About VinexaBuild:
Vinexa female Mithra Illusionist (succubus) 2 CN medium humanoid (mithra) Init +8; Senses Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 ([+4 mage armor], +3 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 18 (2d8+6) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +3 (1d4) whip +3 (1d3) Ranged varies +3 (varies) composite shortbow +3 (1d6 /x3) Special Attacks Spells (CL 2; concentration +5): MP 4=3+1 1st (n/day)—silent image (15), mage armor, unnatural lust (14), disappear, mind map, auditory hallucination (dc 15), color spray (dc 15),charm (14) 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, phantasmal trip wire (14), ghost sound (14) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16 Base Atk +1; CMB +4;CMD +14 Feats WP: simple, longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, whip; AP: ; SP: ; spell focus (illusion) (1st), Spell Proficiency (bf) Traits feline instinct, friend of the family Skills bluff +8=+3+2+3 diplomacy* +4=3+0+0+1 disguise +8=+3+2+3 know (local) +5=+0+2+3 perception +5=-1+2+3+1 sense motive +4=-1+2+3 Background Skills craft (something*) linguistics +4=+0+1+3 know (nobility*) perform (dance*) =3+1+3+1 profession (courtesan) +4=-1+2+3 Languages common, mithran, abyssal
Mirror (Su) At 2nd level, the illusionist can appear exactly as another individual of roughly the same body type, and no more than twice as tall or half as high. The illusionist looks, feels, smells, and sounds just like the target creature. The effect requires the illusionist to have a portion of the target creature (a hair, drop of blood, a tooth) or significant item (a scepter or crown, an amulet, a personal weapon). This item is incorporated into the illusion in its true form, and the effect ends if it is separated from the illusionist.
Vinexa is a short mithra woman standing four foot ten with brown hair that turn to blonde when it reaches her waist in a loose fall and a pleasantly curved figure making her voluptuous for a mithra. Her eyes are an amber color and she prefers black and gold clothing that goes well with her pale complexion.
She often comes across as predatory and it leaves others a bit uneasy around her. That predatory sense is accented when one sees that she has sharp incisors and claws like a cat. Despite this she is a ind person with a naughty streak to her and enjoys the company of many people for both her sake and theirs. Personality:
Vinexa is friendly and outgoing but still keeps her distance from most people and is well known for her one night stands and tendency to avoid casual touching outside of that. The few people she is close to she is extremely loyal towards and she will go to great lengths to help them.
Vinexa's Inspiration Background:
Vinexa was born to a small, nomadic, clan of mithra in Varissia and was raised by them for the earliest part of her life. Her parents, Mrrg and Kitassa, raised their daughter Vinexa well, teaching her how to survive, but something always felt off about their child. Her parents were constantly feeling drained and worn out and it wasn’t until Vinexa went through her right of passage as she entered adolescence that they determined what was wrong. During her time surviving alone Vinexa was deprived of something she badly needed and though she survived she was never the same.
Vinexa came back from her rite of passage and, though she had found food well enough, seemed emaciated like she had been starved. Her mind had suffered, her wits not as sharp as they used to be, but the biggest change was what happened when she was touched by her parents. Both of her parents felt their life being drained from them and Vinexa couldn’t bring herself to stop it. Fortunately someone was able to knock her out before she killed them. It turned out that Vinexa suffered a deficiency of the soul, that her own didn’t replenish properly and needed to take from others. She had been taking tiny nibbles before without knowing it and that was enough to let her survive. Her time in the wilderness left her depleted and out of control. With effort her equilibrium was restored but the tribe could not care for her any longer so they took her to Sandpoint to visit the oracle Niska Mvashti in search of a cure. The oracle was unable to tell them of a cure but the old woman’s daughter was able to help Vinexa. She came up with a way to curb the hunger Vinexa felt until she could better control herself. Vinexa said goodbye to her family as they continued their journeys leaving her behind to get the help she needed. Over the next few years Vinexa learned to better control her abilities and how to feed in a way that wouldn’t do lasting harm to others. She continued to live in Sandpoint to this day, occasionally sleeping around with one person or another, and getting a reputation as a woman of loose morals by the time she was eighteen. It was around then that the Oracle died and Vinexa attended to her before the end. She was made to promise to stay with the Oracle’s daughter Koya if she ever went on a long journey and Vinexa agreed. She didn’t think it would ever come up but little did she know what awaited her.
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