DM Kor's - We Be Goblins (IC Thread)

Game Master Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

We Play Goblins! Crush all dogsies and horsies! Maybe even some stupids goblins!

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Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Had a great time. Love playing Goblins! Thanks for all the time and effort DM Kor!

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

Ya, good stuff. I liked Maptools a lot, I may have to add that to my games online.

Battle Map

I do plan to create a supplimental adventure for this, however not until I have the time to commit to it. Probably December-ish. When I post a recruiting call, I will ensure that all of you get first crack at applying for it.

It will be another one-shot type adventure format.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

Cool, I plan on reading the adventure now, might run my table top guys through this, in long form I bet it's entertaining as well.

Male Orc!!!! Level 18 Orc King

About 1 month ago my group of 8 could only get 5 people together, but this is the minimum we play with. Then as everyone was arriving, 1 of the players advised they couldn't make it. We now only had 3 players, which did not bode well for the level 13 campaign. The DM was not interested in running it.

I suggested that rather than cancel, I could run the Goblin adventure since I had already read it. They seemed okay with this, but not exactly excited by it either. I bumped them up to level 2 and set them off. They are pretty experienced roleplayers, and one of them just seemed to get into the goblin mentality a little too easily... yes Treantmonk I'm talking about you :)

Anyways, by the end of the night everyone was laughing a lot and seemed depressed that this was only a one-shot adventure. I wasn't too sure how much they would enjoy it, but they had a blast... even the barbarian whose cursed dice would not roll above a 5.

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