DM Brainiac's Ruins of Azlant: Gills and Grit! (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

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Do you all want to start things off or should I?

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

I wouldn't mind having a jumping-off point, if that's alright.

Sure thing! I've been a bit short on time and under the weather lately, but I'll try to get things started again tomorrow. Thanks for your patience! :)

Female U Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 1 I HP 9/9 I AC 14 [T 14 FF 10] I Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2 I Init +5 I CMB +0 CMD 14 I I Perception +6

I've lost internet access for the last couple of days, hoping it will be fixed soon.

Posting from my phone is a complete pain - please bot me as needed.

I will be out of town from 12/21-12/30. Updates will be sporadic until I return.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Cathyriel, how's your internet access? I was kinda waiting for you to respond to Gideon before I moved any further forward but if you're internet is still spotty, I'll go ahead and move ahead on the assumption that she'll agree to be part of the wedding party.


Female U Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 1 I HP 9/9 I AC 14 [T 14 FF 10] I Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2 I Init +5 I CMB +0 CMD 14 I I Perception +6

Sorry, yes, I am back - got tied up with other things and was waiting on the wedding stuff. Didn't see you had a post for me, will go check now!

Female U Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 1 I HP 9/9 I AC 14 [T 14 FF 10] I Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2 I Init +5 I CMB +0 CMD 14 I I Perception +6

Hi guys n gals,

If any of you are looking for another game and are rabid Tolkien fans, I am going to run a 5e campaign set in Middle-Earth. There's a sourcebook that you have to buy, but it costs all of one dollar and is available here (and fifteen dollars buys you a bunch of the most amazing sourcebooks you will ever read).

If you're interested, the recruitment thread is here.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Since we've got a bit of down-time before the next book starts and several weeks have passed, not to mention another supply ship arriving, when's the last time we've done an update on the party purse? I don't think we ever decided anything about Onthooth's gear, either, which can be found here.

That headband looks very, very good to Gideon...just puttin' that out there.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

After searching the thread, the most recent accounting we had of loot was posted here by Terana. I'm copy-pasting its contents here.

Terana wrote:

Can't look at some game pages from work so someone please check pages 54, 55, 57, 61 for loot. Otherwise:

Chaos Beast
Ring of the Troglodyte (6k) [Terana]
Jade hunk (1000gp)

Circlet of Persuasion (2.25k) [Gideon]
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (2.5K)

Giant Bees
Clockwork construct + key (500)
2x +2 mithril chainmial
Bee themed jewellery (1.5k)
Antitoxin x3

+3 Halberd (9k) [Terana]

Mnemonic Vestment (unidentified) [2.5k]
Shocking Robe [6.5K]
Robe of Useful Items [3.5k]
Unfettered Shirt [5k]

Bottles n' Stuff'
a bottle of air, a block of incense of meditation, 2 oils of align weapon (law), 4 oils of magic weapon, 3 oils of protection from chaos, 3 oils of resist energy (electricity), 5 oils of shield of faith (CL 6th), 3 oils of touch of the sea, 3 oils of water breathing, and a platinum pitcher shaped like a giant bee (worth 2,500 gp).

The storage room contains a fully stocked alchemist’s lab as well as the following alchemical items: three vials of antitoxin, one vial of alchemical glue, three vials of armor ointment, 5 doses of bloodblock, and four sunrods. There are also 15 full jars of aboleth mucus extract in the room.

Cursed Box
Pearl of the Sirines (incredibly good! Someone who can't swim well needs it. Tobar I think since he cant breathe underwater yet, or take the slippers of Cathy and she can have it to help with spellcasting) [7.65k]
Pearl of Power (3rd) [4.5k]
124 pp, 856 gp, and 352 sp in ancient Azlanti coins

Skum (multiple fights)
6x CSW
3x CLW
5x CMW
2x LR
Jewellery 80gp
4 leather armour
+1 chain shirt
+1 longspear [Teran - who now has 3 reach weapons and a cc one :)]
amulet of natural armor +2 [4k]
ring of protection +1 [1k]
2x ring of resistance +1 [1k]
mwk manacles,
amber necklace (worth 25 gp)
Large masterwork heavy repeating crossbow.

Ring of Spell Knw 2 [3k]
+1 Abberation-bane longsword [4k] (Cathy)

Terana picked up her efficient scabbard on one of the pages I can't read. :)

Assorted masterwork glaives (4), javelins (12), falchions (4), underwater light crossbows (2), longspears (3).

In addition, the following gear comes from the pages that Terana indicated in her post: Engineer's Workgloves, Traveler's Any-Tool, Asst. Clockwork Parts (1,000 GP), Lens of Detection, Necklace of Adaptation, +2 Rapier (Gideon), Scabbard of Many Blades (Terana), Wand of Alter Self (34 charges), Ring of Swimming

And then Onthooth's fight: +1 Shock Amulet of Mighty Fists, Rod of the Aboleth, Wand of Make Whole (48 charges), Lesser Maximize Metamagic Rod, Deep Red Sphere Ioun Stone, Iridescent Spindle Ioun Stone, Headband of Twisted Intellect

I marked the takers of the rapier and scabbard, because I know those were claimed, but I don't know if any of the other magic stuff was.

That should be all the loot we gathered while we were gamboling about. If anyone wants to lay claim to anything not already claimed, now'd be the time!

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

The deep red sphere is +2 dex, so might be useful for lots of people? Terana doesn't need it. I do have a +2 NA amulet, which I think is the one from the list. I've also got the dusty rose ioun stone - basically everything that buffed my AC.

All the other stuff I'm carrying I'm happy to sell, so if someone does the numbers then I've got my share. :) Any spare can go towards me getting Str/Cha boosting items!

Are you all ready to leave Talmandor's Bounty and head to Talasantri?

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

By my count we have loot to the value of: 135,901gp

Individual Share: 33,975gp.

Terana is taking: Scabbard (2.5), Amulet (4k), Dusty Rose (2.5). That leaves 24,975 in cash.

Take any items from the list that you want and just subtract their values from you share (Sale values every time). Someone should use the Pearl and someone else should take the Iridescent Spindle at least. :)

@Brainiac: can we sell everything to the supply ship or do we have to take some to Talasantri? I'm assuming we can't buy anything until we get there at least.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Gideon is gonna lay claim to the Headband of Twisted Intellect (8K GP) and the +2 Rapier (8.32K GP), for a total of 16.32K.

For my part, I think Cathyriel should take the lesser maximize metamagic rod; maximizing a cure spell might be nice to have as an option. I'd also suggest that Tobar take the Deep Red ioun stone.

Brainiac, the Headband of Twisted Intellect acts as a +2 Headband of Vast Intelligence plus the ioun slots, but that headband grants a bonus to one Intelligence skill. Does the book specifically say what skill it grants the bonus to? If not, could you randomly roll for it or something?

Finally, Gideon's been carrying the ioun gauntlet, but since I'm claiming the Headband for him, someone should take the gauntlet from him, if they want it. Since the headband specifically says that it suppresses an ioun stone in a wayfinder, I'm going to assume it would suppress the stone in an ioun gauntlet, also.

You will have to take some to Talasantri, but it is a big enough city that you will be able to sell it all and find anything you wish to buy.

The headband doesn’t specify which skill is attached so go ahead and choose one, Gideon.


I'd like to buy an ebon wayfinder. I can then slot the ioun stone in it. Also wanna improve the magic on my weapons & armor.

Sure thing! All of those are possible once you reach Talasantri. :)

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

I feel like the GM wants us to go somewhere... :)

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

If you're giving me the choice, I'm gonna go with Perception! Can never have too much Perception.

I need to spend the bulk of my funds upgrading my shortbow, I think. I've got a +2 rapier but I'm still shooting with a standard shortbow and I definitely need to change that. Looking over some of my options, I noticed the "Designating" ability for ranged weapons. That seems like it'd be really useful in conjunction with the already-powerful attacks that Terana puts out, but I'd like to see if y'all think there's something that would be more useful before I decide for sure.

If Tobar is getting the ebon wayfinder, he won't need the ioun gauntlet. Would Terana or Cathyriel like the gauntlet? If not I'm just gonna sell it out of my gear to add to my funds.


The gauntlet is nice but I really want the darkvision.

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

Dedicating is nice, Terana certainly won't object! While the gauntlet is cool I don't think there's anything it can do that would really help Terana? If someone can think of something the do say but otherwise I'm fine if you sell.

Someone should be taking the Pearl. Cathy maybe?

Gideon, Perception is a Wisdom-based skill. The headband only gives you ranks in Intelligence-based skills. Try again! :)

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Yeah, I definitely think Cathyriel should take the Pearl of Power. I'd claim it for Gideon to give us an extra Haste per day if I could, but alas, it's only for prepared casters.

I forgot about the Int-based skill requirement. Y'know, let's do this randomly and see what the RNG gives me.

1) Appraise
2) Craft
3) Know(Arcana)
4) Know(Dungeoneering)
5) Know(Engineering)
6) Know(Geography)
7) Know(History)
8) Know(Local)
9) Know(Nature)
10) Know(Nobility)
11) Know(Planes)
12) Know(Religion)
13) Linguistics
14) Spellcraft

Headband Skill: 1d14 ⇒ 7

Knowledge(History) it is, then! Seems appropriate.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Alternatively, we could get to the city and find out about these things.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

I think I'm pretty much done; I'm getting:

1) Swarmbane Clasp
2) +1 Distracting Composite Shortbow
3) +2 Mithral Chain Shirt
4) Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
5) Dark Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone, Cracked

Selling all my old gear, that leaves me with 4,271 GP.

I also wanted to make a suggestion: pool the money we have left to buy a Cure wand for the party. If we each chip in 1/4 of the price, we could get a Wand of Cure Serious for 2,812.5 GP each. If that's too steep, we could get a Wand of Cure Moderate for 1,125 GP each. Thoughts?

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

Between Cathy and Terana do we need more healing?

Selling my armoured coat leaves me with exactly 25K. I'll enchant my armor up to +3 for 9k, glaive to +2 for 10, belt of str for 4 and save the last 2 for later I think. :)

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

It isn't that we necessarily need more healing, it's just something that could let us Dave thechanneling and spontaneous cures for in-combat situations.

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

I'll contribute my last 2 if the group wants to.

Gideon Ross wrote:
It isn't that we necessarily need more healing, it's just something that could let us Dave thechanneling and spontaneous cures for in-combat situations.


Probably auto-correct error. I think he means "something that could let us leave the channeling..."

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

Come on lads. We should Dave that!

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

:P Yeah, that was an auto-correct error. Brainiac has the right of it. That's what I meant it to say. We do already have a lot of healing available to us, so a Wand of Cure Mod would probably do us well enough. It isn't like 1,125 GP per person is a hard hit for us any more.

Still need Cathyriel's actions for the round.

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

These things have reach?

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Did we ever make a decision on buying a party cure wand?

They do have reach. They are Large sized creatures.

Fighting a cold today, probably won’t post till tomorrow.

Cahtyriel is still up!

Female U Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 1 I HP 9/9 I AC 14 [T 14 FF 10] I Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2 I Init +5 I CMB +0 CMD 14 I I Perception +6

Sorry! Posting now

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Just letting you know that I'm here. My action is kinda gonna depend on if Cathyriel is able to bring Terana back to consciousness or if she goes in a different direction. I'll go ahead and tell you if she does bring Terana back, the plan is to cast Haste. I think the situation warrants it!

I'll consider an alternate action and post both as a "what if" as soon as I'm on my planning time today.

Female U Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 1 I HP 9/9 I AC 14 [T 14 FF 10] I Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2 I Init +5 I CMB +0 CMD 14 I I Perception +6

Gideon - I can't give her enough hit points to get back in the fight, only enough that she'd just get put down again, most likely :(

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

I can heal myself if I'm conscious - and cut them down too!

Gideon is up still.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Sorry! I've been out of town since Friday and didn't think to let y'all know. My mistake!

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

Gah! I posted a reply when I made my last post on Monday when I made my last post here! I guess it got eaten. Sorry, Brainiac!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6

For bookkeeping purposes...

Loot from sahuaugin:

1) potions of cure moderate wounds (8) - Keep
2) +1 hide armor (4) - 4,080 GP
3) +1 tridents (4) - 8,060 GP
4) +1 seaborne greatsword - 8,050 GP

On an unrelated note, I think "bookkeeper"/"bookkeeping" are the only English words that have a sequence of three consecutive double-letter sets.

I will be out of town without internet access from Saturday 2/29 until Friday 3/6. It may take me until the following Monday to catch up on everything.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 11; HP 69/69; AC 21/14/18; F+4/R+11/W+7; Init+3; Per+21; Arch.Luck+3+1,6/6


Pearl-Encrusted Jewelry Box - 500 GP
Eyes of Keen Sight - 6,000 GP

Does anyone in the group want to claim the Eyes of Keen Sight? There's not much that goes with the "Eyes" equipment slot, really, so I doubt any of us have anything in that spot yet. They'd give Gideon a +21 Perception bonus, so if no one else wants them, I'll take them for him; the thought of being able to get a 31 Perception roll by taking ten is appealing.

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant)

Do it - having one very strong perception check is better than a bunch of middling ones.

Teresa would only have +4 with them!

Female U Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 1 I HP 9/9 I AC 14 [T 14 FF 10] I Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2 I Init +5 I CMB +0 CMD 14 I I Perception +6

Gideon: yes, Haste adds to movement as well as all the other amazing things it does :)

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