GM Dak - Curse of the Crimson Throne

Game Master karlprosek

Chapter 2: Seven Days to the Grave
Part 2: Outbreak

Korvosa (OLD Korvosa) | Combat Map | Loot & Notes

Starting Day: Wealday, 6th of Pharast 4708 AR
Current Day: Oathday, 18th of Gozren 4708 AR

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Cleric of Erastil 8 (HP 59/59 | AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+8 | Will:+10 | Init:+7 (+9 Surprise) | Perc +15) Whisper - Large Wolf (HP 66/66 | AC:20 (24 v AoO)| T:12 | FF:17 | Fort: +10 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 | Perc +5)
Spells Remaining:
1: (AA, B, D:CA, DE, PFE, SoF) , 2: (D:AW, BS, CE, LR, SW), 3: (DM, D:F, P, RD), 4:(DP, D:HS, GMW) Channel Energy: 3/3, Touch of Good 5/5, Harrow points: 3/3

That do be a really good question.
In any case, we need to be very good guests and not touch anything if we can ‘elp it. Something just do be feeling odd about this place.

Mirela examines the symbolism to see if she can get any clues from all the carvings.
Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 8 Init +1 HP 109/109 DR 4/ AC 17 T12 FF 16 Fort+11 Ref+3 Will +4 Per +9 Spd 30 RAGE! Used 0/29

I find this quietness disturbing. But then, I am a man of chaos, blood and screams.

Nargun looks around, then

It seems as if the house itself, or something dark within, was waiting with baited breath to pounce on us.

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