her temper but has once again found balance to her life and has begun to make a difference. She still isn't as strong when it comes to controlling the flames as she once was as she seemed to have damaged something inside of herself when she lost control after her fathers death but still she is determined to make amends for what she did by protecting those she cares for and the innocents who would be preyed upon by the gangs when she can.

Alright I am playing in a Storyteller Shadow game and I keep on stumbling into games he is interested in, but am not stalking you! I would, however, enjoy any game w you in it.

After this small high five, I know nothing about the game world you are setting in so my character idea will be someone who has to learn the world as I do. A deep woods and hills dwarven druid who left civilization at an early age due to ship wreck and has grown with animals as his friends and his ape companion Burr. He learned his craft from the trees and rocks, nature all around him, his school.

Edelsmirge wrote:

Alright I am playing in a Storyteller Shadow game and I keep on stumbling into games he is interested in, but am not stalking you! I would, however, enjoy any game w you in it.

After this small high five, I know nothing about the game world you are setting in so my character idea will be someone who has to learn the world as I do. A deep woods and hills dwarven druid who left civilization at an early age due to ship wreck and has grown with animals as his friends and his ape companion Burr. He learned his craft from the trees and rocks, nature all around him, his school.

Let's hope we both get in! :-)

I've chosen no one, yet, Death-Keeper. Submissions are still ongoing. Currently I plan on closing them on New Year's, but I may consider stretching out the deadline because of the holidays. We'll see.

And I hope I live up to being a good DM. That's high praise. :)

Edelsmirge that's good. Take a look at the primer, it is a short read, and a quick guide. Eberron is kind of an...eldritchpunk game. Modern amenities powered through arcane industry. It is a world in a cold war, similar to the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.; it is a world post bomb, similar to Nagasaki and Hiroshima in the country of Cyre. It is a world of spies, of political intrigue, of noir detectives, of monstrous races being recognized as citizens with rights. It's a world of prophecy. It's a world where using magic willynilly will get you arrested. It's a world that has a 1%, and has international corporations in the Dragonmarked Houses. :)

mittean wrote:

I've chosen no one, yet, Death-Keeper. Submissions are still ongoing. Currently I plan on closing them on New Year's, but I may consider stretching out the deadline because of the holidays. We'll see.

And I hope I live up to being a good DM. That's high praise. :)

Should we stat these submissions or continue to leave them as backgrounds and concepts?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can flesh out anything you'd like in stats; I just don't want to require people to do that amount of work when there is no guarantee of getting in yet. But I know writing out the character helps some people, so you're of course welcome to. Class build concepts absolutely intrigue me about characters, of course. Hearing that you plan to play an Oracle ninja? Very cool. A barbarian inquisitor? Right on. But honestly, I get most of what I need from that statement almost as much as the character sheet. :)

I just always hated making four characters a month, tailoring them to the DM's, and getting nothing out of it. But by all means: build it if you want to, lol.


I love your submission (is that a too soon joke for your character?...sorry), Vinexa.

Glad you like her and the joke is quite fitting.

His massive shield shrugs off the heavy, clawed blow. Pushing up against the force Tordir swings his short handled war pick into the giant green creatures' lower body. The squirt of gore splatters against the dwarven crafted metal of his armor and the thick, waxed and shaped hair that is his beard. He grimaces as the long arm of the creature he was fighting snakes a blow past his defenses and rends open his breastplate.

Trudging through the hip deep mud and muck of the godforsaken swamp, his ruined armor in desperate need for repair, and his face put in a semi-permanent scowl from the betrayal of his 'friend'

The paladin's trust had been betrayed, and his honor demanded he get retribution.

War-Paladin: Honorable, Strong, Trustworthy, Seeking out an 'old friend' by the name of Ielsmir Frell, recently abandoned in a swamp for a magical trinket.

Ok after reading the primer I need to do a redirect and go with a small time back streets empiricist investigator who uses some substances(alchemy yeah) to "augment" his abilities, and does a small bit of vigilante justice against the small time crooks and criminals who make life worse. He has recently stumbled into a much bigger web then he ever dreamed and learned of a huge drug trafficing ring which he knows he needs help to take down. "I see the gritty smoke of the street lamp lights and the smoke of the steam and the gleam of the knife in the dark, and now I know there are shadowy hands controlling the knives. Where do the hands stop, he wonders?"

Good stuff, Death_Keeper and Edelsmirge!

mittean wrote:

You can flesh out anything you'd like in stats; I just don't want to require people to do that amount of work when there is no guarantee of getting in yet. But I know writing out the character helps some people, so you're of course welcome to. Class build concepts absolutely intrigue me about characters, of course. Hearing that you plan to play an Oracle ninja? Very cool. A barbarian inquisitor? Right on. But honestly, I get most of what I need from that statement almost as much as the character sheet. :)

I just always hated making four characters a month, tailoring them to the DM's, and getting nothing out of it. But by all means: build it if you want to, lol.



I just wanted to make sure we did not need stats to be considered as Recruitment moves forward.

This is Darthrancor. I'll throw Marquis into the ring. I'm not entirely sure how to re-write his back story to fit Eberron but I think as it's written it'll give you a pretty good idea about who Marquis is.

I'll take a look. Thanks, Marquis!

This is KoolKobold, applying Raemila in for the campaign. Adding Bio and Background ASAP

Marquis, it looks good, and would be pretty easy to transfer over to Eberron. :)

I'll take a look at Raemila. :)

Jaster Kite here. Was approached via PM for two of my characters, and I thought I'd leave them up for any player feedback.
Ami Blanc
Jesse Spectre
Please tell me what you think as players and who you'd want to interact with as a character.

Storyteller Shadow's submission.

When my daughter checked out and started watching her tablet I made the adjustments I was envisioning for Reth.

Have not read the sample yet, it's long :-)
If you want to get a feel for my writing style in general click on my Storyteller Avatar and take a look at the Vampire game I am running here on the Boards. Reth also has been in a campaign before so there should be some posts for him from a while back. Thanks again for Recruiting, I know it's a big commitment!

Absolutely. :) and the sample is long, lol, I understand. I'll see if I can spot some of your writing. :)

Jaster Kite wrote:

Jaster Kite here. Was approached via PM for two of my characters, and I thought I'd leave them up for any player feedback.

Ami Blanc
Jesse Spectre
Please tell me what you think as players and who you'd want to interact with as a character.

Please take neither of these comments as offensive since you asked for feedback from any player.

Ami Blanc, is a fairly interesting character, and I like parts of the backstory, such as avoiding the hag mother and being a restless tinker. However I am always suuuuuper cautious any time someone has a changeling as a player character. I have never seen it turn out in an interesting way without it also being either forgotten about or flat out abused.

Jesse Spectre. To be frank, is a combat avatar, or batman. Either way, loners are very boring to roleplay with.

Sorry that the feedback was so negative, but I prefer to be honest when selecting or discussing other characters to roleplay with

Well, I just got the bio down-hope it's something worthy.

Is it okay if Ramila could start working for Ameiko? If not I'll have to figure out something else, as I do want her a resident.

Ramila can be employed by Ameiko or by the glassworks for the Kaijitsu's. Which honestly likely pay a lot more.

mittean wrote:
Ramila can be employed by Ameiko or by the glassworks for the Kaijitsu's.

Okay thank you so much.

Dotting, right now working to make a character background story. Will post again when I manage to have something put together.

Thanks, Adrian. :)

Dotting, working on character.

Reading through all these characters makes me excited that I finally decided to make an account in these forums. ^_^ Even if I'm not chosen for this game, I really look forward to seeing how this plays out.

So I think I'm going to apply with either this, my "Jedi" build, or with my Captain Absalom build. Both will need a little tweaking to fit into the campaign though.

I don't quite know where the opening town would be, but if it's close to a marshy swamp area, that could be the closest town and I could get into the starting area that way, half-starved and coated in huge amounts of muck.

or I could have heard some rumor about the guy I'm searching for or something.

Very interested in who all will get in...

Hey All, Farrier here with the revised edition of my Soulforged character. I haven't made a final decision on class though it's likely he'll be a fighter or magus. I've spoilered the content as I've included a bit of backstory as to how he earned his name, it's quite a bit of text.

Jon Irons:

Birthed among the carnage of the Day of Mourning, Jon saw only fire and chaos upon awakening. Disjointed memories of pain and sorrow clouded his mind the moment he became conscious, memories from a time when he had blood in his veins and breath in his chest.

Jon awoke amid the ruins of some kind of workshop in Cyre, hours after the fires of the Day of Mourning had destroyed countless lives. The only clue to his past life lay in a small journal, labelled Iron Legion, which he has kept to this very day. The journal detailed the procedure he had undergone, from dying soldier to a prototypal new weapon for the people of his homeland. To transfer the living essence, the very soul of a dying warrior into the hardened steel frame of a Warforged was a bold idea, and one that may very well have turned the tides of the war in Cyre’s favour.

Jon has no recollection of his personal life; no knowledge of his name, rank or whether or not he had a family. He remembered the feel of a sword in his hand, and the blistering ache of a fiery explosion but his memories of his personal life elude him. Visions plague him at night, but trying to hold onto them feels like clutching at smoke.

Jon left the workshop with nothing but the journal in hand. Wandering aimlessly amid the unfamiliar ruins of the land he once called home left a deep despair within him. He searched countless ruins surrounding the workshop, hoping to find some kind of clue as to who he really was. After months of searching to no avail, he gave up. With only his journal and a blade claimed from the charred body of a fallen soldier, he left the Mournlands and travelled West into Breland where he has spent the last few years in contemplation.

A chance encounter at a rural farmstead offered him the chance to put his memories of swordcraft to use once more, where he routed a group of brigands who were hassling the young farmer and his family. In return for his kindness, he was rewarded with friendship and something he had longed for since his awakening; a name.

Jon Irons appears to be a warforged. His hulking frame stands at 6’2”, and his eyes are bright viridescent green. Armour plates of darkwood and polished iron adorn his body. He carries a heavy blade in a plain leather sheath on his back, wears a roughly spun cloak of grey wool.

Jon is a quiet being. His humility stems from a lack of confidence in who he really is, and the years he spent wandering the wilds of Breland alone with his thoughts took a toll on his mind. He longs for camaraderie, and is fiercely protective of those who would call him friend.

Jon spent years trying to find out who he was before becoming a part of the Iron Legion project. Searching his memories and the wastes of the Mournlands proved futile, and in the years following Jon decided that his amnesia may indeed be a blessing. He was afforded a fresh start, free of the grief which faced many of the other veterans of the war and Cyran refugees. Jon is motivated by a desire to belong, and he is torn between leaving his past behind or trying to reclaim his humanity.

The orange glow of the setting sun washed over the Brelish countryside as a solitary figure marched stoically down a grassy knoll. His heavy frame left deep prints in the soft soil, each step accompanied by the soft hydraulic clicks and whirs of his joints. His unblinking viridescent eyes glowed brightly as he surveyed the clearing below, spying a small farmhouse half a mile away illuminated by the light of a single lantern. A shadowy group of people stood at the threshold to the home, yelling in disagreement to some unknown fact when suddenly a bloodcurdling scream pierced the air. One of the shadows lashed out, striking another to the ground. Something stirred within the solitary figure, and almost instinctively he began sprinting toward the house.

“NOOOO! PLEASE, STOP!!!” The woman screamed as two burly men in worn leather armour lay savage kick after kick into her husband’s unconscious form. “Lay off the shrieking aw’right? We just gotta teach ‘im a lesson. He’ll be fine once you pay us our fees, so I reckon you’d best go get your coin purse,” the smallest of the three interlopers yawned in reply. The woman fell to her knees sobbing, tears streaming down her face. The leader of the brigands approached her, grabbing her wrists and hoisting her to her feet before slamming her into the doorframe. “Where is the MONEY,” he growled with a bestial expression, when the mechanical figure burst from the darkness.

“This….isn’t…right…” he spoke for the first time in years, his voice echoing with metallic tones. Before the men could muster a reply to his sudden appearance, the iron stranger sprung into action. Rushing forward, he drove his massive fist into the jaw of the larger of the two men who had been kicking the farmer, splintering the bone with a sickening crack. The second thug fumbled with a long knife sheathed at his belt as his friend fell, and the stranger turned to face this new threat. Grabbing the thug behind the head with both hands, he drove his knee up as he wrenched downward. The thug collapsed, his bloodied nose splayed across his face. As the stranger spun to deal with the brigand leader, he felt a strange sensation in his chest.

The Brigand leader was brandishing a Warhammer, the rear head of which was a wicked spike. As the stranger looked down, he saw a gaping hole in his chest. The spike had driven straight through his armour plating, and an oily black fluid was beginning to leak out of it. His vision blurred, but his mind was clear of pain as he drew the massive sword which was sheathed on his back. The brigand spoke, his words lost on failing iron ears as the stranger approached him. He thrust the sword, piercing the brigand through the stomach. He saw blood, then darkness took him…..

The stranger awoke days later; a makeshift patch had been placed over his wound and he was propped up on a thick wooden table inside the barn. “I’m no smithy; I did my best to fix that hole but you’ll probably want to get it looked at before you go scrapping again. I’m Pawl, and I owe you my life. What do they call you?” a voice asked, and as the stranger turned to face the barn doors he saw the battered farmer. “I…don’t know,” he confessed. “You don’t know? All you warforged at least have a number of something don’t you?” the farmer enquired, an expression of confusion etched upon his face. “That’s the thing though, I’m not sure I am one…..” the stranger began. Soon he found himself sharing his story with the farmer, each and every detail from the moment he had awoken to when he had reached the farm. Pawl sat in respective silence, acknowledging the stranger’s need to share what had happened.

“So, you’re all that’s left of this Iron Legion huh? Legion…Lee-jon…,” the farmer asked after a long few minutes of silence. You’ll be called Jon then, I think. Yep, that’s it; Jon Irons.” Pawl beamed, impressed at his sudden flair of creativity. “Come then Jon Irons, lets introduce you to my family.” As the two figures left the barn, a flicker of warmth spread inside the metallic frame of Jon Irons.

We're glad your here, Mylas. Welcome.

Right on, Jerac. I'll take a look. Thanks!

Death_Keeper, the closest village across the border is into the country of Droaam. The largest settlement/fortress is Shaarat Kol. A little bit more...monstrous and creepy and rugged across the border.

The best, I would say, is to put you in the swamp to the south, which is in Breland. It's not large, but it is there. :)

Great stuff, Jon Irons/Farrier. I hope to read it this evening. :)

Sovereign Court

Got your PM.
Interesting. Pathfinder and Eberron.
I don't supposed Dragonmarks will be used?

Here's my take 1:

They say he's a loner. It's not true.
They say he's immortal. It's not true.
They say he's immoral. It's not true.

He is Arkus Scargazed. A tracker/bounty hunter/seeker or whatever the uneducated seeks to call him. It's not true.

Arkus is an Adventurer.

Take 2:

The gods called upon him and by his beard he will answer. This dwarf is old but is certainty not out. As enduring as the mountains and almost as talkative, his axes cleaving all in twain as long as he gets a good drink and coin for all that effort.

Lokien Forge is his name and all that his foes are in vain.

Yes to dragonmarks.

mittean, how do you feel about a character relatively well-steeped in Karrn flavor?

I am thinking about a Rekkenmark graduate, served for the last year of the war or so. At the end of his term, he sought to do some adventuring, knowing that if worse came to worse he could always come back to his fatherland. Did some things he wasn't proud of, but mostly proud of his military service.

if it would be too much of a conflict with others i would go back to my original idea.

Sovereign Court

Right. I'm going to have to dig out my Eberron books now.....

I'm fine with a solid Kaarnathi. It's up to the individual players (along with me as the storyteller) to find motivations for you going along with a group. I've got a couple of Kaarnathi I love. :)

And Nightdeath...dig 'em out and dust 'em off.

Well I have been thinking and thinking and slowly piecing together a concept and the most basic form of the bare-bones is thus:

They are an individual that was raised to revere the natural world. Though as they have grown to respect and live in harmony with it, they find it threatened on a frequent basis by all the remnants of the recent war and its repercussions.

As such they seek to call upon the aid of higher powers that exist beyond their current scope and beseech such entities to grant them the strength that they would require to achieve their goal overall. Now whether the powers are benevolent, nefarious, or neither is yet another matter altogether.

That is just something that will have to be puzzled out in time as they come to understand the blessing or curse that they have shouldered. This burden sought in order to attain those powers they thought they needed. How this power will change them also will be determined in the way that they are meant to or forced to wield it as well.

Alright, another look at the lists...

Reth Kaskin - Shifter Zealot of the Silver Flame (Background).

Khravos Vortensis - Kalashtar Psychic warrior Pathwalker (Background). :)

Mylas Thorne - Half-elf mage (changeling) (Background).

Psionichamster - Ideas for Psion con man.

Daxur - Goblin wizard.

Tenro - Ideas for an artificer with warforged attachments, or a Rekkenmark soldier.

Jon Irons - Soulforged Magus.

Nik'olo d'Orien - Human Blade of Orien.

Vinexa - Vishkanya kinetisist.

Tordir - Dwarf war-paladin.

Edelsmirge - Investigator.

Marquis Steelrain - Human Conjurer.

Raemila - Human ranger undead hunter.

Ami Blanc - Changeling Oracle metal mystery.
Jesse Spectre - Human magus kensai.

Jerac Al'dur - Elf swashbuckler.
Captain Absalom - Taldan brawler mutagenic mauler, shield champion.

Arkus Scargazed - Human bounty hunter.
Lokien Forge - Dwarf cleric?

Adrian Grimm - Curious with ideas. Witch.

Shady_Motives - Curious.

Fabian - Curious.

Mar Nakrum - Curious.

Again, if I missed anyone, let me know. Or if you've PM'd me information, I'll update this list. So far it looks like 19 character applications, and I know of at least two others coming soon. :)

DM Quote:
mittean wrote:

Alright, another look at the lists...

Reth Kaskin - Shifter Zealot of the Silver Flame (Background).

Khravos Vortensis - Kalashtar Psychic warrior Pathwalker (Background). :)

Mylas Thorne - Half-elf mage (changeling) (Background).

Psionichamster - Ideas for Psion con man.

Daxur - Goblin wizard.

Tenro - Ideas for an artificer with warforged attachments, or a Rekkenmark soldier.

Jon Irons - Soulforged Magus.

Nik'olo d'Orien - Human Blade of Orien.

Vinexa - Vishkanya kinetisist.

Tordir - Dwarf war-paladin.

Edelsmirge - Investigator.

Marquis Steelrain - Human Conjurer.

Raemila - Human ranger undead hunter.

Ami Blanc - Changeling Oracle metal mystery.
Jesse Spectre - Human magus kensai.

Jerac Al'dur - Elf swashbuckler.
Captain Absalom - Taldan brawler mutagenic mauler, shield champion.

Arkus Scargazed - Human bounty hunter.
Lokien Forge - Dwarf cleric?

Adrian Grimm - Curious with ideas. Druid?

Shady_Motives - Curious.

Fabian - Curious.

Again, if I missed anyone, let me know. Or if you've PM'd me information, I'll update this list. So far it looks like 19 character applications, and I know of at least two others coming soon. :)

Yeah kind of leaning heavily toward a druid or a witch, looking at the overall picks for people :P

Everyone please remember, I'm not overly concerned about "party balance". If six excellent players put in six great barbarians, then we will be a'ragin' our way across Breland. Make what you want to play. Don't worry too much about other peoples ideas blocking yours cause I don't want "two rangers." I don't think that way. :)

Damn fine. Thank you for the invite. I'm going to go brush up on my Eberron knowledge and be back soon with a proper entry.

Glad to have you. :)

I am interested, and curious about what additional rules you would include from the Ultimate books, if any.

Aeris (human paladin)

Aeris is a conflicted character who had a rough experience in the past which led to him killing someone he shouldn't have. Not long after he finds a rare snow white hare, not indiginous to the area, and it forms a weird bond with him. The man Aeris killed began appearing in his dreams and would seemingly begin teaching Aeris about his life and mission he left behind. This drove him to carry the shield and take up the mantle of the man, a legendary Paladin called the White Guardian for the glistening white shield he carried, in order to redeem his soul.

What rules are you curious about?

As usual I went a little crazy with this character. Warning, very long.

I present Morgan.

Background: Orphaned when Cyre exploded the shifter Morgan is a study in extremes. Born with the bestial nature of her race and the self discipline taught from her master she is a creature of few words and many actions.

Born ten years before the end of the war Morgan's parents were loyal scouts of Cyre who used their abilities to move deep into enemy territory and report back to the Cyrian army. During this time they left their young daughter in the hands of the town's priest, an old human who had been the town's cleric for almost 70 years and who was a cornerstone of the community. Unbeknownst to everyone the cleric of the silver flame despised the entire shifter race and considered them 'unclean'.

While she was in his care the old human began to teach her in the ways of clerical magic and faith in the silver flame. While she couldn't not yet channel the divine magic that was so easy to him she felt a connection deep within her heart to the holy symbol that she gazed upon every morning at dawn's prayer. And very subtlety the old cleric began to twist her perception of her people, dropping hints here and there how the entire race was descended from ravening monsters who had killed with impunity and passed their curse onto others. Only through prayer and faith could she be cleansed of this impurity.

And then one night the old man decided that her training had progressed far enough. Silently he had crept into her room and locked the door behind him. Her shifter senses had awakened her instantly and could easily pick out the old man in the darkness of the room. He had a mad light in his eyes and his tongue continued to stroke his lips in exultation.

What followed had turned the beautiful image of the silver flame into a bloody and shadowed image forever tainted in her mind. Night after night the old man would come into her room and rip the covers off the bed. Her clothes would then be torn off and his disgusting smell would invade her nose as her mind struggled to find a dim corner where she could endure this humiliation.

When she was 12 years old Morgan had decided that no longer would the old man touch her, no longer would his evil be allowed to roam this village. When he came into her room that night she had been ready with a knife and knew exactly how to stop his casting when she slit his throat from ear to ear. Standing there watching him choke to death on his own blood had stained the young girls soul and twisted her mind. She knew that he deserved all of this and more but did it have to be her? Why did she have to be justice's instrument?

She had little time to ponder such weighty thoughts. The next day her world had gone white as the sky ignited with fury and blood from the south and the church collapsed around her. By some miracle no stones crushed the life from her and the rubble somehow shielded her from the worst of the storm that leveled a country. Her back carried horrible burns from the light that had erupted from the south and while alive she could barely move. In agonizing pain and feverish the young shifted had dragged her self out of the ruins of her town and went north. How long she traveled she never knew because her vision wavered and her head filled with hallucinations as the fever began to slowly kill her.

When she next awoke it had been in the back of a wagon. Rescued by a caravan consisting of what was left of the Cyrian people she lay on her stomach wrapped in layer after of layer of bandages. Her fever had broken with the aid of the old elven woman who slept in a sitting position next to the young shifter. Going by the name of Melwe the elf had nourished Morgan back to health and eventually coaxed the girl's story out.

Seeing the dead look in the child's eyes the elf realized that without healing the girl would turn into a remorseless murderer who would enjoy feasting on the pain and blood of others as she had so often been fed upon. Slowly she began to teach the girl how to channel that rage into movement and form, how to strengthen both her body and mind so that never again would she be at the mercy of another.

For four years the pair traveled the breadth of the remaining kingdoms, doing odd jobs here and there to earn enough for meals and clothing as the young girl grew into a young woman with fierce pride and rigid self control. Every day she fought against her aging master and attempted to touch the old woman even once. And every day she ended up on her back in the dust with aching shoulders. No matter how strong her body was or how fast she moved the old elf was a ghost in battle and regularly laughed as the shifter was tossed around.

So it was with great surprise when one day the old woman didn't wake up. Morgan had felt a curious detachment as she buried the ancient creature deep in the forests which she had loved so much in life. For weeks she knelt at the grave of her master and sought out the grief she knew she should be feeling. Had those years of training failed? Had she turned into the emotionless monster that she had so desperately run from?

Physical Description: All fat has been scoured from Morgan's body by the intense physical training Melwe had put her through over the past 4 years. She tends to dress simply in long tunics belted over pants and plain leather boots. Her vivid red hair is kept long in honor of her lost parents and tied in a tight braid that is coiled at the back of her neck. She is a little shorter then the average human and her skin is deeply tanned from her years of wandering the kingdoms. She has vivid yellow eyes that hint at her shifter ancestry with pupils that narrow to cat's eyes whenever she activates her shifter abilities. Her back is covered with thick scarring from the burns she received on the Day of Mourning.

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